Lust Contagion: New Virus [Kuragari]

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Lust Contagion: New Virus [Kuragari]

Postby Vhexo » Thu Mar 17, 2016 12:19 pm

It started out as a normal day today. You just woke up in your bedroom, next to you lying your friend Miku as the two of you were having a sleepover at your house since summer vacation had just started. She herself is still asleep when you wake up, but under the blankets you can see she is still naked, much like yourself, which makes you briefly think back to the night before and all the naughty fun you two had. You even remembered that your mother joined in somewhere in the middle, but it seems like Evelyn returned to her own room after that. Just thinking about it makes you a little wet again between your legs. Too bad Miku would go to her boyfriend today though. You'd rather keep her for yourself a little longer.

You can hear some sizzling coming from the kitchen that stop your train of thoughts. Probably your mom who's making breakfast for the three of you. You get a little smile on your face when you think about that. Your mom was super nice to you, maybe in a weird way to others but in a completely normal way to you, and since your dad left you are like her most precious thing in the world. And all of your friends agree your mother is the best and nicest mom there is.

Tammy (Kuragari's PC)
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Evelyn (Tammy's Mom)
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Miku (Tammy's BFF)
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Last edited by Vhexo on Mon Jul 11, 2016 4:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Lust Contagion: New Virus [Kuragari]

Postby Kuragari » Thu Mar 17, 2016 2:57 pm

Stretching a bit and pulling Miku closer to me, I hummed happily as I cuddled and snuggled with her, happy to have her for a bit longer as I recalled the naughty fun we'd had the previous night. I found myself wondering how excited and aroused her boyfriend would have been if he'd been able to see the two, then three of them having such a fun time with each other. She ggigled a bit, thinking maybe Miku could swing back by tonight and bring him by for a naughty little orgy.

The smell of bacon draws me away from such thoughts, and I hum happily as I think about how wonderful mom is. A fair bit perverted, and possibly a bit of a nymphomaniac, but she didn't mind. She was the kindest and gentlest person she knew, even when she could get a bit rough in bed.

"Hey Miku... Mom's making breakfast... mmhm... and I know how much you love my Mom's cooking." I say, giving her a chaste kiss to her lips, wondering what else she was making with the bacon today.
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Re: Lust Contagion: New Virus [Kuragari]

Postby Vhexo » Fri Mar 18, 2016 3:50 pm

"Hmm.. mmmh.. what?, your friend response as you awaken her from her sleep, her eyes still drowsy as she slowly sits up, stretches out and lets out a big yawn, the blanket falling from her upper body which gives you a supreme look at her bosom. "Did you-*Yawn*- did you say something, Tammy?", she asks as she rubs the sleep out of her eyes.

You can hear the sounds of plates and glasses being grabbed from the cupboard, after which you can hear your mother putting them on the table. Then, footsteps towards your room, and some soft knocks on the door before your mother slowly opens your bedroom door, peeking her head through to see if you're already awake, and when she sees you are she opens the door and steps in. "Good morning, sleepyheads! It's already ten in the morning and breakfast is ready!", Evelyn says as she walks towards you a gives you a kiss on the forehead. She seemed to be up for some time already, but she was wearing nothing but an apron, which she did often when she and you had holiday. You could see a great bit of cleavage from her large breasts, and when she turned around you got a great view from her firm but soft ass cheeks as well as her rosebud and pussy. "Are you sweeties coming to eat soon? I made bacon sandwiches!, she says before leaving your room and returning back to the kitchen.
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Re: Lust Contagion: New Virus [Kuragari]

Postby Kuragari » Sat Mar 19, 2016 2:35 pm

I giggle at Miku being so tired and sleepy, giving her a very passionate kiss as my mother walked on in with such a sexy display of her body before us. I always loved it when she walked around the house nude, especially if she wore that apron... it somehow made her even sexier. Ah, if only she could do that everyday.

"Bacon sandwiches? That sounds delicious Mama!" I say as I bounce out of the bed, giving her a playful smack as I tugged on Miku's arm. "C'mon Miku, let's go downstairs and get some before mom decides to eat it all!"
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Re: Lust Contagion: New Virus [Kuragari]

Postby Vhexo » Sun Mar 20, 2016 8:44 pm

"All right, all right, just give me a second!", Miku said with a feigned irritated look, although she couldn't help but let a small smile break through. Seeing as you're already out of bed, she threw the blankets off of her and stood up as well, just as fully nude as you.

Both of you don't bother putting anything on, since it's holiday and you're alone home with your mother, and immediately go downstairs towards the kitchen. Once there, you can see two plates with the promised sandwiches and a glass of water for the both of you. You can also hear sounds of the TV coming from the other room, your mother probably watching the news right now.
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Re: Lust Contagion: New Virus [Kuragari]

Postby Kuragari » Mon Mar 21, 2016 4:44 pm

Hugging her and poking at her sides playfully on the way to the kitchen, I snickkered and giggled as I asked her if she'd had enjoyed the sleep over or not, then snatched my plate, and hers, up and gave her a come hither gesture as I let her pick our glasses up, my feet taking me to the living room so we could eat with Mama."
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Re: Lust Contagion: New Virus [Kuragari]

Postby Vhexo » Mon Mar 21, 2016 8:54 pm

"You know I love to spend time with you, T, and don't you forget it!", Miku replied with a smile as she hugged you back on your way to the kitchen. She gives you a slightly confused look as you grab her plate from under her nose, but she soon understands what you're planning and picks up both your glasses, following you to the living room where you find your mother on the sofa watching the news, still wearing nothing but her apron. She soon notices you and makes some space on the couch as she smiles, placing an arm around you as you sit down next to her and pulls you close, Miku sitting on the opposite side of your mom and getting the same treatment as the three of you sit on the couch. "Do you like it, honey? I wasn't sure what to make after last night but I figured you would be hungry. I always am after a night with you at least~", your mom sys as she nuzzles your hair with her nose
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Re: Lust Contagion: New Virus [Kuragari]

Postby Kuragari » Tue Mar 22, 2016 12:59 pm

Snuggling into mothers embrace, I sigh and relax as I dig into my plate, handing Miku hers as I say "Of course Mama, bacon sandwiches are always nice, and its a quick and simple meal for breakfast. Means less dishes for me, hehe~" I then turn and glance to the news, wondering if anything interesting was going on this morning. Usually the news was boring, but sometimes they'd have something going on that drew the viewer in.
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Re: Lust Contagion: New Virus [Kuragari]

Postby Vhexo » Tue Mar 22, 2016 2:35 pm

The news is the usual boring stuff you're used to, mostly just little bits of facts that don't really interested you, except for the last part. "Yesterday night, the prisoner known as Simon Wellard has escaped custody and is on the run. Witnesses have reported seeing him in Delevan,", the city you live in, ", and the local police has been hunting nonstop to bring the convict down. Simon Wellard, chief medical engineer at GenSec Industries, was caught trying to dump his unofficial experimentations on combining viruses...", and then the anchorwoman goes on for a bit, but it isn't as interesting anymore.

Then, the woman gets some information on her earpice, and says: "We've just gotten message that Simon Wellard has been arrested and is under police custody again. The police state that they cornered him after sexually assaulting three women on the market square, somehow completely out of his mind. He had torn of his clothes and was fully naked and was unable to communicate in a normal manner when they caught him. The women he assaulted are now helped and brought to a hospital. The women in question had presumably been drugged by the profes-", and just at that moment, the TV suddenly turned off. "Hey, what happened?", your mother says confusedly as she stands up from the couch and moves over to the TV to check out what happened.
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Re: Lust Contagion: New Virus [Kuragari]

Postby Kuragari » Wed Mar 23, 2016 7:47 pm

GenSec... I remembered them. They were the city's biggest science facility, a hub for various types of genetic research. This guy they were talking about was rather infamous as being deranged loner who came up with crazy ideas and performed unethical expeiments on both patients and other workers to see if his theories had any groundings.

The knowledge that he had gotten out trying to do something left me a bit worried, though the knowledge he had been recaptured made me feel much better. Until the TV turned off. "Power outage maybe?" I suggested as I moved to check things like the clocks and lights.
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Re: Lust Contagion: New Virus [Kuragari]

Postby Vhexo » Wed Mar 23, 2016 8:42 pm

You notice that the clocks have stopped ticking and the lights aren't working anymore as well. "Well, this is great. It can't be something in the house, the electrician literally came by last week and said everything was perfectly fine! I guess they're having trouble at the power plant?", your mother says as she sits down on the couch again, not really sure what to do before she stands up again. "I'm gonna check if the gas and water is still running. Be right back!", and she hurries into the kitchen, leaving you and Miku on the couch.
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Re: Lust Contagion: New Virus [Kuragari]

Postby Kuragari » Thu Mar 24, 2016 7:58 am

I give her ass a playful smack as she heads off to check, smirking as I say "I can think of a few ideas Mama, if your interested of course." I then turned and pulled Miku in for a hug, tickling at her stomach a bit as I asked "So, wanna grab our phones and see if they're still working too?"
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Re: Lust Contagion: New Virus [Kuragari]

Postby Vhexo » Thu Mar 24, 2016 11:49 am

Miku gives you a playful smile and giggles a bit as you tickle her, trying to slap your hands away in a friendly fashion. "Hihi~ Stop that, Tammy! You know I can't take tickling~!, your friend says. "Sure, let's grab our phones!, and Miku stands up from the couch and follows you as the two of you go back to your bedroom.

As you pick up your phones and turn them on, you can immediately see that you have no connection, or internet connection, so you're phones are also cut off from the world. Suddenly though, Miku's cell phone flashes as she takes a picture, and with a giggle she shows it to you; You, fully naked and with slightly perked nipples as you check out your phone, your legs slightly spread so you have a great and clear view of your own pussy. "I think I'm gonna keep this one!", your friend says with a semi-devilish smile.
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Re: Lust Contagion: New Virus [Kuragari]

Postby Kuragari » Thu Mar 24, 2016 12:03 pm

I roll my eyes at that, tickling her again even as I drag her out into the hallway to shout out to mom "Hey Mom! Cells are out to, net is also! Probably means water and gas are as well!" I kept a happy look on my face as I then turned my full attention to tickling Miku, though I found myself beginning to worry a bit... what could have caused EVERYTHING to get knocked out all at the same time?
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Re: Lust Contagion: New Virus [Kuragari]

Postby Vhexo » Thu Mar 24, 2016 5:18 pm

As to what could've caused such a massive outage is unknown to you, but you've experienced a power outage before and it was fixed within a couple of hours, so there was no real need for panic. Miku starts to giggle and laugh uncontrollably as you start to mercilessly tickle her, and soon enough you have her on the ground, begging you to stop as her eyes begin tearing up from the laughing.

Evelyn just comes around the corner with a worried look on her face, but that disappears as she sees the two of you. "Water is still running, honey, but you're right about the gas. Also there's no warm water now, so if you two still needed to shower, bad luck!", she says with a smile as she walks over, and before you know it she is atop both of you and Miku as she starts tickling you as well.
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Re: Lust Contagion: New Virus [Kuragari]

Postby Kuragari » Sun Mar 27, 2016 12:03 am

I squealed as my mother joined in on the fun, turning one of my hands to try and counterattack her assault, even as I could tell I was soon going to be overwhelmed. Miku would no doubt use this as an oppurtuntiy to strike back, and I would soon be begging for mercy from my attackers as my peels of laughter echoed about the house.

When the tickle fest was down and I was laying on my back heaving and panting, I sighed and looked to my mother and best friend, giving them a mock pout for a moment before asking "So, should we play one of those naughty board games mom has, or get dressed and enjoy a good day? The weather doesn't look bad and it's better then being cooped up.
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Re: Lust Contagion: New Virus [Kuragari]

Postby Vhexo » Tue Mar 29, 2016 9:12 pm

”We could do both~”, your mother says with a cheeky smile, before bursting out in laughter at the awkward face expression of your best friend, who wasn’t so much for public displays, even though your mother and you almost never did it as well, and when you did you made sure no one around knew you, most of the time being in another city or town. ”Or we could just dress up and go outside for a nice walk and swing by the park.”, Evelyn adds with a smile when she finishes laughing, a blush having formed on Miku’s cheeks because of this escapade.
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Re: Lust Contagion: New Virus [Kuragari]

Postby Kuragari » Wed Mar 30, 2016 2:08 am

"Hmm... well, I might not mind us all heading out for a walk with vibrators up our snatches... each of us having a remote for one of the others toys, but that's the most I'd be up for today." I say with a snort and a giggle, poking mother playfully in the side before nodding. "A walk to the park certainly sounds good. After some swinging we could chase Miku around and try to tickle her some more."
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Re: Lust Contagion: New Virus [Kuragari]

Postby Vhexo » Sun Apr 10, 2016 6:29 pm

Your mother shows a devilish smile as you propose your ideas, but just when she was about to answer you can suddenly hear an enormous explosion coming from somewhere in the city, and the force from said explosion is big enough to make the ground shudder under your feet for a couple of seconds. ”What. The. F*ck was that.”, your mother says with a very concerned and panicked look as she pulls both of you up and holds you close, fearing for an earthquake most likely.

At any other moment, you would’ve liked being this close to your mother, especially with both of you practically naked, but even you feel some sort of anxiety about the explosion.

After nothing happens for the next ten seconds, you can suddenly hear police sirens roaring alive all across the city. Your mother lets go of you and runs to the door, opening it without caring she was only wearing an apron without any underwear, and looking for the source of the commotion. You can see over her shoulder, and what you sees does sort of shock you.

A big cloud of pitch black smoke is rising up from somewhere across the city, but it’s not just black. You can see some patches of the brightest pink smoke you’ve ever seen through the black as well, and it looks very unnatural.
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Re: Lust Contagion: New Virus [Kuragari]

Postby Kuragari » Mon Apr 11, 2016 10:37 am

The explosion lands my face in my mother's breasts, and while I enjoy the soft feel of them and being able to hear her heartbeat, an explosion THAT big isn't something to just bat at an eye at. As she rushes off to go check, I'm quick to follow on after her, and I'm sure Miku is doing the same. The sight of the black and pink smoke though catches me off guard, and I stare dumbly at it as I go "What... what could possibly make pink smoke like that from an explosion?"
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