Tainted Princess

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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby An Ying Hu » Sat Apr 09, 2016 1:02 pm

Ey'ala flung herself towards Lucien in an agonizing screech, her mind set to nothing else but to confuse the demon lord. To her surprise, it worked - she had been hesitant when she saw that Kailyne was no longer under a trance and thus the noise could have adverse effects, but thankfully it didn't. She turned back towards her friend.. only to see her collapsed on the floor. Her wings flapped and she was there in an instant. "Miss Sharya.. are you alright?" she couldn't do much but stand next to her friend as her cries filled the burning tent whilst Lucien was getting ready to escape with Kailyne. "We will fight you to the last, dark one," she tells him intently, gazing at him with an eye that now coloured a disturbing glow. She followed Sharya out of the tent and into the battle outside.


Zalira kept fighting Esmeralda alongside Mardock. She was confused as to the reason behind the cleric and paladin's passivity - Sharya and Ey'ala she could understand.. to a point, at least they were risking their lives in there, but standing around and doing nothing in a situation like this flabbergasted her. Still, she had no time to think much about anything other than the battle, that is until the two appeared from the tent. Letting Mardock keep the shield up, she runs over to them. "Kailyne..?" she asks before sighing. She refrained from saying to them both I told you so,. "Enough of this," the witch would try to take Sharya's hand and drag her along with herself towards Duke, who was signaling them that his family was ready to get the hell out of here. Remaining here for a moment longer would be foolish.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Gorbaz » Sat Apr 09, 2016 1:05 pm

With Lexi seemingly lost in her own thoughts, Kari shrugs to herself and goes about packing up most of their camp. She fully intended to set out anyway, but would at least leave a trail for her friend to follow should she wish, and enough goods and supplies if she did not. There was still plenty of wolf-jerky left, and the waters were as clear as anything else in the dunes. Yes, predators may show up from time to time, but they normally just want a drink.

Mostly focused as she was at getting ready to leave, Kari only notices in the last moments when one of her own people collapsed just out of reach of the oasis. "Oh hey, a visitor!" she chimed cheerfully as she sauntered over to stand over the other Jotun and lean down, bending a the waist so that the rays of the sun hit her back more than him. "Hey wanderer. Need a hand?" she beamed, holding out her own and fully intending to drag him over to the waters edge, or the dead wolf, should he need it
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby MASigma » Sat Apr 09, 2016 8:31 pm

Priea cursed herself for not being quick enough, staring at the ruins of the tent where that bastard had snatched Kailyne away, wishing she'd moved quickly enough to stop it and yet she had been unable to do anything,"... D-damn it", she muttered, feeling powerless yet again and now who knows what was being done to their companion. Spotting the situation forming with the Beastmen, she frowned before grabbing Kassy's hand," We need to move", she managed to get out, trying to lead her friend/hero along after where Zalira was rushing along to get out of this place as well, knowing if they ended up in THAT mess it wouldn't end well for them.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby VintageBass » Sun Apr 10, 2016 6:11 am

Oh this has certainly turned for the worst. What has the paladin been doing during this time? It seems like she has been lost to the world, possibly stricken in fear by some powerful entity in the area, leaving her immobilized as to what to do next with things. As it turns out it was partly true thanks to the fact that Lucien just happened to be in the area and has managed to taken away one of their comrades with him. Kassy is feeling rather mixed about this, mostly angry at herself for even letting such a thing happen in the first place. Then again, what could she do? She was powerless against him and even in her current state, what could she do to rectify the situation? She'll only make things worse for all of them and could possibly end up in the same situation.

Now people are taking notice of what is going on and aren't pleased with seeing their leaders in their current state and a fire burning in the middle of the camp. Getting a good look around at the situation, Kassy just wants to punch something, but only lets out a heavy sigh. She even feels the anger coming off of Priea as the both of them had done nothing to help out in this situation and standing around isn't going to help them out. However when she brings up the matter of leaving, with the cleric pulling at her hand, Kassy lets go for a moment and takes a few steps towards Maribelle. "I'm going to get my supplies and meet back up with you quickly," she replied. "I'm not going out like this and certainly not against him."

With that, Kassy quickly moves to grab her gear, hoping it's all finished and she'll reunite with Priea to keep close to her for good this time. She needs someone to be by her side, and Kassy would like to keep the cleric happy, especially after what has happened.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Mark3000 » Tue Apr 12, 2016 4:34 am

FragranceofMtDew, MASigma, VintageBass, An Ying Hu

Duke helps all of you onto the cart. Meanwhile Maribelle hands everyone their repaired armor and upgraded weapons. Kassandra her new clothes comfortable and form fitting, as did her new armor. As the caravan rolls away, you see Mardock continuing to up hold his barrier. He gives you as worried nod and a sad look as you ride away.

You all ride for about a few hours until you stop. It seemed that none of the other beastmen had given chase and it was getting to dark to travel any further. Caroline and Duke begin to set up camp while Maribelle seemed to be hiding in one of the carts. Still shaken by everything that had happened. Soon you see Oliver walk towards you with an unusually serious expression. "Duke told me what happen with Esmeralda and her band. Hard to believe that's the same woman we've been trading with all this time" He says with a sigh as he takes out a small pipe and begins smoking. " So, what do the lot of you plan to do now? Our stay in the encampment was cut short so we're off to Southdale. Without any interruptions we should be able to reach there late tomorrow evening. What do you say? " He asks, seemingly trying to avoid asking about Kailyne. It wasn't hard to sense the dower mood hanging over the group.


Lucien snickers a bit as you defend Nighteyes. "Oh, I'll be sure to give your friend the respect she deserves." He says as the three of you continue walking. As you walk through the streets of Southdale, all you see are demons. Imps, Beholders and Bearded Devils move through the streets as if they own them. Many of them give you lewd looks as you walk by. They most likely would have tried to take you if not for Lucien's presence. Though you also notice houses that show signs of life. Curtains shake as you see people peek outside at you only to retreat and cover their windows again.

"There should be some human here that can make you a new set of equipment" Lucien says as the three of you arrive at what looks like the mayor's abode at the center of town. Immediately the door opens and a female elf in a witch's hat jumps out to hug Lucien ( http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1679255 ... +witch_hat ). "Lord Lucien! I didn't think you'd be back so soon. How do you like my new outfit?" the elven witch says as she twirls a bit. "D'Ange, you look beautiful as always. I have a favor to ask you but first I'd like to introduce you to one of your newest sisters. This is Kailyne and her pe ... friend Nighteyes." The demon says as he steps to the side. D'Ange gets really close to Kailyne and begins to look her up and down. It doesn't take long to notice the moon shapped tattoo on D'Ange's left cheek, completely full and complementing her red eyes. She then pulls Kailyne into a big hug. "Oh it's been so long since I've had another elf to talk to. Is the homeland still as stuffy as I remember? " She asks in a casual manner. Lucien clears his throat and turns to D'Ange. "Kailyne is in need of some new equipment. Would any of these humans be of assistance?" He asks in a cold manner. D'Ange takes a moment to think until snapping her fingers. "I know just the couple. Kailyne do you want the equipment tonight or tomorrow?" The elven witch asks with a sly smile.


In the presence of the oasis, the Jotunn man begins to sate his thirst. Grabbing the wolf meat, he scarfs it down. He drinks and eats as if he had been starving for 3 days straight. Once he finishes, he lies against one of the trees in the shade. "Thank you traveler, my name is Kai. I would have been dead with out your help. I left without supplies, but it was the only way to get away from that she-devil who has taken control of Nirvada." Kai says as he begins to slump. It's then that you notice the cracked collar around his neck.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby FragranceofMtDew » Tue Apr 12, 2016 11:00 am

Sharya casts her gaze downward as Zalira asks about Kailyne, the sorceress had helped Sharya go back against her better judgment, and she had failed so miserably at it. She does not resist when Zalira takes her hand and pulls her along towards the caravan. As they make their escape, Sharya spots Mardock, still holding off Esmeralda to the last. It's hard to see him like that, he had seemed to really believe that she could save Kailyne after all, but she meets his sad look with one of her own and mouths a silent word of thanks to the seer. Hopefully he would make it out okay...

Once back in the cart, Sharya is reunited with her equipment. She refrains from changing clothes since they're in a bit of a hurry and not exactly in private, but her rapier goes back to her side immediately where she vowed to keep it for good. For the rest of their cart ride, she stays uncharacteristically silent, gazing quietly out into the distance as she reflects on her mistakes and wonders what she could have done differently until they stop to make camp for the night.

"Where else can we go?" Sharya finally speaks, asking no one in particular when Oliver poses the question of their next move. "Last time, we had clues sort of to lead us to Esmeralda, but this time we don't have anything to go on." Besides the other piece of information they had been given anyway. That Lucien would appear when their marks had spread.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby An Ying Hu » Tue Apr 12, 2016 2:07 pm

Zalira took Duke's hand and stepped up in the cart with Sharya in tow. She looked back with surprise to see Mardock remaining behind instead of joining them, but she wasn't going to wait any longer, urging Oliver to ride away as they went out into the night. For the next few hours, the elven witch kept guard at all times, uncertain that they were not being followed from the shadows. She was tired - for all the energy she had been brimming with during the feast, she was tired, not just in body but also in the hopelessness of her mind - she had sought to find the betrayer and end him, regain what was once hers and return to her old life. Instead, she had found only disaster here admist strange lands. Still, she could not give up. A new strategy had to be thought up.

Ey'ala remained next to Sharya during her silent vigil, her head occasionally rubbing against the skin of her friend's arm comfortingly, but remaining as wordless as the other, not wanting to trouble her further with meaningless utterings. Unlike her mistress, her exhaustion had past, and she found herself wandering as to what lies ahead. Lucien, the demon lord, was returning to conquer the land, and somehow out of all these people who were much stronger than the raven, he found Ey'ala to have been the most troubling, even in the familiar's initial bitter failure. Was there something she could do, or had it all been a coincidence? Was there even a way to know?

Oliver broke the silence as the caravan stopped, and Sharya soon followed with her own query. Zalira walked over and sat down next to her, her feet giving up after hours of sitting upright with little strength to sustain them. "I think I am going back to Vestaheim," she tells the other elf, not loud enough so the rest could hear, for now. "My family may be gone, but I am still an Aelan'ne - if I could convince our people that Lucien has returned, then they might lend us substantial assistance. We are going to need a lot more than a merchant caravan if we are to fight him and win.." her voice lacked its usual vigour, but there was still a sliver of hope to be felt behind it.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby MelissaB » Tue Apr 12, 2016 6:41 pm

Glaring at Lucian she shakes her head and smiles at Nighteyes. "He's just jealous you'll know me better than he ever will." She giggles at her wolf to which it growls menacingly towards the Demon King. Glancing around the demons and various mosnters in Southdale she shakes her head. "Where are the citizens?" She asks with a concerned tone as she watches one retreat back into their homes after looking through the window.

"Are they prisoners or slaves?" Kailyne asks with a growl one mimicked by Nighteyes, glancing at the other elf she glares, looking at her and watching her with obvious distrust as she talks with Lucian, though Kailyne has to admit that the outfit was sexy if tartish. Looking at D'Ange as she stares at her she nods a little, not returning the unwelcome hug. "Our Home is fine, though I've always preferred the forest." Nighteyes wanders up to D'Ane and sniffs her, moving around her as if sizing her up slowly. Before she asked about her equipment. "Tonight if possible though not sure why I'd say tomorrow if tonight is possible, why would it matter?" She asks with a raised brow to her sly smile.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Gorbaz » Tue Apr 12, 2016 8:24 pm

"Glad to be of assistance, Kai" Lexi beamed, giving him a thumbs up. "You eat and drink all you need to - just so long as you don't try and eat me or my friend over there". She gestured over to Lexi, who still seemed to be gazing off into the distance. Still, when she turned her attention back to Kai, she cocked her head to one side as she noticed the broken collar, listening to his words. "Ooooh! Nirvada, you say? She-devil, you say? Adventure, I say!" The air of cheerfulness didn't seem to leave Lexi, even when she held a heroic pose and grinned. Of course, just the thought of getting to charge somewhere and beat up people for coin was just the thing that got her going in the morning! Wait... He hadn't mentioned coin... And that collar looked cheap... Scratching her head, she leaned in slightly, and whispered "Say... there's a reward somewhere for bringing this devil in, right?"
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Mark3000 » Thu Apr 14, 2016 12:12 am


"Bringing her in?" Kai says with a puzzled look. "If you can take her down, I'm sure the people would make you the mayor of Nirvada" He said as he continued to eat. "She goes by the name Angelica Colette. At first she just started hiring Jotunn man from the city to work on her private island on the coast. But soon we heard the stories from the isle. Our people were eccentrically slave labor, worked to the point of braking and tossed into the sea. Not to mention the more ... seedy stories of Angelica's sexual appetite. " Before continuing, Kai turns around to reveal the scars on his back. "The ones on the top are from my training as a desert stalker for my clan. Below that are the ones I received from the overseer. " Finally, he pointed to the welts on his swollen ass. "These ones are from Angelica's idea of playtime. You really think you can take on someone like that?"


As Nighteyes sniffs D'Ange, she smells the the sweet smell of perfume along with the bitter scent of magical reagents. Noticing the wolf, D'Ange bends down to try and pet her. "They're neither. They're my subjects. I look over them and in turn they serve me." She answered Kailyne as she walked back to town "Anyway I ask if you wanted to get your things tonight because their shop is closed. So we'll have to pay them a house visit." She said as she waves you over. Lucien seems to slip by and enter the mayor's house.

As you walk through the streets, the demons continue to give you lusty stares. This time being kept at bay by the elven witch. The three of you reach a quaint little home along the main road. D'Ange gave the door a loud knock and soon enough it cracks open as you see a short, bald elderly man answer the door. "Michele! I have a job for you." She says as D'Ange walking into the house making herself at home. You notice an elderly woman with long grey hair in the corner making tea. The two seemed to be married judging by the rings on their fingers. "This is my friend Kailyne needs some new clothing. Make her something nice like you did me ok." A look of fear and nervousness cross the elderly couples face before nodding in agreement. "Great!. Oh and since the outfit you made me turned out so well, I'll return your daughter to you first thing in the morning." As she turns to leave, D'Ange turns to Kailyne. "Michele is a master craftsman. You name it and he'll make it. Just tell him what you want. I'll look for a weapon for you. You look like a long bow kinda girl." The elven witch says as she leaves as quickly as she arrived, leaving you with Michele and his wife. The two of them avoid making eye contact as Michele's wife leaves the room. "What would you like for your design Miss Kailyne?" He asks with a sad expression.

FragranceofMtDew, MASigma, VintageBass, An Ying Hu

Oliver listens to the Sharya and Zalira share their plans and doubts. "Well after our trip to the encampment, the cart you four were traveling in is pretty much empty. If you want to transfer the remaining goods to ours, we'll let you take it so you can continue your travels. Though you'll want to travel through the forest to avoid having to double back through the encampment." He then turns to Zalira "Vestaheim is going to be a long trip and you'll need something to trade if you're going to get a boat for the crossing. Consider it my payment for getting my family this far. That reminds me." Oliver returns to the front cart as retrieves a well sized wooden staff. "Priea, one of the craftsman wanted me to give this to you before all that commotion." Holding the staff, Priea could feel a soothing aura flow from it.

(Priea has acquired the Oracle Staff (Str Weapon, AP 7, Damage 5, +1 to Spellcasting rolls and damage, +2 healing for Holy Spells)
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby MelissaB » Thu Apr 14, 2016 1:13 am

Nighteyes growls and threatens to take the witch's hand off should she try and pet her Kailyne doesn't nothing to stop nighteye's warning as the teeth snap shut just near the elf's hand. "She is not a dog, treat like such at your own peril." Kailyne tells her with a shake of her head." Your subjects? Since when did an elf rule Southdale?" She comments before following along beside her Nighteyes moving in tow with her as lucian slips away.

Entering the home she nods to the married couple before hearing about their daughter. "Wait... you stole their daughter from them?" She asks with anger as D'Ange so states the matter nonchanlantly. "We are not the same." She comments with a glare her fists tightening until her knuckles turn white before she finally relaxes. "Yes a longbow." She comments before watching her leave and looking at the man. "Leather armor, tight and form fitting, allows me to move but won't snag." She comments before looking at nighteyes for a moment. "Say... could you also make some armored gauntlets, for a beastwoman, wolf in stature... May have a use for them." She comments looking at Nighteyes with a wink. before she takes a seat. "Now tell me what is going on in this town. I want to know everything."
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby FragranceofMtDew » Thu Apr 14, 2016 7:45 am

Sharya regards Zalira with a weary smile as the other elf sits down next to her. It was nice that neither her nor her familiar had blamed Sharya for her failed attempts at rescuing Kailyne and Ey'ala's presence at her side was always comforting. "Vestaheim huh..." She mutters at Zalira's suggestion. It felt like she had just left, and she was thinking about returning so soon? Her village in the woods was a ways away from Vestaheim but she still shuddered to think what would happen if her parents caught her. And every moment they spent elsewhere was another moment Kailyne was in the demon's clutches...

But Oliver seemed supportive of that decision and was even going to give them one of their carts to use! "W-wow, are you sure? That's really generous.... He's right though, Vestaheim is a long ways away. And even once we get there, our people might not be willing to listen." She says, still feeling a bit unsure about the whole thing. "Then again, Lucien did say something about destabilizing Vestaheim with.... money or something... So maybe he'll be there too." She hadn't really understood a lot of what Lucien was talking about, but maybe he had plans to have Kailyne help him take over the elven lands.

"Well, i-if you think I'll be able to help, then I'll come to Vestaheim with you." Sharya quietly concludes. She wanted to spend more time with Zalira and Ey'ala but she didn't want to be a burden either. Another screw up from her could lead to even more of her friends succumbing to Lucien's corruption and that was the last thing she wanted.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Gorbaz » Thu Apr 14, 2016 7:47 am

Hearing the description of Angelica and what she has done, Lexi's grin fades into a frown, and she scratched the back of her head. Looking over the welts and bruises, it looked like the woman was very free with beatings. Everything combined made her sound like quite the opponent. Still, she had to at least try! "Well... someone has to do something, right? And I'm here, so I count as someone, and... that means... I need to do something!" Her grin returned at her feeling of victory through logic, however flawed it was. "Uhmm.. unless you have any ideas? All I really know how to do is beat things, but I could try a rescue... I guess...?"
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby An Ying Hu » Thu Apr 14, 2016 11:25 am

Zalira flashes Oliver a pleased smile, nodding towards his offer before turning to Sharya so she would listen what her opinion on this was. She frowns a bit at her words, though she didn't want to admit it the girl was right. "If they will not listen.. then at least I tried to do something," she promptly states. Her smile returns to her once the other elf mentions that she would like to accompany her, the sorceress placing a hand on top of Shaya's own and squeezes a bit, an appreciative look in her eyes.

"I would strongly recommend that we get proper travel supplies first. None of us were equipped for a long journey and if we are to part company from the caravan it would be wisest to have everything we need first," Ey'ala says, her voice not sounding the eagerest to follow Zalira's plan, but admittedly she had no other to give."

Her mistress nods. "Agreed," she turns to Oliver. "I will stay with your family until we get to Southdale, and then - unless another lead comes up, I will get on the road."
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Mark3000 » Sun Apr 17, 2016 2:24 pm


Michele moves to his work station, hesitating to talk to you. You hear him hiss under his voice. "Damn Knife Ears." He whispers in a defeated tone. However, his wife returns to the room with tea and biscuits. "Now dear, don't be rude to the girl. She doesn't seem to be on D'Ange's side." The elderly woman sits down and offers you a cup. "My name's Martha and you've already met Michele" The elderly tailor now seemed consumed with his work now. "As you can see, D'Ange and her demons pretty much control the city. About three years, Southdale was having a bandit problem. Because we're so far away from Ironguard, the Knights couldn't make it in time. The bandits had overrun the city and taken up residence in a cave north of here. That's when D'Ange appeared with her demons. At first we though it was a blessing and we would be free to live our lives. But we only exchanged one tyrant for another. " You see her hands visibly shake. " Her demons take whatever they want, food, gold even women. Our daughter was taken a few months ago when Michele refused to work for her. Most of the women are taken to the cave north of her. It was once a bandit hideout but now D'Ange uses it to house and summon her fiends. Anyone who tries to escape to the out side world is hunted down." As you listen to her story, you feel a bit of movement in your stomach. Looking down you see your stomach bulging as if a few months pregnant (9 Posts to Birth)

Michele soon came to the table with a more welcoming look, though it seemed he still didn't trust her. "Here, I assume these are for your wolf friend over there." He hands you a pair of gauntlets with a clawed fingers that could easily slip over your hands in your Nilyne form. "Now onto the main event" He says with a bit of excitement.


Kai gave Kari a nervous look as she worked through her flawed logic. " What ever you plan to do, I wish you luck. But I can't go back there. If Angelica finds me she'll kill me, or worst." He says with a timidness uncommon for the Jotunn people. "The best way to stop her would be to find a way onto her private island. If you can do that you might be able to stop her."

FragranceofMtDew, MASigma, VintageBass, An Ying Hu

Oliver offered all of you a small bread loaf and water to refresh yourself. " If that's the plan then ... we'll be glad to have you." He says with a slight hesitation. You see that Duke and Caroline have both finished setting up the camp tents for tonight. With a yawn, Oliver stretches a bit. "It's been a long day, I'm going to hit the sack." He says walking to one of the tents. Though in his tiredness, he forgot to mention who was taking watch first.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby MelissaB » Sun Apr 17, 2016 2:49 pm

Kailyne takes the cup of tea and listens to the tale her eyes locked onto the elderly woman with sympathy and concern as she spins the tell, the idea of what D'Ange is doing before she glares and nods. "I'm sorry to hear that... the group I was with... we are hunting down Lucian and those that serve him like your current tyrant. We... we got split up but we were heading here next... it might be we can save you, free you all rather." She comment with a look of concern as she pushes away her tea before the gauntlets are provided nodding she smirks. "maybe, but not as you'd think." She comments with a sigh before she looks over the woman once more. "I am sorry, i will see to having your daughter returned to you." She tells her with sad eyes and a soft stare, nighteyes coming over and taking a position near them as Kailyne sinks in her chair. Thinking to herself of what she had done coming here with Lucian.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby An Ying Hu » Sun Apr 17, 2016 4:47 pm

Zalira stifles a potent yawn, burying her fist into her lips as she frowns a bit, feeling quite spent. "Well, it won't be me standing guard,", she mutters with a firm look towards Oliver as he departs. She drunk the water, but wasn't particularly hungry. Standing up, she stretches her legs with a grunt before turning towards her two companions. I'm going to bed. Coming along?" she asks, peering between Ey'ala and Sharya, flashing the latter a rather mischievous smirk.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby FragranceofMtDew » Sun Apr 17, 2016 6:40 pm

Sharya accepts the bread and water from Oliver with a smile and a word of thanks, devouring it immediately as her time at the feast had been cut short. She had felt lost after everything that had happened tonight, but having a plan of action for tomorrow did make her feel a bit better. Normally she would have volunteered to stand watch for the night as she still had a lot on her mind and probably couldn't sleep anyway, but the smile Zalira gives her seems to imply that she might not be doing much sleeping either way. Surely someone else could keep watch, right? Right. "Mmmm, that does sound nice. Count me in." Sharya says, groaning as she stands up and following after Zalira.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby An Ying Hu » Sun Apr 17, 2016 8:15 pm

Ey'ala cocks her head to the side to give her mistress a look. "I only need to rest after I have done something exhausting - keeping watch for the night would not be a problem. Excuse me.." she comments, and with a flapping of her wings she soars above the camp, occasionally being seen as a dark shape encircling the area, watching for any intruders coming from afar. It was odd how the tone of her voice was darker than before, maybe even a bit hostile towards Zalira. She had not been upset before during their intense moments of bitterness and failure, yet something clearly bothered her now, something that obviously she had not been willing to elaborate on.


Zalira was too tired to even notice the bird's discomfort, nodding towards her and patting her head with a quick movement of her palm before the familiar plunged into the night. She smiled at Sharya, taking her hand into hers and leading her the way to the witch's own tent, giving everyone that met her gaze a firm nod. As soon as they were inside, she did not stand on waiting and instead she would try to wrap her arms around Sharya strongly and squeeze into a hug before pushing into a violent kiss on the lips, her tongue assaulting the other elf girl's as a moan reverberated down her throat and her hands sought the exposed part of Sharya's skin, which she knew was so very sensitive now, to caress. She pulls back with a lustful smirk, staring into the other's eyes with her own sapphires. "If anybody interrupts us, I will kill them," she says with a giggle as she gently tries to sway the other closer and closer to the bedroll.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby FragranceofMtDew » Sun Apr 17, 2016 9:30 pm

Sharya nods appreciatively towards Ey'ala as the familiar takes off into the night. "Okay, have a good night and be careful out there!" She calls out after her friend as she takes Zalira's hand. She did pick up somewhat on Ey'ala's foul mood and thought to ask Zalira about it, but the witch's sudden assault as soon as they enter the tent prevents that. Sharya's eyes widen as she feels Zalira's arms wrap tightly around her and a gasp of shock is muffled by Zalira's lips suddenly pushing forward to meet her own. What Zalira wanted was hardly a secret, but Sharya wasn't expecting things to get started quite so quickly. It doesn't take long though before she finds herself relaxing in the other elf's grasp, shuddering with every stroke of her sensitive skin and moaning into the powerful kiss they share.

"I'll help." She replies, grinning lustily as the two elves gaze into each other's eyes. She was pretty sure Zalira wasn't serious about actually killing anybody anyway. "You've been waiting all day for this after all, and so patiently at that." Sharya whispers in a sultry tone as she moves with Zalira over to the bedroll, her hands moving to cup and caress the witch's breasts as they made their way there.
Joined: Thu Oct 02, 2014 2:44 am


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