Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.09 (4/18/12)

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Which character is your favorite so far?

Emilia (Warrior)
Rhiannon (Berserker)
Irine (Priest)
Cesca (Thief)
Thyme (Sage)
Lanie (Magician)
Sairyn (Martial Artist)
Asella (Paladin)
Total votes : 1714

Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.06C (9/22/

Postby Lucky777 » Fri Sep 23, 2011 1:50 pm

KITAmaru Wrote:Hahaha Lucky, you hate Wolfram that much, huh?

It's not so much that he himself isn't pulling with the syndicate on their most important front - though that would be enough to merit imprisonment and correction.

It's that he keeps his underlings from the best benefit of syndicate life.

That's worth death.

He keeps them from it with sufficient force to cut off hands.

That's worth certain death without possibility of forgiveness.

Oh aye, his guts shall not be staying within the confines of his body.

Not if the option to remove 'em and strangle him with them exists.

(Oh, also, I think Asella is a LOT more tanky in this update than she was last version. I had noticed her taking a lot of damage from attacks too, but I thought her tank status came only from her hella HP. I guess she has a pretty buff defence now.
Pretty awesome. ... Unless of course I'm taking less damage with her now because I just went a level or two higher than I normally do, or because I put on better armour this time and clean forgot to do so in the earlier version.
Last edited by Lucky777 on Fri Sep 23, 2011 3:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.06C (9/22/

Postby Slayer of Ghosts » Fri Sep 23, 2011 2:08 pm

just did a playthrough with my favourite char lanie and i must say that you have done a great job KITA
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.06C (9/22/

Postby Ayra » Fri Sep 23, 2011 3:01 pm

I'm short on time so all I had the occasion to do was to continue my Asella save file so I didn't get to see everything the patch has to offer (I'm especially curious about the new Wolfram scene but my save was from after it and I'm certainly not taking a trip to the Chambers willingly), but... What I did play was awesome! :)

I can't say that I enjoyed Gwen initial stupidity ("Bandits are going to duel me!"), but beyond that, a big thumbs up! Final Fantasy XI paladin armor is a plus too! For some reasons I thought that Asella had actual armor (beside arm/legs) and not just a leotar, but hey... I've played MMOs where plate armor looks like that and this is an hentai game so that's all good!

I liked the fact that we could actually save someone for once, and I loved the scenes with Gwen. The romance does go awfully fast, but it is an hentai game with multiple choices, so it definitively fits here: I doubt there'd be anyone else beside me here that'd go for a 10 hours long romancing game before getting "to the goods" in an hentai game like this! :)

In this last patch, you offered EXACTLY what I was looking for in this game! Saving something facing dire trouble, FxF relationship with a touch of romance, hateable villains and the struggle not to fail due to the consequences... Huge thumbs up from me!

I disliked Xanrud since he interruped something good between Asella and Gwen, and he was actually a tough fight: I wasn't certain he was actually beatable, but no way I was going to lose without trying! I was pretty pleased when he finally lost against my level 6 Asella... The "powder trick" is a good solution to force you to lose, I'd say. And then he grabbed Gwen to bring her to the chambers... And I instantly felt a "You ******!!" feeling. He instantly climbed into my top 5 most hated character ever. What he wants to do to Gwen is a threat far more real than the "generic evil empires" or "world destroying" threats we see in games... And I'll be doing everything I can to try to save Gwen from that fate.

That's exactly what I hoped to see in this game, thank you! :)

Edit: I do like your little witch group, and I personally enjoy the gloomy/negative one.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.06C (9/22/

Postby Venks » Fri Sep 23, 2011 3:18 pm

I just wanted to say this is easily my favorite game on these forums. I really love how much detail you've put into the game. My only complaint I have what so ever are the weapons in the Syndicate shop all being the exact same low price. And that the Rondel the Ninja Assassins drop is useless next to the Flamberge you can just buy at the shop. In my RPGs I prefer to have to explore well to find the best weapons or failing that you can buy the best equipment at the cost of an arm and a leg.

Again though this is a really good game. I love the vast amount of characters you can choose from, the options you have when it comes to interacting with npcs, the amount of dialogue in this game, and I really enjoy the setting. I must ask how long have you been using RPG Maker?
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.06C (9/22/

Postby BlueLight » Fri Sep 23, 2011 3:30 pm

Damn 6c already? that means i have to redownload this.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.06C (9/22/

Postby lifebsd » Fri Sep 23, 2011 4:11 pm

How do u get to the barracks?
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.06C (9/22/

Postby alooulla » Fri Sep 23, 2011 6:20 pm

Great update!

Again, i was most impressed with the choices on offer. I have two saves of Asella, one whom i keep high purity, and the other to have all sorts of things happen to. And although Gwen was sweet and i'll definately be using other characters to romance her, i dont particularly see Asella as into lesbianism, so thank you for not forcing it on me. Its a real sign of your skill and knowledge of your audience that you let us play how we each want to play!

I also happened to note that Asella's attacks are missing a lot more frequently now...Perhaps an intentional move? She was a tad overpowered i suppose!
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.06C (9/22/

Postby KITAmaru » Fri Sep 23, 2011 6:48 pm

Weird, I didn't change any of the settings with the sailors since they came out in 0.05... o_O In fact, I haven't touched them since then. They were never supposed to respawn.
As for the domi outfit, already planned. It'll likely be a key item in unlocking certain H-scenes with various characters, mostly female but even male, in the future. Just 'cause it's not in one version doesn't mean you won't see it in the future; even just this little update was a lot of work for me! The Barracks itself needs around 3 more H-scenes to be more 'complete', but I'm trying to focus on adding areas and characters rather than all the H-scenes that will ever appear in one area, otherwise it'll just make progress seem real slow to me, which is a big demotivator.

Heh, from a bandit's standpoint, I can see your reasoning, actually. Although, Wolfram does have what I think a very good background and reason as to why he doesn't like to see rape (although why he's in the Syndicate is another thing) happen in front of him, but we'll likely not know until later.

I didn't intentionally change any character's stats or curves from 0.05, at least not that I recall, so Asella's new tankiness probably has to do with her defensive growth curve. Unless you mean the self-buff she gets later on.

Thanks! Yes, actually, very good point about items having the same price. It's... really lame-looking to have all of the 2nd weapons be the same price, I just noticed, so I really will be changing those in the next patch. I started them all at that point to have a 'baseline' as well as relative equality for all the characters, but aesthetically, I can see how it would be at least distracting, if nothing else. As far as the 'good' weapons requiring some work to get, I at least see that much, so I'll keep that in mind.

Well, the Flamberge is definitely stronger than the Rondel, but to be fair, they are two completely different weapons. The Flamberge is a Two-Handed Sword, and thus only really usable by Rhiannon; if you're using her, TH swords are likely the way to go. The Rondel on the other hand, is a Dagger type weapon and also only needs one hand to use. Although the Rondel's base ATK is lower, it also adds 3 AGI and has a critical bonus, which makes it suitable for characters like Cesca, who already have a crit bonus, or for Emilia, to use in the off-hand.

I've been using RPG Maker VX for... about a month, now, so I still have a lot to learn. However, I try to be a relatively detail-oriented and thorough person by nature, so I tend to go over things multiple times, which seems rather necessary for such an ambitious project with the 8 characters and what not. G_G

Glad you liked it. Yeah, the romance could certainly be more drawn out, but since 0.06 was the 'yuri sample' patch (in the same way that 0.05 was the 'monster sample' patch), I wanted to at least provide some type of material to work with. And not that females really get this perse, but also to get blueballs as a result of Xanrud being the ultimate cockblock (pussyblock?) I felt would have some good effect in terms of people hating him.

As far as Xanrud being difficult goes, he was never supposed to be someone you COULD beat, but I decided to add the possibility of actually winning instead of the game crashing or something stupid like that, if someone decided to get smart, grind the hell up, or cheat using a debugger's item. For one's efforts, they are rewarded with his unique dagger, and by chance, his sword.

I changed my mind originally because I just thought it'd be silly to have this boss who has 99999 HP and takes 1 damage, or something like that, for someone who you'll potentially fight in the future. It would make more sense for Xanrud to be somewhat weak now and then stronger in a later encounter (as he might have been holding back but now 'shows his true power'), rather than the other way around, where he'd be inexplicably strong at first but reduced to a chump during the final showdown, which admittedly does happen a lot in old-school traditional RPG's.

I think it's safe to say that NORMALLY, maybe 2-3 different encounters via cutscenes with a given character before being able to start a consensual romance sounds fair though, no? Just in regards to game design plus storyline and in terms of allowing them to 'sink in' to the player's thoughts.

Much like Orpheus and Wolfram, I have one more female 'universal' relationship possibility (for now!) waiting to be introduced. I rather like her portrait, as she is a little butch but it has a certain charm to it; while Gwyn is naive, kinda femmy, idealistic and dreamy-eyed, I mean to have someone a little more down-to-earth, grizzled, and even a little 'tsundere'. Might be a patch or two though, 'cause we gotta worry about saving Gwyn first! And even for the people who uh... DON'T like poor Gwyn (or just want to see bad things happen to her), people will always be given the option in the future to go the cold route and well... not save her in time. I'm thinking about adding a timer once the player enters the south door.

I would like to mention that there is a tinge of relationship meter possible with the Slave Supervisor / Dominatrix in the NW corner of the Chambers, if:
-You lose to her once (get dominated with a strap on), then...
-Fight her a second time and win,
-And choose to find some bandits to do her (instead of dominating her yourself)
-BUT change your mind when the option presents itself.

In terms of other yuri potential things, one of the Trouble 5 actually has a huge crush on Lanie instead of Nebula, but I wasn't able to illustrate that this patch.

The only major fix in 0.06C was that I added an alternate passageway to the room with the twins, so as to avoid getting stuck. I'd normally have just widened the passageway again but I wanted to uh... not let bandits in while you're having sex with Seri and Rion, as I always found that kinda awkward. I realize the irony of this given the events with Lady Illia (the dominatrix)

Thanks. Lanie has fans, yay!

You get to the barracks by going south of Wolfram's checkpoint. In the Syndicate Grow Op / Garden area, kill a plant, then go all the way south to unlock the Nebula cutscene, fight a boss, grab the key. Use the key to unlock the door in the Syndicate Bar and keep heading south, see the Wolfram cutscene, go south again, and you're in the Barracks.

Also as a side note, Thyme's Curse series (AoE hexes) are set to work against all enemies; the bug is that they don't actually have an effect animation. G_G I'll fix that.

For people who have saved games, try not to save inside the last room you entered (the square 'end of demo message' room), or that will seriously fuck up your game for future updates, possibly making you stuck.
Last edited by KITAmaru on Fri Sep 23, 2011 7:14 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.06C (9/22/

Postby Sepra » Fri Sep 23, 2011 6:58 pm

Meh, what can I say? I don't know what I really expected playing this, but...

When you marry an excellent designer with an interesting story, you're bound to get an EXCELLENT update each time! I took some brief notes on the changes and here's what I wanted to say:

- The "background" change took me a second to get used to, but I prefer it. It makes the figures seem more detailed and it's better than a black screen.
- I like not only the revenge option, but both of the scenes. That you can teach her a lesson is nice enough, but then getting to watch two other people do it? Hot, hot, hot. I did wonder about the Markis thing, but you summed it up well.
- The party system is nice; however, it might help if you identified the mobs on their bodies so I am certain which mob I'm attacking. Otherwise, it certainly is unique.
- I like the newly introduced characters. I didn't lose to guy, but I may go back and do that. As an Old Thymer, I must say Hex of Air is still OP.

I thought Adiela was Lanie at first! Otherwise, I have nothing at all bad to say. It's an excellent update as said before and I can't wait for more. I'll probably play through on Asella or Emelia to find that high purity scene. The romance angle is a nice one!
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.06C (9/22/

Postby Lucky777 » Fri Sep 23, 2011 7:03 pm

In that case, I have to attribute the Asella situation to my derping and forgetting to equip armour or something, probably.

Guess I'll check back in an earlier version to make sure, but ... that's most likely it.

ALSO: As to Wolfram, I'm sure I'll enjoy his backstory, as I enjoy much of what you write, sir.

I am equally sure that I will gut him.

: D

Also, I'm absolutely a fan of Gwyn, Prime Duellist is an awesome title.

Also absolutely sure I'm never saving her.

DO wanna watch her get broken in though.

If the guy's anywhere near as fukken CONSIDERATE as the game over 4, his "ravishing without restraint" will be gloriously great.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.06C (9/22/

Postby KITAmaru » Fri Sep 23, 2011 7:52 pm

Hmm, nope, I didn't change any of Asella's attributes this update. It might have to do with the evasion rate of the new enemies, or just... luck, really.

Thanks. ^^
For the Markis thing, I wanted to add some sense of tragedy to the whole thing, so threw in a dab of betrayal. He's kind of a spineless character, the type who can by nature produce some of the most disparaging moments; but yes, there's revenge, and then there's REVENGE. Also, DP is kinda fun; not sure how a female sees it, but in terms of fantasy and what not, I can learn to appreciate it.

Hmm. That's not a bad idea, regarding the mobs thing, but unfortunately being able to do that currently requires some scripting knowledge beyond my expertise, as it's not readily available in VX for some reason. However, I can dig around for some scripts that put a cursor over the target enemy, I'm sure. Again, I apologize for the fact that I'm rather...underqualified as a game designer, but I figure I'll learn as I go. I'm just so absorbed in storyline ideas and new maps that I sometimes forget to pay attention to the actual mechanics. Maybe to find an assistant 'programmer' would be good.

And yes, LOL... Thyme easily went from being one of the weakest characters to possibly the strongest. I don't think I'll be doing any hardcore nerfs in the near future though, except for maybe damage (to capitalize on the fact that Lanie is indeed strong), but damn, Quadra Curse is still pretty broken in itself with its halving of all enemy stats, as well as the paralysis/sleep/confusion lock that can be enforced with the other elements.

From the back, Adele is ... almost exactly the same as Lanie, for her sprite. She looks a tad different from the front though; maybe I should've made her facing a different direction from the beginning. I'd say that Asella, Emilia and Lanie are all pretty good choices for which to have a romance with Gwyn. MAN, is it difficult to try and 'force' chemistry on one character with... eight! Lol. So forgive me if some of the romances aren't as sweet as the others, 'cause yeah, they don't all work with Gwyn the way some others do.

Haw. You'll be able to mess him up what good, mentally at first, with some things I have planned, so don't sweat it.
I figured there'd be two types of Gwyn fans for the most part; the ones who want to romance her in a sweet F/F romance, and the ones who want to see her degraded in so many ways. x_x; LOL

Next update, I really want to wrap up the Gwyn thing and introduce a new 'privilege' of being able to enter the Chambers WITHOUT getting raped. Provided, tons of these guys will still think you're a slave, which I think still stays true to flavor. It's just that this time around, you'll be able to lose your virginity to the chasers, so be careful--on the other hand, you can also lose it to Seri and Rion (LOL) or Lady Illia, the slave supervisor.

Outside of that, I can't promise what else I'll be putting in, as I'll likely be busy working on the party aspect, but I'm taking part of this week to brainstorm. FEEL FREE TO PM ME if you have any ideas, requests, suggestions, etc., though I can't promise that all (or any) of them will necessarily be implemented, at least right away. Spectral won the last 'choose your girl and fetish' contest with his request of the Sairyn consensual / romantic scene with her lover, which was fine by me since honestly, I was planning to put it in there anyway.

I MIGHT go back and edit some existing Game Over scenes like the Nebula one, but I honestly think I might actually get complaints if I do that (as some people like the 'tentacle slave' ending). So let me know how important it is to you to go back and disable the existing Game Overs, or if I should just keep plugging away at the mission to rescue Gwyn (or the mission to see her uh... do stuff, if you don't actually care for her or whatever).

Anyone else notice Cesca's options during the Gwyn scene? XD!!!
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.06C (9/22/

Postby SpectralTime » Fri Sep 23, 2011 8:17 pm

I KNEW it! I KNEW Cesca would have something specific! :lol:

I noticed that Lanie's sprite seemed to have done quintuple duty, but didn't mind, since, honestly, Thyme has always either been on the same power level or much, MUCH higher (that potion buff makes her a makeshift tank :shock: ), and I can never see any situation when sultry and sexy lady in a sultry and sexy hat doesn't beat out spoiled whiny little teenager who communicates exclusively in IM Speak... no offense. :)

I'm... almost sad I blew my thingummy on that if you were putting it in anyway, but, what the hey. Glad to know it's not giving you any trouble.

Good luck, and thanks again for such a great game.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.06C (9/22/

Postby Milten » Fri Sep 23, 2011 8:26 pm

Monster, monster as party member!
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.06C (9/22/

Postby KITAmaru » Fri Sep 23, 2011 8:32 pm

Naw, it's something I had tentatively planned more or less, along with like 20 other ideas right now, but now that you requested the Sairyn scene, it's DEFINITELY going in. Out of the various ideas I have, I don't imagine that ALL of them will make it in. In terms of this game there is SO MUCH work for me to do, but I stay sane by just focusing on one scene at a time... and suddenly, it's a lot more enjoyable! Since it's an ambitious project, taking it all in will only overwhelm me and I don't wanna end up like some developers who just let it all get to them and then ragequit. So one step at a time, and this will keep plugging along, slowly but steadily, as it always has. Provided, I have classes now so it'll be a lot slower, but I'm still gonna work on it in my free time since I've no time-consuming relationships to worry about at this point in time! XD

Hahaha... none taken. Lanie is very 'teeny' in that sense, and while some people might be turned on by that kinda thing, I can definitely see how others would just as easily be annoyed or get turned off.

Perhaps Thyme's power is part of her mystique; I have unofficial ages for the characters that I can't post here perse, but Thyme's actual age in my 'secret character profiles' is officially 'Unknown' or '???', implying that she could be older than most humans, or even kingdoms.

BAH! Before you go on about potential party members, what I mean to say is that I'm figuring out the party dynamic as in how to work existing H-scenes with certain party members in it. As much as I'd loooooove to (sarcasm), I can't have Gwyn getting all the same scenes as the other eight when an H-scene triggers, or I might as well make her a playable character. Likely I will include some generic response that the other members got knocked out or something while you get violated, or uh... watch uncomfortably while you willingly sex someone (like the twins).

In terms of storyline continuity, party members really don't suit this game, do they? Will Gwyn get jealous if you make out with another girl or end up with Purity so low that you'll please a sleeping bandit? I mean... fuck. LOL. Think I dug myself a hole on that one.

As much as I'd love to go all Star Ocean about it, I've not the time nor resources to implement relationships between every single possible party member AND each one of the 8 characters, who are unique in themselves... so I'm probably just going to have to find convenient excuses for partymates to come and go, which is awkward but it just has to be done in the interest of game design.

It's tough because I already imagine Gwyn as kinda attached to the character, given the right choices, but if you save her and she rejoins, what would make her leave again while keeping a good relationship? I don't want to have her constantly kidnapped, she is not Princess Peach, and I already have the relative in distress idea covered on another char who leaves the party temporarily, way down the road...
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.06C (9/22/

Postby Milten » Fri Sep 23, 2011 8:44 pm

KITAmaru Wrote:In terms of storyline continuity, party members really don't suit this game, do they?

On a serious note I think they don't. But episodic encounters could work.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.06C (9/22/

Postby KITAmaru » Fri Sep 23, 2011 8:56 pm

Yeah... that's what I have planned so far. Slight spoiler but Orpheus, Wolfram and Gwyn are all possible party members in the future to an extent, and they are already in the database (though I don't have spells/techniques for the two guys up just yet seeing as they won't be until later).

After you rescue Gwyn, I'm thinking of wrapping up the 'Rogues' Faction' area of the Chambers within the next 3-4 areas or patches; though whether or not you actually get to kill Xanrud is still a mystery for you at this point. Any ideas of what other areas a bandit would need? They got a place to sleep, eat, drink and relieve themselves in both senses of the word. Oh right, training area... I honestly can't think of much else besides that.

Other places are saved for later parts of the Labyrinth, such as the underground river and so on.
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Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Update: 0.09 (4/18/12):
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.06C (9/22/

Postby ShadowFax » Fri Sep 23, 2011 9:00 pm

Ayra Wrote:I'm short on time so all I had the occasion to do was to continue my Asella save file so I didn't get to see everything the patch has to offer (I'm especially curious about the new Wolfram scene but my save was from after it and I'm certainly not taking a trip to the Chambers willingly), but... What I did play was awesome! :)

I can't say that I enjoyed Gwen initial stupidity ("Bandits are going to duel me!"), but beyond that, a big thumbs up! Final Fantasy XI paladin armor is a plus too! For some reasons I thought that Asella had actual armor (beside arm/legs) and not just a leotar, but hey... I've played MMOs where plate armor looks like that and this is an hentai game so that's all good!

I liked the fact that we could actually save someone for once, and I loved the scenes with Gwen. The romance does go awfully fast, but it is an hentai game with multiple choices, so it definitively fits here: I doubt there'd be anyone else beside me here that'd go for a 10 hours long romancing game before getting "to the goods" in an hentai game like this! :)

In this last patch, you offered EXACTLY what I was looking for in this game! Saving something facing dire trouble, FxF relationship with a touch of romance, hateable villains and the struggle not to fail due to the consequences... Huge thumbs up from me!

I disliked Xanrud since he interruped something good between Asella and Gwen, and he was actually a tough fight: I wasn't certain he was actually beatable, but no way I was going to lose without trying! I was pretty pleased when he finally lost against my level 6 Asella... The "powder trick" is a good solution to force you to lose, I'd say. And then he grabbed Gwen to bring her to the chambers... And I instantly felt a "You ******!!" feeling. He instantly climbed into my top 5 most hated character ever. What he wants to do to Gwen is a threat far more real than the "generic evil empires" or "world destroying" threats we see in games... And I'll be doing everything I can to try to save Gwen from that fate.

That's exactly what I hoped to see in this game, thank you! :)

Edit: I do like your little witch group, and I personally enjoy the gloomy/negative one.

It's totally worth finding an earlier save point to pass through wulfam's zone again with Asella at least xD. Not only do you not get 'rescued' she proves herself to be a BAMF.

Also, if anyone else is noticing Asella's 'Tank' nature. At lvl 8 I very frequently take only 1 damage from enemies. The sailors at the bar only did 1 damage each. The four guys attacking Ellise only did 1 damage to her as well. The boss guy was doing maybe 100-400 depending on his attack skill though unless I activated my defense buff in which case it was more like 60-125, and his two croonies then did maybe in the 20's so.....

Assela is just a BAMF
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.06C (9/22/

Postby Lucky777 » Fri Sep 23, 2011 9:01 pm

"Gotta get Wolfram out of the way, ain't gonna torture him, but gonna do whatever is necessary to achieve 'out of the way', including murder.

Keep the game over scenes apart from the 4 bandits plox, and add them in future for fans of that fetish, but add 'em very sparingly and VERY obviously plox"

Too short, I want to be hit by a wall of text:

KITAmaru Wrote:Lucky-
Haw. You'll be able to mess him up what good, mentally at first, with some things I have planned, so don't sweat it.

Cool. Now see, the way I approach the thing is really a matter of efficiency, rather than cruelty. The first edition of the earlier post with "that's worth death" had in "That's worth brutal death" in place of "That's worth certain death", but I redacted it simply because brutality isn't my style. Don't have a torture fetish, ain't a fan of being needlessly cruel. But the bottom line is that if some fellow's going to get in the way of utopia, his blood's got to get let out.

I jumped straight to the death idea because he seemed like a gentleman of extremely solid principles and strong determination. You don't just cut off someone's hand if you're wavering in your beliefs, after all. (By the same token, neither do you remove their guts.)
I thought he would be resistant to correction, or indeed, impossible to correct.

If this "messing him up good" involves permanently removing his aversion to rape, or at least permanently removing his tendency to get in the way, as opposed to somehow mentally distressing him without accomplishing either goal, then my earlier certainty that I would gut him becomes completely misplaced. It would have been certainty based on the false assumption that he was incorrigible.

If it involves mentally distressing him and NOT removing his tendencies to get in the way, I'll actually play it gentle up until the option to dispose of him shows up. Needless cruelty is needless, after all. But the bottom line is the bottom line, and those who get in the way are gonna get GONE.

I'm sure this will be an interesting scenario to watch play out, and I'm eager to see how you handle it, sir.

KITAmaru Wrote:I MIGHT go back and edit some existing Game Over scenes like the Nebula one, but I honestly think I might actually get complaints if I do that (as some people like the 'tentacle slave' ending). So let me know how important it is to you to go back and disable the existing Game Overs, or if I should just keep plugging away at the mission to rescue Gwyn (or the mission to see her uh... do stuff, if you don't actually care for her or whatever).

This one's hard for me to call, because my preferences and what I see as "the good of the game" are in conflict.

Bottom line for me is that I think you should leave some mindbreak game overs in the game as treats for those who have a mindbreak fetish, but that I CERTAINLY prefer a game where most of the losses are in fact not game overs at all.

I think just about everyone here would agree that one of the strengths of this game is the way that it can keep multiple different demographics quite happy. That would, by definition, include the "mindbreak" demographic, I suppose... and that is honestly a demographic I had not suspected existed until Kuragari's insistence earlier in the thread made me think ... "wait, what if this is actually the guy's fetish, and not just someone irrationally wanting to punish people for seeking out the very thing they're in the game to seek out?"

I'd say ... in the interests of that multiple appeal ... you should definitely leave SOME mindbreak game overs in the game.
I think you put it best yourself earlier, when you said something to the effect that "There will definitely be mindbreak in the game, for people who are looking for that."
Sorry about not quoting you exactly, (I probably didn't,) but I'm just a little too lazy to scroll all the way back through the thread. MAYBE IN A LATER EDIT, SIR.

To actually answer the question with a specific vote, instead of waffling endlessly, I'll say

"I'd like it if you went ahead and changed out the '4 ruffians' game over scene with a 'continue playing' scenario as planned, in the fullness of time, but it is by no means as important to me as you continuing forward with the plot for the time being. The '1st bandit twice' scene and the 'Plant boss' scene are actually scenes that I vote for retaining, though perhaps with some more obvious indicators that they are game over losses."

In the case of the 1st bandit scene, I'd vote for retention so as to have quick access to mindbreak for those who have such a fetish. In the case of the plant boss scene, I'd vote for retention because it makes perfect sense to me in concept, as well as for the fetish reason. I mean, the thing's monstrously huge, magically created, and probably covered with addictive juices or some shit.

Non-exhaustive examples of possible warnings for the 1st bandit twice:
I actually have no freaking idea. But it's so early in the game, the player might not mind it too much...
Still, for purposes of distinguishing it from all the other possible losses, and letting the player realise he doesn't have to be constantly on his toes worrying about the next game over, it's worth a try. Uh ....
Maybe the bandit can say something himself.
1) "Lose to me again and you'll lose your freedom permanently." or something. I don't know how you can get it to flow in canon, but if I come up with any ideas I'll take advantage of that free PM invitation and suggest 'em, I guess.

Non-exhaustive examples of warnings for the plant boss:
1)"It's too huge for my sanity. If I get violated by this thing, I'm done" or something like that, varied per character for in-characterness.


2)An indicator that it's covered with extremely addictive juices.

Anything that gets the "HEADS UP, PLAYERS" job done, essentially.

An alternative solution would be to do something like Slave Maker did, and have "enable bad ends" and "Disable bad ends" as options, and have many more mindbreak situations available in the "bad ends enabled" option, but ... uh ... that might be a FUCKING serious programming feat, and even if it is not, that would be something for extremely far in the future, and not for any time soon, according to my own selfish priorities.

I Tl:DR'ed this, so if any of you peeps read it and pass out from boredom, it's yer own curiosity's fault : O
Last edited by Lucky777 on Fri Sep 23, 2011 9:33 pm, edited 14 times in total.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.06C (9/22/

Postby ZeroEXE.ZX17 » Fri Sep 23, 2011 9:01 pm

KITAmaru Wrote:Any ideas of what other areas a bandit would need? They got a place to sleep, eat, drink and relieve themselves in both senses of the word. Oh right, training area... I honestly can't think of much else besides that.

i always thought the area with the assassins was the trainig area
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.06C (9/22/

Postby KITAmaru » Fri Sep 23, 2011 9:14 pm

Haha... me too. But apparently it didn't get through for some people, so I dunno... Maybe I'll just modify the assassins room to look MORE like a training area instead of a labyrinth. I made it that way because I figured stealthy thief types needed to learn how to use corners and walls to their advantage, rather than just have an open training area where they spar each other all the time--that would be more suited to the training area in the Redclaw's Military Division.

To be fair, I kinda nerfed enemies when they came in multiples, so naturally Asella is gonna take less damage. Her DEF isn't even double (or close to) that of the character with the lowest, which I think Lanie is, iirc... I mainly did it because during testing, they proved pretty difficult and I tend to make stat adjustments in increments of 5, probably a habit I should stay away from, but I'll figure it out.

Ahahaha... though Wolfram is a gentleman of sorts, he has zero patience for rapist types. Ashame he isn't in other factions, but I'd say that the Rogues' Division is considered the 'lowest', not necessarily in that they are weaker (though they are if only in terms of game and level design), but also because they tend to do the most 'grunt work' of the Syndicate; kidnapping, blackmail, etc. That being said, there are still high-level assassins and thieves that will be seen in the other areas, who, due to their higher level of privilege in the Syndicate, enjoy some of the more ...luxurious facilities. That means MULTIPLE forms of 'The Chambers', each covering a variety of fetishes. Ideally. Again. That's gonna be awhile though, heh.

As far as the Game Over thing... yeah, I'll most likely modify the bandit foursome scene as required, but will just have to make a branch and an alternate Gwyn scenario where the two of you are in the same place after getting raped and the four men already left. After all, it's not the first time a bandit in this game has fucked you and just left if you lost to them, so I don't think that'll be any serious break to continuity.

Xanrud has abooout 4-5K HP. Don't remember off the top of my head but I know that it's not over 5K.
Haha, I appreciate it.

Thanks for the input. There's a lot I can do with Gropo the Clown, and the quiz thing sounds like a fun minigame... like I said, he was there originally as a joke, but since you're like the third person to ask, I'll probably do something with him. Unfortunately, due to pressing concerns such as the party system revamp and finishing of the Gwyn quest (as well as a revision of her 4 on 2 H-scene to not be a game over), I'll probably have to put him on the back burner for now.

For those wondering about Rhiannon's Whirlwind Slash, it's supposed to attack 3 random enemies, at least that's what RPG VX told me; but apparently, if you use it on one enemy, it'll just hit him 3 times. Shrug. Guess it doesn't stop at just one, so... that's that.
Bloodlust + Frenzy ... (plus Provoke or Battle Cry if you have it), + Whirlwind Slash = I win? Just watch your HP, lol, since she has basically 0 DEF when these things are stacked, and thus takes a LOT of damage.
In the future, it'll stack with Armor Destruction and Berserker Fury for huge damage.

Also, this is kind of a hidden value, but each class has a resistance to a debuff effect (i.e. AGI, ATK, DEF down) as well as a certain status effect. Random fact.

Who do you think is currently in need of balancing? I'm pretty comfortable with how strong Emilia, Rhiannon, Thyme and Asella are. It's just that I've been goin' easy on you guys with the difficulty of the most recent enemies, outside of maybe Xanrud.

Sairyn recently got buffed so she should be doing a lot more damage, although still somewhat fragile. Cesca, I haven't touched in awhile and same with Irine.
Lanie, as she is, still does assloads of damage but just doesn't have the status effect locks like Thyme does. I think I'm comfortable with that though, and will either boost Lanie's damage or nerf Thyme's somewhat to make them somewhat more even.
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Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Update: 0.09 (4/18/12):
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