The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby stmt » Tue Apr 05, 2016 8:23 am

version 1.0 when is released? And about the secret room. after you fucked her what is happening? is that it until version 1.0?
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The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby youngmoneymilitia35 » Wed Apr 06, 2016 9:56 am

How do you unlock Yoko? I have version 1.0 and have tried everything to find her
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby Bang It Up! » Thu Apr 07, 2016 3:59 pm

youngmoneymilitia35 Wrote:How do you unlock Yoko? I have version 1.0 and have tried everything to find her

If you haven't unlock Yoko, then I doubt that you've tried everything.

Journey to Unlock Yoko (Male main character):
1. It's important that your main character to have at least 25 Stamina (more is better).
2. Get the "Police Visit" scene.
3. Summon Alice and choose the "Business" option.
4. Agree to upgrade your brothel into a massage salon.
5. On Stage plan switch GROUND FLOOR to BASEMENT.
6. Make sure that your main character have full Stamina.
7. Enter the Power relay room.
8. From here you'll know what to do...

@ Marune - Speaking of Yoko, she only have one command (which is the "Attack") during Battle?
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby Dandelion » Fri Apr 08, 2016 5:40 pm

This is a really great game... can't wait to see what you will put in it in the future :D

Here's some ideas that I had for the game:

  • Slaves - it's not very easy to break them, and then you still have to pay them if they are working for you. Even though they get a place to sleep, free meals and all your lovin'... Maybe add an option to put slaves into a room with a pillory in it. Slaves can be used (oral/anal/vaginal) there like in the gloryhole room (with customers not having to go through the reception) for a very small amount (like, $ 100 a shag). Only slaves can be put in that room and when the brothel closes for the night, they go back to their cell. Slaves in the pillory room lose a lot of Stamina, Mood, Hygiene and Dignity.
  • Hygiene, Mood and Semen - everybody knows that semen is some quite ugly tasting sticky fluid. So it's a lot more hygienic to either swallow it or get it injected in some body opening. Getting bukkaked all over should ruin a girl's hygiene quite fast. And probably her mood, too, as she runs around smelling of cum until she has a chance to shower. Ok, there might be some girls who like that... (so.. maybe as a trait?) but most don't, I would guess. Then there's the swallowing thingy... quite a few girls rather give blowjobs than to get their other orifices penetrated, but few like to swallow. So while swallowing might by good for the girls hygiene, it might hit her mood quite hard.
  • Timescale and meeting people in the slum - things in the game take way too much time, IMHO. A quick blowjob session in the gloryhole room takes one full hour??? And going to a bedrrom with a girl takes two??? Really, guys, stop dreaming... half the time for either would be much more appropriate (even though half again of that would be more realistic ;) ). I ain't got a problem with running through the slums for two hours. Though it can be a bit troubling when one is searching for some gang members, 'cause one needs security persons (or whatever) and there's only whores showing up all the time... seems with higher reputation the meetings with unfriendly males get rare...
  • Reputation - so I'm the owner of this extremely well known bordello in town. And I go to the slum to look for some possible employees. And the bitches still ask for $ 400+ to get away from the street into a nice bedroom to work in? Come on, they should form lines outside of my brothel and beg to get hired... or at least give out some work samples for free.. :twisted:
  • Reception room - there should be a way to get some enhancements for the reception room that lowers the amount of mood the customers lose when not coupled with a girl immediately.. like, a bar offering free drinks. Or some porn magzines lying around for them... or ordering the greater girl to let her tits hang out... though that last thing is implemented already, I don't know if it has any effect?!?
  • Scamming - from my visits in brothels I know that customers have to pay in adnvance for the service. So no chance to get out of a brothel without paying. Security usually is there to keep drunk customers from causing trouble (smashing furniture, beating up girls...). So instead of having the customers run away without paying, maybe put in the game a chance that girls get mishandled without security or that stuff gets damaged and has to be repaired, if security doesn't keep that from happening?!?
  • What does it cost? - another fact from RL brothel visits: different service costs different sums of money. From cheap to expensive it's usually handjob -> blowjob (cumming inside costs extra) -> vaginal -> anal -> kinky stuff, like sitting on the bed yelling "Bombs away!" with the naked girl throwing hard boiled eggs at you... *cough*

If you like any of this, feel free to use it :)

Oh, and for all the players, some hint about training male and female emplyoees:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

As is known, training the whores isn't that complicated. They get quite a lot exp per fuck, so they level up by themselves mostly. But training your male employees (for security or the trips to the slums for example) can be bothersome. So here's what to do:

Option A:
When you call the guys to the cabinet and talk with them, they have to option to ask to get coupled/rewarded with a girl for the night. They will only ask for girls currently in one of the bedrooms!. So take all the low level whores out of the bedrooms and stack them with those high level ones and your guys will get more exp for this night of passion. Or do it the other way around, if you got high level males and low level whores and want the girls to level even faster.

Option B:
Get at least two cells in the basement. Then go out hunting for some gangbangers... those girls that hang with the guys in the slum and even fight with you. Get one with a high level and put her in the cell. Use your male employees to doubleteam her. And go out into the slums to find another girl, possibly with higher level and low skill (as with low skill she loses more stamina and seems to make your guys lose less?!?).
As soon as you have a girl with higher level and/or lower skill release the other one and go hunting for a new slave...

Tip for starting the game at medium difficulty (0.9 version) as a male:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

  • 1. chose more money. You don't really need reputation at the start. And the attribute points also don't help that much.
  • 2. go to the reception and close the brothel for a day. Lose 3 reputation,, putting you down to 7
  • 3. grab Alice and head for the clothes shop. Check for the "Blue Jumpsuit +1 Charm +1 Muscle" being available. Might need to get her Dignity down, before she is ready to use it, though.
  • 4. Head for the slums and start beating up gangers and helping maidens in need for the cash until it's time for bed
  • 5. repeat until Julia is introduced. Keep the brothel closed! Your reputation will not drop below 0 and you will make more money in the slums than by having one customer per day that might even run away without paying!
  • 6. Offer Julia the job as a whore. Call her in the evenings and try to have sex with her.
  • 7. Build a Bathroom and a staff room, to get your girls in the right mood and clean.
  • 8. Continue to visit the slums, beating up guys and helping maidens for the next couple days. And keep trying to fuck Julia every night. If anybody levels, raise HP and Muscle for Alice, HP, Muscle and Stamina for your character and Stamina and Beauty for Julia.
  • 9. Keep the girls in your party until the day the gang shows up to get their money from you. Beat them up (which should be possible with the character and girls having gained a level or two). Sack the bounty for the gang...
  • 10. Now is the time to start the real business. There should be money enough now to buy a dorm room, a security room and a bedroom. Put Julia in the bedroom and Alice in the security room (which should get a 78% security level or so..). You will only have one customer at the start. Most of the time around 16:00 o'clock. Continue to fuck Julia at night and raise her Stamina, Beauty and Skill whenever she levels.
  • 11. As soon as there is a customer asking for a glory hole, it's time to expand. Go out and test some whores in the slum in the morning. Hire the first one that isn't "lazy" or "cleptomanic". Next day build a glory hole and a second bedroom. Put Julia in the glory hole room, as she probably has the highest Stamina. Put the new whore in a bedroom, as she probably has only stamina enough for one customer.
  • 12. When getting more than one customer at the same time, transfer Julia from Gloryhole to the second bedroom and after she's done with the customer back to the gloryhole.
  • 13. Make sure to have Juiia and Alice in your party when day 20 arrives... next visit of the gang. Though probably you have enough money now to just pay them ;)
  • 14. Expand... get more dorms, gloryholes, bedrooms, a male for security (muscle >10 will help with the security level) and a maid room for Julia. Keep her there, unless you want her to gain more exp. But she's very helpfull for those days, when you managed to get your stamina down and can expect for a whore showing up to play that "who comes first"-game for a raise. Just spend the night from 23:30 o'clock on fucking Julia. You both need about 10 stamina for that, but no other girl will bother you :)

    Using this "tactic" you can get along the first couple days without getting beaten up by the gangers coming for their money or gaining reputation to early, which would mean to hire girls early on as more reputation = more customers...
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby FruitSmoothie » Fri Apr 08, 2016 11:08 pm

For the guide above, I disagree with the money boost only recommendation, as well as how to raise Alice. The money bonus saves you maybe 2-3 days of fighting/helping girls in the alley, but stats are very hard to come by late game for the main character. I almost always start +3 stats, helps a lot with fights/sex to have more hp/stamina/muscle off the start. By day 10-15 money shouldn't be an issue any more but stamina/stat limitations will be. I agree the reputation is pretty pointless as a start though.

To be clear, not saying the money bonus is bad, just that the stats are viable too. Taking the money means you'll be restricted in how you can play the game early, your bargaining/seduction, combat, and sex skills can be much worse after all. Though immediately having 2 prostitutes and beds is a safe/easy start. You will be relying on their income though, so you better hope you don't get lazy girls (Or get stuck fighting men in the slums instead of finding hireable girls at the start of the game, which negates a lot of the money bonus). In short: Money bonus for "speed runs" and Stats is better for long runs.

I usually don't wait quite as long to start prostitution up either, I just fight in the slums until about 13:00-15:00, then I go and run the brothel. After 20:00-22:00, I go back to the slums until sleep. Though that's probably just a matter of preference. I'd rather gamble on a girl completing sex/payment successfully when available during prostitution than gamble on finding someone else to fight in the slums (It's also worth about twice as much). You don't have to sit around and wait in reception all day, even selling a girl once and going back to the slums is good, she'll automatically complete the action without you. You don't need the shower/security room and such to start prostitution, it's still pretty effective early on as long as you pay the girl a wage on each customer (I usually go +1 bonus normally or +2 if she doesn't like the customer), she won't lose mood. Though yeah, get a shower quickly or their profits drop.

Alice should be raised for her wits, not muscle. If you want damaging allies, get male hires, they start off with 10-14 muscle at level 1-2. Alice is fairly unique (Julia has it too but you probably want her as a prostitute.) in that she has the heal ability that scales with WIT, you should be putting most her points into that as it makes her much more valuable than a normal combat ally. At 8-10 wits she's pretty much a full heal and can negate an entire round of damage, pretty OP. Not that you can't put any muscle into her, but you should get wits up to about 8 by level 3. You should also get her health to 15 or so and stamina to 20+ or so so she's not one shot by enemies and can heal all day.

I usually "Beat" the game by about day 20-25 depending on my early game rng using these methods. Security is boosted by muscle as well, so use males for that. I like strong women too but unless the game is changed to make them as viable for damage, males are best still because of their starting stats/power attacks. A level 1-2 male will get security to 90-95% immediately. My fighting team is always Alice and a male hire, unless I'm training someone else. You're gunna need a few guys with +20 stamina to train slaves anyways, doesn't hurt to grab a couple early on.

P.S: Totally agree with your slave pillory idea, and there should be some benefit to using slaves over hiring normal girls. From my experience, they seemed to have more stats for their level than usual girls (Starting off with like 7-10 beauty/skill, 15+ hp, 30+ stamina at level 2-3), but that was maybe just luck? If they actually already have more stats per level, they'd already be worth the work. Would probably need dev confirmation on that.
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby Lucky777 » Fri Apr 08, 2016 11:52 pm

I starve Alice of all EXP until you can make her into a whore, so I'm looking forward to the update where that happens.

Haven't had a play of the game since the new "security and scammers" system came into being, gotta take a look at that at some point.

Dandelion's point on security seems pretty legit, but I don't know how the security system actually works this update, so until I check it out I can't say anything more.
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby aslankemal93 » Sat Apr 09, 2016 4:34 am

how can i play version 1.0 seems like some people can play but on your blog i can only play version 0.9 ???
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby Bang It Up! » Sat Apr 09, 2016 5:48 am

stmt Wrote:version 1.0 when is released? And about the secret room. after you fucked her what is happening? is that it until version 1.0?

aslankemal93 Wrote:how can i play version 1.0 seems like some people can play but on your blog i can only play version 0.9 ???

Pay: Always get to play the latest version.
Free: Always have to wait every one month to get to play the latest version.

Pay to play the latest version:


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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby Dandelion » Sat Apr 09, 2016 1:21 pm

FruitSmoothie Wrote:For the guide above, I disagree with the money boost only recommendation, as well as how to raise Alice. The money bonus saves you maybe 2-3 days of fighting/helping girls in the alley, but stats are very hard to come by late game for the main character. I almost always start +3 stats, helps a lot with fights/sex to have more hp/stamina/muscle off the start. By day 10-15 money shouldn't be an issue any more but stamina/stat limitations will be. I agree the reputation is pretty pointless as a start though.

For me (!) money is everything, because the stats my MC needs in the later game are Skill and Endurance, to help him winning the "fuck for a raise" games that come up. There is little need to go back to the slums to beat up someone after day 50 or probably a lot earlier.
And Alice has in the first couple days one advantage to the hired male muscle: she doesn't cost anything. So raising her Muscle a bit gives you some decent security and costs nothing.

Though immediately having 2 prostitutes and beds is a safe/easy start. You will be relying on their income though, so you better hope you don't get lazy girls (Or get stuck fighting men in the slums instead of finding hireable girls at the start of the game, which negates a lot of the money bonus). In short: Money bonus for "speed runs" and Stats is better for long runs.

With scamming being so "effective" I can't see having two girls early before being able to get decent security as a "safe/easy" start. When offering services without a 95% security I often had the only two customers of a day running off without paying, resulting in a large minus in the account, which grows worse each day.

I usually don't wait quite as long to start prostitution up either, I just fight in the slums until about 13:00-15:00, then I go and run the brothel.

When doing this, you risk having Julia lose Stamina, keeping her from being an effective whore in the early game.

You don't need the shower/security room and such to start prostitution

Sorry, no whoring without security room for me... just too much scamming going on

Alice should be raised for her wits, not muscle.

Might be that she becomes a grat healer later in the game. But I never needed a great healer late in the game. I need some brawler/security early on. Later she sit's in the reception when it becomes available.
There is IMHO little need to do fighting later in the game. Apart from getting a slave for training brawlers, that arent needed really...

I usually "Beat" the game by about day 20-25 depending on my early game rng using these methods. Security is boosted by muscle as well, so use males for that. I like strong women too but unless the game is changed to make them as viable for damage, males are best still because of their starting stats/power attacks. A level 1-2 male will get security to 90-95% immediately. My fighting team is always Alice and a male hire, unless I'm training someone else. You're gunna need a few guys with +20 stamina to train slaves anyways, doesn't hurt to grab a couple early on.

At medium dificulty using my way I beat the game at day 14 or so.
- money is available to hire whores and pay off the gangs showing every 10 days for the credit repayment..
- no need to hunt for slaves or training them because you can raise hired whores in levels easy enough by fucking customers and they really only need Stamina (to have multiple customers a day), skill (dito, lowers stamina use) and beauty (more beauty = higher income)
- even a day off doesn't hurt (much)
- having three glory hole rooms, about six or seven bedrooms, whores for all these rooms and some extras to keep all clean and in good mood is enough to make the money needed to repay the debt after 100 days (even though that doesn't seem implemented yet...)
- MC doesn't really need anything but Stamina and Skill later in the game. Nothing beats having a lvl 15 whore with $ 70 salary a day trying to play the "fuck me for a raise" game for a raise to $ 250 and getting beaten time after time..

So I'd rather say that my way is the safe way to win. But of course safe also means "a bit boring". Considering there is little reward for taking risks in the game though... *shrug*

I guess most players would rather enjoy your way, though... :D
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby PuertoRicanJose » Sat Apr 09, 2016 1:22 pm

Bang It Up! Wrote:@ Marune - Speaking of Yoko, she only have one command (which is the "Attack") during Battle?

When you unlock Yoko did you notice she has 50 Dignity when you use her to play as a female? I haven't used her for combat yet when playing as a male but I think this is related as she can only use "Attack" when she is your female main character also.
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby Bang It Up! » Sat Apr 09, 2016 3:05 pm

PuertoRicanJose Wrote:
Bang It Up! Wrote:@ Marune - Speaking of Yoko, she only have one command (which is the "Attack") during Battle?

When you unlock Yoko did you notice she has 50 Dignity when you use her to play as a female? I haven't used her for combat yet when playing as a male but I think this is related as she can only use "Attack" when she is your female main character also.

I haven't tried to play Yoko as the main character, but...

There are two ways you can unlock Yoko when playing as Male main character:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

1. In cage with 10 Dignity: "I have a better idea." => "[Massage her tits]." => "[Take of her bra]." => "[Play with her tits]." => "[Unzip your pants]." => "[Take off her pants]." => "[Put it in]"

2. Joins crew with 50 Dignity: "I have a better idea." => "I'm a master of plans." => "It's for your own good girl." => "You don't have your rifle, they will catch you again easily." => "I'm playing my role good, look!" => "Just pretend it!" => "[Put it in]"

Note: Either way, you'll still end up with Yoko having only one command during Battle.


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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby matriks » Sat Apr 09, 2016 4:00 pm

Sory guys but who is Yoko? I cant find this character in this game and suppose I cant open her. Can somebody write how to unlock her and show screen of this character that I know how she looks.
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby FurrinGok » Sat Apr 09, 2016 5:17 pm

matriks Wrote:Sory guys but who is Yoko? I cant find this character in this game and suppose I cant open her. Can somebody write how to unlock her and show screen of this character that I know how she looks.

I haven't gotten to her in the game, but I assume from the context they're talking about Yoko Littner, modified into the game sprites.
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby FruitSmoothie » Sun Apr 10, 2016 12:19 am

I still can't recommend muscle immediately on Alice though. Alice can do something almost no other girls can, just seems wasteful. At the very least people should know she/the player has more options, that was the point of my post. It's not that I always immediately put males into security either, early on sometimes I throw random girls or Alice in there temporarily, you don't need security until the brothel opens after all, so I train her until 13:00-15:00, then throw her into security room until I buy a male to take over.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Dandelion Wrote:At medium dificulty using my way I beat the game at day 14 or so.
- money is available to hire whores and pay off the gangs showing every 10 days for the credit repayment..
- no need to hunt for slaves or training them because you can raise hired whores in levels easy enough by fucking customers and they really only need Stamina (to have multiple customers a day), skill (dito, lowers stamina use) and beauty (more beauty = higher income)
- even a day off doesn't hurt (much)
- having three glory hole rooms, about six or seven bedrooms, whores for all these rooms and some extras to keep all clean and in good mood is enough to make the money needed to repay the debt after 100 days (even though that doesn't seem implemented yet...)
- MC doesn't really need anything but Stamina and Skill later in the game. Nothing beats having a lvl 15 whore with $ 70 salary a day trying to play the "fuck me for a raise" game for a raise to $ 250 and getting beaten time after time..

So I'd rather say that my way is the safe way to win. But of course safe also means "a bit boring". Considering there is little reward for taking risks in the game though... *shrug* I guess most players would rather enjoy your way, though... :D

People actually try to pay off the debt collectors early? :p
Slaves can train your male hires very effectively without your prostitutes losing stamina that they need to service customers. And like I said, they seem to have more stats per level than normal girls, at least the ones I find usually have a massive amount more stamina, which is hella useful.

Yeah again, it's playstyle choices. I just wanted people to know that there isn't one supreme way to play the game. Options are good, only thing I'd really say is terrible in this game atm is rep start.

Also judging by your guide, I think your idea of beating the game is a bit easier than mine. It makes you wait for too long to start actually building your empire. I actually tried it and it took me far longer to reach the same point. You lose rep just to try to avoid being scammed, but it's completely rng on money making early on anyways since you're relying on fights/helping girls in the slums. Why have a money start just to sit around and wait until you have Julia to do anything? You're throwing away the only benefit to the money start in that you can have guaranteed profits from day one. You could build a security room immediately and a guard with that bonus money. If you don't nuke your rep early on, you'll have plenty of customers. You're shooting yourself in the foot there.

Some of your ideas are fine but I think you should rethink your guide. It's actually written more for a stat start than a money start. For example with the money bonus start, I just bought: 2 prostitutes, security room, extra dorm, bed. Now I only have one bed, but I can use one of the prostitutes as security and swap them out when one of their stamina is low. Security rating is 76% which is much less a gamble, especially since you're starting off with 2-3 customers immediately. I also could have bought a man instead of a second girl and got that up to 85-90%. Basically have stable income in my first two turns and will be able to build everything I need in a week lol. Now that is a safe start. Whores I bought both have over double Alice's muscle too, so that solves that problem.
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby Bang It Up! » Sun Apr 10, 2016 9:14 am

FruitSmoothie Wrote:People actually try to pay off the debt collectors early? :p

My playstyle is actually quite similar to yours, I'll always choose the "3 stat points" as my starting bonus. I don't pay my debt early either, I'm at day 100 and still beating those debt collectors ass. They're not getting a single cent out of me, yet.
I prefer "stat points" over "REPUTATION" or "money bonus", just my opinion. Because...

For example, let's just pretend that when you reach max Level your Health and Stamina can only reach 99 points.
Here's the end result would look like for both of them...
Starting Bonus: 1000 money bonus
Max Level
Muscle: 25
Flexibility: 25
Wits: 25
Beauty: 25
Charm: 25
Skill: 25
Health: 99
Stamina: 99

Starting Bonus: 3 stat points
Max Level
Muscle: 25
Flexibility: 25
Wits: 25
Beauty: 25
Charm: 25
Skill: 25
Health: 102
Stamina: 105

Note: I don't know what's the maximum capacity for Level, Health and Stamina that you can reach. But, I know for a fact that Muscle, Flexibility, Wits, Beauty, Charm and Skill max out at 25 points. Because I've tried to focus only on one stat before, just for the sake of fun to find out their maximum capacity.

Stat points are hard to come by, because leveling is not that easy. While money you can get it almost anywhere, like prostitution, fight thugs or help those damsels in distress.
But, if you want to clear out your debt quickly. You can play it Dandelion's way. Or, if you want to be stronger during endgame. You can play it FruitSmoothie's way. Because, either way is not wrong. Just different.

P.S.: Trying to get a date with Alice is hard, you need hell of a Wits and Charm.


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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby Dandelion » Sun Apr 10, 2016 2:54 pm

First things first:

What I did wasn't intended as a guide to play the game. Depending on playstyle, there's different ways to do it ;)
I called it a "tip" or hint for a (should have rather written one..) way to start the game.

And it really only works on "medium" difficulty. On hard Alice has less Muscle to start with, rooms cost more and that makes the game quite different.

And yes, I do play to pay back the loan. 'Cause as it is now, I do not see another goal (or way to win) in the game. You can't build an empire, as there are no other houses to be bought and made into brothels. You don't know what the cops will do, after you set up that massage parlor scheme. And although the customers ask for certain traits and skill values, nothing stops them from being satisfied by basic prices and girls that don't have the traits/skills to fulfill their interests.

I refrain from using whores too early, because there's usually only one customer showing up per day. And the girls you can hire are usually not that high in the beauty department. So they don't bring in that much money - barely some $ 100 to $200 a fay, which doesn't pay for the rent for the bedroom, rent for security room and the salaries for whore and security guy. And if you manage to get the MCs stamina too low, while the whores have some left, they might come to you at night to play the "raise my salary" game, which just raises the costs without any advantage for you.

More customers per day will appear when the reputation of the brothel gets higher. But usually they come in groups, not one after the other.. so having too many customers too early makes you just lose reputation again. So I rather try to assemble a nice amount of money in the start, while keeping the brothel closed (and without having to care about mood and hygiene of too many employees). And then, at around day 20 or so, do a big start with several whores in several rooms that can manage all the guests the game will throw at them.

Doing it that way I managed to reach Day 100 (on medium level!!!!) with the MC being <10 level. I already had paid off about 25% or so of the loan and still had >$ 300k available. 12 whores with levels between 3 and 15 were working three glory holes and six bedrooms. Daily profit was - depending on mood, hygiene and number of customers - between $ 3k and $ 10k a day.

Got a PM that I can't answer yet, for being still new here:
Sent: Fri Apr 08, 2016 11:41 pm
From: naruto95
To: Dandelion
Hi there. I just read your post about some tactics for this game. I wanted to ask you, you know how to increase more the stats of the whores? I mean, for example: one of my whores has CHARM 25. I can't keep increasing it. You know how to overpass it? because I can't even seduce the men's ._.

Sorry, can't answer that for a simple reason:
I never had a whore/MC/Julia/Alice reaching that limit yet. Charm is not high on the list of skills I use.

But I guess it's just an hardcoded maximum value you can't get higher.
Joined: Thu Apr 07, 2016 11:57 am

Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby FruitSmoothie » Sun Apr 10, 2016 11:08 pm

Guy above just mentioned that 25 is the limit. Prostitutes usually level the fastest, especially if you focus on training their levels. You can get them to level 6 by day 30ish pretty easily, then you make them have sex with your character and male hires to get them up to 6. As someone else mentioned, you can go talk to your male hires and they will ask to have sex with one of the prostitutes that are on the beds. If you only have the highest level girls on beds at the time, it makes it much easier. Once your MC and male hires catch up in levels, everybody will be getting even exp for sexing each other and it makes leveling much faster.

It seems after a while the slum enemy levels don't go up, which is sad. I guess it would suck if people that didn't focus on combat ended up in a fight. Maybe there should be a fight club/arena type thing going on? I prefer combat runs and there's not really a goal to aim for yet with that kind of strategy. I guess the money/rep/exp from beating down the debt collectors is nice, but dunno what happens with that long term. Street fighting champion would be nice :p Would love to see the grabs and such soon too.

I usually get bored by about day 50 though, especially since I know a new update will wipe my saves. By day 20-25 I usually am already completely out of things to do but level characters. P.S: I thought lazy girls were maybe able to lose their laziness? I seem to remember that, but it hasn't happened in such a long time. How does that work exactly, or am I just imagining things? I swear I remember "X girl has lost her laziness" or something. Really sucks starting off with a bunch of lazy girls.

Also I already mentioned it above Dand, but if you don't shoot yourself in the foot with your rep, you'll be getting 2-3 customers on day one. You can make well over 200 with a starter girl, just don't buy a cheap girl. I made enough to buy a shower in my money run on day 1 + all that other stuff. Only reason you'd be getting 1 customer is probably if you have reduced rep, I can't recall ever only having 1 customer on day 1.

Little translation thing that has been bugging me forever:
When flirting, Alice: "Emm how does it help to attract customers?
Option 2: "If you was a man, you'll come to a place like this!"

Should be something more like:
Alice: "Emm, how would that help to attract customers?"
Option 2: "If you were a man, you'd come to a place like this!"

When talking about panties the text saying things like "Show me it", "Show me you don't have it" when it should be something like ""Show me now" "Show me (that) you aren't wearing them".

I've been through those dialogue menus over a dozen times now...starts to get to me lol.
Last edited by FruitSmoothie on Mon Apr 11, 2016 2:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
Joined: Mon Jun 27, 2011 8:54 pm

Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby Bang It Up! » Mon Apr 11, 2016 1:45 am

FruitSmoothie Wrote:I usually get bored by about day 50 though, especially since I know a new update will wipe my saves.

- I don't know if this would be any help to you, but I'm just putting it out there:

Note: If you really do want to give "Adobe Flash Player 21 projector content debugger" a try, which it'll save you a lot of time from starting the game all over again. My suggestion is that whenever you update your "simbro.swf" file, just make sure that you keep the game's file name the same and place the game's file in the same location everytime.

FruitSmoothie Wrote:Little translation thing that has been bugging me forever:
When flirting, Alice: "Emm how does it help to attract customers?
Option 2: "If you was a man, you'll come to a place like this!"

Should be something more like:
Alice: "Emm, how would that help to attract customers?"
Option 2: "If you were a man, you'd come to a place like this!"

When talking about panties the text saying things like "Show me it", "Show me you don't have it" when it should be something like ""Show me now" "Show me (that) you aren't wearing them".

I've been through those dialogue menus over a dozen times now...starts to get to me lol.

- Yeah, one thing that bugs me about this game is the poorly written grammar or sentence. That's just some of it that you've found, wait until you go further into the game. The "Yoko" quest and etc.


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Bang It Up!
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby FruitSmoothie » Mon Apr 11, 2016 2:14 am

Bang It Up! Wrote:- Yeah, one thing that bugs me about this game is the poorly written grammar or sentence. That's just some of it that you've found, wait until you go further into the game. The "Yoko" quest and etc.

Ah yeah I don't care enough to really go through the hassle of saving my runs for future patches, it doesn't take too too long to catch back up. It's just enough to make me not want to play too long (Lack of content doesn't help).

I'm sure people would be happy to help with English translations, I could catch the big dialogue issues anyways. Wonder if the dev is interested?
Joined: Mon Jun 27, 2011 8:54 pm

Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby Marune » Mon Apr 11, 2016 6:50 am

LillyMacow Wrote:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Hey, I have been following this game for a while, it is probaly my favorite game on here so I would just like to thank you for the great game you have been making, that being said I would like to just make a suggestion.
I personally really love the combat side you have been developing, and I think that if you developed that side more I would be very happy, such as more types of abilities ( preferably more sex taunts ) as well being able to rape a female opponent once in the slums, but to keep her you still need the cells and all that. But yeah, whatever you do you still have my attention and admiration, keep up the fantastic work!

Thanks! We have a bunch of ideas for combat moves. Can't get rid of a picture in my mind of a defensive move when she is turning around showing her bum upskirt and saying like "you wont pass".

The duke of M Wrote:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

I really enjoyed this game can't wait for more plot and finally have the chance to bang Alice! I'd agree with what most people have said about the dignity meter being extended for all female characters- with different starting levels depending on personality/backgorund. e.g.

Whores picked up in slum- 40 (able to fuck/prostitute)
Whores 'saved' in the slum/girls captured 50 (able to fuck but not prositute)
Girls picked up in bar depends on personality (tsundere 80, naive 70, Klepto/lazy 60

The idea then would be to push your girls dignity lower through events depending on skill checks (a bit like with Alice, only more generic- less conversation, less scenes, got to keep the main characters special :P)

So for example:
80-60 Talking/raising mood *charm stat focus*
60-50 events- rescue girl event/shower rape events *strength check focus*
50-40 sex events with you *skill check focus*
40-30 minor prostitution (boob/hand/blow jobs/rubs, effectively the glory hole room)
30-20 hardcore prostituion
20 down- anal/double penetration/gangbangs

At the moment the charm skill for your character just seems a bit op, to the extent you can pretty much get to Alice's shower seen in four days if you put all your points in charm and have a bit of luck. But yeah it's a rellay good game, and I think a month is a good balanced wait time. Understandably it's the most difficult time at the moment, because you need to flesh out the RPG elements to the game, but once that's set, it'll be a lot easier to place events, new scenes and new characters along the game timeline.

[spoiler]Also there's a cheat bug in the bioandroid room- you don't need stamina to keep fucking her and gaining experience

Thanks! Sometimes I think we should have named the game "Fuck Alice" =) Good idea and progression plan for dignity level.
Darkdias Wrote:Hi, keep developing this game, it's clearly one of the bests H Game I played, keep going ! :)

I created an account just to encourage you, I'm sure a lot of people really love this game but just don't say it, so I said it ;)

Thanks! That's a mood boost for us!

Lucky777 Wrote:Prolly shouldn't be hanging out in prudish countries like that; I wouldn't be surprised if your game could get you arrested.

Actually I spend like a few days at a police station, while they were looking for a translator to tell me I won't go anywhere while you can't lower Alice's dignity up to 40 =) Seriously Turkey is a great country. Especially Istanbul is very european oriented.
weresailor Wrote:Does anybody know if you can actually convince slaves to work for you? I have gotten their stamina to 0 but then I can't talk to them.

I found that we forgot to add Charm check notification to convince her dialog. We'll fix it.
billiglob Wrote:I enjoy the new updates a lot, though showers are a slight issue. As someone already stated before one girl bathes a day. Perhaps more frequent bathing, at set times, like 9am, and 23pm?

That makes sense, we've got this complain a lot. Maybe once for three hours?

Dandelion Wrote:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

This is a really great game... can't wait to see what you will put in it in the future :D

Here's some ideas that I had for the game:

  • Slaves - it's not very easy to break them, and then you still have to pay them if they are working for you. Even though they get a place to sleep, free meals and all your lovin'... Maybe add an option to put slaves into a room with a pillory in it. Slaves can be used (oral/anal/vaginal) there like in the gloryhole room (with customers not having to go through the reception) for a very small amount (like, $ 100 a shag). Only slaves can be put in that room and when the brothel closes for the night, they go back to their cell. Slaves in the pillory room lose a lot of Stamina, Mood, Hygiene and Dignity.
  • Hygiene, Mood and Semen - everybody knows that semen is some quite ugly tasting sticky fluid. So it's a lot more hygienic to either swallow it or get it injected in some body opening. Getting bukkaked all over should ruin a girl's hygiene quite fast. And probably her mood, too, as she runs around smelling of cum until she has a chance to shower. Ok, there might be some girls who like that... (so.. maybe as a trait?) but most don't, I would guess. Then there's the swallowing thingy... quite a few girls rather give blowjobs than to get their other orifices penetrated, but few like to swallow. So while swallowing might by good for the girls hygiene, it might hit her mood quite hard.
  • Timescale and meeting people in the slum - things in the game take way too much time, IMHO. A quick blowjob session in the gloryhole room takes one full hour??? And going to a bedrrom with a girl takes two??? Really, guys, stop dreaming... half the time for either would be much more appropriate (even though half again of that would be more realistic ;) ). I ain't got a problem with running through the slums for two hours. Though it can be a bit troubling when one is searching for some gang members, 'cause one needs security persons (or whatever) and there's only whores showing up all the time... seems with higher reputation the meetings with unfriendly males get rare...
  • Reputation - so I'm the owner of this extremely well known bordello in town. And I go to the slum to look for some possible employees. And the bitches still ask for $ 400+ to get away from the street into a nice bedroom to work in? Come on, they should form lines outside of my brothel and beg to get hired... or at least give out some work samples for free.. :twisted:
  • Reception room - there should be a way to get some enhancements for the reception room that lowers the amount of mood the customers lose when not coupled with a girl immediately.. like, a bar offering free drinks. Or some porn magzines lying around for them... or ordering the greater girl to let her tits hang out... though that last thing is implemented already, I don't know if it has any effect?!?
  • Scamming - from my visits in brothels I know that customers have to pay in adnvance for the service. So no chance to get out of a brothel without paying. Security usually is there to keep drunk customers from causing trouble (smashing furniture, beating up girls...). So instead of having the customers run away without paying, maybe put in the game a chance that girls get mishandled without security or that stuff gets damaged and has to be repaired, if security doesn't keep that from happening?!?
  • What does it cost? - another fact from RL brothel visits: different service costs different sums of money. From cheap to expensive it's usually handjob -> blowjob (cumming inside costs extra) -> vaginal -> anal -> kinky stuff, like sitting on the bed yelling "Bombs away!" with the naked girl throwing hard boiled eggs at you... *cough*

If you like any of this, feel free to use it :)

Oh, and for all the players, some hint about training male and female emplyoees:
[spoiler]As is known, training the whores isn't that complicated. They get quite a lot exp per fuck, so they level up by themselves mostly. But training your male employees (for security or the trips to the slums for example) can be bothersome. So here's what to do:

Option A:
When you call the guys to the cabinet and talk with them, they have to option to ask to get coupled/rewarded with a girl for the night. They will only ask for girls currently in one of the bedrooms!. So take all the low level whores out of the bedrooms and stack them with those high level ones and your guys will get more exp for this night of passion. Or do it the other way around, if you got high level males and low level whores and want the girls to level even faster.

Option B:
Get at least two cells in the basement. Then go out hunting for some gangbangers... those girls that hang with the guys in the slum and even fight with you. Get one with a high level and put her in the cell. Use your male employees to doubleteam her. And go out into the slums to find another girl, possibly with higher level and low skill (as with low skill she loses more stamina and seems to make your guys lose less?!?).
As soon as you have a girl with higher level and/or lower skill release the other one and go hunting for a new slave...

Tip for starting the game at medium difficulty (0.9 version) as a male:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

  • 1. chose more money. You don't really need reputation at the start. And the attribute points also don't help that much.
  • 2. go to the reception and close the brothel for a day. Lose 3 reputation,, putting you down to 7
  • 3. grab Alice and head for the clothes shop. Check for the "Blue Jumpsuit +1 Charm +1 Muscle" being available. Might need to get her Dignity down, before she is ready to use it, though.
  • 4. Head for the slums and start beating up gangers and helping maidens in need for the cash until it's time for bed
  • 5. repeat until Julia is introduced. Keep the brothel closed! Your reputation will not drop below 0 and you will make more money in the slums than by having one customer per day that might even run away without paying!
  • 6. Offer Julia the job as a whore. Call her in the evenings and try to have sex with her.
  • 7. Build a Bathroom and a staff room, to get your girls in the right mood and clean.
  • 8. Continue to visit the slums, beating up guys and helping maidens for the next couple days. And keep trying to fuck Julia every night. If anybody levels, raise HP and Muscle for Alice, HP, Muscle and Stamina for your character and Stamina and Beauty for Julia.
  • 9. Keep the girls in your party until the day the gang shows up to get their money from you. Beat them up (which should be possible with the character and girls having gained a level or two). Sack the bounty for the gang...
  • 10. Now is the time to start the real business. There should be money enough now to buy a dorm room, a security room and a bedroom. Put Julia in the bedroom and Alice in the security room (which should get a 78% security level or so..). You will only have one customer at the start. Most of the time around 16:00 o'clock. Continue to fuck Julia at night and raise her Stamina, Beauty and Skill whenever she levels.
  • 11. As soon as there is a customer asking for a glory hole, it's time to expand. Go out and test some whores in the slum in the morning. Hire the first one that isn't "lazy" or "cleptomanic". Next day build a glory hole and a second bedroom. Put Julia in the glory hole room, as she probably has the highest Stamina. Put the new whore in a bedroom, as she probably has only stamina enough for one customer.
  • 12. When getting more than one customer at the same time, transfer Julia from Gloryhole to the second bedroom and after she's done with the customer back to the gloryhole.
  • 13. Make sure to have Juiia and Alice in your party when day 20 arrives... next visit of the gang. Though probably you have enough money now to just pay them ;)
  • 14. Expand... get more dorms, gloryholes, bedrooms, a male for security (muscle >10 will help with the security level) and a maid room for Julia. Keep her there, unless you want her to gain more exp. But she's very helpfull for those days, when you managed to get your stamina down and can expect for a whore showing up to play that "who comes first"-game for a raise. Just spend the night from 23:30 o'clock on fucking Julia. You both need about 10 stamina for that, but no other girl will bother you :)

    Using this "tactic" you can get along the first couple days without getting beaten up by the gangers coming for their money or gaining reputation to early, which would mean to hire girls early on as more reputation = more customers...

Thanks! Nice bunch of suggestions. Noted!

FruitSmoothie Wrote:
Bang It Up! Wrote:- Yeah, one thing that bugs me about this game is the poorly written grammar or sentence. That's just some of it that you've found, wait until you go further into the game. The "Yoko" quest and etc.

Ah yeah I don't care enough to really go through the hassle of saving my runs for future patches, it doesn't take too too long to catch back up. It's just enough to make me not want to play too long (Lack of content doesn't help).

I'm sure people would be happy to help with English translations, I could catch the big dialogue issues anyways. Wonder if the dev is interested?

That grammar things bother me. We can use some help. You can point on them here to make us fix it, or send to [email protected]. Or we can even send you the whole game dialog text file to check.
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