Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.09 (4/18/12)

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Which character is your favorite so far?

Emilia (Warrior)
Rhiannon (Berserker)
Irine (Priest)
Cesca (Thief)
Thyme (Sage)
Lanie (Magician)
Sairyn (Martial Artist)
Asella (Paladin)
Total votes : 1714

Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.05B (9/6/1

Postby BlueLight » Mon Sep 12, 2011 4:30 am

So here are a few ways of doing the If/conditional statements.

Code: Select All Code
if(Party1 == true) {prints out information for male character}
if(Party1 == false) {Prints out information for Females}
if(Party1 == null) {Don't print out information.}
if(Party1 == true | false){
   if(Party3 == true) {adds to print out. information for Party2 as male}
   if(Party3 == false){adds to print out. information for Party2 as male}
   if(Party3 == null){Don't do anything}

This how ever might be complex for any 3rd party looking at the code.

Make a integer is a waste of space if you ask me.
another way of doing this which might just be better.
Code: Select All Code
If(party == true){State party member was taken away.}

It's much sorter and uses 1 Boolean versus my first 2.

I have a solution for your picture thing. Instead of thinking of it as 1 sex scene where you have to rewrite for each mixture of character how about you act as if each character is have there own scene. Think of it this way.

you have 3 characters A, B, and C. A runs in to Orc pack and does foot job. B runs in to Orc pack and you get breast sucking. C runs in to Orc pack and has tea... and biscuits.

A, B, and C are in the same party and run in to the Orc pack.
You re word it and just show the same pictures for A foot job, B Breast sucking and C tea and biscuits.

and to keep and the different possibly type lower you might do something like this.
Code: Select All Code
C sat and started drink the tea as the Orcs tried and failed to get closer.// C alone
C sits down and starts to watch as [Name] starts giving a [Job]// Name = other character name and Job = sexual act.
// the next one you basically do the same thing but you add another thing for other characters name and job. If you take this approach you will likely have to set up a time line of when things happen.

Another way you could do it is run though each characters sex scene one by one. but that will make each rape 3 times as long.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.05B (9/6/1

Postby KITAmaru » Mon Sep 12, 2011 6:21 am

Ah, thanks. That definitely helps, not a bad idea. I'll certainly look into that. Hopefully, I can get the party system working by 0.07.

Well, I technically counted the bandit scene as two, because they are different images and entirely different sets of text depending on if you lose to them, or if you agree to sex, should your Purity be low enough--and that particular option involves the bunny chick.

Rhiannon sure does seem to be pretty popular, but I can't help but notice that Emilia is constantly neck and neck with her in the popularity polls... Interesting.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.05B (9/6/1

Postby BlueLight » Mon Sep 12, 2011 7:23 am

BlueLight Wrote:and to keep and the different possibly type lower you might do something like this.

Speak English dude... WE. CAN'T. UNDERSTAND. YOU... oh wait that was me.

Ya um i'm not sure what i was saying there... and look at the time it's only 11 so i can't blame on being tired like normal. Stupid clocks.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.05B (9/6/1

Postby nini-mercy » Mon Sep 12, 2011 3:21 pm

Hey KITAmaru nice game by the way what about that dominatrix lady in the chambers can you add another scene to her that she is the one that get raped.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.05B (9/6/1

Postby Ayra » Mon Sep 12, 2011 3:23 pm

I did get to finally play through the rest of the current version, so here's my comments on the NPCs as promised!

Nebula: Pretty decent for a 'comedic' and recurring villain. I imagine we'll see a whole lot of her, although it's already near impossible to take her seriously... At least for now. To be entirely honest, the highlight of the Nebula scene for me wasn't Nebula herself: Asella's answers were pretty awesome :) About the boss... yes it's completely disgusting, and while I did try the slime and even the regular plants, no way I'm checking out that one. Beside, even a level 5 Asella completely decimated it anyway without even comming close to needing to use a potion so it's all good!

Wolfram: Ehh... 'Annoyed' was my first reaction and I wasn't sure why at first since the character is okay (*gasp* someone with morals! Call the cops!) I thought about it a bit, and I figured it wasn't actually the character that irked me, it was the scene itself. I'll put myself in Asella's shoes for a moment to explain.

I'm a paladin on a critical mission to save the princess from an incredibly evil criminal syndicate. I know full well what happens to people they capture, so failure is not an option. Someone comes behind me and points a sword at my back, while there is someone in front some distance away. There's no way in hell I'd just stay there and do nothing. I could rush foward and bullrush the guy in front, then spin around while drawing my sword. I could spin around and try to swat the sword away with my protected arm. I could drop down and propel backward to push the guy with the sword down while evading it. Sure, all those options would be risky, but I'm wearing armor so there'd be a chance to survive even if the maneuver failed, and surrendering means both failing my quest and facing a fate worse than death... Surrendering is simply not an option for me, especially when I still have multiple options that have at least a chance of succeeding.

So Asella just standing there doing nothing, letting the guy in front come close and grope her without trying to do anything feels completely wrong.

According to the game clock, it took me 32 minutes to play from the beginning to the end of Asella's quest (A bit short since there were no trips to the chamber, no grinding beside killing 2-3 slimes, plants and assassins, and only scenes seen were the slime and the regular plant). During that 32 minutes, I've seeen two 'good' male characters... And in both cases, they were the gallant heroes saving our poor character in distress. That feels a bit much honestly! So my dislike of Wolfram doesn't come from the character himself, but from having to be rescued twice in 30 minutes by "gallant princes" which makes our heroine more like a "damsel in distress" for the male heroes to save than a strong-willed, capable woman. I mean, being rescued by NPCs/other characters is part of standard RPG tropes, but twice in 30 minutes when doing everything 'right' and that it's the introduction point for all the 'noble' male characters so far feels a bit too much in my opinion...

I didn't know there was an 'Ayra crew' now! :) Well, I can only speak of myself and not of my entire crew, but to me the whole "virgin or not" doesn't really matter much. I mean, my personal definition is that you lose it when you willingly have a relation with someone. Since it's mostly semantics, I prefer seeing it as something you can only give, not get taken away from by force. That definition probably doesn't apply in a game like this though! And in all honesty, it probably doesn't matter much in the end, unless you have something like a unicorn in the game (which doesn't let itself get touched/rode by a non-virgin woman in some stories). From a 'hymen broken' standpoint, odds are that all the physical-based characters like Asella would already have it broken anyway: It tends to break due to constantly heavy physical activities and training for war would certainly do that in a majority of situations. So yeah, to resume since I'm typing and typing and not getting anywhere... I'm personally really not picky about what definition of virginity you take, and if the plant scenes takes it away or not (Though with how it's written I'm not sure how it won't break the hymen :)) and so on so forth.

And for all the programming stuff... I'll skip that part :)
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.05B (9/6/1

Postby KITAmaru » Mon Sep 12, 2011 3:48 pm

Yes, yes it was. It's something that me and my friends like to say when playing games for some reason. DEY TOOK AWR JAAAWBS!

Next patch coming out the end of this week will feature two more possible scenes with the dominatrix lady, just wait and see! Man, people want revenge don't they? I've been getting these requests for payback since 0.04 came out!

Heh, I'm not gonna lie, I figured that part in particular might make you feel slightly uncomfortable due to the forced helplessness, but I figure it was either that or an unwinnable battle (a 9999 hp bandit that takes 1 dmg) and I couldn't justify that strength on a minor character and absolutely needed to introduce Wolfram. I definitely agree with the getting saved twice part though in the first portion of the game, it is a tad much. The groping part was for irk factor, and I know some people absolutely hate feeling helpless, while others embrace it in a game like this. And don't worry--heroes don't necessarily stay heroes and neither do villains here, maybe with the exception of Genesius, who is an honest to goodness bad guy.

I feel it is unfortunate timing since I also have things lined up where the PC takes that savior role as well. I hope it's not enough to make you quit since I feel there is a lot more to see in terms of storyline and character dynamic without being completely chauvinistic. To be honest, I don't feel that every selectable character is necessarily a ' strong female lead', as Cesca and Lanie are easily people who took the job without thinking ahead, but for battle hardened characters like Asella and Rhiannon (as well as Emilia and maybe Sairyn), you're right, they probably wouldn't take that shit and I was rushing too much to make the appropriate changes. I can see Irine attempting to negotiate later and Thyme waiting for a perfect opportunity later to hex him. I guess when applied to the wrong characters, it does seem a little too reminiscent of some shoujo manga where the heroine becomes a useless little shit in the face of a rapist, no matter what they attempt to establish her as beforehand, as a device for the various male protagonists who ALWAYS show up on time (and oddly are often as sexually aggressive as the rapists themselves, except differ mainly in that they are physically attractive -_-)...

What I'll most likely do for the Wolfram cutscene is edit the scene in context based on the character, which is something that I'd actually like to go back and do with some other scenes too. In case people are wondering why some girls do out of character things in some H scenes (like with the twins), every time I exclude someone from an H scene (like Irine with the maid, originally), I get a ton of complaints, so in this case I'm just throwing the horndogs a bone ;)

Wolfram is loosely inspired from the 'Monster' character in the movie 'Pray for Rock and Roll'. I was in self conflict for a while about having two gallant but serious males but, I figure there are going to be so many other characters that it probably won't even matter.

Good point about Asella, I figure a pally who may be familiar with cavalry probably doesn't have her hymen intact, and the virginity concept is honestly more of a tragedy / fetish fuel device, though I personally don't care if a girl is a virgin or not I wanted to implement variety from the start, which is why I made most girls at varying Purity levels and levels of sexual experience.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.05B (9/6/1

Postby ShadowFax » Mon Sep 12, 2011 6:02 pm

What are the characters starting purity levels?
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.05B (9/6/1

Postby Lucky777 » Mon Sep 12, 2011 7:18 pm

KITAmaru Wrote: In case people are wondering why some girls do out of character things in some H scenes (like with the twins), every time I exclude someone from an H scene (like Irine with the maid, originally), I get a ton of complaints, so in this case I'm just throwing the horndogs a bone ;)

Yes ... and we appreciate it. Characters that cannot be rammed headfirst into all the sex scenes need to be rammed into them ass-first, but there's no way one can accept them not being ram-able.

Ayra Wrote:I didn't know there was an 'Ayra crew' now! :)

You're well spoken, and I'm absolutely sure your opinion represents some demographic - even if it's a lurker one, or one that hasn't found out about the game yet. Still, in general I'm referring to "the peeps who would prefer some consensual (AND high-purity) content, and who do not take great joy in completely, utterly, totally, definitively and absolutely rooting the sexual resistance out of each and every single character individually or collectively."
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.05B (9/6/1

Postby KITAmaru » Mon Sep 12, 2011 8:29 pm

I don't remember off the top of my head, being away from the comp, but I think it was something like Asella/Irine/Cesca 100 (in part due to them having chastity vows or what not), Sairyn 95, Emilia 90, Lanie 80, Rhiannon 70, and Thyme 60. Additionally, the ones who start off at lower scores tend to be more resistant to mind break, due to their lifestyles and there being less of a 'shock' from suddenly engaging in sexual activity. Obviously this is more of a game mechanic than something to be considered realistic at all, lol.

Lol, I thought you meant the Ayra demographic as in, F/F consensual fans (and generally anti penis or N/C fantasy), which other than her, I don't really see many other outspoken proponents on this forum, but I heed the opinion regardless, as I do like F/F and have female friends irl who are in the same boat as Ayra in terms of those preferences. As in, they'd buy a yuri doujin and the moment a cock pops up, they go FFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUU--
XD I'm just surprised that this game can even mildly appeal to someone in that boat.

Haha, safe to say that every one of the ' main eight ' is obviously rammable by default, but not every single NPC in the game is, apparently. Just gotta wait and see which ones are coupled with which fetishes, if any! Sometimes holding back has its own appeal, like when I was playing Elysium and thought I was getting an h scene with the nun (I was like YES!) and was soon met with absolute denial! Or the general chick who starts to give a handjob but then crushes your dick! Gives a new meaning to the term 'boner kill'...yeesh. No offense to Seyzer, who is a good VX designer, just that it caught me completely off guard.

Anyway, I made this game a tad more gratuitous due to personal game play tastes and that I generally don't want to play for an hour before seeing an h scene. Storyline can still exist, and decent ones at that, as you will see in the final product!
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.05B (9/6/1

Postby Lucky777 » Mon Sep 12, 2011 8:45 pm

: O

In during not playing Elysium, mang.

Wasn't going to in the first place, due to an earlier description saying it had low H-content, but bonerkills ain't no good.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.05B (9/6/1

Postby ShadowFax » Tue Sep 13, 2011 5:55 am

Actually I think your game has an absolutely perfect h-game to fun rpg game ratio. If a character does something out of character, it's probably because WE put them there and weren't doing the rpg thing 'in-character' xD ATM my fave is Asella and doesn't seem to be changing anytime soon. One of my saves is dedicated to keeping her at 100% purity 100% of the time in the event of awesome 100% purity perks and/or h-scenes xD so in that regard, that save file has been very mostly in-character for her and a straight up rpg gaming mosh and while maybe being slightly easy, there's alot of mechanics to really like about it *i.E. plenty to interact with/diverge with/ characters per zone etc.

I'm prolly a bit of the Arya crew xD, but I DO use that 100% purity save to explore for content I might not get otherwise.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.05B (9/6/1

Postby Jaronsan » Tue Sep 13, 2011 10:12 am

Hey KITAmaru. I've lurked this board for a while now, but finally made an account just to say that this is an awesome effort; probably the best game of I've seen on this site and I'm really looking forward to the next update. I'm really hoping the Slave Master makes a return (I'm a fan of F/F, consensual or not), but I'd love it if I had the ability to either take revenge on her or submit to her again, just because I like being able to make choices like that. Either way though I'm sure it'll be good.

Also I'm loving the characters so far, especially Nebula. Can't wait till she shows up again.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.05B (9/6/1

Postby ZeroEXE.ZX17 » Tue Sep 13, 2011 2:35 pm

i wanted to ask/tell you (i made this account because i wanted to respond and hopefully help out :3 ) i was going to say this WAY earlier but because of some problems i couldn't (it was this site for me rather then my comp itself lol) i think the reasn why so many people like Emilia so much is because she is the one that people first see, so she would make a impression on them easly.

and for the ghost scene you can do what legend of queen opala did with the nightmare boss (a semi dream) or the ghost would possesse the main girl or something lol :3

oh and just to ask you do you think that maybe do you think maybe there will be some consensual vampire M/F sex? given the way the syndicate is, a good vamp char (or not good lol) would work well manly because a vampire bite would drive the girl crazy in lust (like if the main char gets bitten she would want to have sex from the bite, if she loses the fight that is) and even turn the girl into a vampire to bite the men (depends on what rules you go for then any vamp can bite and feed witout turning the human unles they put their own blood ino them) for more of a thrill.

like the way it could go is "they starve him of blood (making him wanting blood so badly they he would jump and feed/have sex with the first girl that enters the cage he is in, and he would be in there long beore the main story takes place) and throw emilia (lets use emilia as a example) in and he sees emilia and tries to jump her to feed on her (with him trying to tell her to "leave before he hurts her" before he goes into a blood lust) and if emilia loses then the scene starts" and depending on what emilia says would affect the scene instead of just the words (like how the spear guard's scene is if you act like your a slave then there is a extra scene) like she could offer him her neck (he would feed but he won't take her, thus saving emilia's virginity) or if she is willing to both (like she would offer her body to him) or back away (making it a rape scene with him jumping her) and after he rec from getting emilia's blood he would realise what he done and freak out and apologize and maybe if she lets him out of the cage when she gets out (or he gets her out from getting his strength) he would help her later (maybe like a boss or a trap she got in or something) do you think maybe this can be added? (and maybe if you do add him maybe he can be one of the "ending" guy's for the main girls) if you don't mind reading this and hopefully putting it in?^,..,^ (or begging for it XD) :3

oh and to talk about the chars a bit if you are going to add more i think a ranger would be good (to make the "bow" weapons useful lol) and maybe like a big breasted glasses wering closet perv as a shinobi class girl lol :D oh and i am surprised (given you have ths game on this side) that there isn't a furry girl or at the least a half animal girl (like a ears/tail catgirl) or even a monster girl or something

and i agree with tadpole92's idea of changing the main chars views the farther they go in (like the bad sides of themselfs like Asella's views of the poor and below her and ect) :3

oh and one last thing i love the char Nebula she reminds me of asagi lol (in a good way XD) and i do wonder if one of her monsters she summons will "screw" her a the end XD (that would be funny H-scene)

sorry for the giant WALL0TEXT lol but i just wanted to say/put out all that i thought of when i first saw and loved this game, thanks for reading it all :D

i made this account to prase this good game and to ask/tell you some things, first i think the reason why so many people like emilia is because she is the first one everyone sees and from that she leaves a bit of a impact. and about the ghost idea i think you should ether use the "dream" idea like what "legend of queen opala" did what the op nightmare boss or the main character girl gets possessed or something lol.

oh and speaking of characters i think (if your adding more new chars) you should put a "ranger" type of char and maybe a big breasted glassess wering closet perv shinboi girl? :D oh and i am surprised that (thinking of the site this game is on) that there isn't a (playable) furry girl, or a (only cat ears/tail) catgirl or even a monster girl type of thing lol.

and speaking of chars and monsters, i was wondering if you could add maybe a consensual vampire M/F sex with a good male vamp? given how the syndicate is it could work, like when the vamp bites and feeds on a girl she would go crazy with lust (and depends on the rules you can use a vampire can bite someone without turning them unless the vampire puts their own blood into the person they bit) or even turn the girl into a lustful sex-crazed vamp to feed on men, for thrils, anyways with the male vamp you could have it like this, they would starve him of blood (making him wan blood so badly that he would feed/have sex with the first girl that is in the same cell as him and he would hae been there way before the main story started) an lock the girl that you are playing in with him,

like if emilia (using her as a example) was caught but instead of the chambers they put her in a small cell with the vamp (the vamp telling her to "leave before he hurts her" before he couldn't controle himself anymore) and and emilia wins he bites (no sex) and goes back to norm but if emilia loses then the scene itself will change depends on what emilia says instead of the words (like the spear guard if you say your a slave you have a extra screen) like if she offers her neck he will just feed from her (thus saving her virginity) or offer her body (a willing sex scene with her still feeding from her) or backing away then he jumps her and feeds and rapes her, and when he recovers (from drinking her blood) he realises what he has done and apologizes (and helps freeing them both) and if emilia accepts his apologize then he would help her more (like maybe making a really hard boss easier or crippling one of the hard bosses strongest attacks or taking care of alot of men that you can't beat on your own or something) what do you think? :3 (and maybe if you add him he can be one of the ending guy's maybe? :D ) thanks for reading all of it and i hope that you might put my idea in of this char :3 (more like begging for a consensual vampire M/F h-scene XD)

oh i also agree with tadpole92's idea of the main character should change as they go farther in (like Asella's look on the poor and ones below her for example)

and last but not least i love the character Nebula she reminds me of asagi (in a good way XD) sorry for the WALL0TEXT lol and thank you for reading this message and keep up with this great game (it took 2 trys to put this whole thing so sorry if i forgot anything and have to post again XD)
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.05B (9/6/1

Postby KITAmaru » Tue Sep 13, 2011 5:44 pm

Hahaha. Like I said, overall it's actually a pretty good game, as Seyzer knows what he's doing in VX (unlike me), but I just personally prefer more H-scenes in, well, an H-game. Yeah, so it might be a 'sex romp', but I don't feel that any of the sexual situations in Despair Labyrinth are completely ridiculous or uncalled for--they 'fit', given the dark premise of the storyline and the slow mind-corruption mechanic.

Thanks for the support! That's actually... I dunno, maybe the 6th request, if not more, for the Slave Master? XD But worry not--she'll be back next patch, as soon as I get some attempts at storyline done. I actually have about... technically 4 H-scenes (if you count branching paths with separate sets of pictures) done, but just another area and another cutscene to finish. I know it seems kinda rushed that I'm introducing all these characters, but I really wish to set the 'stage' by providing faces in DLaby that players will be familiar with, should they see them; instead of some bandit, some bandit, some bandit, slime, plant, bandit, etc.

There's no way you will NOT see more Nebula. Just... wait and see.

Ah right, biting is a pretty decent and prominent fetish (one that an ex of mine was into... ha) that I hadn't yet considered. Well, yes, it is possible, but no promises in terms of ETA. You might notice that I am open to including a lot of fetish types, because well, it's easy and fun for me to try writing about something that I didn't have experience with before (like the slime and so on). I believe I have usable facesets/sprites for both male and female vampires, so encounters with them could always be an option later on in the game. Vampires tend to strike me as strong opponents in an RPG setting, however, so I'd definitely put this down a little later when the characters have leveled up some.

Haha, a meganekko kunoichi huh?
I think that's one thing I forgot to add to the main lineup, was a glasses girl. I was also going to put severely varying heights but it proved to be a problem for the 'positions' aspect (lots of constant readjustment just to make one character fit into an H-scene and so on), so I'm reserving that for certain NPC's.
Those are both good ideas, and though it's a bit cliche I'd probably have made the ranger girl elven or something, since I have the mods and some people are into elf ears, I guess. I'm probably only going to implement new PC's as a patch after the game is mostly done, however, using NPC's to fill in most of the potential H-scenes--since backtracking that far is gonna be a nightmare, and with around half an hour of gameplay, currently (provided you don't fuck around in the Chambers too much ;D) I'm currently focusing on developing more of a world and more characters / maps as well as the obligatory H-scenes. Outside of two testers/consultants, it's quite literally only me writing the scenes, compiling the 3DCG pictures, and working on the mechanics / leveling / battle / items / skills and so on, so I pretty much have to take it one step at a time. Ideally, I want people to be able to go up to nearly any NPC that isn't a 'chaser enemy' and be able to get more than one scene from it, which is why I revisited the twins and the dominatrix this patch.

All great suggestions though, and none of them are things that I'd absolutely refuse to implement in the future.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.05B (9/6/1

Postby Milten » Tue Sep 13, 2011 8:02 pm

Sorry for not reading whole thread, but have you considered "seduce" skill (as adition to "surrender")? Of course it must be the hard way with chance of failure and requirement for low enemy's HP. BTW It would be nice to have a possibilty to see enemy's HP, as well as other 'hidden' stats.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.05B (9/6/1

Postby BlueLight » Tue Sep 13, 2011 10:29 pm

"Did some piece of shit say vampire? HAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHA" ... lucard.jpg

Well as a fan of hellsing i got some ideas.
Vampires are creatures of the night who have shunned the light as we all know or should so the level design will have to change to support vampire characters in that sense (no more plant sex for you guys :P)

Going off hellsing you need to be the opposite sex and a virgin to become a vampire or the victim become a ghoul.
Now i don't think we have any place for any female ghouls in the game so i'll leave this out.

Heres what i'm thinking for logic
Code: Select All Code
(A == Female && Virgin) {Become vampire}
(A == Female && !Virgin) {increase lust/decrease HP by alot}
(A == Male){Become ghoul?}

However i guess you could put females not virgins as damage * 2 and males as damage/2 and then give bite attack a damage value
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.05B (9/6/1

Postby Lucky777 » Tue Sep 13, 2011 10:43 pm

The Hellsing OVAs are probably my favourite non-H animu things period. Even so, I've never liked the whole "gotta be a virgin to get turned" thing. I'd be all for leaving that part out.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.05B (9/6/1

Postby rpglord_1203 » Wed Sep 14, 2011 12:15 am

Hi there.

I'm a really big fan of this game and think it can go a long way. Which is why I even registered in the first place, I've been producing Role Playing Games for almost 6 years, and I would like to let you know that if you need any help with the storyline, feel free to contact me, I would love to help out. ;)

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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.05B (9/6/1

Postby KITAmaru » Wed Sep 14, 2011 2:09 am

Heh... Hirano Kouta's vampires are...pretty nuts, at least if we're counting Alucard. I did find the ghoul thing a convenient way to explain the presence of zombie familiars without automatically vamping everyone that gets bitten, though. Great series, of course... I've been enjoying Drifters too, perhaps not to the same extent, but it's definitely a piece where you can tell Hirano wrote it.

Can't say my vampires would be as powerful as his, obviously, as that's just a little... cheap, but they'd still be relatively strong, comparable to the ones Westerners are used to. ... eDifferent

Ahahaha... well, vampires could always live on the lower levels of the Labyrinth; honestly, I'm not too worried about the details at this point; it's not like a light spell similar to a grow-lamp can't be used to raise those tentacle plant monsters down there anyway. :P

As far as a 'seduction' skill... I haven't really thought of that, though it'd be closer to be part of a 'sex battle' type system that would have to come later, likely due to lack of severe demand. Plus, I can already tell it'll be a pain to put in if it means needing separate H-scenes for each enemy (remember, the Chambers is not only a storyline-related place to give people insight into the Syndicate's inner workings, but also as a cop-out way for me to put additional human enemies without having to make an H-scene for every single one right away!)--and remember, it's practically just me working on this project in terms of using RPGVX. Thanks to my two testers though, as well as everyone who has taken the time to give input, feedback, suggestions and so on!
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Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Update: 0.09 (4/18/12):
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.05B (9/6/1

Postby ZeroEXE.ZX17 » Wed Sep 14, 2011 2:24 am

wow thanks for the reply :3 oh and sorry for the 2 post XD (i'm not use to this side so i didn't know something needed to be "ok'ed" before a post was put up) and thaks for hearing me out, yea vamps are alwys looked at as just strong enemies so thats why i said/hoping for a good vamp char and lol it's ok if it was cliche to think of a ranger class as a elf girl (hell it would be wrong other wise) well i shall happly wait for the next update (and not that i have this account) tell ya fully what i think of it :D i just hope you liked the story and such of the vampire idea :3 (since i know you wanted to put a few good chars in there i thought it would work well) thanks again dood lol (sorry if i muti post, i am getting some laG from this site so i may post things not knowing if they got though or not T^T sorry again dood) and yea as a enemy a vamp is easy to do and i always thought the chambers (aside from the one you said) was also a way to see about the char you are playing (like how we find out about irine's past or lanie's way of life) lol

BlueLight -
by "some piece of shit" do you mean me? of so the thats rude if not then sorry i misunderstood lol (altho i think turning the main girl char would need to change the color of the pics of said char to reflect that she is a vamp or unless you mean like a status effect)


yea thats is a great OVA and thats what i mean with the vamp rules, and for the "virgin" thing i think it's because the blood is "pure" (but for every other vamp story/lore/rules virgin's blood is really good and addicting)
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