The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby FruitSmoothie » Mon Apr 11, 2016 8:21 pm

Sure, feel free to send me it. I can at least check on the major issues. I haven't played every type of style available, so I'm sure I've missed some dialogue. Probably best by pm or just posting the dialogue file in the thread?
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby DaveMcDavidson » Mon Apr 11, 2016 9:17 pm

How does one go to the basement and build cages?
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby FruitSmoothie » Mon Apr 11, 2016 9:51 pm

DaveMcDavidson Wrote:How does one go to the basement and build cages?

Gotta upgrade your brothel to have the business cover first after the police event.
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby Dandelion » Tue Apr 12, 2016 2:29 am

So I've been playing on "hard" difficulty for a while now. The first 20 to 30 days are a bit rough, but it can be managed. But there's some small problem (at least for me..) with Alice...

Levelling the whores is no real problem. They gain quite a lot XP if one keeps them busy.
The henchmen/male employees can be trained using slaves (probably the females that come to gather the loan...) or by having them dates with the highest level whores.
And the MC can do either, too.

But poor Alice... at first she gets some XP for fighting in the slums. But after a while, the opponents there are too low level to give much or often even any XP. So she can only gain XP when fighting the gang coming to gather the loan after a while.

At Day 75 I have 14 whores (or so..) ranging from level 6 to 14. Four henchmen at level 8. And my MC is at level 8, too. He could be higher, but I didn't try very hard to level him. Even Julia managed to get to level 6. And poor unfucked Alice? Level 4...

As soon as we will be able to lower her dignity enough, so that she's ready to give up her virginity, I guess it will not be any problem, but right now she is alway the "soft target" in a fight and has to use her heal ability to heal herself. So right now Julia probably is the better choice as a healer, because she can be levelled way faster than Alice...

Some remarks about gameplay again:

  • Slaves (again...)
  • I managed to get a level 6 slave to accept to work in the brothel today. I wish I hadn't, as she now gets the highest salary of all my whores. None of the others ever managed to convinve my to give her a raise, so they all get between $ 54 and $ 70 a day. The freed slave gets $ 100, even though she has way less skill and beauty than my other whores... This makes me unwilling to transform slaves into whores in the future...
  • other stuff
  • Mood - I think it would be nice to have a way to raise the mood of a single girl by giving her some present?!? Maybe some bonus, when buying her some clothes? Or a shop with stuff like perfume, jewelry and all the other things girls like (sextoys for example). Just for emergency situations ;)
  • Workspace - maybe there could be some higher class bedroom, which makes the whores working in it lose a lesser amount of mood/hygiene/stamina than normal due to luxurious working conditions?!?
  • Traits - I guess you're already thinking about something there... the ones we have now are not bad, but only working with the demands of the customers or as a negative and sometimes annoying factor (lazy and cleptomanic). There could be many more traits, though, that could have a direct influence on many things. Like...
  • Nympho - loses no mood when serving, unless she has a dislike against the customer
  • Dominatrix - has a chance to reduce the mood of a customer, if he doesn't like to be dominated (reduces reputation) or to enhance his satisfaction, if he does (reputation gain).
  • or in combination with customers asking for a certain sex postion a specialised trait for those positions. Like "skilled cocksucker", "anal specialist" or "extremely comfortable pussy"
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby warevag » Tue Apr 12, 2016 12:17 pm

Bang It Up! Wrote:
youngmoneymilitia35 Wrote:How do you unlock Yoko? I have version 1.0 and have tried everything to find her

If you haven't unlock Yoko, then I doubt that you've tried everything.

Journey to Unlock Yoko (Male main character):
1. It's important that your main character to have at least 25 Stamina (more is better).
2. Get the "Police Visit" scene.
3. Summon Alice and choose the "Business" option.
4. Agree to upgrade your brothel into a massage salon.
5. On Stage plan switch GROUND FLOOR to BASEMENT.
6. Make sure that your main character have full Stamina.
7. Enter the Power relay room.
8. From here you'll know what to do...

@ Marune - Speaking of Yoko, she only have one command (which is the "Attack") during Battle?

I've tried this over and over and still can't get Yoko... Is there something I'm missing?
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby FruitSmoothie » Tue Apr 12, 2016 2:40 pm

Phew, started going through all the dialogue and I notice that a lot of it can just be the way certain characters talk/act. I've known people who don't speak very properly, so I'm not completely sure if I should "correct" those things. I guess I'll just try to focus on the really awkward stuff and typing errors atm. Dialogue is much trickier than menus~

There actually aren't too many huge issues in the dialogue file yet, so it's not as scary as I thought it was judging by the size :p About 40% through it but I gotta sleep. Learned some new things myself from looking up answers I wasn't sure of, nice.
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby Bang It Up! » Wed Apr 13, 2016 2:57 am

warevag Wrote:
Bang It Up! Wrote:
youngmoneymilitia35 Wrote:How do you unlock Yoko? I have version 1.0 and have tried everything to find her

If you haven't unlock Yoko, then I doubt that you've tried everything.

Journey to Unlock Yoko (Male main character):
1. It's important that your main character to have at least 25 Stamina (more is better).
2. Get the "Police Visit" scene.
3. Summon Alice and choose the "Business" option.
4. Agree to upgrade your brothel into a massage salon.
5. On Stage plan switch GROUND FLOOR to BASEMENT.
6. Make sure that your main character have full Stamina.
7. Enter the Power relay room.
8. From here you'll know what to do...

@ Marune - Speaking of Yoko, she only have one command (which is the "Attack") during Battle?

I've tried this over and over and still can't get Yoko... Is there something I'm missing?

Make sure that you're playing on v1.0 and as Male main character.


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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby Marune » Wed Apr 13, 2016 6:01 am

Bang It Up! Wrote: - Speaking of Yoko, she only have one command (which is the "Attack") during Battle?

Actually it will be sweet to add a special attack. First I didn't want to bring gunfire to the game. But why not? It's just a way to inflict damage. The source and animation could be anything. Is it a thrown pillow or a bullet.
Although first we need to upgrade battle/weapon systems. Maybe a quest for her to buy a new rifle. To make her grateful for such a gift.
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby FruitSmoothie » Wed Apr 13, 2016 8:27 am

Yay all done with the dialogue~ Time to rest my eyes. There were a lot of scenes I hadn't seen yet so I did the best I could. I actually don't have the 1.0 version to see the Yoko scenes for example. Hopefully the dialogue changes are okay there, a little weird trying to alter it without visual context of the scene lol. Thankfully there were only a few of those scenes.

Was also hard not to make the text scenes more graphic... Tried to remember most of that will be shown in the animation and doesn't really need as much text there as a VN or something.

Anywho hope I didn't miss too much, should be an improvement when the dev has time to implement it.
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby Lucky777 » Wed Apr 13, 2016 11:02 pm

Well I mean, once you bring gunfire and knives and shit, it's going to be odd as hell that nobody gets killed.
You can very easily live through punches, or a thrown pillow, to the head.
"Why not" is probably for immersion, because good luck trying that shit with a bullet.

... I mean.

"Immersion" only matters so much when you have futuretech androids from other dimensions running around though, so ... maybe "whatever" to that.
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby FruitSmoothie » Thu Apr 14, 2016 2:33 am

Lucky777 Wrote:Well I mean, once you bring gunfire and knives and shit, it's going to be odd as hell that nobody gets killed.
You can very easily live through punches, or a thrown pillow, to the head.
"Why not" is probably for immersion, because good luck trying that shit with a bullet.

... I mean.

"Immersion" only matters so much when you have futuretech androids from other dimensions running around though, so ... maybe "whatever" to that.

Yeah, I actually appreciated the unarmed only combat for that reason. If they start adding weapons, might need an explanation for why the game characters can get stabbed and shot up all day but automatically heal after a loss and continue fighting or doing whatever... Rubber bullets, blunt/unsharpened blades, superhuman vitality, advanced medical treatment? :p This game isn't like most where losing a fight is a gameover or sends you to the hospital or something. I always felt it was odd that you could lose most your hp and be fine later even with unarmed only combat, but then there might need to be some rebalancing. Might need to visit a hospital after a loss or something.

That and once you add weapon combat, it will take over unarmed combat. Even with less than lethal weapons, they're going to be more effective than unarmed strikes in general and your other characters will feel left out lol. A lot more animations, but at least it would diversify the combat.

Of course as mentioned, most of that is for the sake of immersion, but it's important to me. I guess if Yoko is the only one with a weapon it makes things easier to explain anywho. If you make her have to buy her gun though, why wouldn't thugs/other characters buy weapons? Yoko is clearly setting us down a path of destruction by introducing weapons to the world :p
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby Lucky777 » Thu Apr 14, 2016 10:43 pm

Yeah. The most "weaponry" I was hoping for was a knuckle-duster, and given how dangerous even those can be, I wasn't TOO eager for it. Ah well.
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby Curiousben » Fri Apr 15, 2016 1:24 pm

She could use a dart gun that only reduced stamina.
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby Jlokison » Sat Apr 16, 2016 4:21 am

First, I've enjoyed this game since it was first posted here but unfortunately can not contribute money to the cause, I know thoughts aren't as helpful but sometimes they can make a difference.

Second, I'm playing version 0.9e so might be missing a few things, I apologize if 1.0 makes any thoughts I have null and void.

So on to my thoughts about the game (warning this got a bit long):

Character starting stats/level;

A new level 1 player begins with their 6 Primary attributes at 5 and 2 Secondary attributes at 12 with either 3 or 6 experience points to spend. The total value of those starting attributes before you spend any points in experience points is 38 experience points, (total of primary attribute + 1/3 of total secondary attributes). Now even before the game begins your character, an adventurer by class has been gone for several years, this is established in the very opening scene. Until you spend any of those experience points your attributes are all poor, the best you can do is get 1 of them to normal. This might explain why you've returned home with nothing but the clothes on your back and some cash but not why you aren't buried in an unmarked grave elsewhere. Alice and Julia always seems to start off better than this and there are Thugs and Whores in the game that if you subtracted the points of experience for their level they have base line stats with a value of over 50, which means they will always be better than your main character at the same level, there are also whores, especially the cheep street ones with starting stats with a lower value. Now as far as I can tell skill wise there is currently nothing different between the Thug class and the Adventurer class except name, maybe that will change in the future so that should not be the reason for the difference in stats.

Now for my suggested solution, change the starting characters base stats and starting level. Have the same minimum values but give an additional 12 experience points to spend before the 3 per level, or bonus 3. At Easy difficult the player starts at level 5 they have been out in the world adventuring for some time before returning to home, so that's another 15 points to spend, but then are level 5 and will not level as quickly throughout the game. Likewise Medium difficult starts at level 4 with 12 additional points to spend. Hard difficult the player character has only been gone maybe a year and starts at level 3 with only 9 additional points to spend. So by choosing a difficulty you select the beginning level of your character as well as maybe Alice and Julia's starting levels. Then you select your starting bonus as currently.

Balance this by making the people you encounter in the bar, or the streets more variable in level but less variable in attributes, so that their attributes are more a factor of their class, trait and level than Random Number Generator. Also the level of police officers and loan collectors arriving at your establishment would probably have to start a little higher.

Characters Classes and Traits;

I assume class has more to do with special skills and personality than it does with the actual job one does.

Based on the information given about clients to the brothel the game seems to have a diversity of Male character classes; Adventurer, Commoner, Lord, Merchant, and Thug. Male characters seem to have no traits though.

Females seem to have much less diversity being limited to ; Adventurer, Maid, and Whore. But females may or may not have one of the 5 traits as well; Empathy, Kleptoman, Lazy, Naive, or Tsundere.

Currently this only effects special skills in battle, starting dignity and other than client preferences only 3 of the 5 traits have any effect on game play.

My first suggestion; 2 more female classes, Lady and Merchant. At the moment this is pointless but if the ability to interact with the bartender becomes part of the game or a bar/lounge or first aid room is added to the brothel they might be handy.

My thoughts on what the different classes mean;
Lords and Ladies have very high starting dignity, standards and are hard to please but are also almost always wealthy and politically connected. NPC's stats might be heavier on flexibility, wits and beauty than others.
Adventurers are risk takers and gamblers, they like to push themselves and like the rush of action, the act of trying something is more important to them than actually winning something although that is a nice bonus to them. For NPC's their stats would probably be balanced but skewed towards whatever job they work at.
Merchants are skilled individuals and trades people, they don't like risk and prefer a sure thing, this would make them resistant to many types of charm and coercion, but they are not above criminal acts if they feel it is a sure thing. NPC stats will be heavy on Wits, Charm and Stamina
Commoners and Maids I see as baseline ordinary individuals, educated but not necessarily overly so, they work both skilled and unskilled jobs, they are motivated to take care of those they care about and themselves and stay out of trouble if possible. NPC stats would be skewed towards whatever job they work at.
Thugs and Whores have lower dignity and with it low self worth usually, society has failed them and they are trying to take care of themselves however they possibly can, using their body to get buy. NPC stats for Thugs are heavy on the Strength, Flexibility and Hit Points, Whores are heavy on Beauty, Skill and Stamina.

My thoughts and suggestions about Traits;
Allow the main Character to choose one, although this choice should be limited to Empathy, Kleptoman and Tsundere, they should all have some benefits and penalties. Also all characters male and female should have a trait.
Empathy (not available to Thugs) allows a person to read and be aware of how others fell about things. The overall mood of everyone in the brothel will influence those with Empathy, the more positive it is the more positive they will be and conversely the more negative the more depressed those with empathy will be. The main character can use this trait to have a better understanding of those they talk to and possible receive hints as to how their choices might affect the outcome of a conversation. They might get a bonus on charm tests as well. NPC's with this trait might have a bit more Wits and Charm than average for their class.
Kleptoman have trouble with the concept of personal property. A Whore might steal extra money from a client, other staff might steal money from the main character, especially if mood is low. The Main character might pocket items while shopping if caught they might have to return goods, pay a penalty, be banned from a store for a while, have to fight the proprietor and staff, security, or police even. NPC's with this trait might have more Flexibility than average for their class
Lazy (not available on Adventurers) no real change here, staff other than whore, might fall asleep on the job so those assigned to security will give a reduced security bonus, when they take a day off they would get a mood increase.
Naive not stupid but can be gullible, they are easier to charm and talk into things but they also can find happiness with simpler things so mood penalties are reduced and or mood gains increased. NPC's with this trait might have a bit more Health and Stamina than average for their class.
Shy (not available to Adventurers, Merchants, Thugs or Whores) Julia would have this trait, those with this trait would also have a bonus to resist charm and possible mood penalties when forced into certain things.
Tsundere have trust issues, and can respond violently when trust is broken. They are harder to charm than others, and like Whores any other staff with this trait that you fire will threaten or attack you, and depending on their class might go to the police after the fact (Thugs and Whores are much less likely to). A player with this attribute is also resistant to being charmed by others. NPC's with this trait might have a bit more Muscle and Wits than average for their class.

Where to find different character classes and additional encounter types:
Most common encounters would still be Whores and Thugs and would work like they already do.
Escort missions might be Lords, Ladies, Merchants, Commoners or Maids, some might pay quite a bit more than others which a much greater chance of having to fight.
Street Vendor Merchants might try selling you "special" deals on items they have "acquired" (narcotics, weapons, clothing) without the selection of a shop but possibly at a better price and with fewer questions asked.
Job Seeking Adventurers might approach you on the street looking for a job.
Reverse Escort a Lord, Lady or Merchant is traveling through the Slums for some reason and their Hired Escort of Thugs and or Adventurers, possibly Commoners think you and your party are a threat, should have an opportunity to run (bad for reputation), to talk your way out of a fight (possibly making a special deal with the one being escorted), or just dive right in with possibly severe consequences.

I suggest that in addition to the one or two people at the bar that you can try to hook up with that there also be a table with one or two people at it where other things can occur, this might have to be in a back room so that it can be on a separate screen. What character classes are most likely to show up and what is going on at the table might vary depending on the time of day so if you can't find what you're looking for try a different time.
The Bartender should be Merchant class, if there is more than one bartender or servers for a back room they might be Adventurers, or Maids, and Commoners for a male, instead of Merchants.
Those seated at the bar could be of any character class.
Those the the table could also be of any class but might be looking for work, gambling (opportunity for player to join in), or trying to sell something.
Cause too much trouble and you and your party will have to deal with the Bouncer(s) which will be either Thugs or Adventurers.

Will always be run by Merchants, their staff might be merchants as well or either Commoners or Maids if the opportunity to talk to such becomes available in the future. If a problem occurs in the store such as deliberate theft or Kleptoman pocketing something you might have to deal with just to store staff but they might call for a security or police response.

Police and Security Character classes;
Those responding to a crime might be street cops but character class can vary from Commoners and Maids to Adventurers and Thugs.
Those investigating crimes might be Merchants or Adventurers.

Loan Collectors;
Unless you have a strong story line in place I think this should depend on difficulty level.
On Easy difficulty your father was just in debt to the bank, the first people they send will be a merchant a commoner and a maid, and as long as you don't fight them they will send the same people, get in a fight with them and they will start sending security personnel and eventually the police.
On Medium difficulty your father got involved with a loan shark with criminal ties, this progresses pretty much as things currently do Thugs supported by whores, although Adventurers of both genders might get mixed in.
On Hard difficulty your father is in debt to a Lord with both political and criminal ties, the more you fight instead of paying them the more rapidly things escalate with the police investigation of your business as well as the loan collectors.

My thoughts on Weapons and Hit Point Loss;

I've played a lot of different role-playing games both on and off the computer and several have the concept to of stun damage and lethal damage. This might be the solution to a lot of people concerns.

Stun damage is recovered from quickly and as long as that is all you suffer no issues or legal repercussions in the Slums or Bar.

Lethal damage results in penalties to stats and stays with a character until healed. Such healing could simply be time, but certain character classes may also have skills to heal lethal damage or reduce the time it takes to heal. If you lose all your Hit points to lethal damage you are dead, game over thank you try again.

Medical supplies might be available for sale in a specialized shop… I assume weapons will not be sold in the same store as clothes. You might also considering adding a first aid station or more detailed medical room to the Brothel… although you might have to start renovating a second or third floor above the ground floor and basement, 1 or two more possible upgrades to the place... it was one of the greatest hotels in the city at one time if you can believe Alice.

Once the player starts using weapons that cause lethal damage, even in self defense, this will get the polices attention and become a bit more of a priority than a rumored Brothel. Also if you are known to the police to use lethal weapons they are much more inclined to quickly escalate to a lethal response to protect themselves and others.
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby Jlokison » Sat Apr 16, 2016 5:03 am

Another thought I forgot to include experience adjustments for character class.
If main characters and NPC's are starting at a level higher than 1,see above post, it might be necessary to adjust the experience required to level up. But that is a minor thing, different character classes are good at different things and since Alice isn't having sex it is really difficult to level her up. Now experience should be awarded for a job well done, but maybe additional experience should be awarded for going outside the norms for a character class. Adventurers have no norms although maybe fights, and especially fights with weapons should be worth more experience points, so I' would keep them as the currently are. Thugs are all about fighting it's what they do, so maybe they should get little bonus experience for sex other than rape. Maids make good healers, but aren't much for fighting if all they do in a fight is heal, experience as normal, if they actually have to hit some one and especially if they land a finishing blow maybe they should get some bonus experience, a night working in the maids closet should be worth maybe 1 experience point, and if they have an idea that greatly improves or protects the business that should be worth something when it is implemented as well (I have never seen Alice with a high wits stat, the fact that she comes up with really good ideas to cover and protect your business should be worth something if you take her advice and it works). Whores are pretty much all about the sex, understandable, but like maids if you have to use them in a fight for something other than lust or tease maybe they should get small bonuses as well. If other character classes were introduced as playable what actions they get bonus experience for should depend on what they can do in the game.
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby Marune » Sun Apr 17, 2016 6:50 am

Jlokison Wrote:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Lots of text

First thanks for appreciation, and deep analysis. I've got some ideas from your text, considering dignity and class things. Can feel a lot of influence of pen n paper RPGs that are interesting, but can be questionable how to implement right not becoming a really complicated game mechanics. I was talking about stats and traits progression earlier. And idea to be able to choose your next trait or specialization is great.
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby Jlokison » Mon Apr 18, 2016 6:19 pm

As far as the Lethal and Stun damage concept goes
Possibly the easiest, then again I'm not the one that would have to code it, way to introduce lethal damage is have both lethal damage and stun damage both subtract from Hit points as normal, but after the battle you do not immediately recover the lethal damage. Also some weapons might cause both types of damage such as 1 point of lethal damage but several points of stun damage caused by the shock of being cut, stabbed or what ever. How fast such lethal damage is recovered would depended on how involved you want to make healing and or medicine. Also this shouldn't be something the player has to worry about immediately a level 1 thug will just use their fists, but higher level thugs might start using weapons of increasing danger.
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby Yalijin » Tue Apr 19, 2016 10:59 pm

May i make a suggestion for an event? The event involves the kidnapping of one of your girls (generic ones or even Alice or Julia). Basically there is a chance that a costumer/gang/other kidnaps one of the girls and you have to pay them up or get her back by yourself. The more time passes after the initial event, the more she becomes corrupted or loose faith in you rescuing her or something similar. I have no idea how complex should be the code for such an event, but i guess it shouldn't be too hard to code something like this. Ah by the way sorry for my english in case there are mistakes in my post, as this is not my native language :mrgreen:
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby matriks » Wed Apr 20, 2016 5:13 pm

Maybe you can also made something with bartender. Maybe you can add in your brothel some kind of your bar and try make this girl work for you.
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby Dandelion » Wed Apr 20, 2016 6:48 pm

Consodering the "Damsels in distress" that need help to get out of the slums again, couldn't there be the opportunity to capture them instead, put them in a cage and make them work in the brothel?!? Add in the chance to meet the police on the way from the slum to the brothel so there's a certain risk involved..
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