Tainted Princess

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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Gorbaz » Thu Apr 28, 2016 8:31 pm

Entry to the city was.. rather easy, all things considered. No guards had recognised her or, if they have, didn't make a single move against the pair as the moved through town. Although they had a purpose in mind, Kali couldn't help but glance at the various things in the stalls of the bazaar as the encountered larger and larger crowds. And then... she appeared.

Kali gripped her mace handle slightly tighter, wanting to just charge up there and smash her target in a single blow. The crush of people and the four bodyguards, however, were all deterrents to enacting her plan. She didn't have time to wonder why four of her own people were guarding someone who was actively enslaving them, or even if they would just turn on their mistress should she be attacked. Plans started to form in her mind of how to take advantage of the situation. Angelica was after workers, so... maybe she should volunteer for the job? It would get her over to the island with all the others nice and simple and, as it stood, she had no idea if any other ships going in that direction would be attacked if they went on their own accord. She would probably have to give up her weapon too, but... if it got her closer to her goal, even if she was clasped in irons, she could use them to kill. Swiftly, she handed off her mace and a pile of silver to her uncle Hasan. "Hold on to this. Get mom's sword, whoever else you can, and get a ship out to the island. I'm taking the direct route". She have him a grin and a wink. "Heck, maybe I'll get lucky"

Sticking her hand up in the air, Kali shouted out "I'll take the job!"

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Mace and 300 silver handed over to Hasan
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby VintageBass » Thu Apr 28, 2016 9:33 pm

This is actually turning out better than she hoped. Sure there's still the issue of the holstaur cheating on a married woman by letting her touch her cock in such a manner and they're doing this very close to her daughter, but it's hard to resist the pleasure she's getting from this (even with the faintest thought in the back of her head that this is simply cleaning off the pre leakage from yesterday) and also from what little she can hear Maribelle is enjoying herself with Zalira and Sharya. There's also that fear of the tattoo getting to her, with how that through sex it spreads over the body and covers her, but how could resist the shocks coursing through her for so long? It feels good to have someone else by her side, stroking her long flared red rook of a cock while she gets her own taste of flesh... for sexual reasons, of course. With Caroline so close to her, feeling how soft her skin is so enjoyable to the holstaur, that it does make her wonder if Oliver really doesn't touch her and also making her regret denying to truly please the mother.

Speaking of pleasing Caroline, now that she's close, told Kassy what to do and have her hands in place, Kassy said nothing in response other than a few moos but got right to work fondling Caroline's breast and plunging two fingers into her snatch. It seems rather instinctive of her, despite having little experience with this, and here she goes twisting her two fingers inside of Caroline, getting a good feel of the merchant's inners and help her rediscover that long lost touch she's been missing in her marriage. Her breasts are really to Kassy's touch as well, and she's rather tender to them, getting then in her hand and having a good idea of their shape while occasionally going up and rubbing those perky nipples, just to really give Caroline that extra shock she needs in her system. If she can do that to the holstaur's cock, then she should return the favor. Then again, Kassy could ask about having her finger the holstaur at this rate of things, but it's good enough as is.

But there is something on the holstuar's mind that is a little curious, and since they're out here, might as well ask. "So... you experienced hermaphrodites before?" she asked in a curious tone. "I'm sure... they're more open to having sex with you than... I was..." Kassy moos pleasurably as Caroline rubs some of the milk out of Kassy's breasts. "Even when you're married to Oliver?"
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby FragranceofMtDew » Fri Apr 29, 2016 8:48 am

The more Maribelle gets into it, putting her tongue to good use and moaning into her pussy, the more pleasure it brings Sharya. "Mmmm.... Zalira sure taught you well." She coos, her hand rubbing the girl's hand becoming a bit more forceful as the tongue inside her tunnel picks up the pace. Speaking of, Sharya looks up to see Zalira now right next to her and gives her lover a lusty smile. "I was wondering when you would get tired of just watching." She says as she savors the kiss, starting at her neck and moving up to her mouth.

This is so much fun! She had already had a great time with Zalira last night and now the very next morning Maribelle was getting in on the action as well. Why had she gone so long without having sex? Well, it wasn't much of an option back home with her parents always looking over her shoulder, but now that she was out in the world she could do whatever she wanted. That thought, along with the two other girl's efforts, fills her with excitement to the point of orgasm. Sharya's body shudders as she passionately locks lips with Zalira and she fiercely shoves Maribelle's face into her cumming pussy that gushes her fluids into the human girl's waiting mouth.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Mark3000 » Fri Apr 29, 2016 12:58 pm


+1 LP

You engage in a passionate kiss with the traveler that seems to last forever. When he pulls away from your locked lips, you feel yourself change. Your body expands making you bustier and curvier then before. You keep expanding to the point that your clothing rips off. Your features become so expansive that you can hardly move. In your prone position, you see various demons approach you from all angles. The last being a gang of imps. With their cocks out, they begin to fill any hole they can find. You feel their thick meat stuffed down your throat, ass and pussy. There were even ones using your breasts as a sex toy. This mind blowing orgy continues until ....

You wake up with a small start. Looking down, your body is the same as when you went to went to sleep. Looking to your side, you see the imp baby curled up along side Nighteyes. Slowly, the small imp's eyes began to open. He reaches out for you, letting out a cry.


"Good. Come to the stage" Angelica said as she ushers you over. As you get closer to the she-devil, you feel a heat and shock run through your mark. It seems like Angelica felt it as well. She gives a wry smile and grabbed your hand. "I'll escort you to the island personally. Ruby, Talon, round up four more workers. The rest of you with me" She tells the two guards.

The four of you walk down the street towards the harbor. Angelica and two of her guards walking beside you. You could feel her looking you up and down as you walk. Finally, Angelica breaks the small silence. "So I never did get your full name. Since we're going to be working together." She said.

FragranceofMtDew, An Ying Hu, VintageBass

(Reference For Caroline http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/2305686 ... brown_hair)

Caroline lets out a soft moan as you begin to properly explore her body. Her pussy feels warm and moist around your fingers. Meanwhile, your hand brushes against her erect nipples. With the new stimus to her body, Caroline's hands hold on even tighter to Kassandra's red beast. Her hands move faster along the Holstaur's member. She returned to using both hands, stroking and twisting.

The married woman gives you a smile when you mention past experience. "Hehe, I wasn't always a merchant. I grow up in a brothel in Ironguard. The minute I turned of age, I was turned out for anyone who would pay. It just so happened that a few of my regulars were hermaphrodites." She says as she moved a little closer to suckle at Kassandra's teat. Moving back, she looks up at you with a wanton smile. "Oliver was the one who took me up from that kind of life. But even now, my body still ackes for that familiar sensation." She says moaning into your breast.

(Reference For Maribelle http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/2296094 ... win_braids )

Maribelle's body shutters as she looks up to the sight of both Zalira and Sharya locked together in a passionate kiss. As Sharya orgasms, so to does Maribelle, She lets out a long moan into Maribelle's pussy as her face is splashed with her juices. The young merchant herself releasing the same fluids around her fingers. Her tongue slipped from the elf's love tunnel as she sat back in the pond. A dazed yet lust filled expression on her face. As if possessed, she moves to like Zalira's pussy this time as she uses her fingers to play with Sharya lower hole once more. Both her tongue and fingers moved quickly to try and bring both elves to a satisfying orgasm.

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Zalira is now Addicted: Must roll a willpower roll (Average) to resist any kind of sexual advances
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby MelissaB » Fri Apr 29, 2016 2:00 pm

Waking up with a jolt she pants, looking around the dream felt so vivid that she isn't sure where she is at first. Sighing she looks down a the imp and frowns still feeling no love for the creature as she picks it up as it begins to cry, looking at it with resentment she pats it's back, rubbing it's skin as she tries to sooth it, it's wailing easily getting on her nerves as she brings it to her breast, wondering if it's hungry. "Ssssssssh." She murmurs as she looks to Nighteyes, the wolf opening her eyes at the wailing child before she slips off of the bed and wanders off, likely in search of food as she exits the building to go hunting.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Gorbaz » Fri Apr 29, 2016 2:18 pm

Once summoned to the stage, Kali felt a rush of excitement at first - her plan was in motion and, even though it didn't extend further than 'get to the island', it was almost on track! Almost. It was then that she got a strange heated sensation coming from her thigh, very similar to the rush she felt before in the desert. Was it trying to warn her that this was a bad idea? If so, it wouldn't have been the first one she made since leaving her family, and it probably won't be the last. She tried her best to hide it as she went along. At the sudden turn-around speed, she suspected that this was not a normal procedure.

Kali kept giving sidelong glances as the four of them walked, noticing each time that the little Angelica kept looking at her. Did she know about The Plan, too?! "Kali" she said simply as they walked, frowning a little at the continual glances at her frame. A few more steps later: "So, I hear your name is Angelica. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say... you're not from around here". She put on a slight grin, indicating she knew the obviousness of the statement
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby An Ying Hu » Fri Apr 29, 2016 8:33 pm

Zalira's lips were unusually hot around Sharya's own, the latter might feel - as her kiss brought her tongue to coil itself around the other elf's, wildly rubbing against one another during the passionate make-out. When the witch pulled back, that same lustful look in her eyes could be easily seen. She did moved to nibble on Sharya's long elven ear, the whisper coming in-between moans as her fingers busied themselves with kneading on the breast and pinching the nipple of her lover. "I've been thinking.. that we should use the marks to our advantage.." the abdomen ceased to burn and itch, but that desire remained unfettered. "We can get a harem of women to please us, hm?" she utters hotly into her lover's ear as she tries to conjure the vision in her mind, "All we have to do is let them kiss our feet and lick our.." she giggles a few moments after the jolt of pleasure stabs her nethers, leaving the last word unspoken as Maribelle had proceeded to do just that seconds before. Smirking at her lover and then looking down on the young merchant girl, she took a few moments to simply moan in enjoyment, letting the waves of pleasure rush through before lowering herself down Sharya's waist to have a taste of her own.

She had never licked pussy before.. or have her's licked, for that matter, so she went in slowly with her tongue, swaying it in Sharya's tunnels as she took in the taste of the other elf's juices mixed with Maribelle's sailva, shifting slightly at the pleasure the human girl was offering her before withdrawing after a while, licking her lips. Her cloak had almost undone itself during the movements, revealing the tattoo almost completely for those who were inclined to notice. On instinct, she would try to lift Maribelle up with both arms and if successful, lie her down on the grass face-up so she can straddle her face as she gets pumped, tapping the young girl's pussy whilst looking hotly and invitingly to Sharya in case the other decides to join in on the other side of her body, if not, well.. then she supposed she would have to lean herself across Maribelle's form and push her tongue in deeply.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby VintageBass » Fri Apr 29, 2016 9:55 pm

Well this goes to show why Caroline is rather interested in being with Kassy, although not too much information is said outside of her usual clients being herms. Does Ironguard's population have a large number of herms or are these across the island? She is rather curious about this, but asking it is going to be a little difficult. Seeing that Caroline has quite the expertise with herms with the strokes she is giving the holstaur, along with that grip getting tighter thanks to hitting the right buttons. Getting both hands on her shaft again felt great, as more and more pre begins to shoot out from her member and stain the pond they're swimming in, and Kassy can't help but moo in response. Not to mention that Caroline is getting her milk for the day drinking up from the holstaur's breast, feeling that lightening up and making Kassy not so heavy.

All of this is starting to get to Kassy though. For how off-put she was about doing this with Caroline, now she's really enjoying the touch she is providing. If she could get this from the woman, then what's stopping her from getting more? Sure there is that risk of the tattoo's influence spreading and covering her body, but it is a risk she'll have to bear until there is a way to remove this curse once and for all. For now, Kassy is taking this time to revel in her newly-discovered bliss and enjoy the handiwork Caroline is giving her along with the suckling of her breasts. With each stroke, that brings Kassy closer and closer to orgasming until it's too much for the holstaur to bear. One long moo later and Kassy is erupting a geyser of thick, hot ropes of pearly white spooge, letting it all fly up into the air before it lands back down on both the holstaur and Caroline. Kassy is too wound up in her own pleasure to really pay Caroline any mind and after that experience, she is rolling around in a sea of pleasure never once experienced in her life.

She could get used to this.

Once she finally comes back to earth, Kassy notices the mess she made and also what landed on Caroline. A smile appears on her face and she pulls Caroline in for a hug. "Well will you look at that, I got us even more dirtier!" she stated with a big goofy smile on her face. "Well, time to get that clean off now~" Kassy splashes some water onto Caroline and once again rubs the merchant down to help clean her off of all the cum coating her. This feels so enjoyable, feeling all giddy about having such an explosive orgasm like that, that it is really making Kassy reconsider actually pleasing Caroline. Now that it is over and Kassy's cock begins to shrink back down, there are a few things she would like to ask. "So, are you familiar with any beast-herms or were they like mostly humans or elves?" she asked, finally getting the chance to ask that. "Oh, and about earlier..." She stops for a moment, trying to figure out the best way she could say this and she squeezes Caroline some more while continuing to wipe her clean.

"Well, I do apologize for not being so... embracing the idea, but after that... something came to my mind," she said, smiling softly as her idea develops. "Um, if you like, I could offer my services as a bodyguard, traveling around with your family and visiting the various locations while protecting you from any dangers that might arise up. I don't really ask for much in terms of payment, maybe you helping me teach the ways of pleasing women so I can use that to help you out. I would still rather have Priea with me, but if you want to help her out, I would be happy! That is, if you're willing to do that."

The holstaur lets go of the merchant to allow her to do her own thing now, waiting to see how she'll react to all of this and to wait on her to clean up Kassy once again. "Oh, and maybe spending time with both you and Duke would be nice," she added, twiddling her fingers shyly as she wades in the water. "You don't want to ache anymore, do you?"
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby FragranceofMtDew » Sat Apr 30, 2016 10:14 am

Sharya had cum right along with Maribelle, but that doesn't stop the other two women from continuing to fondle and caress her sensitive body. The images Zalira's words conjure in her mind only serve to get her even more worked up. She begins to fantasize about herself, surrounded by naked beautiful women of all shapes and sizes that tend to her wants and needs. Zalira approaches and they all seem to merge into an orgy of moaning, groping, licking, and fingering among other things. Weren't they supposed to be doing something else though? She can't quite remember and surely since seducing girls into their harem would take them all over the world, they could still accomplish whatever their mission may be once they remember it.

Sharya's attention is called away from her daydream and back to reality as the witch takes Maribelle's place licking her pussy. "Mmm~ I don't think I can say no to that. I think we're already off to a good start." She whispers back with a smirk, her gaze landing on the human girl so eager to please them. Sharya whimpers needily as she feels Zalira's hot mouth withdraws from her cunt, but seeing her focus on repositioning Maribelle, she understands that it's time to give back to the girl who had worked so hard for them. Zalira's invitation is all she needs to press her mouth to Maribelle's own pussy just as the human had done for her earlier, savoring the taste of her juices as her tongue explores the girl's tunnel. After a few moments of this, Sharya pulls back and sits up before lurching forward to press her lips to Zalira's, her tongue pushing forward to meet her lover's. She wanted to taste her own juices from the other elf's mouth, and in turn allow the witch to taste Maribelle. She withdraws once satisfied, cupping Zalira's large breasts in her hands and fondling them for a bit before she pulls back and returns her mouth to Maribelle's pussy, not wanting to leave the girl unattended for too long.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby MASigma » Sat Apr 30, 2016 8:44 pm

Priea's eyes slowly opened, moaning a bit as she sat up, looking around tiredly... only to panic as she realized she was alone," Kassy? Anyone!?", she asked quite loudly, jumping to her feet in order to see if she could locate any signs of her group... or where they might have gone. Of course she eventually found some tracks, recalling the direction they seemed to head went to a lake or pond... maybe they were all bathing? The mental image of Kassy without her armor or clothing on made her blush a bit, shuddering as she wondered what the hell was wrong with her, the young woman smacking her cheeks to snap herself out of it,"... M-Maybe I could join them?", she wondered to herself, unsure if she should or not... but it'd be better then being here all by herself, right?
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Mark3000 » Sun May 01, 2016 1:48 am


The yet unnamed imp baby grabs on to your teat and begins to suckle. Once he lets going he releases a small burp and smiles. You wonder how long you can keep something like this a secret from your parents. Seeing this demon child would most likely solidify all their fears of the outside world.

As Nighteyes exits the building, she sees two strange wolves communicating with Lucien in the road. The three walk past Nighteyes. Lucien doesn't pay the wolf any mind. But the two Fel Wolves both begin to encircle Nighteyes. They both let out a low growl as they both sniff and observe the young female wolf. Their eyes filled with a predatory glare.

Back in the building, Lucien approached Kailyne and her child. "You seem to be doing well my dear." He says with a smirk as he sits on the bed. "And how is our bundle of joy?" Reaching out for the imp child who giggles in his presence. "So I heard something interesting. You troupe of friends are traveling this way to Southdale. So I'm going to need your assistance." He says touching her cheek. "I was able to get Barbatos to agree to our proposal. But the other demons are still a little agitated. They need someone to vent their frustrations on. And with D'Ange still recovering, it'll be hard to keep them in check. That's where your former friends come in. I need you to lure them to the northern cave. Once they are captured, they can have their fun and the town is safe."


Angelica lets out a haughty laugh " Ohohoho! You are a little out of the loop aren't you. The Colette family has been one of the few human members of the Merchant's Guild for years. I'm merely taking up my role as the next head of the family." She says with a satisfied laugh. It's not long until you reach the harbor and the small ship docked there. It looked like an ornate Galion with workers loading on more material. Taking you to the upper deck, Angelica opens the door to the captain's cabin. "After you." She says as the first two guards enter.

FragranceofMtDew, An Ying Hu, VintageBass, MASigma

As Kassandra let's loose her creamy load, Caroline lets out a loud moan as she orgasms. Panting, her back curves as you feel her fingers become soaked in her juices. "Ahaha that feels so good. Thank you Kassy" she says. Seeing the mess you made, she lets out a giggle. "I'm glad we're in a pond, makes it all the easier to clean up. She says as she washes off the holstaur's fur. As you clean each other off, Caroline seems to be considering your question. "Well, back in those days, beast-folk caravans would come through Ironguard for trade and supplies. During those times, the brothel would get fill out fast. Some of them were herms. At first I was a little concerned taking one for the first time. But after a bit of practice, I learned the quickest ways to make beast-herm squeak" She said with a seductive smile. "Of course, there were human and elf hermaphrodites. Those girls could fuck for days. But those days are behind me. I'm just a simple wife and mother now." She says smiling as she washes your fur.

When Kassandra offers her services, she smiles. "That would be wonderful, we could use the assistance. After we reach Southdale, we're going to decide whether to head back to Ironguard or travel out to the desert Nirvada. We'll need the help which ever way we go. Don't worry about compensation. We'll pay you for your services. Consider the "lessons" more of a free favor. We are helping each outer out." Caroline said as she looked over the paladin's shoulder. "Speak of the devil." She says as she spots Priea in the woods. "Priea! Over here! Come join us for a spell"

Maribelle is putty in Zalira's hands. Lying on the ground, her tongue works around Zalira's tongue fiercely. Unlike yesterday, Maribelle seems to have a better idea of what she's doing. Her tongue brushes against the elf's clit while tickling her outer folds. Once she finished playing with the outside, Zalira can feel the young human's tongue dive deep into your slit. With Sharya now stimulating Maribelle, she begins to moan into Zalira's cunt.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby An Ying Hu » Sun May 01, 2016 2:08 am

Bending her parted legs to support herself on her knees, Zalira plunges into the passionate kiss with ferocity, taking in the sweet traces of nectar that belonged to Maribelle for the first time, and letting Sharya taste herself for as long as the other desired. It didn't seem to be that long, however, as Sharya seems keen on repaying the young tailor for her previous efforts, something that could only be in the witch's advantage as the more aroused this human was, the more dedicated she would be to pumping into Zalira's cunt, which was now sopping wet with arousal. Giggling as her breasts are played with, she leans over to grab Sharya's hair again, pulling at it like before as the other hand would pinch Maribelle's nipples to offer more incentive to the girl.. not that it was needed since her tongue was now dancing in her lust-tunnel, that resounding moan driving her to cum again as it pushed waves of pleasure deep into her womb. "Ahhh.." She kept on grinding against Maribelle's face regardless, still wanting more as she wettens the girl's face, her own hand growing harsher in its breast-play. "Mmh.. she learns quick, this one~" she tells Sharya with a vibrant smirk just as one of her long nails scratch up and down the tailor's nipple. Maribelle may not talk much, but her mouth is sure skilled at other, more important things..
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Gorbaz » Sun May 01, 2016 8:35 am

Kari laughs loudly and scratches her head as they walk. "Yeah, well... I'm not exactly city-folk" she says with a half-grin. There were probably quite a few things about city life that she didn't know, given her nomadic upbringing, followed by her very... mercenary actions thereafter. Once they reached the docks and the galleon came into view, her eyes widened at the sight of such a vessel. "Damn! That is one... big ship" she uttered, wondering to herself just how much a ship like that would have cost the human, even if she was actually the head of a merchant family. Following along, there was not a single thing she didn't look at in wonder, until they reached the captain's cabin. Stepping inside, she looked back behind her as she found a place to lean against. "So, you treat all your workers with such luxury?" she said with a slight smile
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby MelissaB » Sun May 01, 2016 4:28 pm

Kailyne looks down at the child frowning a little as she pats it's back,making sure it burped out all the wind it held inside before she sinks into her bed a frown remaining on her lips.

Nighteyes meanwhile growls at the two fel wolves, snapping her jaws at them as they circle her ready to tear at them as she barks, signalling them to back off even as Lucian walks past to see her friend.

Kailyne once again looks over at Lucian and frowns at him as it he calls it a bundle of joy. "There is nothing joyous about this." She comments with a growl before he talks about her friends her heart beating a little faster at the news both fearful of his offer and it's implications. "What... I can't betray them like that!" She states angrily, glaring at him as she holds the child firmly. "I will not betray them and give them to demons to be sexual toys for their amusement. If they are getting out of hand banish them, our deal was not betraying my allies." She comments with a huff as she turns her head away from him, unsure how she could protect the town without agreeing to the new terms except argue and stamp her feet at thedemon king Lucian like a spoiled child. "If I refuse to do this?" She asks him with a glare.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby FragranceofMtDew » Sun May 01, 2016 9:24 pm

Sharya lets out a pleased yelp as she feels a sharp tug on her hair, the momentary pain sending shivers down her spine as she looks up at Zalira from Maribelle's pussy. "Mhmm~ She had a good teacher after all!" She replies with a giggle before plunging her tongue back into the girl's wet tunnel. While her mouth is occupied, Sharya puts her hands to work as well with one caressing the girl's inner thigh while the other moves down to her own pussy. She starts to finger herself, moaning deeply as she takes note of the sexual chain reaction it causes, her own ecstasy feeding into Maribelle's which in turn brings Zalira even greater pleasure. The sight of these lovely ladies enjoying themselves so much brings Sharya to her second orgasm, her juices coating her fingers as she doesn't let up, neither on herself nor Maribelle, her tongue continuing to explore the girl's depths.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby MASigma » Mon May 02, 2016 2:46 am

Priea blinked as she heard Caroline's voice call out to her, drawing her eyes to where they were as she fought a light lush touching her cheeks upon finding Caroline and Kassy both nude and quite close to one another... only to light up a bright red as she spotted what the others in the water were up to, quickly focusing on the Paladin and the mother with an uncomfortable cough," H-hey, if you were all going to be bathing you could have woke me up you know", she spoke as she neared the edge of the water, unsure if she should join them or not... given the last time she was without clothing it hadn't led to anything good happening to her.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby VintageBass » Mon May 02, 2016 9:25 pm

Well this will take a while for the pond to clear up all of the holstaur's dick milk, seeing as it's a pretty large puddle of the cow sperm around them and washing it off doesn't seem to help. Still, it does please Kassy to have Caroline's hands back on her once again and doing the same to the merchant, plus that orgasm was intense. So much so that she would love to experience something like that again! That really was out of this world and Kassy couldn't believe she missed out on a chance to do that! If Caroline does know some tricks to make Kassy not really squeak but moo, then by all means she'll allow it even with her conscious nagging at her not to do it.

Still, the idea intrigues her. There are plenty of other herms across the land, human, elf and beast alike. This does make her wonder if Lucian has gotten to them as well, as she did end up with him and he wasn't all that off-put about her cock. Then again, maybe there is something she isn't all that aware of, probably thinking that this is a part of something bigger he is planning. However Kassy doesn't want to bum herself out too much thinking about that devil of a man and instead focus on the positives. Hearing Caroline accepting her offer brought a smile to her face and she squeezes her in response, giving the mother a nice big hug. It's certainly nice that she is getting lessons for free to help teach her and Priea, and the pay is nice as well, so this is a good decision all around. "Well, if you ever head back to Ironguard, you don't mind showing me your old stomping grounds, just to let me know where you grew up?" she asked. This could let her in on finding out any more people that Lucian got to, along with any other locals that bear similar marks.

When Priea enters the picture, Kassy breaks away from Caroline and heads on over to greet the young cleric with her own hug and a kiss on the forehead. "Heya there, sweetie!" she cooed, petting Priea's head. "I'm sorry, you were sleeping so soundly and cute, I didn't want to disturb you. Since you're here, why don't I help clean you off and we can hang out together! Wouldn't that be fun?" The holstaur kindly guides Priea in some more, letting her get comfortable between the two elderly women before Kassy starts splashing clean water onto Priea and begin scrubbing her down.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Mark3000 » Mon May 02, 2016 11:16 pm


The door to the captain's cabin locks behind. Angelica turns around and slips off the top of her dress. "Only the ones like me." She says as she reveals the crown shaped tattoo that was stamped on the base of her neck. Long black marks covering her back completely. "Lucien said that I can control this part of Avalon if our plan succeeds. Now show me your mark and we'll precede. " Angelica said as she pulled her dress back up.


Lucien let out a sigh, only to grab you by the hair and pull your face close to his. To the point that they almost touch. "Then if you want to protect this town, you'll have to take their place. Ah! Self-sacrifice. That would be a more noble choose for someone like you." He says. Lucien's voice replacing the charm with intense menace. "Can you imagine? Beholders playing with your mind as the imps nimble hands grab at your body. Meanwhile, my devilish friends stretch your sopping pussy."

Sexual Advances Resist (WIS, Average)
Kailyne: 19 + 1

You manage to keep focused as Lucien goes into detail about what the demons would do to you. Seeing your resolve, he lets go of your hair and gets up. "Come to the caves to the north by high noon. If you run, our deal is null." He reaches the doorway and turns. "It's been a while since I've seen unbound demons overrun a town" Lucien says with a smile before leaving.

As the two fel wolves prepare to pounce on Nighteyes to make her submit, Lucien appears. With a whistle from the demon lord, the two wolves return to Lucien's side. The three leave to the northern. The two corrupted beasts letting out a final yipe at Nighteyes.

FragranceofMtDew, An Ying Hu, VintageBass, MASigma

Maribelle has never received this kind of attention before. Her erect nipples and sopping wet slit are obvious signs of her arousal. Her hands seem to be gripping the grass tightly as Zalira and Shayra play with the young human's body. It looks as if she's bracing herself for another orgasm. Finally, letting out a final moan into Zalira's pussy Maribelle has a brain melting orgasm. Her eye's roll into the back of her head as she sprays her feminine juices into Sharya's face. Staring up at the sky, the young tailor had to catch her breath. "That was amazing!" She says, clearly exhausted.

Caroline comes in to hug the two of you together. "Don't you both make a lovely pair." She shes as Caroline knocks over a small rock along the sectioned of part of the pond all three of them were. The thin layer of water drains to the main pond. On the plus side, it cleans away the semen and dirt floating at the top. However, the water drops just enough to give Priea a peek at Kassandra's member. "You're lucky to have someone as adept as Kassy looking after you Priea" Caroline says as she sinks into the water one last time.

LP Gain
Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Sex with multiple non-magical people/creatures (Empress Mark Bonus)- 4 LP


Sex with multiple non-magical people/creatures - 3 LP


Sex with non-magical person/creature - 1 LP
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby An Ying Hu » Tue May 03, 2016 12:00 am

Zalira squirts the last moisture of her orgasm on Maribelle's face before letting the young girl cum. Giggling at her words which brimmed with obvious satisfaction she lifts her petite form up, fondling it into her arms as she kisser her stained face, almost liking it like a hungry wolf eager to taste herself from her skin and then her lips which she kissed deeply. "Mm.. it was, wasn't it?" she answer with a grin, peering at her intently. "What if I tell you that I can give you more of it? And not just with us, with many women~" her seductive voice enhanced by the touch of her fingers which crept down to Maribelle's tummy to scratch up and down her now sensitive pussy. "All you have to do is follow me.." she peers up to look at Sharya, rephrasing, ".. us, wherever we go, and help us with your talent at tailoring. Think about it!" she smirks, kissing her lips once more with one firm gesture. She wasn't sure what her plans would be yet after Southdale, but she figured that since she came up with the plan of forming a harem, it would be smartest to get the idea in the young human's head. Not wanting to feel like an imposition, she strategically detached herself from Maribelle and went on to cuddle with Sharya on the other side, also giving the girl a rather pleasant view.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Gorbaz » Tue May 03, 2016 8:02 am

Kali tried to keep herself from jumping as the door clicked behind her, locking her in a room with Angelica and two of her bodyguards. She gave something of a nervous smile when the smaller girl slipped off the top of her dress, wondering what she was about to try, before her eyes settled on the very expansive tattoo, her expression changing to one of wonder as she held herself back from reaching out and tracing the likes that run from underneath the crown and down her back. "Oh wow! That is just... awesome!" she coo'd, before giving a short cough and scratching her neck, as she averted her eyes. "Yeah. Mine". Turning to one side, she unfastened the leather armour around her thigh, then raised the hem of her skirt to reveal the pristine tattoo of a bunch of flowers standing out against her red skin. It wasn't as large as that of Angelica's by a long way, but at least she had a name now of who had given her the mark - Lucien.

"Yknow, it's a funny story..."
she started, not moving to hide her mark right away so as not to anger the girl and her guards. "I woke up with after a really heavy night of drinking. I had no idea how I got it or from who, but doesn't stop it being great art. I guess Lucien knows more designs than just these two"
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