FragranceofMtDew, MASigma, VintageBass, An Ying HuDuke helps all of you onto the cart. Meanwhile Maribelle hands everyone their repaired armor and upgraded weapons. Kassandra her new clothes comfortable and form fitting, as did her new armor. As the caravan rolls away, you see Mardock continuing to up hold his barrier. He gives you as worried nod and a sad look as you ride away.
You all ride for about a few hours until you stop. It seemed that none of the other beastmen had given chase and it was getting to dark to travel any further. Caroline and Duke begin to set up camp while Maribelle seemed to be hiding in one of the carts. Still shaken by everything that had happened. Soon you see Oliver walk towards you with an unusually serious expression. "Duke told me what happen with Esmeralda and her band. Hard to believe that's the same woman we've been trading with all this time" He says with a sigh as he takes out a small pipe and begins smoking. " So, what do the lot of you plan to do now? Our stay in the encampment was cut short so we're off to Southdale. Without any interruptions we should be able to reach there late tomorrow evening. What do you say? " He asks, seemingly trying to avoid asking about Kailyne. It wasn't hard to sense the dower mood hanging over the group.
MelissaBLucien snickers a bit as you defend Nighteyes. "Oh, I'll be sure to give your friend the respect she deserves." He says as the three of you continue walking. As you walk through the streets of Southdale, all you see are demons. Imps, Beholders and Bearded Devils move through the streets as if they own them. Many of them give you lewd looks as you walk by. They most likely would have tried to take you if not for Lucien's presence. Though you also notice houses that show signs of life. Curtains shake as you see people peek outside at you only to retreat and cover their windows again.
"There should be some human here that can make you a new set of equipment" Lucien says as the three of you arrive at what looks like the mayor's abode at the center of town. Immediately the door opens and a female elf in a witch's hat jumps out to hug Lucien ( ... +witch_hat ). "Lord Lucien! I didn't think you'd be back so soon. How do you like my new outfit?" the elven witch says as she twirls a bit. "D'Ange, you look beautiful as always. I have a favor to ask you but first I'd like to introduce you to one of your newest sisters. This is Kailyne and her pe ... friend Nighteyes." The demon says as he steps to the side. D'Ange gets really close to Kailyne and begins to look her up and down. It doesn't take long to notice the moon shapped tattoo on D'Ange's left cheek, completely full and complementing her red eyes. She then pulls Kailyne into a big hug. "Oh it's been so long since I've had another elf to talk to. Is the homeland still as stuffy as I remember? " She asks in a casual manner. Lucien clears his throat and turns to D'Ange. "Kailyne is in need of some new equipment. Would any of these humans be of assistance?" He asks in a cold manner. D'Ange takes a moment to think until snapping her fingers. "I know just the couple. Kailyne do you want the equipment tonight or tomorrow?" The elven witch asks with a sly smile.
GorbazIn the presence of the oasis, the Jotunn man begins to sate his thirst. Grabbing the wolf meat, he scarfs it down. He drinks and eats as if he had been starving for 3 days straight. Once he finishes, he lies against one of the trees in the shade. "Thank you traveler, my name is Kai. I would have been dead with out your help. I left without supplies, but it was the only way to get away from that she-devil who has taken control of Nirvada." Kai says as he begins to slump. It's then that you notice the cracked collar around his neck.