Corta's Flash Edits - Exclusive Supporter Bootleg [25/Oct]

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Re: Corta's Flash Edits

Postby corta » Sun Apr 10, 2016 12:07 pm

man, these weekends are getting short.. I only got half the finisher anim done. :(
new stuff soon.
..a few days, super-squidsey promise.

BlueVixen Wrote:
corta Wrote:x-rays and a look at the new mess layers!

Looks kinkier and kinkier by the second! Good work, Corta. :)


slr819 Wrote:x-rays lookin' good! and cum layers, too. i just love them cum layers (no homo) i wanna see the champ drown in cum like every inch of her skin... man. now that i imagined it, changed my mind. forget what i just said. that is not what i want to see. that would be too gross. but cum is good. there can never be too much cum. actually there can be but whatever.

I added a quick-cum button for you that sets all the mess layers on.
y'like that, huh? HUH?!
yeah, you do. 8-)

also, creampies play as a teaser for what a 'her orgasm' system is capable of. ;)

slr819 Wrote:about that thing with futa. can't say i'm a fan but can't say i'm against it either. if there is demand (which i think there is) you should probably consider it.

maybe I could actually use that patreon vote for something..

slr819 Wrote:anyway i rant too much. i watch as this game evolves into something OP and i can't help but get excited and say thank you corta!
and one more thing (last one i promise!) if the champs have no hands why not just add them? just imagine the possibilities...

again, this is gonna be one of those "if I'm doing it, it's getting done right" things.
drawing+skinning+costuming a new set of sprites is too much work for such a little payoff.

astromormy Wrote:Nice x-ray. Is it done or will you be adding more to the x-ray visual like the womb and ovaries?

if I went all-in with the x-ray, then I'd have to animate creampies too. ..and then I'd need to come up with excuses for why there's no x-ray on blowjobs.
it exists because its easy, I'm happy enough to leave it alone.

astromormy Wrote:What game will you be doing next? Because if you don't have one yet, you could try editing linemarvels Jungle Girl. You could add a few new monsters and such to make the game bigger. Aside from that, there's actually a few graphical errors in the current Jungle girl that you could fix easily.

back in the day, I did just that. ..minus the new stuff, of course.
I made a gallery and invincibility. after that, there's nothing else I could really think to do.

it's traditionally animated (re-drawing motion, rather than motioned sprites like I use.) so making anything new takes actual artistic talent.
long story short, aint much I could do.

as for next up:
if nobody digs my new game idea, I could fall back to.. uhh..

a while ago, somebody requested "feel the flash: hardcore" that kasumi game from (the same time?)
it's a total mess, so I can't make a direct game mod, but if I really, really wanted, I could rip the art and rig up a game like FYC with better art, actual angles and a new roster gimmic. (ninjas? fightan girls? animu?)

the only other idea in the bank is remaking zone's KLK to feature samus.
th- that could be fun, right? (I still hate you, AS3. if I'm doing this, I'mma recode you.)

Biles Wrote:Jungle Girl. I haven't played that game in ages. IMO the game could use an entire graphic overhaul.

exactly. so nup.

VintageBass Wrote:Why not throw in Hell Girl while you're at it... or is that a little too much?

..ah, nostalgia.
same deal as jungle, I'm not qualified enough to jump that shark.

Active Thread: [ Flash Edits ][27th July/19]
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits - still making excuses [10th Apr]

Postby JohnDoe1182025 » Sun Apr 10, 2016 3:23 pm

Alright, that's cool. As far as Jungle Girl goes, could you upload your version of it, so people could get it. Also, for Kasumi Rebirth, how much do you really think you could do for that game?. I was the one to suggest it to you a few months ago, and I remember you saying that its organization was so bad, it would be a nightmare to even start trying to mod. Would it be you actually modding the game or would you just be taking the art and putting it into FYOC. Oh, and the creators of the game is Sawatex. If you do try and mod it, use the most up to date version released by them. The version I gave is the most up to date as of me posting this, so if you need the game again, just PM me.

Re: Corta's Flash Edits - still making excuses [10th Apr]

Postby PervyJew » Mon Apr 11, 2016 9:05 pm

So, for a feel the flash edit, I would have to say HELL YES. if you can get "camera" angles done, then I feel like that should be all you do before handing it off to someone else who you trust to do quality work for character customization options (probably other DOA characters, maybe some randoms thrown in from wherever). You have enough on your plate with the edits already in this thread, especially make your champion.
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits - still making excuses [10th Apr]

Postby Vice-a-Roni » Tue Apr 12, 2016 2:47 am

Regarding gangbangs and futa in FYC- I care! Hell yes.
If you could mess with the size of... ahem... other appendages, that would also be awesome.
Thank you for all you do!
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits - still making excuses [10th Apr]

Postby stz223 » Tue Apr 12, 2016 10:44 am

If you're going to add futa you might as well add male characters..
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits

Postby corta » Tue Apr 12, 2016 12:47 pm

alright, all the main stuff is done. so you guys can have a play. :D

it's late and I haven't done much playtesting, but I'll just put this up because you've all been waiting very nicely. ;)
I'm sure there's plenty of broken stuff and I'll be sure to fix those before the real release, tomorrow.

Click to Play
(Javascript Required)

FYC v1.7 preview.swf [ 6.94 MiB | Viewed 3382 times ]

night, night!

Vice-a-Roni Wrote:Regarding gangbangs and futa in FYC- I care! Hell yes.

PervyJew Wrote:So, for a feel the flash edit, I would have to say HELL YES.

I'll have to put a vote up some time.. because twice the amount of people always come out when I take the 'vocal' option.
..after I make my demos, though.. I want informed voters. :)

Vice-a-Roni Wrote:If you could mess with the size of... ahem... other appendages, that would also be awesome.

..honestly, it sounds more fun than it would be.
I couldn't come up with a good pose with what I've got here. :(

astromormy Wrote:As far as Jungle Girl goes, could you upload your version of it, so people could get it.

it really, really isnt much. .. in fact, posting it might be sacrilege..

astromormy Wrote:for Kasumi Rebirth, how much do you really think you could do for that game? I remember you saying that its organization was so bad, it would be a nightmare to even start trying to mod. Would it be you actually modding the game or would you just be taking the art and putting it into FYC.

it's an absolute mess.
I would have had to neuter the controls (hand actions and progressive stripping) replace the UI, make sense of the voice-over code and almost never be able to add new costumes/characters..

if I ever took feel the flash on, it'd be an art rip and a mostly-from-scratch game rebuild.

astromormy Wrote:I was the one to suggest it to you a few months ago

dat clean mailbox doe.

astromormy Wrote:If you do try and mod it, use the most up to date version released by them. The version I gave is the most up to date as of me posting this, so if you need the game again, just PM me.

I've still got it saved.
fun fact that both your rip and my decompile came out riddled with (completely different) errors and neither is anywhere close to running properly.

but that's no problem. ;)
Active Thread: [ Flash Edits ][27th July/19]
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits - still making excuses [10th Apr]

Postby VintageBass » Tue Apr 12, 2016 2:14 pm

stz223 Wrote:If you're going to add futa you might as well add male characters..

There are male characters in the game already! ;)
"Just because you can put your dick in it, it doesn't mean you can fuck it"
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits - FYC 1.7 preview [12th Apr]

Postby JohnDoe1182025 » Tue Apr 12, 2016 7:57 pm

I found out why the Kasumi Rebirth doesn't like to work when you decompile it. The file is protected. I'm no wiz with flash, but I know that there's an option in Adobe Animate(or Adobe CC) that allows you to protect a file. It is possible to remove the protection and I did, but I don't know how much better it is as I didn't know it was crappy in the first place. Do you want me to give you the unprotected files for you to decompile or did you already know all this and it wouldn't help?

Re: Corta's Flash Edits - FYC 1.7 preview [12th Apr]

Postby slr819 » Tue Apr 12, 2016 8:03 pm

ok. first off, WHERE IS DAT ZYRA :evil:
i mean, you once said there'd be Soraka and Zyra but later announced there would be no Soraka ( :cry: she just so nice) and we got it but i don't think you ever said anything about Zyra getting scrapped too. *whoa this dude need to chill it's just the preview maybe she come out in full release* oh, is that so? ah ok then sorry i kinda overreacted :oops:

the x-rays are sweet and so is the bucket of cum... uh i mean, it's not like 'sweet' sweet, it's just... oh god that came out all wrong. :roll:

but srsly give us Zyra or i will murder you in your sleep. until next time, peace :mrgreen:
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits - still making excuses [10th Apr]

Postby thedoubleyew » Wed Apr 13, 2016 12:55 am

VintageBass Wrote:
stz223 Wrote:If you're going to add futa you might as well add male characters..

There are male characters in the game already! ;)

funny, I thought they were just shoulders hips and a dick
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits - still making excuses [10th Apr]

Postby KiWolfGirl » Wed Apr 13, 2016 4:14 am

stz223 Wrote:If you're going to add futa you might as well add male characters..

I'm not a huge futa buff, but I definitely know a lot of people who would find that statement very offensive.
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits

Postby corta » Wed Apr 13, 2016 12:41 pm

welp, there's one botched launch..
attachments are being meanies again, Ren!

FYC 1.7 is on the first page, anyways.
it.. should work. :|

I'll fix everything up when I get back tomorrow.

astromormy Wrote:Do you want me to give you the unprotected files for you to decompile or did you already know all this and it wouldn't help?

the problem isnt the protection, it's the compression.
expanding a file to 20 times it's size, there's a usually a few mistakes.
usually, they end up in art errors, but chunks of code can go missing too.

it happens when I decompile anything. even my own stuff.
Active Thread: [ Flash Edits ][27th July/19]
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits - FYC 1.7 release [13th Apr]

Postby JohnDoe1182025 » Wed Apr 13, 2016 2:07 pm

Ah, oh well then. Wouldn't a decompiler preserve everything though and you could just export what the fla file doesn't have or is it just to much work? Also, do you have your old Jungle Girl edit?

Re: Corta's Flash Edits - FYC 1.7 release [13th Apr]

Postby swaggerking » Thu Apr 14, 2016 3:35 am

This game is awesome! Please add a dark magician girl outfit?
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits - FYC 1.7 release [13th Apr]

Postby Disconnected » Thu Apr 14, 2016 11:26 am

Well u did the x-ray as u promised, but there's no vaginas :( but hey u really did the x-ray in such a short time! Thank you for your hard work! :D
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits

Postby corta » Thu Apr 14, 2016 11:34 am

fixed the front page ..hours ago (yay!)

swaggerking Wrote:This game is awesome! Please add a dark magician girl outfit?

I reeeeally shouldn't be rewarding this kind of behavior.. but here's something for you you'll stop asking. :evil:

this was one of the first flashes I ever edited.
zone's ..hentairella?

Click to Play
(Javascript Required)

dmg 2.swf [ 516.46 KiB | Viewed 3277 times ]

no sound, awful frame rate and poor quality all-around.
Decompilers didnt exist back then, but luckily, neither did import-protection. ;)
my of my early stuff was just dropped into flash and painted over.

and hey, while we're at it.. here's the night elf edit (on the same scene) that lead to me getting more creative than 'just paint the body'

Click to Play
(Javascript Required)

elf.swf [ 533.58 KiB | Viewed 3277 times ]

..alright, now I'm being too nice.


astromormy Wrote:Ah, oh well then. Wouldn't a decompiler preserve everything though and you could just export what the fla file doesn't have or is it just to much work?

swf isnt designed to be blown up into a full fla file.
and sure, most (all?) the information is in there, but calculation errors happen.

for an example, look at any animation.
in the original, it might be a simple 2-key line with easing. but when decompiled, the motion turns into a frame-by-frame (nearly 100% keyframes) of janky detected locations.
that's the only 'hard evidence' I've got. if I went on to explain broken code, It'd be mostly assumptions from here.. :|

..anyways. stuff happens .. and like I said, it doesnt even matter.
it's fine.

stz223 Wrote:If you're going to add futa you might as well add male characters..

dat slope.
if that was an honest suggestion, though.. I think you can guess the answer. :?
..I dont even make lesbian stuff, and they're the 'cool' gay couples.
Active Thread: [ Flash Edits ][27th July/19]
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits

Postby KiWolfGirl » Fri Apr 15, 2016 3:57 am

corta Wrote:Decompilers didnt exist back then, but luckily, neither did import-protection. ;)
my of my early stuff was just dropped into flash and painted over.

You were probably better off, even with all the decompliers now the files come out half broken with missing fills and all the layers transparent yellow outline. I did learn a lot of programming that way and make my own animation edits for a lot of flash h games though :?
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits - FYC 1.7 release [13th Apr]

Postby palandus » Sat Apr 16, 2016 7:42 am

Ooooooh Hentairella 1, very nice Corta.

Even if you feel its not good quality, it at least has buttons to allow you to view specific scenes over and over again, by clicking the button associated with it.

Any plans on improving it's quality :P Or at least, do other Zoney flashes that have a similar structure (ie Hentairella 3, would be nice with buttons).

Also, found that if you disable the background tentacles in HentaiKey 5 (click on top right corner thing, and set to 3, instead of 4) that the framerate is actually perfectly ideal, and runs at the same speed as the original flash... thought I'd mention that in case you didn't know that (as you had mentioned previously that the framerate was bad due to duplicated tentacles in the background slowing things down).

EDIT: Having tried your other Zoney HentaiKey games, would you consider at a later point to implement a "cum system" like you did with those other games?

Anyway, just thought I'd also mention its good to hear that you intend to do the other stuff after FYC 1.7. Also, unless I'm mistaken you did update your Darkest Dungeon mod, so thanks for that one as well!

On the whole gameplay, "the gallery" and porn thing, a suggestion = In Swiss-Made flashes, ie Sexnomicon and Mission to Zebes, if you beat the game, you get a gallery code to enjoy as much of the nice sex scenes as you want, as a reward for playing. Though, if you do go that route, don't make the gameplay so mind-boggling frustrating and annoying; I really don't know how someone managed to get the Mission to Zebes code legitimately as the click-smashy "gameplay" is frustratingly difficult (worse than quick time events) [I personally googled the code after trying to beat the first level and failing utterly]. So in a nutshell, you could make a very enjoyable game with a reward of seeing nice sex bits as a reward for completion of the game; thus you'd reward "porn" with success, rather than punish your failure with "porn", which just encourages failing to see the good stuff. Just thought I'd mention that.
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits - FYC 1.7 release [13th Apr]

Postby slr819 » Sun Apr 17, 2016 2:29 pm

wished there was a game like this for Dota 2. to whom i must speak for this?
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits - FYC 1.7 release [13th Apr]

Postby billiglob » Sun Apr 17, 2016 5:35 pm

Love the new features. I do like the x-ray thing that's going on, it's a pretty neat thing to have. ^.^
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