Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.09 (4/18/12)

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Which character is your favorite so far?

Emilia (Warrior)
Rhiannon (Berserker)
Irine (Priest)
Cesca (Thief)
Thyme (Sage)
Lanie (Magician)
Sairyn (Martial Artist)
Asella (Paladin)
Total votes : 1714

Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.05B (9/6/1

Postby KITAmaru » Fri Sep 09, 2011 3:29 am

Hah, 'course not, I won't start again until about 2 weeks from now, so I plan to release one more update until development slows down quite a bit around September 21st, as I'm looking to maintain that 4.0 ;)

Ah, the guy who gets Rhiannon if you get sent to the Chambers? Actually, it wouldn't be difficult for me to arrange a second visit at all. For her to sleep with him willingly, you might need a low Purity, though I'm sure he'd just be most interested in trying to knock her up at this point or make her his fanciful bride... o_O.
Yeah, I'd probably recommend at least taking every character for a trip to the Chambers... maybe Emilia's scene, or Lanie's since it's pretty lolworthy.

No wai, that was Falcoun! He was in Thyme for like 30 minutes minimum, really (if you went to the Chambers, of course). Mainly I try to keep the scenes relatively short so I don't have to write '4 HOURS LATER...' though... I should do that sometime, as it'd be mildly amusing.

Oh, true that. Well, gotta get his licks in while he can... nyoho
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.05B (9/6/1

Postby ShadowFax » Fri Sep 09, 2011 4:52 am

Long time player first time poster ( xD )

I just wanted to say that this is easily the best freaking h game ever! End praise.

Beta observation, vine's in the plant room are climbable even though they lead to the ceiling where you can't pass anymore. Not a problem or anything but figured I should do my part as a tester and everything.

P.S. Really liked the slave trainer xD would love to see more of that.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.05B (9/6/1

Postby SpectralTime » Fri Sep 09, 2011 6:05 am

I'm not sure if Rhiannon would need low purity for that. She strikes me as the kind of girl who loves a good fuck, and doesn't care too much about who it's attatched too. As long as she's doing it for herself, and not because she's submitting...
Fanciful bride... Huh. I wonder if, at high(er, this is Rhiannon after all) purity, she wouldn't wonder if she'd want something like that? You know, after she's set for life, settling down with a nice, submissive guy to retire in peace and luxury?

Gonna write comments as they pop into my head while I play.

Lanie is... pretty annoying, but I can see why you recommended her scenes. Also, I can't see why I'd ever play her when the infinitely-better-in-every-way-including-the-sexy Thyme is right there.
That scene... I dunno. I didn't like Lanie, and I see how this was only the result of her own actions and stupidity, but geez. Harsh.

Did... did Emilia just do the V-Slash from Combattler? Daggome, no wonder she's #1!
I wish self-buffs didn't have a random chance to fail...
I actually like Sairyn's character a little better (Emilia, though awesome, is a little generic), but Emilia has, without question, the MUCH stronger gameplay. Sairyn's moves cost too much and do too little, and she's always too fragile and pillow-fisted to be good at melee like the big girls, even with two base attacks. Emilia, by contrast, enjoys cheaper skills, better defense, and better weapons, and, unlike Rhiannon, she actually HAS mana. If this game had tiers, she'd be near the top with Thyme and Irine, who's apparently pretty crazy powerful now. (I like being the REAL paladin by playing high-purity Irine, as opposed to the dickish "letter but not spirit" paladin Asella, who's more of a jerk than outright evil.)
Also, I won't lie: Emilia's a dang sexy woman, which probably helps. I wish she had a little more tan to her, like Rhiannon, though, but I appreciate that you're stuck with the characters you have on tap.
Oh, way to go Dastor. This totally isn't a legendarily stupid idea that will completely sour your relationship with her. *sigh* That said, I can see why you recommended this scene. It's one of the more interesting ones, like Rhiannon's or Irine's, rather than the more generic ones like Thyme's or Asella's where you don't really care about the guy or what might happen if they meet again.
Oh. Well. That was... unexpected and logical, all at once.
...No sub-plot for him, I guess.
...Unless he's a ghost or a revenant! Which would be awesome sauce on toast! Good guy/neutral guy undead for the win!

Who am I forgetting... Oh, right, the rogue!
Heh. She's dressed like Sheena from Tales of Symphonia! Which... actually, makes sense. Ninja, rogue...
It's official: no one in the game can use that longbow. Or, rather, no one in the game should.
Oh, and she's a lesbian. Huh. I knew she was androphobic, but...
Wow. Cesca is a blast to play. Huh. Was NOT expecting that. Rogues are usually a little too finicky for me off the tabletop.
Composite Longbow's not worth it either...
Not looking forward to her rape scene. As an androphobe, I can only conclude it's going to be nasty.
Looks more like a maid in the CG... Kinda petite too, though there's certainly nothing wrong with that [/lechery].
Okay, this is one of the more generic ones, and not as unpleasant as I first thought.
I just beat the Supervisor with one hitpoint. Daaaaaang.

And that's it for playing the Chamber with each girl. Good enough, I suppose, though doing it again and again is a little repetative. I'm not usually the kind to beat the game a dozen times over with different stuff, as much as to beat it once in a way I liked.
Hope I helped.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.05B (9/6/1

Postby KITAmaru » Fri Sep 09, 2011 6:54 am

Shadow: Ooooh, great! Thanks for posting, and also for helping! See, any kind of bug reports are appreciated as it would help to polish this game up a lot.
And no sweat, you'll get to see more of the slave trainer next patch, although it'll be more about getting revenge on her with your character instead of her abusing you again... ;D But of course, for those BDSM fans who happen to be sub, you'll still get plenty more of that in the future too, just not necessarily next patch.

For Rhiannon, I suppose so, considering Thyme starts at 60 and Rhia starts at 70, so they actually do not have any Purity-specific choice options during the first Chamber scene. I'm sure the settling down thing has crossed her mind once or twice, but of course, her Purity would need to rise for that by developing relationship points.

As far as self-buffs failing go, I wished the same, but recently found out that I needed to check the 'Nonresistance' box, which didn't particularly explain the conditions well (I had to check the wiki), so next patch, all self-buffs are 100% success for the most part.

Hahaha, well, Lanie was supposed to have a type of teenage schoolgirl-esque appeal. She did end up slightly more annoying than I had originally intended, but most of her attractive attributes or fetish fuel stem from very surface qualities; she's extremely book-smart, fashionable, powerful, and apparently has amazingly effective pheromones with regards to the opposite sex. The rest is... well... blah.

Yep, combat-wise I think Emilia is generally the coolest. Points to anyone who can catch references to particular manga (or history) in her first two attacks, and you have no idea--I was REALLY close to giving her Double Demon Fang or Sword Rain: Alpha as a 'tribute' move in the later levels. ToS ftw XD

Cesca was a name I stole from another character I made, and ended up putting on the pink-haired girl. I gave her androphobia for variety and noticing that it gave characters like Inami Mahiru (from Working!) unexpected amounts of popularity. I'm not exactly sure WHY she can use the longbow at this point, maybe I was thinking of Rogues from certain MMO's; but all in all, that bow is meant for an archer / ranger class that I'll probably add along with either a dancer or a necromancer as the "new characters" patch, likely only available after the game's completion. Is it pretty bad? I admittedly don't utilize the bows at all when playing Cesca, given her dual wielding capabilities.

Heh, I gave her that dress only cause it was the closest thing I could find in 3DCG with my relatively limited mods (as I don't have the 5000+ all installed at once, I have to search for each individually). Now for a girl that ACTUALLY looks like a ninja, I can easily implement an NPC or party member who does, but again, all in good time...

Glad the Cedgar thing wasn't all that bad for you, because it disgusted ME as I wrote it. I was literally trying to think up the most repulsive type of person, in my own opinion, to rape Cesca if she gets sent to the Chambers, so I was like bwehhhh... I don't really like to revisit that scene all that often--I'd have my char take a pounding from 100 bandits before I revisit THAT old guy again.

Lucky you. A lot of people are calling for revenge on the Supervisor, so I'll provide a small scene where you can turn the tables on her. The main characters in the dominatrix outfit (particularly Rhiannon or Thyme, though I can see Asella sporting it)... niiiiice.

Thanks for the feedback there. So far, those are the only truly, 100% unique scenes, due to the ridiculous amount of time it takes to write each one, plus the proofreading, but yeah. Originally, it was just gonna be that Asella's merchant guy for like half of the characters, but I finally mustered up the strength to write all 8.

Speaking of fetish fuel, I've decided the only way I'd ever include guro or dismemberment in this game, is if it actually lead to more fetish fuel (like for the people who dig the one-armed chicks such as Baiken or Shiba Kuukaku). Yeah. XD But don't go asking for Rhiannon to lose a limb, as I think people might rage from that one. Probably.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.05B (9/6/1

Postby SpectralTime » Fri Sep 09, 2011 7:16 am

Weird... I could've sworn Thyme's was higher that Rhiannon's. I mean, 60's the amount you need to screw the twins, and I usually have to work a little to get her down that low in a way I don't with Rhia.

Also, I admire your strength.

I think what made the Cedgar thing less awful is the fact that he's... honestly a little silly and pathetic. And because I probably wasn't paying as close attention to it as I should.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.05B (9/6/1

Postby SquallLion » Fri Sep 09, 2011 7:59 am

there are something weird about the clown (at the den) : is it a important character?
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.05B (9/6/1

Postby KITAmaru » Fri Sep 09, 2011 8:28 am

Yah, Thyme starts off lower than Rhiannon. I guess she's the 'sluttiest' character, though Rhiannon probably acts more like it. The Purity requirement for the twins is 65, yep.

As for the clown...
No... not really. He was there as more of a joke, I'd say.

ALSO. I forgot to mention that, unless you're Asella (because he's the one who got to be first in you during her Chambers intro scene), the merchant NPC walking around in the Chambers has stuff for sale. He's near the exit.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.05B (9/6/1

Postby abslom » Fri Sep 09, 2011 12:15 pm

Hey, this is my first post in the forums, but I've played the game, and I must say, for a game made with little experience with RMVX, it's very impressive. It's very well-written, and I really like the encounter system and the purity meter. I also like the great amount of replay value in the game, and how each player character has a different personality and that the NPCs react to them differently.

The only thing I don't like is the lack of info prompting the player to fight one of the plant creatures. Since they're easy to avoid, and there's no indication that you're supposed to do it, it's kinda hard to stumble upon it to trigger the boss battle. Oh, and It'd be better if the character portraits in the dialogs can have different expressions, but if not, it's fine.

Also, have you seen this website called "Closet"?
It's Japanese, but it's got some great art material that you can use for RMVX.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.05B (9/6/1

Postby SquallLion » Fri Sep 09, 2011 2:13 pm

KITAmaru Wrote:As for the clown...
No... not really. He was there as more of a joke, I'd say.

okay! I WAS afraid to lost 'something'

KITAmaru Wrote:ALSO. I forgot to mention that, unless you're Asella (because he's the one who got to be first in you during her Chambers intro scene), the merchant NPC walking around in the Chambers has stuff for sale. He's near the exit.

I saw it with the Thyme, the cute busty witcheds (2nd prefer: she's very strong with the magic)
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.05B (9/6/1

Postby KITAmaru » Fri Sep 09, 2011 4:02 pm

Thanks, Abslom.
As far as a prompt to actually fight a plant creature, I should probably include that in the event that triggers when you enter the room, huh? Thanks for catching that, as I guess it's pretty much the first time I've included a kill quest and mistakenly assumed that people would just try to fight the plants--which was definitely a mistake on my part seeing that they are indeed very easy to avoid, and that it's also easy to 'run' through the game as of right now (outside of the first bandit, the spear guard, and Kalen).

Character expressions are one thing I'd like to add, as I have fairly recently acquired a set of expressions for pretty much every girl... The only thing keeping me from doing it right now, as I might have mentioned in a previous post (but I like to make WALLSOFTEXT so I don't blame you if you missed it), is having to go back on every event and change the expressions. You sound pretty experienced, so I'll mention that the way I have it set up is that each event has a new page for each girl (like page 1 has the condition of 'Character Emilia Exists', and so on)... maybe not the most efficient way, but it's what I knew to do at the time, plus I really hate overdoing conditional branches as it's easy for me to get lost.

Not to mention, I find that there seems to be an overall lack of expressions that look genuinely erotic (as with Violated Heroine) for the RTP girls; that or I haven't found them yet, so I don't wanna have to go back and change those too just in case I happen to run into something better. ^^; I'll eventually get around to that though.

Yep, I used Closet for Nebula and Wolfram's sprites. ^^ Thanks though--if you've any other good resources, I'd be glad to check them out.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.05B (9/6/1

Postby Lucky777 » Fri Sep 09, 2011 4:46 pm

Yeah, if any of the MC's actually lost a limb or suffered some kind of actual harm I'd probably be all FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF

Also, if you're looking for actual DISGUSTING characters, you'd probably need to go into the realm of poor hygiene/scat or something, because the old beggar guy was pretty charming. Not particularly abusive, not diseased, not completely impotent, not Jabba the Hut, not a dude with a thimble-sized cock, not stinking, not shit-spattered, not ... anything, really.
Just ...
kinda old.

But I kinda hope you...sort of don't introduce too many characters that are ACTUALLY disgusting, 'cause they'd take away from the H value a little bit.
Then again
I suppose there ARE the dudes who like "exceedingly rough fat ugly unwashed unskilled inconsiderate old man on young woman" so.... eh. You could totally throw 'em a bone or two, I guess.
Maybe. D :
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.05B (9/6/1

Postby KITAmaru » Fri Sep 09, 2011 5:13 pm

Naw, I only looked for somewhat repulsive characters be it appearance or personality for the initial introduction to the Chambers scene, in order to make the possibility of losing one's virginity rather... well, tragic, or something. So far, it's either that, or losing to the first guy twice (which is a gameover), or now losing to the three guys at the bar.

From here on out, with regards to human male partners, they're mainly gonna be... plain old bandits or officers, that is, when they aren't a storyline-relevant NPC, be it friend or foe. Some of em will even look pretty decent.
Meaning to say, it won't ALL be filled with disgusting types, heh.

Finished a scene in game, looking to toss in a little extra besides what I already have planned, SO! Little contest.
The first person who can catch 2 references to song lyrics and 1 reference to an already-made hentai game (and I'm talking mainstream stuff, not indie RPG VX H-games like this one) by talking to NPC's gets to specify a character, AND a fetish, to be released in an exclusive scene for 0.06.
So if you want to see a footjob from Asella, or a lesbian scene for Irine, or even another scene with an NPC such as the dominatrix or anyone who was in the 1st Chambers scene (as long as they aren't dead), then just name it and I'll do my best to try and fulfill that.

These references can be found simply by talking to certain NPC's and are NOT part of any H-scene. There are more than just 2 song lyric references and 1 h-game reference, so this prooobably won't be too difficult if you know where to look!
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.05B (9/6/1

Postby Peschken » Fri Sep 09, 2011 10:55 pm

Hey kitamaru,
I'll admit I'm a lazy bum and didn't bother reading the 15 last pages, so I'm just gonna ask you here.

Would you mind sharing the music used in boss fights or tell me where to get it or something like that?

Also, regarding balancing: Rhiannon is still very very strong. I needed two hits to beat the tentacle-vine-ogre thingy. Granted, I had the claymore and I was in bloodlust and frenzied (first hit 1000 something, second hit 900 something), but there was no chance he'd beat down my 1400HP in time.

Best wishes
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.05B (9/6/1

Postby Raio10 » Fri Sep 09, 2011 11:02 pm

When i try to play this game i get a message saying RGSS202E.dll could not be found then it goes off can anyone help??
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.05B (9/6/1

Postby alooulla » Sat Sep 10, 2011 12:40 am

Would love to see some more attractive monsters...Werewolves and Minotaurs and the like. Though of course you are restricted to what graphics are available ingame, because they do need a sprite and such...Its a thought anyway!
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.05B (9/6/1

Postby ramshadow » Sat Sep 10, 2011 1:44 am

I would love to see the footjob idea! 8D you'd be my hero man XD
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.05B (9/6/1

Postby SpectralTime » Sat Sep 10, 2011 2:54 am

Huh... Well, two drunks were singing a song that the Internets tell me is something called Cock Sparrer's "Everybody's Talking About Revolution" (thought it was "Won't Get Fooled Again" by The Who at first), and the Sephiroth-lookin' dude in the uppermost room of the Chamber is reciting "One Winged Angel" lyrics in Canis Latinicus.

Also, that horse guy said "Your resistance only makes my penis harder!," but since I don't know the name of that one, I'll go with the waitress asking "Do You Like Horny Bunnies?"
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.05B (9/6/1

Postby KITAmaru » Sat Sep 10, 2011 3:10 am

It's actually 'England Belongs To Me', but close enough--I'll give it to ya, since you at least found the band name! And yes, that was indeed One Winged Angel, as in the full portrait, that guy's attire is WAY too much like Sephiroth's. I guess the longish silver hair doesn't help his case in being very original either.

'Do You Like Horny Bunnies', yep, a Zyx game.
For those who wanted to know, the horse with the 'Your resistance only makes my penis harder' quote is a reference to Words Worth, and is something of an Internet meme;

Alright, what do you want to see and with whom? LOL... Take your time.
Last edited by KITAmaru on Sat Sep 10, 2011 3:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.05B (9/6/1

Postby SpectralTime » Sat Sep 10, 2011 3:14 am

I'm... not too sure, actually. I think I may need a sec.

I almost wish you hadn't specified they couldn't be dead: I'd have asked for a scene with Dastor's ghost so that he and Emilia could get some closure.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.05B (9/6/1

Postby BlueLight » Sat Sep 10, 2011 6:03 am

So i noticed you added the frame work for more than one enemy so next update can you implement it a bit.
To start off with it seems you have a limit to the number of gargoyles you can fight before they stop appearing. after this number could you set it up so 1 more gargoyle spawns but is a 3 vs 1 fight. If you didn't know already how to do this then learn this will let you make more encounters with more than 1 enemy.

Next thing could you set up so when you enter combat that every one stand to the side, above, and below are added to the combat. It seems a little crazy that you can't take on 3 people when theirs at least 7 swarming you.
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