Thaedael Wrote:Hey BlueLight,
I am by no means the best or greatest pixel artist ever, nor do I pretend to be, however I do have a lot of experience doing it so if it is cool with you I can give you feedback on the stuff you shown thus far, and even suggest techniques for making the map sprites a lot more photogenic. Let me know if it is ok to give constructive feedback, since not a lot of people tend to like it when I am super critical on the forums.
BlueLight Wrote:Alright so i'm starting work on my game engine and i'm going to be using JGame for it mean i am required to give them some credit (Damn licensing laws).
What i really need is ideas for the game. It will be easier to implement ideas if i know about them before i start writing the game engine.
BlueLight Wrote:
That has about all the information i could pull out of my brain.
Does that help?
BlueLight Wrote:Have you downloaded the GUI? if not i think if you see that you'll understand.
I uploaded a new version last night I believe.
public class Grid {
int Y=0, X=0;
int[][] landMass = {
void testLoop(){
System.out.println("Method loop starts");
while(Y < 5){
X = 0;
while(X < 5){
if(X < 4){System.out.print("_");}
X = X +1;
}//X loop end
Y = Y +1;
}// Y loop end
}// end loop method
Method loop starts
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