Tainted Princess

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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby An Ying Hu » Sun Apr 17, 2016 9:59 pm

Zalira sensed Sharya's surprise and decided to prey on it, locking the embrace with both arms as they kept making out through their way to the bedroll. She simply chuckles at her companion's remark about assisting her kill any intruder, though she does seem taken aback at the phrasing that followed. "I have been waiting?" she repeats, perking a curious brow as her fingers are trailed sensuously around Sharya's waist. "As I recall, you were the one who couldn't keep her hands to herself after I first sipped from that fountain," she reminds her of that special moment with a voracious smirk, letting aside the fact that the witch herself had started it.

Moaning as her breasts are touched, she lets the moments linger, the desire and passion fructifying in her eyes as instead of sitting her on the bed, Zalira would try to spin Sharya around so the elf girl's back and plump ass were now pressed against the sorceress' body, her ample bust covered by the heaviness of her armour pressing tentatively on the other's back. "And that one slap I gave you.. can you really say you didn't enjoy it?" and there she did it again, this time her fingers digging into Sharya's skin again. "I didn't take you one for one who likes it rough, but that just means we are alike in at least one thing~" she whispers sharply with a hot breath into her ear as she rolled her tongue across the other's shoulder, wettening it whilst her hands were now cupping Sharya's own breasts, returning the favour as she slowly kneads them, in contrast to the hastiness of her first assault, she was now taking her time in torturing the girl with her steady advances.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Gorbaz » Sun Apr 17, 2016 10:29 pm

Puffing out her chest, Kari doesn't let her own interpretation of the fact, however flawed, slow her down. She was going to go on an adventure, beat up some bad guys, and become mayor! Then she'd do it again someplace else! Sure Kal might be a shadow of what her people normally were, but he was an ex-slave, his resistance probably almost beaten out of him. Perhaps someone should give him something to live for... "Well alright then! I'm gonna go and smash some evil heads in!" she cried, slinging her mace over her shoulder and starting off in the direction of Nirvada, glancing back slightly as she did. "Oh, hey! Look after my friend while I'm away, will ya?" she shouted back with a cocky grins and, not waiting for a response, continued to stride out into the desert.

The further away she got from the oasis, the more her mind started to wonder. She'd been marching around from adventure to adventure, but never heard of anything happening to her people of this scale. Was someone targeting them specifically? Maybe this she-devil wouldn't be alone? Could she take on a veritable army of dark denizens on her own? No matter, she thought. Her path was set, and her goal ahead. She would face it like so many other things - head on and swinging!
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby VintageBass » Mon Apr 18, 2016 6:08 pm

Kassy has been relatively quiet all throughout the trip away from the encampment. There's not really much she could say about the matter that happened, more feeling bad she couldn't do a thing to prevent what occurred. Had she gotten her stuff sooner, then maybe... but it was too late and now they're once again one member short of their party. The holstaur wonders what will come of Kailyne and Nighteyes, and what will also happen if someone else were to fall into Lucian's hands. She especially holds onto Priea closely, fearing for the worst for the young cleric as she doesn't want to scare or worry the girl should she fail to protect her from any danger, or even ending up in the same place as Kailyne. Even now with her supplies back, it not going to be enough for the fights ahead.

For now, finally noticing the camp site their friendly companions have set up for them, Kassy heads on over to a tent and sits down in front of it. She feels tired, yet there's something about her not doing anything recently that's getting to her. An idea occurred to her. "I'll help out with some guard duty and keep an eye out for anything that comes our way," she offered, propping up her sharpened shovel onto her shoulder. "It's the least I can do, hopefully to prevent another one of us from being whisked away..." Although with the sound of two others getting it on, getting any sleep may be a issue, but she can't be upset at the two. It also brings up an issue if she were to sleep with Priea, especially since Kassy sleeps in the buff, so Kassy is going to be a little cautious about doing anything like that until Priea feels comfortable about the sort... and hopefully it's when they aren't cursed with these marks.

Kassy lets out a sigh and sits by, keeping an eye on her compatriots and be on the lookout for anything that wants to ruin their night.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby FragranceofMtDew » Mon Apr 18, 2016 6:56 pm

"Y-you were feeling me up too ya know!" Sharya replies, her face flushing slightly as she pouts playfully. Now that they've finally kissed and groped their way over to the bedroll, Sharya wonders just what Zalira has in store for her, only to find herself spun around so that she's facing away from the witch. She's confused by this but doesn't find herself complaining once she feels the other elf's bust pressed against her back. "I... I did like it, yeah... Ooooh!~" She admits before squealing in delight as she feels Zalira's hand reward her with another slap on her ass.

"I've never actually done anything like this before... So I don't really know what I like I guess." Sharya confesses, her breath quickening as Zalira begins to gently grope her breasts. "But I love everything you're doing to me right now!" She moans in delight, needily grinding her ass back against the other elf's body. Her hand drifts down between her own legs and she finds that Zalira's teasing has really started to get her wet, even through her clothes.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Mark3000 » Mon Apr 18, 2016 8:18 pm


Martha seems comforted by your words as Michele finishes the final stitches on your new armor. It was everything you were hoping for when you originally asked Maribelle to tailor something for you. "I don't entirely trust you, but if you can get our Alice back. Well, we'll be grateful beyond measure" He says as his expression softens and reaches out to shake your hand. You hear another knock on the door and before you can answer, D'Ange busts through the door with a sinister looking bow in her hand. "Oh you look wonderful Kailyne! See, Michele is the best there is. I knew we had a weapon lying around for you. Here, Originally it was for Shasar but she wants to stick to her whip" As she hands you the weapon, you feel a dark presence surround it. "Now have a going night you two!" D'Ange says to the elderly couple as she prepares to leave.

Kailyne has obtained the Felspark Bow (Long Bow, AP:8, Damage 6, Max OP +4, +1 Damage for every 5 LP, -1 OP every two attack, Can add two enhancements.)


Kai nods and waves you off as you march through the desert determined to save your people from a terrible fate. At the pace you were going, you would reach Nirvada in no time. The sun shines as the mounds of roll on and on. The heat being no issue for your tough skin. It was a peaceful trip until you hear a hissing sound as you walk.

VintageBass, FragranceofMtDew, An Ying Hu, MASigma

The rest of Oliver's family follow suit and move to sleep, leaving Sharya and Zalira to their own devices. Duke taps Kassandra on the shoulder. "Wake me up when you want to switch watch." He says as he slips into one of the carts to sleep. His body being too big for the tents.

Night Watch (Wis, Average)
Kassy: 5 + 2 = 7
Ey'ala: 14 + 2 = 16

It might be fatigue from the day but Kassandra doesn't notice anything as she sits on watch. Ey'ala on the other hand spots a bit of rustling in the bush. Probably just some wild animals in the bush.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby MelissaB » Mon Apr 18, 2016 8:22 pm

Shaking his hand she nods and gets dressed in her new armor, nodding to both as she frowns. "I will help where I can." She comments with a soft smile before D'Ange bursts in Kailyne taking the bow as she glares at her elven sister. "You and I are going to have a word. -Now-." She tells her with a glare as she leaves alongside her with Nighteyes in tow, the wolf growling menacingly behind her. "You are to return their daughter to them." She tells her with a hard glare an arrow in her hand and Nighteyes right next to her ready to pounce.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby An Ying Hu » Mon Apr 18, 2016 8:48 pm

Ey'ala had been soaring for a while, mired in her own troubles which she tried to shove away from her mind by focusing on the task she had volunteered for. Just as she thought the night was going to be a quiet one, her keen raven eyesight picked up some rustling in the leaves. It seems to lead towards a nearby shrub, so she decided to approach quietly and investigate, pretending to be an ordinary raven as she perches herself on a nearby branch and looks about.


"It was your fault that you look so pretty," Zalira retorts with a playful smirk etched on her lips as she gives Sharya's ear a naughty bite, the hand that had just slapped her behind was now creeping its way underneath her pants to slide a finger into her wet spot. "You don't need experience to know what you like," the witch continues, remembering the discussion they had about fucking wolves, which made her wetter as well as the other hand kept groping the other elf's breasts and fondling them intensely. "I only did it twice, and neither satisfied me as much as touching you does~" she giggles seductively, hearing the other's appreciation for her as she decides to let Sharya choose. "I can be very rough when I want to, just as I'm sure you can be very soft.. either way, I am eager to test how far the fountain heightened our senses," she says, offering her the decision between tender and tough as she tries to remove Sharya's top using both of her hands. She did not do the same for her own armour though, in case the other elf would choose the rougher path, she could certainly make use of her kinkily sharp shoulder-blades plating and her jingling belt, which was just made for Sharya's plump ass.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby VintageBass » Mon Apr 18, 2016 9:03 pm

Sleep seems to be getting to Kassy, as her eyes start to close on her, but a good few taps from her shovel help keep the holstaur awake. That and also the tap on the shoulder from Duke certainly got her awake. With him explaining to wake him up once she's ready to hit the hay herself, a light blush is on her cheeks and she nods off to his request. "OK, will do," she replied before propping herself back up and focusing back on her job... before a yawn escapes her lips and she rubs the tired out of her eye. Maybe she could use a break. After all, she could spend this night with the cleric and keep her safe in bed, and it has been a rather stressful day...

No, Kassy is going to spend the next few minutes staying up and if nothing occurs, she'll get Duke to perform his round and she'll get some sleep... if she doesn't collapse from tireness.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Gorbaz » Mon Apr 18, 2016 11:05 pm

Striding along and minding her own business, Kari barely notices the hissing sound, her thoughts wandering in all directions but, thankfully, keeping her feet on track. Slowing down, she pricks her ears to locate the source of the hiss, hoping that it was just a desert snake of some kind that she could easily crash before moving on rather than a powerful monster, like she used to be told when she was little, which inhabited the deep desert. Still, even if it was, it would at the very least prove an interesting distraction from her journey.

Readying her mace, she stood on guard, eyes scanning the dunes in an attempt to locate the owner of the hiss. If it was close enough and looked threatening, she could already see herself charging headlong at it in order to crash it quickly in a single blow!
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby FragranceofMtDew » Tue Apr 19, 2016 10:41 am

Though it would certainly be embarrassing if the others heard her, that doesn't stop Sharya from moaning without restraint as Zalira's hand dives into her pants to tease her pussy, now soaking wet from the attention she's receiving elsewhere. Though her cunt aches with need as the hand is withdrawn a mere moments later, she does not protest and instead lifts her arms to allow Zalira to more easily pull her top off. Sharya shudders as her large tits are exposed to the cool night air, a sensation that is further enhanced by the fountain's effects. How much more pleasure did the fountain's blessing have to offer them? Sharya was insatiably curious and she knew that she was not alone. Looking back over her shoulder at Zalira, she licks her lips and gives a lustful smile before answering the choice she'd been given. "Give it to me as rough as you'd like, I'm tougher than I look, I can take it." She replies, the anticipation of what Zalira has in store for her turning her on even more.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby An Ying Hu » Tue Apr 19, 2016 5:31 pm

Zalira returns Sharya's lust-filled smile with one of her own before she pushes into another kiss, letting it linger as she would try to get her out of the pants as well, leaving the other elf fully nude. This would be the first time Zalira had the chance to actually see Sharya naked, as her fuller clothing had been more resilient during the fountain's attack on their bodies. Liking what she sees, she gives her a naughty twist of her nipple before she turns her away, her hands now swaying over Sharya's fiery hair as if they were two brushes, unusually soft before they would collect the mass of hair into a ponytail. "Just how tough?" she asks with a grin, and a sharp yanking of the spellblade's hair sends light jolts of pain from the base of her scalp before Zalira attempts to push her onto the bed roughly, sending her on the front and slamming her rich chest against the bedroll and her pussy as well. If successful the witch herself would remain upright holding her lover's hair with one hand whilst the other darts to her waist, uncoiling her golden belt from her armour, which exposes her own slit, wet as it had gotten without any touch, just by thinking and looking for now. A part of her just wanted to leap on Sharya and fuck her like a beast, but she saw merit in letting the desire ripen in foreplay, an idea reflected by the act of a first whip of the metal belt right across Sharya's behind, making her round buttocks bounce under the painful hit.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby FragranceofMtDew » Tue Apr 19, 2016 9:02 pm

Sharya eagerly returns Zalira's kiss, slipping out of her pants with the other elf's help to stand fully nude before her. With a smirk, she runs her hands along her own body, starting with her luscious breasts and moving slowly down to her full hips as Zalira takes in the sight of her naked body for the first time. A sharp twist of her nipple sends a jolt of pain and pleasure surging throughout her body as she's spun back around. Curiously, she's granted a slight reprieve as Zalira runs her hands through her long curly red hair, but only for a moment before she feels her head yanked back and a hard shove sends her sprawling onto the bed.

Gasping from the rough treatment she had so desired, Sharya looks back up to see Zalira standing over her, still holding her hair like a leash and moving to undo her belt. Her gaze falls on the witch's own moist slit and she can't help but smile upon seeing that her lover is enjoying this so much as well. "Mmmm... I think I'm tough enough to handle that..." She whispers back, having a good idea just what that belt would be used for. And she was absolutely right, the sharp sting of the belt whipping her butt eliciting a shriek that slowly turns to a joyful moan. It hurt of course, but any pain she felt was overtaken by the pleasure that the fountain's magic brought. Or maybe this was just how Sharya was naturally? Either way, she's loving this and doesn't want it to stop. "Ehehe, is that all you've got?" She teases with a giggle, hoping to goad Zalira into going even further by raising her hips into the air and wiggling her plump ass enticingly.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby An Ying Hu » Tue Apr 19, 2016 11:15 pm

Zalira moans into the kiss, her eagerness soaring along with Sharya's enjoyment and the desire to cause pain to the girl was even greater. When the first smacking of the whip unfolded, she found herself feeling a tickle creeping between her legs. Preying on the magic that enchanted their senses, she kept on her savage spanking under Sharya's teasing provocations. "You're such a slut~" she retorts with a giggle as she cocks her arm backward readying for another strike, and then another and yet another as the gold-plated metal inflicted a reddening mark on the elven spellblade's poor butt, bringing more and more of that sensation she seemed to love so much. The constant movement of her body caused Zalira's chestplate - such as it was - to lower to the point where her own nipples became visible just as they had been when she had first drunk from the fountain. She didn't mind that Sharya's moans are improper or if they would disturb anyone as she kept on going until she was satisfied that her skin was bothered enough for what would follow, sending her teasing ass and hips back to the bedroll they rose from and keeping them their with her tight, perpetual assault.

Holding Sharya's hair strands as if they were the reins of a horse, she pulled at it fiercely as she lowered her bare nethers to grind them eagerly on her damaged butt, her juices wettening the irritated skin as light waves of pleasure started to pour into the witch's nethers as her clit rode on, denying Sharya her own pleasure for now unless the girl would somehow manage to rub herself on the mattress of the bedroll instead. Zalira lowered her entire form on her lover's, plump breasts kneading her back with their erect nipples hot against her spine as she kept hurting her hair and kissing the back of her neck, crushing her underneath as her other hand moved to cup the breasts that were trapped between the bed and Zalira to abuse them further.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Mark3000 » Wed Apr 20, 2016 12:46 am


D'Ange just continues to smile as you glare at her. "Oh yea that's right. I did say that I would return their daughter. And since you asked so kindly, I guess I'd better get on it." She says as you reach the mansion. " I'm just gonna grab her and help clean her up. And tomorrow Alice will be back with her family." D'Ange says as she heads north to the caves near the edge of the city.

From inside the mayor's mansion, you hear someone approach. You see Lucien with wings and having taken on a more elven appearance with long ears and more slanted eyes. "I see I've found another elf with good fashion sense." He remarks looking you up and down. " Aren't you the least bit curious what D'Ange has been doing with that girl up north?" He asks with a crooked smile.


Search Roll (Wis, Average)
Kari: 19 - 1 = 18

You spot two slithering forms in the sand as they circle around you. "It lookss like we've been ssspoted dear brother" says one of the figures hiding in the ground. "It'sss nothing to worry about dear sssister" says the second figure as they both pop out in front of you. Before you are two snake people, one male and one female. While their upper bodies were human albeit naked, their lower bodies were that of snakes. There bodies covered in scales with varying colours of brown. The brother spoke first as his sister waited behind "Now what bringssss a Jotunn woman out to the dessssert all alone?" He asks as the sister seems to be moving to your side.

VintageBass, FragranceofMtDew, An Ying Hu, MASigma

Ey'ala peers through the bush to see two wolves with grey fur. They seems to be watching Kassandra and the rest of the group. One of the wolves looks up at you and that's when you notice the oddly coloured green eyes.

Disguise Roll (Wis, Average)
Ey'ala: 19 + 2 = 21

They growl for a second and resume watching Kassandra and the other tents. It was clear as day that these wolves we most likely familiars like Ey'ala. They didn't seem hostile as of now, but that could change. Though even Kassandra could feel their gaze.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby An Ying Hu » Wed Apr 20, 2016 1:08 am

Ey'ala's mind processes what her eyes see very quickly. She utters a squawk that was so obvious it hid her true nature - after all, a simple raven wouldn't have cared if she was heard or not. Then she proceeds to soar around the camp, giving the wolves the impression that she had went on some distant way before sneaking back admist the tents, her flight low as she reaches the cart. "Miss Kassandra, Miss Priea. We need.. to talk," she tells the two in a whisper before drawing herself very close to the holstaur. "I have picked up two wolves on the outskirts of our camp. They seem to be watching us intently, and their eyes speak of magic much like my own. I would infer that these are by no means natural animals," she tells them in a worried tone as she inclines her head to look about with her lateral vision.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby VintageBass » Wed Apr 20, 2016 4:59 am

Something feels a bit amidst this evening. It could be that Kassy is getting a bit too sleepy for her own good, or something is watching them. Her eyes could be playing tricks on her, because there might be something off about a couple of wolves watching them from afar. Something in their eyes is telling her to do something, but the holstaur is getting rather tired and ready to pass out from exhaustion. Yet this is making her want to get up and warn Duke about shifting spots. Then again, she could be seeing things that aren't really there and she needs to hit the hay before something bad happens, and Kassy could use the sleeping time with Priea and keep her safe from the monsters out there wanting to prey on them.

The crow swooping in and informing what she saw pretty much gave what was something crazy in her head to be fact. "Oh... well," she yawns. "I'm rather tired and I don't think I can handle them... I'll get Duke..." Kassy uses her shovel to rise herself up, getting all the energy she can muster to head towards the wagon and wake Duke up. "Hey, it's your turn. There seems to be wolves... can you take care of them? I'm pooped..."
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby MelissaB » Wed Apr 20, 2016 7:20 pm

Kailyne shakes her head and frowns. "Today D'Ange. Am I clear?" She asks with a threatening tone before she wants off. Sighing she hums to herself. "Calm down Kailyne, you can't just kill her, you're alone here." She comments before Lucian pops out of no where and gives her a fright, causing her to gasp and jump a little before she pouts and glares at him. "Yeah-What... What has she done Lucian? Tell me." She demands walking right up to him her fists tightening until her knuckles turn white. "If she has done anything I will kill her." She warns him with a glare.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Gorbaz » Wed Apr 20, 2016 9:33 pm

Snake people! Snake people living in the sand! Kari's mind briefly wandered back to the early days of her life as she tried to recall any stories that her parents had told her about them, while she kept a watch on the pair. She took a couple of steps back, slightly wary at the pair, especially since the female one seemed to be moving round to her flank. "What am I doing out here? What are YOU doing out here?" she asked, keeping her mace at the ready. "No, wait. Forget I said that. This is probably where you live". She shook her head at her own remark, before slamming the head of her mace into the sand and standing as tall as she could. "I'm hunting a she-demon! I plan to crush her, get the reward, and celebrate with several rounds at the nearest bar!"
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby FragranceofMtDew » Wed Apr 20, 2016 10:20 pm

"Aaah~ I guess I really... Ooohh~ am a slut, aren't I? Haaa~" Sharya giggles, her words punctuated by her ecstatic cries as Zalira continues to bring the whip down. The first strike sends her hips crashing back down and every strike after pushes her further, smearing juices from her dripping cunt onto the bedroll. She hadn't even realized it, but she had been so pent up ever since she'd left home and now it felt soooo good to finally cut loose and enjoy herself.

After what felt like quite awhile of assaulting her poor butt, Zalira stopped only to yank her hair back and mount her sore ass. Sharya groans at the feeling but does not protest otherwise, feeling her skin become slick with Zalira's own fluids. Well if the witch wanted to use her to get herself off, that was just fine. The sensation of Zalira,s pussy grinding on her, her nipples poking into her back, her kisses and sharp tugs at her hair... Sharya loved all of it and she was so close... But she wasn't quite there yet and, trapped underneath the busty elf, there was little she could do to put herself over the edge. She begin to squirm fruitlessly, trying to rub her clit on the bedroll if possible but it just wasn't enough. " Zaliiirrraaa!! I'm so close... Let me cum! Please?" She whines, begging the witch for the release she so desired.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby An Ying Hu » Wed Apr 20, 2016 11:42 pm

Though she was certainly giving that impression, Zalira had no intention to get herself off on Sharya's butt without letting the girl be pleased in turn, she just enjoyed torturing her and by goddess it was as difficult for herself to hold her orgasm as it was to her lover, but that is what made it so very sweet to her. She kept grinding her breasts on Sharya's back for a while longer, moaning and panting hot breaths across her sensitive skin as a grin crosses her lips when she heard the other begging for release. "So.. you are waiting for it now too, hm~?" she teases, nudging her lover's desire as she rises herself a bit, supporting herself in her knees as she takes Sharya by the breasts, nails dug deep into her and rolls her to the front, so now their chests were touching and their pussies were grinding furiously against one another as Zalira brings her hands to Sharya's arms, draping them around her whilst still armoured so the sharp blades would scratch her skin a bit, keeping up the wild bucking of hips as her juices got more and more copious in their wetness, mixing with the others', seeking to bring them both to climax just when the witch locked her into a deep kiss again, greatly enjoying that tight feeling of closeness and intimacy which she had never really had until now.
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