Tainted Princess

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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby FragranceofMtDew » Thu Mar 31, 2016 1:18 am

Sharya dashes out of the tent, doing her best to ignore Nilyne's anguished cries, knowing she can do nothing to help and hating every moment of it. She stops once she catches up to Zalira, pausing to catch her breath and make sure Ey'ala is okay. "We... We did what we could. He was still too strong for all of us..." Sharya tells the familiar, shaking her head sadly and turning her attention to Preia as the cleric approached. "We're fine... But that man has Kailyne. He brainwashed her or something! We tried to help but we... We just couldn't."

As Sharya explains the situation, she looks past Priea and sees Stephen and Esmeralda. "And they just let it happen." Zalira and Ey'ala had decided to leave the encampment, with Zalira heading off alone to gather the caravan it seemed, and Sharya knew that that was the right thing to do. But she just couldn't leave without at least finding out why those two had sided with their enemy. "HEY! Just what were you two thinking, letting him hypnotize Kailyne like that!" She shouts, storming up to the pair, trembling with rage at the presumed betrayal. "After all the help we gave you, this is how you thank us? This is how you repay Kailyne?!"
Last edited by FragranceofMtDew on Thu Mar 31, 2016 1:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Mark3000 » Thu Mar 31, 2016 3:02 am


Alone in the tent, Lucien thrusts his hips even faster. All the while pressing Nilyne into the ground. Finally, with a loud grunt, he rams his entire length into Nilyne's quivering pussy and releases his seed. His cock pulsing as Nilyne feels his seed fill every inch of her vagina. The powerful demon then rests himself on Nilyne large bosom. Every second or so making a small thrust as if to empty the contents of his balls.

Pregnancy Check:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

D20 requirements go from Average>Easy>Average>Hard>Average

Pregnancy Roll: 18 Pregnant!
Birth in 15 DM Post

You stay like that for a few minutes, but it feels like hours. Gently rubbing your stomach. He withdraws his cock as a puddle of cum and juices form under your gaping slit. "I just wanted to leave you with something to remember me bye. Esmeralda is going to bring her caravan to me and many of the beast men will follow her. Though I have to thank you for rescuing her. Many of my maidens meet unfortunate ends due to their enhanced libido. As a token of appreciation, you can travel with me and help rebuild my empire." He said, getting on one knee beside your ravaged body. The mark on her ass spreading again, now becoming visible on her hips and upper thighs.

Lust Points:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Sex with an Elite Creature (Bosses) or another Marked Woman– 5 LP + Impregnation - 1 LP
Kailyne is now Addicted: Must roll a willpower roll to resist any kind of sexual advance

FragranceofMtDew, An Ying Hu, MASigma, VintageBass

Esmeralda smiled as Priea accepted their invitation. "We're just going to be moving our little camp somewhere new". Her smile quickly drops as Sharya begins to make her accusations. "I am repaying her. Didn't you see how happy she was." The fox woman soon approaches. It then that you notice the tattoo on her body had completely filled and her eyes were a permanent shade of crimson red. "Stefan though giving you silver and some charms would cut it. But I can't think of any prize better then alone time with Lord Lucien." Esmeralda tries to get as close to Sharya as possible until their bodies are almost touching.

"There she goes tease another woman again" Priea here's whispered right into her ear. Behind her is Stefan, the fox man looking more tired then anything. He then puts his arms around the young cleric. " Do you know how long it's been since she's even touched me. I though I could finally get some release but there she goes again." Stefan said sounding more resigned then anything. As he says this, Priea can feel something poke at her behind.

Zalira meanwhile rushes to Maribelle's tent to see her packing away all the new armor and clothing she's made. "Just in time Zalira, your outfit has..." She starts to say until you cut her off. A worried look crosses the tailor's face. "W-what's wrong Zalira, you're starting to frighten me." No sooner had you entered the tent, Duke barges in. "I know you'd be back." He says in the door way. "You think I'd just let you take advantage of my sister again." Duke looked agitated but not out right hostile ... yet.

From her spot with Mimi, Kassandra could see everything that was going on outside Esmeralda's tent. Including the fact that Stefan was getting a little to close to Priea.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby An Ying Hu » Thu Mar 31, 2016 2:29 pm


The name struck a dreadfully wrong cord. The raven's worst fears came true with this horrifying confirmation. "It is him, the demon king.. he has returned," Ey'ala whispers so low that only Sharya would be able to hear. The familiar found herself torn between the desire to fly after her mistress and tell her the news, or remain with her friend. Esmeralda's attempts at getting dangerously close to Sharya tipped the scale in favour of staying. "I don't think we are interested in that.." Her claws tightening around the elven girl's shoulder in an unconscious gesture of protection. ".. and your Master has only brought these people suffering. What makes you believe that he is not going to do the same thing to you once you have exhausted your use to him? her query seemed so pointless now - Esmeralda was probably as indoctrinated as Nilyne had been during the trance, maybe even worse. Still, she had to stall them, distract them whilst Zalira hopefully arranged for their escape.

And protect Sharya. She told herself that she will not fail again.


Zalira was just about to explain herself to Maribelle when Duke walked into the tent. The elf blinked at the man's insinuation, a moment of confusion followed by irritation passing. "Is that so? And I think that you allow those pretty muscles of yours take the place of your mind," she admonished him, before turning to the girl. "I need my armour, help me to put it on," she requested, making sure that her brother heard what she really had in mind this time before unbuttoning her shirt and letting it fall to the ground, shamelessly revealing her oversized bust and tempting curves. "The man we were looking for is here, and he is much too powerful for us to tackle," she explains to him in a matter-of-fact tone. "We also found out that the beasts in this camp are his slaves.. so if you don't hurry and tell your father to get ready, we could all be captured and killed. This is what I want to prevent, if you can be appreciative of that and if you can't, then I suggest you get out of my way and let me do it myself before I set you aflame for wasting our time!"
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby MASigma » Thu Mar 31, 2016 4:50 pm

Zalira's comment made Priea frown, not at all happy to hear Kassy being called such a thing," Inside with the party, what the hell did you all get up to?", she shot back in turn, still quite confused about what was going on, only to look towards Ey'ala as she shot down any would be argument from starting as Zalira rushed off,"... The heck is going on?", She demanded to no one, only to focus onto Sharya as she at least explained," W-what? Damn it, we need to get Kassy and try to help her", she stated only to turn as Sharya shot after Esmeralda," Y-you both helped him?", she demanded to know with a glare, only to stare in shock as the woman began becoming covered with a Tattoo like the one on each of them had been marked with... only to jump in surprise to find Stefan had snuck up on her, his words making her frown... only for her cheeks to flush as he wrapped his arms around her, eyes widening as she felt something poking against her through her clothing," H-hey, back off!", she snapped, attempting to ram her elbow back against him to knock him off, cursing herself for allowing him to get so close onto her.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby VintageBass » Thu Mar 31, 2016 5:15 pm

The holstaur seems to be entranced with the smell of everything, although the boar cooking did throw her off. While the smell is rather good for cooked pork, it's still something that she isn't going to eat due to her own personal diet. Once she comes back down from her little fantasy, she notices that Priea has gone off, making Kassy feel disappointed in the fact she can't seem to catch a break between the two of them. The holstaur lets out a sigh before noticing the bunny girl from earlier and smiling at her. Kassy listens to her relationship with Esmeralda, which kept that smile up and getting Kassy to think about her relationship with Priea.

However, there seems to be some activity going on that Kassy has been rather oblivious to. Seeing that the two foxfolk are out of their tent and talking to others pretty much answers Mimi's questions, but there's something else going on that is making Kassy's senses twitch. For starters, Stefan is approaching on Priea and Kassy is getting protective of the young cleric. The holstaur rises up from her seat and brushes herself off before turning to Mimi. "I'm sorry for zoning out, but there's something I need to do. We'll talk later!" She waves off to the bunny before making her way up to Stefan, hopefully to get a better understanding of why he is creeping on the young cleric when his wife is close by.

Kassy plants a hand on the man's shoulders, gripping down to pull him away and turn him towards her. "Excuse me, but what are you doing with her?" she asked with a firm and curious tone. "I'm sorry but she's with me. If you're desperate, I may offer myself but I would much rather commit myself to my friend here." There is a rather serious and protective look in her eyes as she stares at Stefan, holding back trying to harm him for lewding over Priea. "Listen to my friend and back off, please? We don't want to cause any trouble. I'm sure we can work something out to benefit everyone, all right?"
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby FragranceofMtDew » Thu Mar 31, 2016 7:17 pm

"Lord Lucien...?" That name sounds familiar and Ey'ala confirms her sinking suspicion that they do indeed face the demon lord of legend. A chill comes with the realization as Sharya stares into Esmeralda's eerie red eyes. "You... Have you been on his side all along? We should have just left you in that plant!" She spits venomously. Esmeralda had seemed so happy when she was reunited with Stefan, so why did things end up like this?

Sharya panics a bit as Esmeralda steps in dangerously close to her, but Ey'ala's presence on her shoulder reminds her that she's not alone. "I'm not afraid of you." She states, boldly standing her ground and glaring at the fox woman. If Esmeralda was Lucien's servant, maybe he would trade her for Kailyne if Sharya could subdue her. With that thought in mind, her hand drifts down to her rapier... only to remember once again that it's not there. She curses inwardly, but still stands her ground. She's more than just her sword, she still has her magic and Ey'ala's help should it come to a fight.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby MelissaB » Thu Mar 31, 2016 9:52 pm

Nilyne looks up at him her eyes wide as she cums inside her making her body burn soothingly at the thought of being pregnant, a sense of dread soon fills her when he confirms her fears. "No...." She whimpers softly, sobbing a little as she looks to the exit of the tent her eyes watering at the thought of being left here for her allies. "Help... Please someone..." She coughs out. Hearing his offer she hisses her form shimmering with light as it fades and morphs changing as the tattoo spreads until there lies too forms, Kailyne and Nighteyes, the wolf growling menacingly at Lucian while Kailyne hugs and cuddles her for comfort, trying to find some form of joy in the wolf's fur. Sobbing she tears her gaze from the wolf to meet Lucian's. "Do I have a choice?" her fingers moving to trace her tattoo's new appearance on her body, the idea making her shiver as her fingers glide over her skin.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Mark3000 » Fri Apr 01, 2016 6:40 am


"Of course you have a choice" Lucien says as he tries to reach out his had to caress Kailyne's face again. "You could return to your companions. You know the ones who were willing to kill and abandon you. Or you could stride out on your own and be consumed by your new desires. You'll eventually end up like Esmeralda did today, naked and unable to keep your hands to yourself." He said with an air of superiority as if to twist the knife in deeper. "At least with me you'll know unending pleasure. If it's to hard a choose, I can just hypnotize you again. That way it's technically not your fault if you want to come with me. Just nod yes or no if you want that."

FragranceofMtDew, MASigma, VintageBass

With Priea's rejection, Stefan is practically salivating at the chance at Kassandra's body. That is until you her a sudden thunk sound. Then the fox man falls to the ground in a heap. "Show some dignity Stefan, you're suppose to hold this caravan together." Says a voice from behind him. You all look up to see Mardock, the goat man that had told Sharya's fortune. Esmeralda's eyes flicker for a sec as she rushes to Stefan's side. "And Esmeralda, would you have us all return to the lives of our ancestors? One of bondage, controlled by out baser instincts under the thumb of that demon?" Esmeralda didn't answer, seemingly more focused on treating Stefan's head injury.

Mardock then turns to Sharya. "Miss, it appears my vision was wrong. The one in bondage isn't you but another elf. One with long flowing blond hair like your friend. If she is captured here, there will be no escape for her. Her mind and soul will be erode until she ends up a shadow of her former self like Esmeralda." Grabbing his walking stick with two hands. "I can lend you my assistance to get her back but after this you must run from the camp. The situation is only going to devolve from here. Ultimately, the choice is yours. Will you go back?"

An Ying Hu

Maribelle helps you into your completed outfit. It feels more comfortable then before and even provides you with the support you needed for your now expanded chest. Duke listens to you explain the situation. You can tell he's thinking on you words. Once you finish putting your outfit on, Duke finally speaks up. "Alright, I'll get my folks to pack everything up and we'll head north to Southdale. It's our next destination. We should be ready to leave in about twenty minutes. Just make sure everyone is here by then. Oh yea, one of the tradesmen wanted me to hand you and the cleric theses." Reaching into his tent, he pulls out a fancy looking dagger and a wooden staff. "You two don't seem to use physical weapons but you might find them useful." Duke hands you the dagger and runs to the main wagon to get their parents.

Zalira has acquired the Seer's Dagger (Dex Weapon, AP 5, Damage 3, +1 to Spellcasting rolls and damage for Offensive Spells)
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby FragranceofMtDew » Fri Apr 01, 2016 11:06 am

Sharya is about ready to conjure a flame spear, just to end their stand off, when suddenly she hears a loud THUNK. Turning, she sees Stefan fall to the ground and Esmeralda rushes to his aid. "M-Mardock?" Surprisingly, it's the fortune teller that has come to their aid, not only saving them from the fox couple but also claiming he can help her get Kailyne back from Lucien! Going back there was risky for sure, but when she thinks of her fellow elf all alone with that man, she just can't leave her like that knowing that she had a chance to help.

"Ey'ala, I think I'm going to go back to the tent with Mardock." Sharya tells the raven perched on her shoulder, though she says it loud enough for Kassy and Priea to hear as well. "If you don't want to come with, I understand. But I promised Kailyne I'd be back before I left and I don't think I could live with myself if I didn't at least try." She says, turning her attention back to Mardock. "Are... Are you sure you can do this? We are up against the Demon King himself here."
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby An Ying Hu » Fri Apr 01, 2016 2:23 pm

"I will stand at your side.. but are you sure that you want to return?" she asks Sharya worriedly. "Mister Mardock has been mistaken before," she finishes in a whisper, which wasn't to say that she believed the seer was wrong now, but the possibility of they all perishing was a very real one in the familiar's eyes. She inclines her head to look at the man. "From what I saw, Miss Nilyne is under a very powerful trance - her mind was immune to the magic I used to free her. If there is a way you can weaken her temporarily I can try it again.. with higher chances of success," she proposes a plan before waiting to hear anything else that might be said.


Zalira looks down on her new armour, a smile creeping up her lips. She discards the plain pants as well now that her intimate bits were covered, returning to her usual look. Her bust rested a lot easier now, as well. "Fine work," she tells Maribelle with a pleased tone, letting a hand caress the girl's cheek briefly, though not doing anything more seeing that her brother was here, and that they were pressed for time.

The witch nods to Duke, who became much more reasonable now. It seems she wasn't wrong about him originally, after all. "I'll get the others," she said, taking the dagger and leaving soon after to the spot she left her group. There, she sees that some kind of commotion transpired - hardly unexpected. "They'll be ready to leave soon," she tells them, before frowning at the sight of Mardock. "What happened here?"
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby MelissaB » Fri Apr 01, 2016 6:24 pm

Kailyne whimpers at his touch her eyes closing as she debates his words, the finality and painful truth, how her allies would so readily attack her just to get at him as well as abandon her with him. Looking at her wolf companion she nudges their head's together, the wolf never liked Lucian even before what he did to Kailyne the first time. Sighing she looks at him and shakes her head. "I will not cowardly accept to be your slave." She argues before looking at her wolf. "Get off of me." She orders her before moving to stand, moving to her feet Kailyne looks at Lucian and glares her eyes moving from him to the exit though it's clear she is unsure of which to choose..
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby VintageBass » Sat Apr 02, 2016 6:09 am

Well the good news is the fox man has gotten himself off of young Priea, but the bad news is Kassy is the one dealing with the man. While she did make the offer, it was all too sudden and lacking any sort of discussion about the matter. The holstaur even attempts to grab her shovel to smack away the fox man, but she remembers she has that getting all sharpened up but also Stefan goes down before she can swing her fist down. Esmeralda appears to help out the fallen Stefan, and there is some sort of fortune teller there that delivered the blow and saved the two women from getting knotted by the fox. While that is a relief to Kassy, she is now confused about the events seeing she was zoned out for a good couple of minutes and a lot has happened during that time.

That is until there was a mention of another elf that is supposedly tied up at the moment, sounding like Kailyne. "Um, I'm sorry, but what is going on?" she asked, sounding very confused about what is going on. She listens to Sharya discussing things, telling both her and Priea they can leave for this, until there was mentions of the Demon King. Kassy's fur stood up on ends and she can feel a bit of a spike of anger flowing through her... until she has to remind herself that she's woefully unprepared for any encountered with the man that cursed the lot of them. This has her snorting out some hot air and sighing hardly. "Well then, I wish I can help you on that, but it feels like we need to move," she said, looking towards Priea. "I should go grab my gear and from there... I'm not sure. I feel like fighting, but I also feel like running. Whatever works best I'm up for, but I'm not exactly going anywhere without my equipment."
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby MASigma » Sat Apr 02, 2016 7:07 am

Seeing Stefan focus his attention onto Kassy made Priea instantly prepare to throttle him... only for Mardock to show up and knock the pervert out," Um... thanks?", she offered the Goat man sheepishly, only to glance towards Kassy whom is clearly confused... Priea in turn trying not to think of how Kassy's words to Stefan about herself and Kassy, a light blush on her cheeks even as she focused on the here and now. Kassy's anger was understood, though the talk of running made her shake her head," Get your equipment, but I refuse to leave Kailyne with that monster! Who knows what disgusting things he's been doing to her even now?", she offered up in turn," if it was you I'd rush in there and I know if it was me in there you'd come to save me... so we should do all we can to save her"
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Mark3000 » Sat Apr 02, 2016 8:16 am

FragranceofMtDew, MASigma, VintageBass, An Ying Hu, MelissaB

Mardock meets Zalira's frown with a look of urgency. "I apologize for the poor behaviour of our leaders. Your companions are about to make one last attempt to rescue your friend." He then turns to Sharya "It may be possible. Just remember you don't have to defeat this demon, just distract him. Grab the elf and run"

As he finishes his small speech, you all hear a small cackle. "Hehehe, she won't return to you" You all to see Esmeralda rise up. over Stefan's unconscious body. "They're most likely still in each other's embrace. It's enough to make a woman jealous. However if you intend to interfere with Lord Lucien, I have no choose but to stop you." As she says this, her nine tails spread out. A ball of fire forming at each tail. Suddenly, she launched them at your group.

But they never land. Instead they disperse after smacking against a barrier constructed by Mardock. "I will hold her off, now go!" He yells as he continues to defend against Esmeralda's assault. All the commotion seeming to attract the other beast folk in the camp.

Back in the tent, Kailyne looks back and forth between Lucien and the exit. The Demon Lord approaches slowly with a calm smile. It was not unlike the one he gave you when you first met. "You won't be my slave, you'll be my princess. Pampered and treated like you deserve. Hell, there will be people who will treat you as a goddess. All you have to do is come with me." He says reaching out his hand. However when you look towards the exit, you see Sharya & Ey'ala with Priea and Kassandra not far behind. Lucien hadn't noticed them yet.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby MelissaB » Sat Apr 02, 2016 8:22 am

She blushes at his words her face casting down to avoid his gaze and that of so confidant and charming smile he was giving her. "I..." She stammers before she hears the commotion outside and sees her allies coming back, all of them in fact, just as her hand takes his, squeezing it softly as she looks at them with tears in her eyes. Nighteyes growls seeing Kailyne's choice the canine moving to Lucian to growl and bark at him as if to get him away from her friend. Ignoring Kailyne's choice. The wolf is quick to act moving to bite the demon lord before Kailyne catches her, as if expecting the attack on Lucian without even thinking about it. "No... we go with him now..." She sobs turning away from her allies to stare Lucian in the face.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby An Ying Hu » Sat Apr 02, 2016 12:39 pm

Zalira listened to Mardock's explanation, a frown wrinkling her forehead. "Rescue their.." she mutters, shaking her head. "You've all gone completely mad, you know that, yes?" she tells them, not believing that they were all squandering this opportunity to escape in the face of such danger. She gives Ey'ala a disappointed look, but the familiar simply looked away.

At that point, Esmeralda intervened and began her attack, which was countered with surprising force by the seer. The elven witch wasted no time in flinging her infernal flames towards the foxwoman and whatever allies might have been behind her. She then shifts closer to Mardock so that his shield will protect her, as she plans to help him hold the line whilst the others attempt the rescue. "If you're not back in ten minutes, I am leaving without you!" she shouts to her side, as she gets ready for another attack.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby FragranceofMtDew » Sat Apr 02, 2016 4:20 pm

"Sorry Zalira...." Sharya mutters, looking down as the sorceress voices her disapproval of their choice. "I'm just going back for one more try. If it doesn't work, then I'll leave as quick as I came and I won't look back. Promise." She assures Zalira, before turning her attention back to Mardock's advice. She's not sure how she'll go about distracting Lucien, but she'll have to figure something out quickly as Esmeralda stands to fight. Thankfully Mardock seems capable of defending everyone, but Sharya doesn't know how long he can keep it up and breaks out into a dash back to the tent.

"Distract the demon, grab the elf, and run." Sharya repeats Mardock's words to her over and over as she heads back to the tent until Lucien and Kailyne, having separated from Nighteyes, come into view. Distract the demon. She doesn't really have much to work with, but there's only one way she can think of to distract him. "Ey'ala, get ready to do your thing!" She calls out to the familiar before conjuring a flame spear and hurling it at Lucien, though she was actually looking to miss him completely and set the tent ablaze. Grab the elf. Hopefully the flames and Ey'ala's piercing cry would keep their attention occupied while Sharya runs up and grabs Kailyne by the arm. And run. With Kailyne firmly in hand, Sharya attempts to pull her out of the tent and drag her back to the others.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Mark3000 » Fri Apr 08, 2016 5:03 am

FragranceofMtDew, MASigma, VintageBass, An Ying Hu, MelissaB

Sharya's flaming spear sets the tent aflame. What starts as a small flicker grows to surround the demon, limiting his movment (+ 3 to escape roll). Next Ey'ala leaves Sharya's shoulder and lets out a soul shattering scream directed at Lucien.

Ey'ala uses Nevermore on Lucien(WIS)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Ey'ala: 16 + 2 = 18
Lucien: 3 + 9 = 12! Effective

While it doesn't have it's usual effect, the sound causes the demon lord to flinch as he shrinks back due to the noise (+3 to escape roll). All this gives Sharya the opening she needs to run away with the confused Kailyne.

Escape Roll (Dex):
Lucien: 5 + 8 = 13
Sharya + Kailyne: Natural 1

And all that planning goes to waste as Sharya trips over her own feet, falling flat on her face taking Kailyne with her. With both of you on the ground, you look up to see the demon lord stand over you. In one motion, he grabs Kailyne and pulls her close. "Let us be off Kailyne. In an instant, Lucien's raven like wings wrap around the two of them and they seem to disappear into thin air. Nighteyes being transported as well as she digs into Lucien's back with her claws. It just leaves Sharya and Ey'ala in a burning tent.

Outside the tent, the battle between Mardock, Esmeralda and Zalira continue the battle. Out of the corner of Zalira's eye, you see Duke wave you over. It seemed the time limit had passed and the rest of the beastmen in the camp were looking at you with more confused and angry looks.


Kailyne, Lucien and Nighteyes reappear outside a small town. The sign at the front reads "Southdale" and you can see ..... Demons? You see what appears to be imps and floating eyes moving around the street with not a human in sight. In a fit of anger, the demon lord flings Nighteyes off him into the ground. You hear him huff a bit as he grabs his shoulder. "My dear Kailyne, your animal friend needs some more training." He begins to walk into the village before turning back towards you. "Come Kailyne, it's been a long day and we all need some rest. I'll introduce you to one of your new sisters. Then tomorrow, I'll take you to my castle." The teleport spell seemed to weaken him as he moved slower then before.


You notice your traveling companion has gone quiet, leaving you to go your own way. With the sun rising higher into the air you notice someone approaching the oasis. He was a desert Jotunn like yourself with a great sword and a striped loincloth came walking in only to collapse on the ground a few inches from the small pond.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby MelissaB » Fri Apr 08, 2016 11:43 am

Gasping as she is pulled away not expecting it before she is dragged to the floor her eyes wide as she stares at Sharya and mouths she apologies before Lucian takes her away in a flash, Nighteyes only just joining her as she leaps and latches onto Lucian's back.

Panting Kailyne looks at Southdale and shakes her head a soft sigh escaping her lips as she leaves Lucian's side to tend to her wolf. "You do not train a wolf Lucian, Nighteyes is my friend not a pet." She comments with a sigh before she pets and strokes the wolf showering her with affection before nodding. "Calm yourself girl we're here now... stop trying to hurt him." She comments with a sad smile and kisses the wolf's head before standing and looking at Lucian with a glare. "I will need new equipment, you took me away before I could get mine back." She states with a glare before moving back to his side, catching up with him. "Very well, lead on Lucian." She states softly if not a little defeated in her tone.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby FragranceofMtDew » Fri Apr 08, 2016 4:16 pm

Truly there are few things more distracting then fire and ear piercing screeches, which Sharya intends to take full advantage of as she pulls Kailyne away.... Only to trip and fall flat on her face. Groaning, she looks up to find herself face to face with the demon himself, but he seems to ignore her and chooses to grab Kailyne instead. "W-wait, no!!" She shouts, diving forward only to fall again as Lucien simply vanishes into thin air.

For a few moments, Sharya simply lies there before finally pushing herself up onto her hands and knees. "Dammit dammit dammit dammit DAMMIT!!!" She shouts angrily, repeatedly slamming her fist into the ground. How could she have messed up so horribly? She hated Lucien for what he had done, but she hated herself even more for failing so miserably. She can't stay here sulking forever though, the tent is burning around them and Zalira had made it clear that she wouldn't wait much long. Without another word, Sharya stands and wipes the tears welling up from her eyes and dashes out of the tent to rejoin the others and inform them of her failure.
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