Seraphic Wrote:Never thought of asking but why aren't the ash sprites improved like the rest? o_o
Belldandu Wrote:So um i've clicked spearow a few times but she only falls asleep. How do you make her horny instead?
Digfree Wrote:I think I did what you wanted matemerged your 3 post
humbird0 Wrote:I need to take down my website for awhile.
That also includes the pokemorph and cutscene sites.
Unlike before, this is intentional.
Here's why:
My webhost keeps accidentally charging my bank account multiple times each month. The website normally costs me $30 per month. So you can imagine how expensive this is getting. This is not the first time I've had this problem with them, so I'm cancelling it. I'll probably look for a different webhost for the site after I've saved up some money. By the way, I do not recommend "Hosting24" as a webhost.
And in case you're wondering why I was paying $30 for a website in the first place, it's because I was renting a VPS (virtual private server)
That seemed to be necessary because whenever I uploaded a new version of the pokemon game, the site would get hammered with a ton of traffic, and the cheap hosting plans had too much of a bandwidth limit. (The site uses about 50 GB to 100 GB per day)
Nevermind, I'll just pay them manually and avoid the whole automatic-payment problem.
chimpandy Wrote:How do you save game?
Jlokison Wrote:BTW, I've enjoyed the game a long time, wish I could help with the art work backlog... unfortunately changing computers and moving resulted in loosing a functional copy of Paint Shop Pro and MS Paint isn't going to cut it
Dead2112man Wrote:Belldandu, Hi, you are of course new with your account and maybe even just here in general so welcome.
So let me help you a little with your question on this game that you have posted, one, yes, poygon is not catchable until the currect time to in the story makes it so, which has not happened yet
Why so much lag in some areas? for this game is made in flash, and when you overwhelm flash with alot of coding and moving parts, even the best computers will seem to fall, but really it is just flash
Also noticing you keep posting about "Bugs" that I think you might be causing you self on accident, for I have played the crap out of this version, and the only bugs I have seen are now patched, and any new ones people post about are usally done via them messing with the game in some way, shape, or form. Well except that one envolving charm poisoned stuff on page 239, that one is just strange.
Something I am noticing via your post is that you not using the game executable but the Humbird0 pokemon creator studio, are you some how playing the game in that or is that for you "Hotfixes"?
And NO, the is no full version, yet, seeing how you asked where you could get a version. The only real ways to get this game is from this site or Humbird0's web site which I think you might need to enter the IP number to gain access when this was posted.
Oh and for your suggestion on the web provider, no idea, not my thing to call, I don't think Humbird0 is going to leave his site again for a new provider after just getting one again anytime soon. But, I might be wrong.
Belldandu Wrote:Dead2112man Wrote:My post
The pokemon creator studio can be used to play the game however in this case i was using it to test fixes for the squirtle bug. The swf that puts squirtle in your pokeball disables the fieldMenu, player and sprites so each of my posts were really just debug logs to find that out. Have you played the squirtle event before you got on the SS ST Anne? I only started modifying the game when i ran into the issue where i couldn't do anything after squirtle went in the pokeball no matter how many times i restarted.
Dead2112man Wrote:hello Jlokison
Sorry to hear that you can't help with the art work, but as far as why the humans wont be affected by the charm, it is so you don't catch humans.
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