MelissaBFused together, you enter the cave and come to a large chamber. Lounging around you see a couple of small imps lounging around without a care in the world. At the back of the room, you see two woman masturbating inside two magic circle. Almost all the colour had drained out of their hair and they didn't seem to be aware of their surroundings. Overlooking this entire scene was a blue skinned, three horned Imp. His wings were larger then the rest and he carried a large pitchfork instead of a spear. One of the imps noticed you enter the chamber.
"Hey! Aren't you one of Lucien's bitches?" He says as disrespectful as he can. However, once they see you armed and ready to fight. The all grab their own weapons.
Imitative Roll (DEX)
Nilyne: 5 + 9 + 1(Skill) = 15
Imp 1: 17 + 3 = 20
Imp 2: 2 + 3 = 5
Bez: 2 + 4 = 6
Turn Order: Imp 1 > Nilyne > Bez > Imp 2 > Magic Circle
Imp 1 Moves towards Nilyne (6AP)
Imp 1 Uses Poison Sting (6AP)
Hit Roll: 10 + 3 = 13, Miss!
The first imp to notice you moves in and tries to strike you with the back tip of his spear. Luckily, you move out of the way easily. However, the commotion draws the attention of the other two fiends. The Three horned imp stares you down. "What do you think you're doing!" He says as he prepares to attack. An eerie light continues to emanate from the magic circles in the back. If you could get to them, it shouldn't be hard to rub out the pattern and stop what ever it's doing.
Magic Circles x 2 _____4 AP______Bez,Imp 2_______6 AP_______Imp 1, Nilyne
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Nilyne: HP 16/16 OP: 9/10
Imp 1: HP ??/??
Imp 2: HP ??/??
Bez: HP ??/??
GorbazHearing your response, Angelica gives your bottom a firm slap. "I don't think you understand your situation" She says as her two guards grab you from the side. " You work for me. Since you have a mark like mine, that entitles you to some special privileges. But don't forget who you answer to." Going to her desk, she grabs a collar similar to the one you saw on Kai back in the desert. She then pulls a strap that lowers the bottom part of her dress to reveal a set of garterbelt, panties and ... a cock? Under the dress was a long thin meat pole with a pussy where the balls were meant to be. Fully erect, it twitched in the air. "I don't want to use these collars on one of my sisters. But that'll depend on what you do next. Now suck it." The two guards pull you towards Angelica and her exposed rod.
FragranceofMtDew, An Ying Hu, VintageBass, MASigmaMaribelle lays there looking at the two of you in awe. When the offer comes up to travel together, you can see the young tailors face light up. Blushing a bit, she looks down at her feet and nods. "I would have to ask my parents, But I would be more then happy to travel with you." Maribelle says with a smile. She slid back into the water to relax as she watched Sharya and Zalira discuss your plans for a Harem. Plans Maribelle doesn't seem to find odd at all.
Caroline sits across from both you and Priea as she seems to almost be done. Hearing both Priea and Kassandra answer, Caroline gives them a satisfied smile. "I'm glad to hear that. Priea. Me and Kassy were just discussing traveling arrangement. And I agreed that the two of you are free to travel with us as long as you want to. I was even planning on offering Kassy some private lessons on love." Caroline cooed. "Tell me Priea, how was your love life before becoming a cleric?"