Tainted Princess

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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby An Ying Hu » Sun Apr 24, 2016 1:48 pm

"Oliver's family, maybe," Zalira responds to Sharya as they exit the tent. "But our two companions are about as useful as a sleigh in summer. If they would have bothered to help you yesterday, maybe Kailyne would be with us right now," she utters, shaking her head as she fiddles with her cloak, arranging it better over her body. Her bare feet touching the ground, she found oddly pleasant, even though her skin was seldom used to such. "Lucien doesn't deserve to have such glorious breasts in his hands," she clears her throat, looking at Sharya a bit embarrassed before amending with, ".. and the poor girl must be suffering greatly right now," she finishes pursing her lips and dropping the topic as they meet with Kassandra, figuring that it probably wouldn't be a smart idea to continue in the holstaur's presence.

When they arrive at the pond, Zalira looks at the woman who appears to be Caroline, nodding her a greeting. In contrast to Sharya, she didn't seem at all bothered to set her cloak aside in the presence of the other women. "Indeed," she utters in response to her lover's remark as she dips a foot into the water before slowly diving in and shifting her limbs about, a pleasant moan leaving her as she washes her body a bit, also splashing a bit of water on Sharya with a giggle. Not before long, she would wade to sit next to Caroline - if that it is indeed who it was - peering at her with the corners of her eyes. "So, would Maribelle be joining us?" she asks her curiously, brushing her shoulders with more water.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby MelissaB » Sun Apr 24, 2016 1:54 pm

Kailyne pants wincing and gasping for air as she struggles to her feet. Glaring she growls out in anger as Nighteyes turns on D'ange and pounces trying to maul her to the ground and keep her from casting anymore spells on her elven friend. Kailyne staggers a moment glaring at the demoness and fellow elf. Panting and heaving for breath she draws back another arrow and launches it at D'ange before trying to fire another one in quick succession before she can react or fend of her wolfen friend.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Mark3000 » Sun Apr 24, 2016 4:36 pm


Player Combat Roll

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Nighteyes Mauls D'Ange:
Hit Roll: 19 + 2 = 21, Hit!

Shasar Protects D'Ange
Damage: 4, Shasar is Knocked Down

Kailyne Uses Double Shot against D’Ange!
Hit Roll: 10 + 6 + 1 (Racial Bonus) + 2 (Skills) =19; Hit!
Hit Roll: 10 + 6 + 1 (Racial Bonus) +2 (Skills) =19; Hit!
Damage: 6 + 6 (Dex) + 2 (Bonus Damage) - 2 (Enemy Defense) = 12
Damage : 6 + 6 (Dex) + 2 (Bonus Damage) - 2 (Enemy Defense) = 12

The sudden shift in tactics catches both D'Ange and Shasar off guard. But Shasar manages to protect her master from Nighteye's mauling and once again ends up on the ground. With no-one guarding her, Kailyne's arrow's finally land as they lodge themselves deep into D'Ange's arm and side. She lets out a howl of pain and the crowd of demons look to be ready to pounce on you when you hear a booming voice. "There will be no interference!" It says. As you look behind the elven witch and her familiar you see a large bearded devil. Much more intimidating then any of the other demons you've seen so far ( http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/off ... 0630032945) . "Barbotos, you gonna give us a hand!" Shasar shouts from the ground. But the devil shakes his head. " This is a match between you four, There is no point in me getting involved. Not to mention, Mistress D'Ange needs to prove herself in front of her followers from time to time. Right D'Ange?" The elf nods and stands tall.

Enemy Combat Turn

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Shasar stands back up (Turn Lost)

D'Ange uses Ice Shot (7 AP)
Spellcasting Roll: 4 +5 (INT) + 1 (Racial Bonus) = 10, Hit!
Damage: 1 + 5(INT) - 1 (Kailyne WIS) = 8, Kailyne Defeated

Still in a far bit of pain, Shasar stands up. "I can't remember the last time I was on my back this long" she quips as she stares daggers at the wolf who had been giving her so much trouble. D'Ange on the other hand looked determined to finish Kailyne off for good. This time instead of ice appearing from the shadows, she forms a ball of ice and hurls it at you. It's slow and you see it coming but the mud from before is dragging you down. It collides with your chest and knocks the wind out of you as you fall to the ground, unconscious. The elven witch then turns to Nighteyes. "So what will it be Nighteyes, Do you want to continue?" She says with a rye smile.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Shasar HP: 20/70 OP: ??/??
D'Ange HP: 16/40 OP: ??/??
Kailyne HP: 0/16 OP: 7/10
Nighteyes: HP: 12/12


D'Ange, Shasar, Nighteyes ________________10AP_______________________Kailyne


The Snake Man looks at his sister and hisses at Kali. "I won't forget thisss traveler, hope you never face the likesss of my other brothersss or ssssistersss" He threatens before slithering away with his sibling in hand. All things considered, the battle went better then expected.

(Victory! +8 EXP)

You continue on your journey to Nirvada and by nightfall see the lights of the desert city in your sights. But you also notice something else. There were a small tent village just outside the town's borders. Most likely nomadic clans who had come to sell their wares. But you noticed one set of tents that stood out from all the rest. You would recognized those yellow and black patterns anywhere. It belonged to your family. They must have stopped in Nirvada.

FragranceofMtDew, An Ying Hu, VintageBass

"Kassandra, you're more then welcome to come in." Caroline says as you all wash off in the cool pond. Just as Zalira asks about Maribelle, you all hear a branch break from behind a tree. "Come out Maribelle, there's no need to be shy." The young lady comes out from behind the tree, her hair down and arms covering her chest. However the moment she sees Zalira, Maribelle runs to give her a big hug. "Good morning Zalira!" she says with a lot of affection. Caroline still washing off her arms gives you a fond smile. "When did you two become such good friends?" To which Maribelle just giggles.

Caroline then saunters towards the Holstaur Farmer. "Do you need some help washing your back Kassandra?" she asks offering you a hand. It's at that moment she notices the marks on everyone's body. "So I've been meaning to ask. Why are those tattoos so popular these days? I think I've seen maybe six or seven other woman with those same marks while traveling."
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby VintageBass » Sun Apr 24, 2016 5:19 pm

It's a bit too late on keeping things hidden from Kassy, as she is clearly aware of what happened last night and she feels bad about not helping out further. Yes if she was a bit more active in the event, she could have saved Kailyne and Nighteyes from their fate, but what else could she have done about it? She was unarmed and there was the man that put these tattoos on them in the first place. Her only Holy spell is basically make him deaf and it's more than likely going to be ineffective against the dark king. Still, even if she was not that helpful that night, it doesn't make her useless. All it takes is a bit of imagination and innovation, and you could get a sleigh to move without the need of snow. Very much you could get this literal tank of a beast to take a few hits and serve as a distraction... but what happened is in the past and she can't go back to change it.

Also Kassy's cheeks puff up about the mention of Kailyne's breasts. What is wrong with Kassy's breasts? They're just as big as the Ranger's and they produce sweet milk that can heal this bitch back up! The warlock's jealous, that's probably it. It's taking every bit of strength not to go up to Zalira and shove her breasts into her face, just to show her how big Kassy is compared to Kailyne. But Kassy isn't going to say anything about it, more to wanting to keep the team intact and not ruin their dynamic since they are facing a common enemy. It'll be better not to get into a petty squabble, but focus on the task at large and deal with it before it gets way too out of hand.

Speaking of, when Caroline mentioned something about seeing more women with these marks, that got the holstaur worried about other women that are cursed like them. Sure there were a couple they already met, but there are a lot more out there that are falling for Lucian's charm and bearing the same curse as the rest of them. The holstaur isn't sure on what to say about the matter, not wanting to cause any worry for both Caroline and the newly arrived Maribelle, who Kassy giggles at more for her shyness and the fondness she has for Zalira. This woman is going to be covered in her tattoo in no time judging by how many women she's wooing and sleeping with, and here is Kassy doing her best not to let her desires get the best of her. However there is the offer of washing her back and she nods off to that. "Thank you, I appreciate the help!" she stated, getting herself comfortable to allow Caroline to wash her.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby MelissaB » Sun Apr 24, 2016 6:28 pm

Seeing Kailyne go down nighteyes dashing off towards her friend, Kailyne groaning as she falls to the floor slumping and groaning loudly as Nighteyes dashing off towards her fallen friend. The wolf barks and growls snapping her jaws before pouncing over to the fallen elf and lifting her up from the floor. lapping at her wounds and mending her as Kailyne groans gripping her bow tightly.

(Nighteyes moves 10 AP plus 4 AP to heal Kailyne .14 = 6 AP next turn)

Nighteyes panting having made the sprint before Kailyne groans and shakes her head pulling herself from the floor and notching another arrow two arrows and sending them flying at D'Ange a glare on her face and a pained expression marking her features as she pants and glares.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Gorbaz » Sun Apr 24, 2016 7:03 pm

Damn victory felt good! Kali rested on her mace and glared at the snake-man as he retreated away with his broken sister in his arms, cursing back at her. One part of her hoped that her mercy to the male would not come back to bite her, but the other welcomed the chance of another fight with them, one-on-one, or one-one-one with plenty of replacements. Either way, so long as it was a good and honourable fight that she could really get into. Taking a deep breath to calm herself, Kali turned and continued on her journey.

Once Nirvada came into view, she spotted the tents outside the city as distinctly different to the last time she had been there. It had been years, but she seemed to recall there always being very few tents outside. Glancing over the various heraldries, her heart sank as she saw one intimately familiar - that of her family. She had hoped to not have to see her parents again for quite some time, having not exactly left on the best of terms, and her current appearance was not exactly pristine. Taking a sigh, she trudged onwards towards the current residence of her father and mother.

Reaching the front of the tent, she stopped briefly. Her heart was beating faster in her chest than before as she wondered just what she was going to say. When nothing came to mind, she decided to push the tent flap aside and enter. At the very least, she hoped that her parents wouldn't scold her for wandering away until after she had time to rest. "Hello? Mom? Dad? It's Kali" she said quietly as she stepped inside
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby An Ying Hu » Sun Apr 24, 2016 7:20 pm

Zalira gladly returned Maribelle's hug, their bodies touching in the water tenderly as the witch lets a wet hand through the other's hair. "Maybe since she did such fine work with my armour," she answers innocently though giggling afterwards, attempting to steal a kiss on the young girl's mouth whilst her mother focused her attention on Kassandra. She does not answer the older woman's question herself, not sure exactly what to say - the truth might unsettle the family too much, and she could certainly use their help. Though in all honesty, she herself had little truth to give, she knew very little about these markings, all things considered. She could only suppose that she would find out in time, what usefulness or curses they could bring her.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby FragranceofMtDew » Mon Apr 25, 2016 1:34 am

Once in the pond, Sharya begins bathing in silence save for a surprised "Eep!" as Zalira splashes her with water followed by a fit of laughter when she swiftly returns fire. Zalira's attention is soon captured by the appearance of Maribelle however, whom Sharya is quite surprised to see acting so affectionate given her normally shy behavior. She found herself wondering just when those two got so close right along with Caroline, smiling knowingly at Zalira's obvious lie. Those two were hiding something! And it wasn't hard to guess what once Zalira went in for a kiss while the mother's attention was occupied.

Sharya does her best to ignore that as she washes herself but she still finds her eyes wandering over to the elf-human couple when she loses focus on not staring. In the meantime, she might as well answer Caroline's question since the other two women have avoided it. After a bit of thought though, it's easy to see why. She can't just come right out and say that it's a sign of taint from the Demon King because that would likely make them all look bad. But Esmeralda and that sniper had been some of their worst enemies yet so passing them off as harmless didn't feel right either. "Well... that's kinda what we're trying to figure out too..." She begins, pausing to splash some water on her face and gather her thoughts. "But it seems like only powerful women have them, so you might want to be careful around those who have them." It wasn't really a lie so Sharya doesn't feel too bad about saying it. And at least it would give Caroline and her family somewhat of a warning about those who were under Lucien's influence.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Mark3000 » Mon Apr 25, 2016 3:10 am


Player Combat Roll
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Nighteyes uses Wolf Medicine.
Kailyne Revived!

Kailyne Uses Double Shot against D’Ange!
Hit Roll: 15 + 6 + 1 (Racial Bonus) + 2 (Skills) = 24; Hit!
Hit Roll: 9 + 6 + 1 (Racial Bonus) +2 (Skills) =18; Hit!

Shasar takes the Attack
Damage: 6 + 6 (Dex) + 2 (Bonus Damage) = 14
Damage : 6 + 6 (Dex) + 2 (Bonus Damage) = 14, Shasar defeated.

The arrows fly towards D'Ange and once again Shasar goes to protect her master. This time however, the arrows lodge themselves deep into the succubus's chest."Urgh! That's not ... gonna stop ..." Before she can finish, she topples over face first onto the ground. "Shasar!" D'Ange yells in a panicked voice.

Enemy Combat Rolls
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Shasar Casts Shadow Spike against Nighteyes
Spellcasting Roll: 2 + 5 (INT) + 2 (Favourite Element) + 1 (Racial Bonus) = 10, Miss!

Either due to stress or panic, Shasar begins to cast her shadow spikes towards the Nighteyes. But the wolf moves to fast. "Why won't you two go down" D'Ange yells as you can see her world collapse around her with no one to protect her. Speaking of which, the mud on Kailyne's body from before has either slipped off or hardened and peeled off. She can feel her full range of motion return.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Shasar HP: 0/70 OP: ??/??
D'Ange HP: 16/40 OP: ??/??
Kailyne HP: 5/16 OP: 6/10
Nighteyes: HP: 12/12


D'Ange, ________________10AP_______________________Kailyne, Nighteyes


You enter the familiar setting to see it completely abandoned. Not only that, it looked like there were signs of a struggle. You could even see your mother's trusty greatsword on the ground. She would never leave anywhere without it. As you enter, you hear footsteps from behind you. "Who goes there?" You hear as you see a face you hadn't seen in a while, your uncle Hasan. He bore a striking resemblance to your father, the only difference being his skin was a little redder and his horns were a little smaller. Though everyone tried to avoid mentioning it. "Well if it ain't little Kali, all grown up and ready to make the tribe proud. Did you come back after hearing what happened?" He asked as he embraced in in a welcoming hug.

FragranceofMtDew, An Ying Hu, VintageBass

Caroline splashes Kassandra's back with some water and gentle rubs the dirt from her fur. Meanwhile, Zalira can see Maribelle visibly blush as she steals a quick kiss. When Sharya is the one give her an answer, Caroline nods. "That would make sense. Most of the woman I've seen with that tattoo have been big shots. Just to name a few, there was Angelica from the Colette Family out in the desert. Another one belonged to the Ironguard's Knight Commanders. I think I even spotted it on one or two of the archbishops in Solaris. Then there was this time I was crossing the border at Aelbarrow to visit some elven customers and even the customs guard had a tattoo on her neck."
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby VintageBass » Mon Apr 25, 2016 5:31 am

Kassy lets out a friendly moo in response feeling the water washing down her back and Caroline's hands along her fur. Just feeling her fingers against her back is making the holstaur melt and sink deeper into the pond. However she does have other parts of herself to clean off, so Kassy got to work washing off her breasts and get them clean of any dried milk before moving on down south to clean up any pre and nectar that seeped out and covering up her legs. She carefully tends to those areas, trying not to arouse herself in front of the others and make things awkward. She doesn't want things to end up an orgy out here in the pond, although the idea would be fun if there isn't a married woman tending to her and three of them aren't cursed with tattoos that get bigger whenever one of them, or multiple of them, have sex. This got Kassy a little curious upon seeing the tattoos on Zalica and Sharya, pondering how they got slightly bigger, but isn't going to say anything about it.

More soft moos escape Kassy's lips as Caroline continues to scrub her back. During this time the holstaur thinks about the other women that Lucian met along the way. They all seem to follow a pattern of them being rather strong individuals, and hearing about that got a small little smile on Kassy's face. At least she feels strong, that's for certain. Still, there seems to be something going on with these women and it makes the holstaur ponder about meeting up with them, hopefully not run into a similar situation with the sniper from a couple of days ago. "Seems like a common theme, but hopefully it's just a fad and die out," she replied. "I really hope it does..." This makes her ever so worried about Priea and the possibility of losing her to this curse, and Kassy doing her best to protect her from the danger.

Something seem to click inside of the holstaur's mind as she looks at Maribelle and her compatriots. She turns herself back to look at Caroline, giving her a bit of a few tilts to move on over. "Um, once you're done, you mind if I help scrub yours?" she offered. "Perhaps we should move over and let the three have their own time together, and we could talk a bit in private?"
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby MelissaB » Mon Apr 25, 2016 11:05 am

Seeing the succubus go down Kailyne lets out a nod, panting a little as she looks to the elf, a glare on her features. "Your rule is over D'Ange, not even Lucian cares to save you..." She hisses before notch another arrow. "Nighteyes Finish her." She roars nighteyes Launches, rushing towards the elven mage as fast as she can not making it due to the distance now between them. Kailyne covering her friend's approach by launching an arrow towards the woman. "Now fall!"
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby An Ying Hu » Mon Apr 25, 2016 1:14 pm

Zalira would swim behind Maribelle to wash the girl's shoulders a bit, though it was to be expected that the witch's hands soon find their way downwards, pretending to keep up what she was doing as an excuse to feel her up some more. She does eventually notice the way Sharya looked at them, giving her a smirk instead of an embarrassed look as she would try to lift the petite Maribelle with a giggle and draw them both closer to her lover, positioning herself between the other two nude women so she could bathe and cuddle with both, or all of them with each other if Sharya and Maribelle desired it.

The witch listened in silence to the conversation that followed, up until the point where Caroline enumerated the locations she had visited with her husband's caravan, and the tattoos she had remarked upon along the way. Zalira was not surprised to hear that there were archbishops under the demon's rule, but..

"Aelbarrow?" she mutters, her eyes widening a bit as she turns to Sharya. "This means that Lucien has already infiltrated our homeland," she whispers to her with a sigh and a shake of the head. It wasn't entirely unexpected considering what happened to her own self, but she hadn't realized that there were already marked ones among the common populace of Aurora, as well. A dark frown twists her brows - maybe what happened to her parents had not been an accident, after all.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Gorbaz » Mon Apr 25, 2016 1:43 pm

Strange. Very strange. Mother's abandoned sword, and no sign of father anywhere. It did almost make sense with what she had been told back at the oasis, but she had hoped that even if her parents hand stumbled into a trap, that they would be strong enough to break out of it - heck, they were both stronger and wiser than she was the last time she saw them.. even if it way many years ago. A voice from behind her startled Kali and she spun around to see her uncle, standing right there! "Uncle Hasan!" she beamed, throwing herself forward into a hug. Her head instantly spun with the poisons that were still working through her system making her a little light-headed. She looked up at him as he asked if she had heard what happened. "Huh? N-no, Uncle. I.. I mean I had no idea anything had happened at all! I was just relaxing out by the big oasis this morning when a Jotunn called Kai stumbled up and told me that some kind of she-devil had taken over the city. He looked in pretty bad shape"

Separating herself from her uncles, Kali straightened her armour and clothing and tried to hide the gash on her leg. Planting her mace on the sandy ground, she gave her cocky grin. "Was planning on beating her up. But only after a rest. Some snake-people decided to give me hickeys on the way here."
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Mark3000 » Mon Apr 25, 2016 10:47 pm


Player Combat Roll:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Kailyne Attacks D'Ange
Hit Roll: 5 + 6 + 1 (Racial Bonus) + 2 (Skills) = 14, Hit!
Damage: Damage: 6 + 6 (Dex) + 2 (Bonus Damage) - 2 (Enemy Defense) = 12

Nighteyes Approaches D'Ange (6 AP)

You let loose another arrow that gets stuck into her side. With a scream she steps back only to notice Nighteyes charging towards her. "Get Back! I said GET BACK!" D'Ange quickly yelled as she was losing control of the situation. You catch her making a quick look towards Lucien who seems to just have a bemused smile on his face.

Enemy Combat Roll:

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

D'Ange Uses Muddy Torrent against Nighteyes
Spellcasting roll:6 + 5 (INT) + 2 (Favourite Element) + 1 (Racial Bonus) = 14, Hit!
Damage: 5 (INT) * 1.5(Heavy Impact) = 8

Evasion reduced by half for three turns

Knockdown Resist Roll (STR, Average)
Nighteyes: 11 + 5 = 16, Resisted!

The witch under pressure summons another torrent of muddy water aimed at Nighteyes. The wolf disappears into the turbid stream of water. But soon you see her pull out of it ready to attack, to D'Ange's dismay.

Shasar HP: 0/70 OP: ??/??
D'Ange HP: 4/40 OP: ??/??
Kailyne HP: 5/16 OP: 6/10
Nighteyes: HP: 4/12


D'Ange, ___4 AP___ Nighteyes______6AP______Kailyne,


"That's my girl! Always to the point. You can stay with me for a bit to rest" Hasan says as he takes her to his caravan. "By she-devil, I can assume you're talking about Angelica. We all thought she was just some little princess with money to spend. She started hiring men, women and children for some job on her private island. But we haven't from anyone taken their." He lets you into his tent with a separate bed roll for you.

"Since the problem was starting to affect many of the nomadic tribes. Your parents were planning to investigate the island, but they were attacked before their plans could come to fruition" He said as he handed Kali a cup of water.

FragranceofMtDew, An Ying Hu, VintageBass

As Caroline finishes, she seems happy Kassandra offered to help her. " I'd be more the happy to have you help. There's a quiet spot over there" She says as she points to as few large rocks on the other side of the pond." Caroline leads you over to the rocks which puts you just out of sight of the rest of the group.

Meanwhile Maribelle lets out a squeak whenever Zalira's hands drift to a more sensitive part of her body. She cuddles with Zalira while remaining a little apprehensive around Sharya.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby MelissaB » Mon Apr 25, 2016 11:01 pm

Kailyne looks worried as the spell hits nighteyes, her heart skipping in fear before she sees her friend emerge, shaking of what mud she could while the rest clings to her. "Nighteyes, end her." She calls out as she takes a breath her eyes locking onto D'Ange with a hard glare before she pulls back her arrow and lets it fly, sending it flying towards D'Ange, watching it sail towards her before quicky firing another, sending it chasing after the first trying to make sure she hit her target and cover Nighteye's more slower approach as the wolfess tries to run the elf down and leap at her to attack.

(double shot. Kailyne 2 ap left.)
move 4 ap attack 6 ap nighteyes 0AP left.)
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby FragranceofMtDew » Mon Apr 25, 2016 11:27 pm

Sharya's eyes light up as she listens with interest to Caroline as she talks about all the places they've been and marked women they've encountered. Being a traveling merchant sounded like so much fun! Except maybe the merchant part but there was definitely a lot more of the world that she wanted to see. And Lucien sure seemed to be getting around it lot.

"Oh, that's right! You weren't there last night, but when I went back and he took Kailyne he used some kind of magic to disappear. He must be able to teleport. In that case, he could be anywhere anytime he wants." Sharya replies, wrapping her arms around Zalira's body so she can cuddle the sexy witch while she whispers into her ear. Her gaze drifts to Maribelle on the other side who seems to be fine around Zalira but nervous around Sharya for some reason. It'd be rude to go over and invade the human girl's comfort zone but maybe a little teasing wouldn't hurt. "What's wrong? I don't bite." She inquires with a smirk, sticking her tongue out playfully.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby An Ying Hu » Mon Apr 25, 2016 11:38 pm

Zalira listened attentively to Sharya's words, nodding without saying anything in reply. Just lovely, she thought. Not only was he much more powerful than them, he could also be literally anywhere in Avalon and they would not have the slightest idea as to the location. She sighs, brushing herself a bit with water and splashing her face to freshen herself up, deciding to forget about her worries for now.. not that it was very hard with the two beautiful ladies flanking her.

She eagerly returned Sharya's embrace, though her own being one-armed as she had kept the other hand on Maribelle's shoulder, caressing it gently. Unlike her lover, Zalira had little regard whether she was rude or not. "Maribelle darling, you don't have to be so shy around beauty~" she said teasingly, sliding the young girl's hand into her own as she tries to place it on the witch's breasts. "You weren't so with me and think how great the reward was," giggling lightly she would try to shift Maribelle's hand from her own chest to Sharya, making the other touch her lover very close to her nipple. Forgetting about one's troubles, it surely worked.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Gorbaz » Tue Apr 26, 2016 12:00 am

Kali flashes a grin at the complement. She always found it easier being direct with people, rather than skirting around issues - all that did was waste time and energy getting down to the heart of things. She followed along happily with her uncle to his caravan, looking at the various tents set up as they went, most of which seemed to be abandoned at the moment. "Angelica? Yeah, the sounds like the name Kal gave. Said she's really into punishment for the fun of it. Beats me how getting a caning is fun, but I guess somehow, she does" she said, giving a shrug as the went, her mind drifting back briefly to the oasis. "Say, if you've got anyone to spare, could you send them over to the oasis? I kinda left the guy with a friend of mine there. He was in bad shape, and she... well... she could use someone to look out for her".

Grateful for the bedroll, Kali lays down on it, not bothering to remove the leather armour she had been wearing, and propping her head up in her hands. "So mom and dad went in there too? Dad always was the smart one, so I guess if anyone could come up with a plan it would have been him. So far, mine's just marching up to the gates and shouting 'Take me to your leader!' " she says with a laugh, making an exaggerated gesture with one hand before it vanishes back behind her head
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby VintageBass » Tue Apr 26, 2016 12:57 am

The holstaur follows suit behind Caroline, keeping up with her as they move on over to the rocks she pointed out. Once there, Kassy feels a bit weirded out about being with a married woman like Caroline, but hopefully she is in good hands now that they're out of sight from the others. It means that the two older women can enjoy some quality time and perhaps discuss some matters that Kassy has on her mind and let the threesome unfold without Caroline or Kassy disturbing the others. Once settled in, Kassy rubs her hands and places them on the merchant, getting right to work in scrubbing her back and repeating the same thing she did to the holstaur.

"I gotta say, you do look rather exquisite," she said, smiling as she rubs her fingers into Caroline's flesh and massages her in the process. "What's your secret to looking this good? You don't mind sharing it with me?" Kassy giggles, really appreciating her time. Then something came up inside of her mind, coming off fresh from Caroline's question about the tattoos, and Kassy lightens up on her rubbing and splashing. "So you care for Maribelle, right? I'm... honestly worried for Priea, as she looks up to me and I haven't been there for her for most of her life. Plus she and I bear these marks, and I'm scared for what would come if something bad were to happen to her. I guess you probably worry for your own daughter as well."
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Mark3000 » Tue Apr 26, 2016 3:09 am


Player Combat Roll
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Hit Roll: 7 + 6 + 1 (Racial Bonus) + 2 (Skills) = 16; Hit!
Hit Roll: 5 + 6 + 1 (Racial Bonus) +2 (Skills) =14; Hit!

Damage: 6 + 6 (Dex) + 2 (Bonus Damage) - 2 (Enemy Defense) = 12
Damage: 6 + 6 (Dex) + 2 (Bonus Damage) - 2 (Enemy Defense) = 12, D'Ange Defeated!

Your arrows appear to be all you need to fell the elven witch. The two arrows both embed themselves into D'Ange's chest. A look of shock appeared on her face. "B-Barbotos, Lord Lucien, why?" She says before collapsing to the ground. However, even with their master on the ground the demons don't disappear. In fact most of them look ready to attack until Barbotos steps forward. "Stay your hands. D'Ange has been defeated. Thus you have won the city for tonight." He grabs both D'Ange and Shasar and flings them over his shoulders. "We will retreat to the northern cave for now but we will return once D'Ange had healed. Plus, I have no interest in harming one of Lucien's princesses ... or her child." With that the bearded devil carries the two bodies off. Unsure what to do, the demons seem to follow suite to the cave.

From the house holds, people start to peek out their doors. Some approach and encircle Kailyne and Nighteyes to get a better look at their saviours. Whispers filled the air unsure how to take the news. Finally Michele and Martha come to see you in a tired and ragged state along with their daughter Alice. "Alice!" They yell in unison as the elderly couple run to embrace their returned daughter. With tears in his eyes they look to Kailyne. "Thank you Kailyne, from the bottom of my heart." Seeing the heartfelt reunion, the crown finally cheers their hero and go to raise her up.

Before you could bask in the glow of your victory you fell a wetness in your pants. Your water had broken and you could begin to feel yourself go into labor. It seems like Martha and a few of the other woman in the town recognized what was going on. With nowhere else to go, they carry the pregnant elf into the mansion previously inhabited by D'Ange. They quickly remove your pants and underwear, now soaked in fluids. Some grab towels while others get warm water. There are even people treating some of the wounds from your previous fight. So you feel the contractions come as your body prepares to give birth. But instead of the pain you'd often heard comes with labor, your mind is in a state of bliss. You body shivers with each contraction fills you with pleasure.

The process continues late into the night. Soon Martha and the other woman see a head and guide the baby out of Kailyne's body. You hear a gasp and a scream come from the other woman at the sight of the child. Once out, Martha carries the child to Kailyne. "It's a boy" She says with a shocked expression as she hands Kailyne ... a baby imp. She hand given birth to a demon that looked nothing like her or any of Lucien's forms you've seen until now. Crying, the baby imp seemed to be reaching out for Kailyne's breast which were already dripping milk.

Battle Results
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

(Victory, + 25 EXP, Level up! +2 Stat Points, You can choose to a new skill or strengthen one of your existing skills.)


Hasan lets out a booming laugh. "That sounds like a Kali kinda plan" He says as he passes Kali some dried meat from a pouch in the tent. "That's what I was thinking of to. But knowing you dad, he would say something about doing research and knowing the enemy before you face them." He said rubbing his chin. "We gotta be through cause we won't get another chase at this." Hasan then lets out a yawn. "Well it's late and you look like you've been through the ringer. Those snake people are more like vultures. Rest up and we'll make a plan tomorrow. I'll see what I can send over to the oasis as well."

FragranceofMtDew, An Ying Hu, VintageBass

"Oh that feels good Kassandra" Caroline says, appreciating the attention from the Holstaur. You can hear her laugh a bit when you mention her looks. "That's a real complement coming from you Kassy. As for my secret, I often use bath soaps developed by the elves in Vestaheim. They help to keep my skin silky smooth. And I'm not just saying that because we sell them." She says with a smile. When the topic becomes a bit more serious. Caroline begins to wear a more motherly smile. "Seeing how close you two are, it's only natural that you would want to protect her. I worry about Maribelle all the time. But I also have to trust that she will make the right decisions on her own. We can't be there for everything but can teach them what the need to know. Unless there's another reason you're looking after Priea.." As she says this, the married woman reaches back and begins to stroke Kassandra's cock.

Meanwhile at the other end of the pond, Maribelle was holding on to Zalira closely. When Sharya stuck her tongue out, the small tailor responded in kind sticking her tongue out as well. However, her expression softens due to Zalira's words. "It really was great." As her hand landed on Sharya's chest, Maribelle couldn't help but give the elf's breast a playful squeeze. "Did this really all happen because of a magic spring?" She questions as she grabbed both Zalira's and Sharya's ample bust.
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