Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.09 (4/18/12)

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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.06C (9/22/

Postby SquallLion » Mon Oct 03, 2011 4:54 pm

Kuragari Wrote:
SquallLion Wrote:what about this twins? I don't find them

They don't get a no. There's is voluntary as long as your under 50 purity points.

Heck, the second scene with them RAISES your purity.

okay! I PLAY with the nun ^^
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.06C (9/22/

Postby LckyNmbr13 » Tue Oct 04, 2011 12:00 am

Kuragari Wrote:I like the idea that the mirrors would give you an idea of what your character feels like....OOOHH!! Better idea. You get a scene showing what your character see's herself as, and you could even have...eheheh...have one where if your purity is low enough, your copy in the mirror steps out (only as a futa) and rapes you :D

omg that would be so fucking amazing i agree with you totally that would be so hot and awesome!
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.06C (9/22/

Postby Lucky777 » Tue Oct 04, 2011 1:20 am

PervertedFreak Wrote:I just want to voice my concern for the revamp-thingy, because I really don't want to loose many of the interesting things the PC's can say during scenes, because that made me want to play the scene a few times, trying all the conversation options.

Yeah, mixing and matching the various "Yes"es sure is part of the fun, isn't it.

PervertedFreak Wrote:Maybe you could make it so that you lower the speed you loose Purity (which I've read you've already been doing), and you can refuse say no and protest all the way down to 0 purity, and when you reach negative purity you can no longer refuse and eventually become more and more perverted? Kinda like mind corruption but not exactly.

Just an idea I got when I was typing this, I have no experience with RPG Maker so I don't know if it's possible/if it's way too much work.

Negative purity is a temporary thing. 0's pretty much supposed to be the bottom of the scale. The concept is sound enough, and though I don't know anything about high purity playthroughs, I'm relatively sure it's already been implemented - as in, high purity uncorrected characters ALREADY GET "noes" options.
Though.... granted, I actually don't know if they DO. Not like I'mma find out, but they probably do. They can't agree to join the sailors, for one thing, after all.

If it has indeed already been implemented, then the only difference between what you suggest and what's actually in place at the current time already is that the "no resistance option" number of purity has been scaled up to better reflect the eventual state of 0 being the lowest.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.06C (9/22/

Postby KITAmaru » Tue Oct 04, 2011 3:08 am

LOL Sell, don't worry, it's definitely not you!

So I don't know if I'm gonna have EVERYTHING regarding the Purity choice revamp done by 0.07, since I got pretty sick of it after several hours of working on that plus a few breaks... and decided to go back to the fun stuff (writing scenes). But I assure you that it'll be worked on. With the way I have it set up, you start out losing a set amount of Purity in any given H-scene with choices in it; depending on what you choose, you can increase your Purity loss or decrease it by as much as about 50% of the original value. I think this is a pretty solid system; at the end of the day, you're still getting fucked if you put yourself in that situation, but if your character resists with the right mindset, they can at least somewhat soften the blow, though not nullify it--if you want to COMPLETELY nullify it, then don't freaking lose.

Anyhoo, I have... 3/6 scenes done being written. Plugging away.

I guess if 0.06 was the yuri patch, 0.07 will be uhh... the 'Chambers patch'... I guess. Little bit of something for everyone who has the courage to go into the stalls, but you might also find some things you might not like as much. >:3

EDIT: Yes yes, the Chambers + Gwyn patch.
Last edited by KITAmaru on Tue Oct 04, 2011 4:29 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.06C (9/22/

Postby Lucky777 » Tue Oct 04, 2011 3:10 am

KITAmaru Wrote:if you want to COMPLETELY nullify it, then don't freaking lose.

And Ayra would probably be nodding her head upon reading it, as I am, because the answer is fucking right.

Also ... Butbut the Chambers+Gwyn patch, mang. : O
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.06C (9/22/

Postby ZeroEXE.ZX17 » Tue Oct 04, 2011 10:17 am

well from playing (as emilia) as much as i can, there is no problems that i can see KITA, no gliches or mispells as far as i know XD (just to tell you tho i am playing 0:06 not 0:06c lol)
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.06C (9/22/

Postby Kuragari » Tue Oct 04, 2011 2:07 pm

As I suggested, You could always save some of the major revamp stuff, work on some of it each path (0.0.7, 0.0.8, and 0.0.9) and then implement is as part of the 0.1.0 update.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.06C (9/22/

Postby Sellsword2587 » Tue Oct 04, 2011 5:32 pm

KITAmaru Wrote:LOL Sell, don't worry, it's definitely not you!

Oh good :) had me worried there KIT. Though you might hate me after this... haha

KITAmaru Wrote:With the way I have it set up, you start out losing a set amount of Purity in any given H-scene with choices in it; depending on what you choose, you can increase your Purity loss or decrease it by as much as about 50% of the original value. I think this is a pretty solid system; at the end of the day, you're still getting fucked if you put yourself in that situation, but if your character resists with the right mindset, they can at least somewhat soften the blow, though not nullify it--if you want to COMPLETELY nullify it, then don't freaking lose.

Isn't that how you had your system to begin with, but with the Purity loss at the end of the scene? With that mock up I sent you, it still accomplishes your goal. The Purity gains and losses throughout the conversation either aid in lowering your Purity or softens the blow of the end Purity decrease. Wouldn't a character normally go into a rape scene resistant (i.e. losing to an enemy in combat without using the Surrender skill)? The instant decrease makes sense at the beginning if the character were to willingly engage in an H-scene (like blowing the sleeping guards, the twins scene, or willingly participating in the three-pirate scene), or if a player uses the Surrender skill to submit into a H-scene.

Wouldn't the purity drop in the beginning of a scene cause some purity-driven conversation choices to become skewed? As in a character has say 60 purity going into a scene, loses 10 right off the bat, and thus gets the 'whore' options due to a purity of 50 that she never would have gotten otherwise. Hmm what about the inverse? Missing out on the really Pure options (Purity >= 80) because of the instant decrease?

Would things be smoother with a steadier purity decline? For example:

Scene Start (no Purity change if resistant, else -10 if willing)

Option Set 1
- Super Pure [only displayed if P >= 80] (P + 2)
- Pure choice [only displayed if P > 50] (P + 1)
- Normal choice [only displayed if P > 30] (no P change)
- Whore choice [only displayed if P < 80] (P - 1)
- Super Whore [only displayed if P <= 50] (P - 3)

Option Set 2
- Super Pure [P >= 80] (P + 2)
- Pure choice [P > 50] (P + 1)
- Normal choice [P > 30] (no P change)
- Whore choice [P < 80] (P - 2)
- Super Whore [P <= 50] (P - 3)

Option Set 3 (Conclusion)
- Super Pure [P >= 80] (P + 1)
- Pure choice [P > 50] (P + 1)
- Normal choice [P > 30] (no P change)
- Whore choice [P < 80] (P - 2)
- Super Whore [P <= 50] (P - 4)

Scene End (no Purity change if willing, else -10 if resistant)

Scene End Totals:
- All Normal: -10
- All Pure: -7
- All Whore: -15
- All Super Pure: -5
- All Super Whore: -20

Regardless, I would be interested in testing your new system.

KITAmaru Wrote:So I don't know if I'm gonna have EVERYTHING regarding the Purity choice revamp done by 0.07, since I got pretty sick of it after several hours of working on that plus a few breaks...

If you'd like, I can take over the Purity system changes.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.06C (9/22/

Postby PervertedFreak » Tue Oct 04, 2011 6:12 pm

KITAmaru Wrote:Little bit of something for everyone who has the courage to go into the stalls, but you might also find some things you might not like as much. >:3

I really doubt I'll find something I don't like, because the whole concept of the stalls are awesome. But as I wise man once said, challenge accepted.

Lucky777 Wrote:Yeah, mixing and matching the various "Yes"es sure is part of the fun, isn't it.

It's extremely fun especially when you're grinding down the purity on plants/slimes. It makes it a lot less repetitive. ;)

Lucky777 Wrote:Negative purity is a temporary thing. 0's pretty much supposed to be the bottom of the scale. The concept is sound enough, and though I don't know anything about high purity playthroughs, I'm relatively sure it's already been implemented - as in, high purity uncorrected characters ALREADY GET "noes" options.
Though.... granted, I actually don't know if they DO. Not like I'mma find out, but they probably do. They can't agree to join the sailors, for one thing, after all.

If it has indeed already been implemented, then the only difference between what you suggest and what's actually in place at the current time already is that the "no resistance option" number of purity has been scaled up to better reflect the eventual state of 0 being the lowest.

Yeah I know it's kinda already there in a sense but I was referring to the fact that you'd get really depraved. But now that I think about it we already have that with the game-over screens where the character gets completely broken in 6 months, so this idea would probably be too much work for something that's not important at all.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.06C (9/22/

Postby Sellsword2587 » Tue Oct 04, 2011 9:50 pm

Apparently my initial post did go through, so I will condense this post to display the most critical points...

Won't having the Purity decrease in the beginning of the scene skew the character's conversation options? For example, won't the initial drop in Purity potentially bar a very pure character from the Pure conversation options (because their Purity is dropped before the conversation even starts)? This could be the same for the 'Sluttier' conversation options becoming available to a character that normally didn't have the Purity for such options.

I could see this new system working if the scene involved the character willingly engage in the scene. Like the twins, blowing the sleeping guards, and willingly engaging with the three pirates, or even when submitting in combat through the use of the Surrender skill. Otherwise, wouldn't a person normally be resistant to getting raped (i.e. you lose combat without submitting, the bandit-rape-dungeon scene, the supervisor scene, etc.)?

Putting the variable change at the beginning either lets you keep the Pure conversation options if the character is played pure, or plunges you into the Whore options if the character is played in a slutty manner. Including the variable at the end of the scene both prevents too much purity decrease (because if you go into morally dirty, you shouldn't come out of it even more morally stained), and can also still accomplish your initial vision of "you're still getting yourself into this situation." As it was said before, if you don't want any Purity change, then don't get yourself into those situations.
Last edited by Sellsword2587 on Wed Oct 05, 2011 4:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.06C (9/22/

Postby Lucky777 » Wed Oct 05, 2011 12:05 am

Last edited by Lucky777 on Wed Oct 05, 2011 12:12 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.06C (9/22/

Postby KITAmaru » Wed Oct 05, 2011 12:08 am

Yeah, that's probably what I'm going to have to end up doing whether I like it or not. I dunno if that's something you had in mind beforehand considering the actual workload, but wowza.

Oh, yeah, good point. So far, if you look at the version I sent you, a vast majority of the Purity changes actually occur at the very end, so ... I'd really just move the Purity changes at the beginning of the two scenes I added to the back / end part, and that should solve it, hm? That means, even if you resist and raise your Purity by say 6, once the scene is over you lose 10, so you still lost 4 overall because the fact that you've been violated isn't going to simply disappear.

In other news... 4/6 scenes done for the stalls... yay... G_G
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.06C (9/22/

Postby BlueLight » Wed Oct 05, 2011 12:57 am

OKay so i went away for a wedding so i have no idea what we're talking about.
What can i do logic base to help.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.06C (9/22/

Postby ZeroEXE.ZX17 » Wed Oct 05, 2011 1:24 am

KITAmaru Wrote:In other news... 4/6 scenes done for the stalls... yay... G_G

*cheering* 2 more to go, 2 more to go, 2 more to go, lol
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.06C (9/22/

Postby gazpatcho » Wed Oct 05, 2011 2:11 am

I would just like to say great job KITA, this game actually got me to stop lurking as i really needed to compliment you. I cannot wait until the next patch and have been trying to get through the game with all the characters and the two purity extremes to pass the time.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.06C (9/22/

Postby Sellsword2587 » Wed Oct 05, 2011 4:34 am

KITAmaru Wrote:Sell-
Oh, yeah, good point. So far, if you look at the version I sent you, a vast majority of the Purity changes actually occur at the very end, so ... I'd really just move the Purity changes at the beginning of the two scenes I added to the back / end part, and that should solve it, hm? That means, even if you resist and raise your Purity by say 6, once the scene is over you lose 10, so you still lost 4 overall because the fact that you've been violated isn't going to simply disappear.

I agree completely with you. There should still be some Purity decrease every time you encounter a H-scene, regardless of the choices you make. Bottom line, as you said, you're getting violated. If you are going to put the main Purity decrease anywhere, I suggest the best place to have is at the end. So yes, keep them at the end for now. Perhaps in the future, we can go back and make the Purity flux in each scene a little more intricate (i.e. initial flux based on willingness/reluctance).

Keep up the great work, brother.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.06C (9/22/

Postby Kuragari » Wed Oct 05, 2011 5:37 pm

KITAmaru Wrote:Kura-
Yeah, that's probably what I'm going to have to end up doing whether I like it or not. I dunno if that's something you had in mind beforehand considering the actual workload, but wowza.

Well, it goes with the idea that was mentioned when they were talking about the version numbers. 1.0.0 would be a complete version of the game (or the first part of the series if you did it that way), while as say 0.1.0 is getting out of the early developing phase by introducing major changes, revamps, and new additions. Anything in the third slot is mostly just tiny stuff when you get right down to it.

A way to make it work with the workload is that every 0.0.X you work a little bit on what you want to have by 0.X.0, and when you actually reach 0.X.0, you put it in and fix any last minute stuff before starting again.

This way, you spread the big milestones out so that you can pace yourself.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.06C (9/22/

Postby viper2003923 » Wed Oct 05, 2011 10:30 pm

i havent played yet, but i was thinking, what if there was a way to restore your purity, by like going to a church or something similar and paying to pray or something, but the price is like uber extravagant so you cant do it every like 5 minutes or so?
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.06C (9/22/

Postby Lucky777 » Wed Oct 05, 2011 10:32 pm

Already covered.


You can do it as often as you want.

The Bath's before the trouble five, to the west of the Bandit dining area.

Ye'll find it pretty easily, there's a mirror to the right of it.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.06C (9/22/

Postby KITAmaru » Wed Oct 05, 2011 10:37 pm

There is a way to restore Purity in-game, via the bath. :P I WAS originally going to put a cooldown timer on it, but after some testing, I found it to be more tedious than anything else, as people could wait a few minutes, come back, do it again, wait a few minutes, and so on. I suppose it could certainly discourage the less grindy players from taking advantage of it, so I could always fix that in the future--but yes, there are currently ways to restore your lost Purity, and there will be more in later patches as well.
Sarnath'd. Haha

Thanks for the support everyone, and particularly those who made accounts on here just to post! XD
5/6 scenes in the Stalls done (writing-wise), then comes the hard stuff, programming it in. Keep in mind that I'm only going to put maybe 1 picture for each customer type so far--if there's anything that's actually 'EASY' to add to this game, it's CG's, lol. The code is a pain to go back and change (which is why I'm like gruuuuh about the whole dialogue options fiasco, even though I have to do it due to the small tinge of writing / characterization involved), but adding text or 3DCG's is actually quite breezy.
Last edited by KITAmaru on Wed Oct 05, 2011 10:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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