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Re: Hoonters

Postby FragranceofMtDew » Wed Apr 27, 2016 4:09 pm

The Beholder's eye was not as viable a target as Nydia had first assumed it seemed. She lacked the ability to strike it at range unlike Mordecai and Yasker, and it's arms were quite skilled at covering it's weakness. It's arms however, did indeed have quite the vulnerability in those exposed tubes. Sidestepping the arm that shot out at her, she had only an instant to strike, but it was more than enough for her quick reflexes. Her rapier flashed through the air, slicing cleanly through one of the tubes. It did not completely disable the arm, but it clearly slowed it's motions and even that small amount could give a window for an attack to pierce the eye.

With her first counter attack successful, Nydia falls back into form, keeping with her strategy of waiting for the Beholder to attack again. Hopefully that same arm would come for her again as it should be easier to dodge and another strike may finish it off. She ignores whatever Yasker seems to be saying and retains her focus on the enemy before her, a glance in his direction telling her all she needs to know in that Kenji has freed him from the Beholder's grip.
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Re: Hoonters

Postby cliffracer » Thu Apr 28, 2016 9:56 pm

Tamara grunts when Marley chomps down on her shoulder, though she's glad it's not her already-damaged one this time. The pain DID bring her back down from the edge of orgasm some, but she was still enjoying this pounding waaay more than she expected. She'd have to get him to clean up and bottle all the excess once he was done, because she might need a bit before she'll be able to walk again! The position change is enough to drill deep enough that he's hitting all the right spots, and Tamara shouts out as she hits a hard climax.
"Y-You better regain control, lover-boy!!"
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Re: Hoonters

Postby lilbooth » Fri Apr 29, 2016 5:05 pm

What is it with these gators and their rounds Wyck thought to herself, suspended between her two reptilian suitors, Can't they just enjoy a romp and rest? Wyck had a voracious appetite for sex as it was but these beasts well outlasted her needs. And even though her two partners had made the event into a competition, they had just won a decisive battle. If Axle and Vrox were attempting to outlast each other, then Wyck would try to outlast them both. It was a fool's venture for sure, but her lower half practically swimming in gator fluids she was sure to use their own strength against them. Without answering Axle she used the rest of her strength to lift herself up as she swayed her hips back and forth, signaling to her chosen mates that she was not yet done.
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Re: Hoonters

Postby Zender_Solarheart » Sat Apr 30, 2016 6:22 am

The arm that went straight for Kenji was about as swift strong with its grip as he had anticipated, though the fact that he was able to hold its hand open with his own muscle was honestly a bit of a surprise. Were it not for that dragon's strength of his, he'd likely have at least one broken limb right now, because that squeeze was no joke. The speed and dexterity of that arm doesn't seem like one he can dodge easily, either; it may be better to roll than sidestep for evasion, though he'll want to keep an eye out for any follow-up strikes.

Thankfully, Kenji's reflexes are fast enough to spot Yasker being hoisted up by one of the other arms, his head caught in a crushing vice grip. The monk's reaction is quick, kicking the hand in an effort to release its grasp, hoping that the Beholder can feel enough pain for it to actually work. Thankfully, those arms, for all of their impressive metallic armor, don't seem to handle blunt force very well. His dragon strength pays off once more, not only releasing Yasker from what was likely certain death otherwise, but also dislocating the arm's wrist joint, causing it to retract while the Beholder attempts to re-align the wrist. Alas, that counter-attack also seems to imply that the arms do not feel pain, or at least not so much to elicit a telltale response from their wielder.

Since the others seem to be going more on the offensive, Kenji decides to maintain his defensive role in the Ishikawa stance, though this time watching his own status as well as that of his allies, not wanting to get floored and/or pinned down by whatever arm(s) inevitably go for him. Still, this is a rather strange twist; while Musou Ryuuken's core philosophies revolve around protecting others, he never quite imagined himself having to be the defensive wall of a group. Normally, that role gets filled by a heavily-armored warrior with a suitable weapon, not by a half-dragon martial artist in little more than his combat robes. Life is indeed full of surprises...
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Re: Hoonters

Postby Nicoffee » Mon May 02, 2016 1:26 am


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"Ahah...Well put. But no, seriously." He cleared up his throat some, awkwardly trying to get adjusted to all the crap you stuffed up his horns. You could hear a muffled sound coming from it as he seemed to be attempting to blow the leaves out of it...Little success though. Regardless, he turned his attention to you afterwards. "Now now. I'm not going to just TELL you about it...If you want to know where the place is...You'll have to let me take you there." He stated, a big grin on his face. "It's easier than giving directions, you see. I mean, trees aren't really good landmarks, except if they're really really big."


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Zinug slowly adjusted himself back in his chair, snapping his fingers over as one of the orc herms from earlier came over carrying a jug full of some kind of drink, which was promptly poured down to him in a big cup made out of wood. As you spoke, he calmly sipped down his drink, digesting your words as well as the beverage. "Strange for a...Monk. To be around here...You with the humans, I assume? I can tell you have a fair bit of their blood in your veins. Met a few of your monkey folk before, was wondering why you were...Less hairy than them." He chuckled toying with the diminutive wooden cup in his massive hands. "So...You want to fight me...A...Challenge, I think is the word." He clarified, tapping his fingers around the edge of the cup before setting it aside, getting up from his seat and walking over to the center of the dirt arena in the middle.

"You are not familiar with how we do things here...Yet, you come here and challenge me, without even knowing what you're getting yourself into first." He stated, raising a brow at you. "Which means, you are either very confident...Or stupid. Since the traitors there are with you...I'm going to assume...The former, for now." He was silent for a moment, cracking his knuckles slightly. "Very well then, I'll accept your challenge...But first, allow me to educate you on the...Etiquette of Orc Duels." He spoke, a few mumbles and grumbles from the other orcs around you quickly making it clear they weren't really sure how to feel about Zinug accepting the duel. Zinug, taking note of this, spoke up, still in common language, probably for your sake. "I knew humans would get to us here, sooner or later. Didn't really expect they'd be led in here by our own...But, I didn't expect they'd actually try and respect our rules. I half-expected a raiding party..." He spoke, crossing his arms some. "So like I said, I'll accept your challenge...But, I make a counter proposal. If you win, you become chief of this clan, as you would, at any rate. Clan Zinug will become clan...Octave...Doesn't sound very good, does it? At any rate, if I win, however...You become our slave. You join the Children of Lust. I think it's a...Fitting position. But you'll also become our spy for the humans." He spoke, a smile slowly forming in his face. "And you'll be helping us from the inside...When we take over your outpost."

"Those are my terms." He stated, opening up his arms some. "With that said...There are four types of duel through which we could decide this...There is the test of Brawn, the test of Voice, the test of Sport and the test of Death."

"The test of Brawn is a battle with nothing but your naked body, here in this arena. First to touch the ground with their head or get pushed off the circle, loses."

"The test of Voice is a battle of arguments. Nine judges from the orcs here present will be selected, and we must argue with them as to why we should be the one to win. The one with the most favorable votes, wins. I don't personally think you'll be much interested in this one."

"The test of Sport is a...Game. Four against four. Luckily, you have three orcs on your side already, so it's an option. Each team takes a side of the arena and we all share a single ball, made out of polished iron. The objective is to hit the members of the enemy team with the ball, if you're hit, you're out. The team who runs out of members first, loses."

"...And the test of Death. Is a battle to the death, in this arena, quite simple, really. No rules, no restrictions. First to die, loses, everything."

There was a moment of silence as he let you mull over your options for the upcoming test. "...So! Which will you pick? As the challenger, you get to choose which of the tests we'll do."


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Wynne slowly grumbled, coughing out some of your spunk with each of her breaths as she slowly began adjusting herself back onto her feet, sighing some once she was done, her tongue traveling around her lips to scoop up some leftovers before she glared at you. "You need to eat less meat...This tastes awful." She whined, despite having just...You know what, nevermind. She adjusted up her posture some, crossing her arms behind her back. "Well, I'd say our business here is concluded then, no?"

Kenji, Yasker & Nydia

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Yasker DEX Roll (5,3,1-,X) = 9 Vs. Keeper Arm STA roll (2,6+,1-,X) = 9

Mordecai DEX roll (2,1-,X) = 3 Vs. Keeper Arm STA roll (6+,6+,5,1-,X) = 18

Nydia STR roll (6+,6+,2,2,3) = 19 Vs. Keeper Arm STA roll (6+,5,2,1-) = 14

Kenji STR roll + Musou Ryuuken Training (6+,5,5,1-,X) = 17 Vs. Keeper Arm STA roll (3,4,4) = 11


Keeper's INT Roll (2,1-,X,4) = 7 Vs. Nydia's DEX (4,6+,1-,X) = 11

Keeper's INT Roll (5,3,4,5) = 17 Vs. Mordecai's DEX (2,5,5) = 12

Keeper's INT Roll (3,5,6+,1-,X) = 15 Vs. Yasker's DEX (2,2,1-,X) = 5

Keeper's INT Roll (3,5,5,4) = 17 Vs. Kenji's STA + Musou Ryuuken Training (6+,4,5,4) = 19

The keeper's arms once more shot out towards the members of the the expedition team. The first strike went for Nydia but she once more slipped out of the way, stepping off to the side to let the hand grasp at thin air, her counter attack at the ready, she jabbed her blade right in-between the mechanical parts of the arm and the tubes, cutting off the ones that she hadn't gotten in her last attack. With a singular slice, the remaining streams of that cyan fluid spilled all over, causing the arm to retract back to the body, though slowly moving slower and slower until it simply limped down, as if dead. The Keeper glanced over towards it, its lower lid twitching slightly. Annoyed.

The next target was Mordecai, who, seeing everyone focusing on the arms, attempted to do the same, throwing one of his daggers at the arms to try and hit the tubes. Sadly, the knife just whizzed by away from its target, before Mordecai could finish cursing over his miss, the same arm came by swinging horizontally and smacking the doctor around the side, causing him to get sent rolling down the pathway for a bit before he slowly crawled back to his feet. "...F-fuck...I'm fine...Damage was...Superficial."

Yasker threw his chains around one of the arms, successfully entrapping it and slowly dragging it closer. The arm seemed to resist at first, but then an idea seemed to occur to it as it just threw itself towards Yasker. Landing a punch against the hunter's stomach, as it tried to pull back, however, it was sad to see that, despite the impact, Yasker was still holding on to it quite tightly, keeping it from moving out of place. That's where Kenji moved in, after having just deflected another strike from another one of the arms, he took the opportunity given by Yasker's grab on to the arm along with Yasker. With their joined strength, they both tugged strongly on the mechanical arm, a loud, screeching sound echoing around the tower before the mechanical arm popped out of its hinges, a big splurt of the fluids flowing inside the tubes splashing about as its connection had been severed.

With two of its arms now debilitated, the Keeper seemed to twitch its eyelid slightly again, clearly losing its patience with this encounter. "Very well." It spoke, its voice echoed. "I doom you to an eternity...As stone." Suddenly, its one eye hanged open fully, and a faint shimmering light began forming around his iris, slowly intensifying and growing brighter and brighter...


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Replying simply with another feral grunt, Marley slammed his lengths down into Tamara's holes and growled loudly as it orgasmed a third time, his entire body shaking as it unleashed everything it had inside of the huntress, the feral glint in its eyes shining brighter than it had ever did before- Wait, now Marley just looked pretty dizzy...For better or for worse, it seemed like after having going at it three times in a row, he had just been totally exhausted, his eyes rolling around in a dizzied state as he just began pulling back, out of Tamara his shafts slipping out of her holes and letting them ooze out with his fluids before he simply rolled backwards, falling out of the sofa and hitting the back of his head against the floor, below, his legs hanging up, still shaking slightly. Glancing over at Marley over at the floor, for better or for worse, he seemed to have been just knocked out unconscious...So much for going big bad feral mode.


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Axle STA roll (6+,1-,X,1-) - 8
Vrox STA roll (6+,5,5,6+,5) - 27
Wyck STA roll (6+,3) - 9

Well, that went...Unexpectedly. After one or two more rounds, you found that Axle himself was just too exhausted to continue, you got to see and hear him just audibly collapse backwards into the lake, having been totally dried up from the rounds with you and Vrox. You were pretty exhausted yourself, hopefully Vrox was almost done too- Suddenly, however, it became clear that he wasn't. As the fact he had apparently won this competition only got him even more motivated to fuck you harder and faster. "Haha! I win! Guess the years are getting to ya, eh, chief?!" Vrox taunted, a big toothy grin on his face as he continued to ram his cock in and out of your rectum. Axle just slowly gave him the finger while still on the floor, which just got Vrox to laugh louder before he resumed his assault on you.

For better or for worse, he kept at it for a fair while. You had lost count of how many times he had already came inside of you by the time you finally noticed his legs beginning to fail, your bowels practically drenched with his stuff, even though you're pretty sure he was just having dry orgasms for a while now. The gator could let out little more than a tired whine before he couldn't even hold you up anymore, simply collapsing backwards as well, dropping you right in-between him and the also knocked out Axle, who had just stuck around there, not having enough energy to move out from his location.

"...I won though." Vrox claimed, raising a hand.

"Shut up...I got a headache." Axle growled, placing his hand above his own face.
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Re: Hoonters

Postby exalted » Mon May 02, 2016 2:00 pm

"And let you lead me into trap with your all friends? Give you chance to do stuffing again? Think not." She laughed as she prodded him forwards with the tip of her bow, "Tell me of the big trees or don't, I already have one prize."
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Re: Hoonters

Postby VintageBass » Tue May 03, 2016 2:21 am

Octave follows the chieftain over to where the main event is going to be, keeping quiet for the most part until she was asked a question. She feels her nerves getting to her, starting to panic ever so bit about what exactly she is getting herself into. Ziung is pretty much right on the money, as she has no clue about how things go on with the orcs and their traditions, but she is very confident in her abilities and will like to prove her worth. However there is a thing she would like to address first. "Actually I'm here on my own accord," she replied. "While yes I am a Hunter for the Guild, they aren't aware of where I am as I work independent outside of a few other hunters back at my little base. But if you mean my own heritage, then yeah. My dad is human and I heard he was here on the island... that is, I think he is. I haven't seen or heard of him, other than he's some masked individual that wields scythes as his weapons. The info could've been out of date months ago and... well, I haven't really put much thought into that. I should look into it if I get out of here."

That is something she should look into. Part of this trek was to find her father, but now isn't the time or place for that. There's a far more pressing matter, one that will determine what her storyline is going to play out if she wins this game or not. Octave smirks at being called confident and or stupid for coming here. "Thanks for the compliment, but I can assure you stupid isn't my thing," she replied, putting some sway in her hips. "There is a long list of adjectives that could describe me, and stupid isn't on that list. Now if you want to talk about a negative, insane would be that. Insane perfectly applies to this whole thing as here I am a squanny little monkey and you're a big, strong, handsome orc that can snap me like a twig." There is a big wide smile on her face as she said this, really illustrating just how insane she is in all of this. She's certainly putting a big risk in all of this, but hopefully if she wins it'll all be worth it in the long run. A whole tribe of orcs at her disposal? That'll be fantastic!

However the leader provides his own terms. First there is where she wins. It's pretty much nothing else other than getting to rename the clan to something of her own choosing, more precisely her last name... "Yeah, that doesn't quite have that ring to it," she explained, scratching her cheek as she rolls the name in here head. "If anything, there is something along the lines of Clan of the Tie, but I don't think that works all to well with what's going on here. I'll think about that until after I win this. I don't want to get any bright ideas about it." Then comes her losing conditions. It would be expected of her to be ending up a slave to these orcs, even if she doesn't want that to come around. The spy thing is more interesting, although in her own head this could be great to provide some revenge for a couple of deaths when she first arrived here, but these were for some traitorous orcs. Still, she doesn't think of this as a particular bad thing as she doesn't particularly aligned with the Guild's beliefs, even if there is a pacifistic route she can take.

The Children of Lust, however... "OK, I can agree with those terms," she replied, before shrugging. "You are missing out on some great power, but whatever. Really I don't live there, so even if I lose, I can still be some benefit to you nonetheless."

So now there are the challenges she is going to take for the leadership of the orcs. When the mention of getting naked for the Brawn challenge is brought up, Octave instinctively pans her head down and back up at Ziung, making him realize that she's way ahead of that. Although that does mean losing her staff and she is far too weak to deal with a brawny individual like Ziung, so she's going to pass. Voice is a different story. "Listen, I'll save you the chatter in that I'll be going on like possibly a whole page of nothing but complete lunacy that has nothing to do with the challenge in question, and I rather save that for a very special occasion," she explains to Ziung. There is also a mutter to herself about she may be overthinking her plan about that depending on how events play out here, but focuses back on the challenges.


Octave perks up more the Sports idea and she claps loudly at that. "Well that seems fair now, doesn't it?" she replied, grinning. "I'll take up your little Sports challenge and see who'll win!" This sounds like a regular old game of dodgeball, a game that Octave is very eager to play again. She's quite skilled at the game, although that could be able to catch balls thanks to her lanky arms and legs and then able to launch them far and hard. But there is one issue with all of this and that's the ball they're going to be using. How heavy is this ball going to be? How big? Hopefully she can be able to capture it easily, otherwise she's not going to be able to survive for too long. But dodging should be easy and if she can rely on her orc companions to catch, she should have an edge against this battle.

The monkey prepares herself by performing some stretches, reaching high and low, bending all around and cracking her knuckles in preparation for the game. "All right, just run everything by me, and I'll have my team all prepped up so we're ready to kick your roguishly handsomely green ass!"
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Re: Hoonters

Postby Reaver » Tue May 03, 2016 3:44 am

Well things could be going worse. Yasker thought with a grimace as he and Kenji tore the arm right out of its socket together. His guts hurt but nothing had been ruptured and internal bleeding seemed unlikely so he would continue to fight. Plus they were making good progress with already one-fourth of its arms gone with minimal damage to themselves, the outlook was good for them. The beholder must have thought the same thing because it sounded irritated, if a machine could even sound peeved. He unwrapped his chain from the falling limb as he watched for its next move. It seemed like it was getting ready to use its trump card and try turning them to stone. The sight excited and frightened him at the same time as his mind rushed to come up with a counter-measure. They had no natural defense against magic this intense, no where to hide, no where to run in time. "You have no authority to condemn us to any fate." Yasker retorted as he began to spin both of his chains in circles. The plan was insane, probably wouldn't work and could definitely fuck them over but it was the best he had. "Kenji, be ready to catch my hand alright?" He said right before arcing both of his chains out to wrap around the tether above the beholder. He waited to see if his chains did manage to get tied around the tether before continuing, otherwise he'd just have to protect himself by use Mordecai as a forced meatshield. Definitely one of the crazier things I'll have done. If I survive of course. Musing as he back-stepped until he had the right amount of chain length taut and out. Then he started running towards the stairs going downstairs, both hands pointed up as he managed the lengths of the line, adjusting when he needed to. Then just before he was about to start descending, he leaped onto the side of the wall, using his momentum and the chains to keep him from slipping downwards and into free-fall. Wall-running with his chains wasn't something new to him but it definitely was something Yasker didn't practice often. Oftentimes there was a more practical approach available, but for the life of him, he couldn't see one right now. It seemed to be working though, allowing him to circle the beholder as he focused on increasing his speed to pull of the second part of his plan. His muscles screamed from the exertion but he kept going, knowing that if he fell now he wouldn't have enough time to try again. It didn't take Yasker long to build up to a speed that he felt would be enough to make everything else work but when he felt ready he shouted to Kenji. "Get that hand ready!"

Now came the hardest part. He unraveled one of the chains from around his arm while maintaining his speed before grabbing it with his other hand that was already wrapped in one chain. With the hand free and the chain's course changed, Yasker began to slowly slope downwards, almost into free-fall. He timed it just right that he was passing by his group before that happened and he stuck his arm out for his ally to grab. Kenji made more sense than Nydia even though he was probably heavier. The man was strong, strong enough that Yasker believed he could do more damage up top than waiting for the claws to come for them if they survived it's stone stare. Once the man grabbed onto his arm, Yasker pushed off of the wall before he could be dragged completely straight down. If he had done it right they should have been arcing underneath the beholder with just enough momentum to swing him upwards onto the machine. "Here's your stop, good luck." He grunted out before swinging him and letting him go. Now he just to find his own way up top. "Oh fuck it!" He grumbled as he began climbing up his own chain. It didn't take him long for the practiced mercenary to climb up top, which then he wrapped some of the slack around his waist before pulling both of his daggers out. "Alright lets carve this bitch up." He said with a grin to Kenji before leaning over the side to try stabbing the Beholder in the eye with both of the blades.
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Re: Hoonters

Postby cliffracer » Tue May 03, 2016 6:03 am

Tamara is still curled up by the time Marley releases her, hips still twitching softly as her body calms itself from the very intense fuck. She starts to uncurl, catching her breath as she waits to see if Marley is getting up quick... But eventually she sits up again, running a hand through her hair as she fully recovers. She definately needed a fuck like that, both for information and motivation.
Probably shouldn't have egged him on...
Chuckling some to herself, she starts to clean herself and bottle all of the cum she can recover from the session, seeing if she can wake Marley while she's at it.
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Re: Hoonters

Postby Meep Meepersons » Wed May 04, 2016 1:08 am

Dorel giggled as she nearly urp up some of her spooge while complaining about it's taste. "Fruit seems to be hard to come by on ships." She explains before laughing a bit as she slowly made her way back onto her feet, not wanting to rush anything. "That was a lot of fun, if I get another request for griffon juices I'll come looking for you!" She says with a bit of determination in her tone. It was obvious she'd come looking, even if the griffon said she didn't want her to. With a satisfied grin she bends down to scoop up the bottles she had filled earlier and putting them in her satchel. "I'll see you around then." she says with a smile and a saluting wave. As she left, she looked at her hands, wondering how long the elctricity effect lasts. Hopefully the client would share some of their creation when they were done, that would be helpful.

(Traveling back to base! >:P)
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Re: Hoonters

Postby lilbooth » Wed May 04, 2016 7:15 pm

Wyck laid there silently between Axle and Vrox in some form of blissful agony. That was certainly an experience she would not be willing to attempt for quite some time, if ever again. As she laid on the edge of consciousness between the powerful males all the color had evaded her face and skin, followed by her warmth. She was practically paralyzed with exhaustion and a cold sweat had formed all over her skin, mixing with the abundance of gator fluids that covered her inside and out. The only warmth she found was that of Axle's seed churning in her womb. Her overindulgence in interspecies mating had contorted her organs to better accommodate for her now usual inhuman mates. For what seemed like an eternity she laid there, on the cool beach of the lake before she recovered enough strength the reach out for Axle. She pulled herself on top of her chief and pressed herself firmly against his skin, shivering and sweating all the while. She curled herself into a small a ball as she could manage and rested upon Axle's midsection. Now basking in his warmth, both internally and externally, she drifted off to sleep, leaving a puddle of sweat and seed slowly dribbling from her abused holes.
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Re: Hoonters

Postby Zender_Solarheart » Tue May 10, 2016 3:22 am

Well, that went better than expected. Kenji had dove in to aid Yasker for the same life-saving reasons as last time, but with their strengths combined, they were actually able to rip one of the Beholder's arms completely out of its socket! And here he'd been worried that he wouldn't be able to do any lasting damage for half or more of the fight. Things finally seem to be turning around in their favor...

Unfortunately, it seems the Beholder has also realized this, and is responding with drastic measures. Kenji had heard folk tales and rumors about the eyes of a Beholder and their deadly magical powers, but he had hoped such things would never actually be turned on him. As strong as the will of a martial artist is, it means little in the face of such overwhelming magical power. Nowhere to run...no cover to hide behind...and for all they know, that eye ray may be able to hit multiple targets in an area...

...but then, Yasker gets some sort of plan ready, which seems to involve Kenji partway through. Judging by his little wall-run with the chains, it looks like he's building up speed for...no, he couldn't be...could he? (...by the Dragons' breaths! He's either gone mad with despair, or is brilliant beyond his years.) Either way, Kenji is certainly willing to go with this plan of his. It's crazy, and might just get them petrified first if it goes awry...but between "crazy and awesome with a slight chance of success," and "certain stony doom," he'll certainly take the crazy-and-awesome route.

(NOTE: The following only applies if Yasker's actions succeed past the point of him picking Kenji up off the ground.)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Taking Yasker's hand on cue, Kenji finds himself flung up into the air, presumably with the intent to have him land on top of the Beholder. After all, the monk couldn't do much except defensively assist on the ground, but at point-blank range, his true power can be put to work. The moment he's sent flying for the Beholder, Kenji extends the claws on his extremities, intending to use them for traction on the Beholder's body surface, aiming for a spot within punching range of the eye. If all goes well, he will then give a confident remark of "doom this", before putting his lightning reflexes to work in one of Musou Ryuuken's signature techniques: Senken Shippuu ("Thousand Fist Gale").

Senken Shippuu is very much what its name implies: a rapid-fire flurry of jabs at a single target, intended to overwhelm the opponent with so many blows in such a short span of time that blocking or dodging them all becomes impossible. Or rather, that's the original intended use, in terms of one-on-one martial arts duels. In this particular instance, it's meant more to overwhelm whatever nervous system runs through that Beholder's eye and hopefully cancel out its petrifying gaze, though Kenji maintains just enough care amid his exhilarated shouts of "ORAORAORAORAORAORAORA" to not ruin the eye beyond salvage. After all, if the Beholder was lying about his eye being useless, he'd rather not destroy it in the thrall of combat.
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Re: Hoonters

Postby FragranceofMtDew » Tue May 10, 2016 8:32 pm

Once more, Nydia sidesteps the Beholder's arm, the damage she inflicted earlier making it an easy task and easier still was it to gracefully slash through the remaining tubes. Devoid of it's power source, the arm was now useless much to it's owners annoyance. With a confident smirk, Nydia twirled her sword in a flourish before leveling it at her opponent once more. A duel was a mental battle as well after all and an impatient fighter was much more likely to make mistakes than one who had kept calm. Kenji and Yasker had seen similar success by working together to simply tear another arm off. Perhaps a needlessly excessive display of force but an effective one nonetheless that seemed to force the Beholder to change tactics.

Nydia frowned slightly as their opponent announced it's intentions to turn them to stone, recalling the creatures at the entrance who had met the same fate. Kenji and Yasker moved to make their own desperate maneuver by running along the walls in an attempt to leap atop the creature. What sort of preposterous move was that?! One would never catch Nydia attempting such a foolishly risky maneuver such as that!

No, she had her own ideas about dealing with this attack. Why had the Beholder simply not led off with turning them to stone? Perhaps charging up this attack left it's eye vulnerable. After all, it could not risk turning it's own arms to stone. It was not certain but it seemed safer than all that running and leaping to one's doom. She strode over to the injured Mordecai as he regained his footing. "Daggers, please." She requests urgently, though her hand darts into his coat without waiting for a response to snatch a few. Ranged combat was not something she did hardly ever really, but she had trained in it somewhat and her target was certainly large enough. Taking only a second to aim at the glowing eye, Nydia launches the daggers in quick succession at the Beholder.
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Re: Hoonters

Postby Nicoffee » Wed May 11, 2016 11:55 pm


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The Satyr huffed in response, letting out a short 'ow ow ow' as you prodded him forward, inching his way ahead as he seemed to be pondering about...Something. Probably how to worm his way out of this one...Not that it mattered, since the two of you soon arrived back at your forest home. Returning to see that Tamara and Marley were done with their little session, the Pigman had apparently headed on home and Duolc was by the door, polishing up her sword...Her actual sword, mind. She looked up at you arriving and frowned some at the sight of the captured Satyr, but withheld from commenting.


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Nope, Marley wasn't waking up anytime soon. The mixture of the fall back coupled with his exhaustion made sure of that, as any attempts to wake him up just got him to grumble unintelligibly. Well, whatever. You check up on what you got from that little session with Marley and, after scooping off as much of his stuff as you can, you find yourself now packing about 5 bottles of shark cum with you...There's no telling for how much you can sell this, at least not until you bring it to someone who buys the stuff, but you can guess it'll be more than enough to get you a fair share of cash. Looking out through a window, you could see Katya returning with a captured Satyr in tow.


Spoiler (click to show/hide):

"...Please don't." Wynne mumbled, fixing herself up and her clothing. "I thought we agreed that you wouldn't bother the nest again if I gave you what you wanted...? Just don't show up again...Or next time I won't...Go easy on you, yeah." She stated, crossing her arms confidently. Well, with your little mission completed and now with 2 bottles of the Griffon's fluids with you, you proceeded on your way back to the outpost, the electric effect fading off from your fingers a few minutes along the way. One way or another, once you actually got to where you received the mission though, you were sad to see that the person who had given it to you, the local Doctor, Mordecai, was not around.


One way or another though, someone else came to give you your reward. The Guild Leader Irina, standing up on her own, using a crutch mind, but she was better off than when you last saw her, at least. "Hey there, you must be Dorel." She stated, looking you up and down with a big grin. "Heh, when Mordecai said you were a big girl I didn't think he meant THIS big." She mumbled, rubbing her chin some before she pulled out a small bag full of coins. "How many bottles did you fill up? Here, I got 300 seeds to pay for it."


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"Masked guy that uses scythes? Sorry, seen no such thing." Zinug confessed shrugging his arms. "But agreed, this is not what we're discussing now, is it?" As he heard you declare you wanted to go for the Sports challenge, Zinug clapped his hands. "Sports challenge everyone! Gather up the team! Set up the field! Go polish the ball!" He announced, prompting the other orcs to get moving to prepare for the challenge which you had just issued. Orcs began mobilizing around the dirt arena, dusting off the previous markings on it and quickly substituting to draw a massive square on it, following up by splitting it in two with chalk.

"I've no interest in that...Power, you mentioned, whatever it may be. I don't trust anything that was not made by my people, I hope you understand." He stated, waving his hand dismissively. Soon, you found that Zinug's team had established themselves up on their side of the field, the three other orcs were intimidating, to say the least. One was a massive brute, larger than even Zinug, though you could only guess he wasn't exactly quick with all that muscle, heck, simply that dude's arm was almost the size of Pegning...The other was one of the "Children of Lust", as evidenced by her lack of clothing and the red tattoos all over her body, she blew a tentative wink at you from across the field. The other orc was a lot more average looking, though you couldn't help but shake off the feeling he was hiding something...His only discerning quality was his bright gray skin.

"I'll leave you to your team to discuss tactics, we can begin whenever you're ready." Zinug stated, waving to you before he went to talk to his team. Just as he left, Pegning, Rimmo and Gharol all walked up to you. Rimmo had a big frown on his face. "...Disclaimer, I never good at sports." He stated, shaking his hands about. While you were talking, you glanced to the side just in time to see them bring over the ball you all would be playing with. It was a massive ball of solid, polished iron...Easily the size of Octave's head. Somehow, you got the feeling that getting hit by that would not be pretty. Gharol chimed in. "Oh yeah...Just so you know, if instead of dodging the ball you just grab it in your hands without letting it fall or anything, you don't get eliminated...Zinug didn't mention that, so I am...That being said...You...Sure this is a good idea? I mean...Considering our team here." Pegning frowned some. "Pegning will have you know he was best ironball player...During his childhood...Also ironball was made of sheep skin."

Kenji, Yasker and Nydia

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Yasker Maneuver DEX+STR Roll (6 dice) - Result needs to be 30 or higher.

Yasker DEX+STR Roll (3,2,3,3,4,6+,6+,5) = 32 - SUCCESS


Yasker DEX Roll (2,2,1-,X) = 5 Vs. Keeper's Eye Automated Defenses = OOOOOOOO -> Keeper's Eye STA roll (5,5) - 10

Nydia DEX roll (5,5,4) = 14 Vs. Keeper's Eye Automated Defenses = OOOOOOOO -> Keeper's Eye STA roll (1-,X) - 1

Kenji STR roll + Musou Ryuuken Training (3,6+,5,5,6+,4) = 29 Vs. Keeper's Eye Automated Defenses = OOOOOOOO -> Keeper's Eye STA roll (6+,2,5) - 13



The Keeper didn't seem sure if it should stop its attack or not when it saw Yasker and Kenji pulling out that stunt, its eye seemed to hesitate for only a single moment until it finally decided to stick with its intended action, figuring that the move would fail. Much to its dismay, it didn't. As Kenji landed on top of the eye and began delivering a flurry of quick punches to the beholder's eye, the point of contact quickly began to grow red and swollen, only getting worse with each consecutive hit until sudden it seemed like a nerve or vein had been popped by the attack, as a big bubble of blood formed and almost immediately popped on the Beholder's eye, causing it to twitch considerably, the ray that it was forming slowly beginning to fade.

Meanwhile, Mordecai was about to just try and find cover against the ray that was going to shoot out, but hearing about Nydia's request, he just tossed her a pair of his knives. "Have fun." With the knives in hand, the swordswoman took a moment to get a feel for their weight and how to toss them, before throwing both of them, one after the other, with a fair bit of strength behind her throw. The two daggers lodged themselves into the eye and caused it to squirt out blood from the open wounds. The ray attack having been cancelled by this point, the beholder could only be assumed to be in excruciating pain, as it closed its metallic eyelid, trying to shield itself from further damage, just in time to avoid Yasker's attack with his daggers, with could find no way to pierce through the layers of metal.

The Beholder kept its lid closed and that seemed to be shielding it from further damage but, at least, it also meant it couldn't see. More importantly, however, it needed to find a way to get rid of Yasker and Kenji. And, judging by the way its arms were awkwardly trying to reach them, that was apparently a blind spot in its reach! With that, the keeper decided that it was its own turn to try a desperate measure. Up on top of it, Kenji and Yasker both managed to get a good look at the apparatus that was holding the beholder up in the air. The steel beam which was attached to the Keeper's mechanical body was much like a screw's thread, which it explained why it spun around as the creature ascended or descended itself up and down its reach. There was also what appeared to be a lock, protruding from the beholder's mechanical parts, that sealed it in specific parts of the thread, keeping it still when it didn't want to move around.

Said lock let out a short 'clack' as it released itself from the thread and there was but a singular moment before the Keeper began plummeting downwards, taking Yasker and Kenji down with them. It was easily over twenty floors of free fall from there.
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Re: Hoonters

Postby exalted » Thu May 12, 2016 7:20 am

Katya finished securing the Satyr in the stables, gagging him when she saw Duolc was still about, not wanting the Satyr to start putting thoughts in the little insurrectionist's head. She double checked the gags, both mouth and horns, before strolling back up to the house, guessing Tamara must still be inside if the goblin was about.

"Hello? Tamara? Marley?" She called opening the door, "Are you done or.... WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO THE COUCH?!"
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Re: Hoonters

Postby VintageBass » Thu May 12, 2016 8:14 pm

It's disappointing that Octave isn't close to figuring out where her father is, but it does make sense that the orcs haven't seen him. Plus going on about it for much longer will detract from the main event and Octave wants to have full attention on this because this will be affecting her in some shape and form. Either she's going to be walking out of here leading the whole village and having an upper hand in events to come, or she's walking out of here with chains around her arms, serving these orcs until the time comes to make their revenge known for everyone else. She's more than willing to help out, but she's not going to do it under their command. She needs to win it and contain some control over her actions to the best of her ability.

The monkey shrugs off Zinug's disapproval of gaining unlimited power. "I can't blame you on not wanting it," she replied. "I don't want it either, yet I need her to help me get through some shit and she's why I'm here in the first place... well, not specifically here, it's far more complicated in that. I'll share you the details now and explain things once this is all settled." The thing now is to remain focus on the task at hand, and watching the orcs set things up is giving her some confidence in actually winning this particular game. Yet something tells her that whatever divines out there are looking down at her, grinning micheviously over what bad luck she's going to have.

Considering her competition, that may certainly play a factor into it. Now to toss away her unlucky staff and discuss her plans.

Well she figures she's not going to be needing her multi-tool for this, seeing the game being set up is essentially dodgeball with a cannonball, That got Octave worried about the thing being thrown with the speed of it fired out of a cannon. Throwing out the very tool she uses seems like a bad idea, but it's more than likely going to be cheating if she's going to use that to catch it... but for how long, seeing that the walking pile of muscles has enough strength to be a whole militia and the cannonball is lifting air to him. One toss from him, and using the multi-tool to catch will cause it to shatter into splinters, and Octave would like to have the weapon in tact for the remaining of her time on the island, so it's better to get that out of the way for the better.

And that's the thing. The rest of Zinug's team seem perfectly made for this game, and Octave are clearly the underdogs in this game. It's all one-sided just so she can get her face smeared across the ground and easily taken in as a slave for these orcs. However she is smart, as she is looking at the other members to figure out what'll be the best way to deal with them. While it'll be easy to take care of the muscles so they don't have the raw throwing power, there are the two other members and Zinug to deal with. Octave playfully catches the wink toss her way, seeing that the Child of Lust is going to be playing distraction to throw them off, which that might be a problem with her other members. Then that grey orc is certainly intriguing... he looks average in build, but there's an odd aura coming off of him that makes Octave want to take him out before something awful happens.

This has the monkey turning to Gharol so she can discuss tactics. "OK, so what's up with greyskin over there?" she asked. "I get the feeling he's going to be a major pain in the ass, along with the rest of them, so if we can get him out first we won't have any other problems beyond the sex appeal of both Zinug and Child of Lust, and the raw power that walking bag of muscles has." She listens to the other two orcs, realizing she really is in for some trouble seeing that the doctor doesn't play and Pegning is extremely rusty. "OK Rimmo, what I need you to do is simply dodge and that's it. If you do catch the ball, give it to either one of us," pointing to the remaining three on the team, "and we should be good. I should be dodging as well, as while I do have that one staff I carry around, there's a difference in swinging around a weapon containing every known bladed weapon and swinging around a cannonball in a more deadlier version of dodgeball, and thanks Gharol, I know a little about dodgeball to pick it up about the whole catching the ball and remaining safe in the game." The monkey pauses to think about what else she would like to do. "Really I'm thinking that me and Rimmo serve as defense while you and Pegning work on offense. We dodge and weave, you make an attempt to catch the ball and toss them back, and if I catch the ball I'll do my best to get it back. I don't know the full order of who I want to eliminate, I do know greyskin needs to go because of that nasty vibe I'm getting from him and somewhere muscles there needs to go. He's big and tough, but one quick and fast throw should having him knocked down. I'm not too sure about Zinug and the Child of Lust, I'll watch them and see what to do about them."

Once everything is all right between the four of them, with the plan being good enough that they can survive long enough to claim a victory, Octave breaks away from the orcs and prepares herself for the game ahead. "All right, I'm ready to kick some butt!"
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Re: Hoonters

Postby Meep Meepersons » Fri May 13, 2016 2:02 pm

Dorel opens her satchel and pulls two bottles of griffon fuck juice and hefts them in her huge hand. "I have two bottles, I uhh, I ended up drinking most of what I milked out...." She said outwardly embarrassed. "I'll get more next time." She explains, holding the bottles out for Irina to take. "So it's 300 a bottle?" She asks, holding her other hand out patiently for her payment while she awaited the change of hands. Once she got her money, however much she earned, she'd pocket it in her satchel before rubbing her hand over the top of her shaft. "Is there anyone in town who you think would pay me to milk their monsters?" She asks, hoping to get a bit more work done before she rests up and heads out for another real job. "Or maybe we could get to know each other better~?" She says with a hefty pat of her cock. "I can do all the work if you want, I've got plenty of steam for the both of us~" She coos with a bit of a crouch, ready to pick up the guild leader to carry her off to where she'd like to go fuck, assuming she accepts the offer of course. "Where I come from it's customary to pleasure your leader, I wasn't able to before because, well, obvious reasons." She was lying through her large pointy teeth but the woman had no way of knowing this to be untrue, right? Regardless, she'd hope the young woman would accept her 'offering of pleasure' and she'd be able to fuck a pussy finally. She hadn't fucked a proper pussy for a while now, and a hunters cooter should be nice and well trained~
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Re: Hoonters

Postby cliffracer » Fri May 13, 2016 7:24 pm

Tamara is barely in her pants by the time Katya returns, and her reaction to the aftermath had her blushing. Giggling amusedly, she rubs the back of her head. "So, since I haven't really seen a monster of his kind in action, I maaay have let him cut loose a bit." In one hand she holds the five bottles of shark cum, and she pokes her stomach with the other. Couldn't quite get it all out, but that's just how these things go.
"He's taking a well-deserved rest now, but... yeah. All my fault."
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Re: Hoonters

Postby FragranceofMtDew » Fri May 27, 2016 7:40 am

Nydia was quite pleasantly surprised to see Yasker and Kenji succeed in their absurd plan to leap atop the Beholder, and their combined assault halts it's attack. Now they had a clear advantage in that Yasker and Kenji were safely out of the reach of the Beholder's arms. Yes, the creature had shut it's eye and left them with little room to attack, but forcing ones opponent on the defensive was a key step to victory. Or so Nydia though until she heard that metallic sound followed by the Keeper plummeting down into the depths of the tower and taking her comrades with it.

"Kenji! Yasker! No!" She cries out in shock at the unexpected maneuver, hoping that they would have the sense to jump to the stairs and cursing their foolishness in getting themselves in that scenario to begin with. While she ponders her next move, she moves over to the edge to peer down onto the staircase, in hopes of seeing her allies safe and somewhat unharmed. Regardless of if they were or not, she would have to make her way down the stairs. Surely the Beholder wouldn't be so desperate as to make a move that might actually kill itself, and if it did then Nydia still needed to claim the eye. "I'm going down there. The job's not finished yet after all." She announces to Mordecai as the physicians assistance would be invaluable. She then begins the long trek down the stairs, taking a swift, yet not exhausting pace as she needed to hurry to her comrades aid but she did not want to be tired should she need to fight once she reaches the bottom.
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Re: Hoonters

Postby Nicoffee » Mon May 30, 2016 4:54 am

Katya & Tamara
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

You promptly tied up the Satyr and left him on the stable, restraining him as best as you could and leaving him in a separate room from the ogre.

Shortly after Katya went in the home, Duolc figured it'd be safe to follow suit and walked right behind the huntress, peeking her head in. "...Geez." She mumbled, blinking a few times as she glanced about. Stopping to look over at the unconscious Marley, she slowly waltzed over and poked his face with the tip of her boot. "Well, someone had fun, it seems." She stated, following up by shrugging her shoulders some. "How much is that stuff worth, anyways?" Duolc questioned, pointing over at the bottles as she snatched one of them out of Tamara's hands. She observed the liquid swirling within the bottle for a bit, blinking a few times as she seemed to be examining it closely, before handing it back to Tamara.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

"300 for each bottle, yeah." She stated, looking over the bottles for a bit. She quickly handed you the money and then uncorked them, unceremoniously gulping down both of them right then and there. There was a short silence before Irina's small horns on her head begin to cackle with electricity, it slowly flowed down her body and over her fingertips. Slowly, she let go of her crutch as the electricity flowed down her body and she let out a long, satisfied sigh. "Ah...Father, sometimes...Your genes come in handy." She mumbled, the electricity fading off from her fingertips, though judging from the way it was cackling around her horns, you could guess she was still quite charged up.

Irina slowly clenched her hand into a fist, a few sparks shooting out of it for a bit before she turned to you with a big grin. "You wanna fuck then? Sure." She stated, raising a hand towards you. "However...I've been in a bed for like...Quite a while. I don't exactly want to go back to one right away...I have a different proposition." She stated, slamming her fists against one another. "You look tough! Let's do this like proper hunters do, we fight first, whoever wins, tops. Pretty sure Mordecai would give me shit for this but, I feel swell now so...What do you say?"


Spoiler (click to show/hide):

You and your team had gathered up in a little circle as you were discussing tactics, Pegning was the one to explain you who the gray guy was. "Gray one is called Firgenin...He's the local champion for Ironball." You were, sadly, informed. "Got a nasty throw...I'd be careful if he got the ball." The carpenter advised. One way or another, no one seemed to have any objections up against your strategy and you all quickly set up for the game to start. Two in front and two in back, for both teams, you and Rimmo took up the front, with Gharol and Pegning behind you on the back lines. On Zinug's side, he and the Tatooed orc herm took the front, while the big bulky guy and this "Bulu" were in the back. There was a deadly, heavy silence around you as you prepared for the game to start, a slim orc slowly approached the middle of the field, carrying the ball you would all be using in this game. He slowly positioned himself in the center, and prepared to toss the ball upwards. Both you and Rimmo prepared to jump for the ball, as well as Zinug and the Child.

"Nauk-ady? Seav...Plaausan!" He shouted, before tossing the ball high-up into the sky. And, even though you didn't really speak orc...It didn't take much to understand that.

Octave DEX roll (2,3,6+,1-,X) - 11
Zinug DEX roll (2,2,2) - 6
Rimmo DEX roll (1-,X) - 1
COL (Child of Lust) DEX roll (6+,1-,X,2) - 9

All of you hopped up into the air, Rimmo a bit delayed. Zinug ended up not jumping high enough, his arms barely touching the ball before it rolled upwards, the Child of Lust then firmly grasped it in her hands however, a big grin on her face before you swatted it off of her hands, taking it into your own! The first move was yours! With the ball safely in your possession, you gently hovered down to the ground and-


You found yourself pulled to the floor by the massive weight of that iron ball, it touched the floor, but luckily you didn't take your hands off of it, so it didn't count as a point against you. With a short grunt, you slowly started lifting the ball back up, hefting it with both of your hands. Zinug couldn't help but laugh. "What's the matter? Is the ball too heavy for you?"
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