FragranceofMtDew, MASigma, VintageBass, An Ying Hu, MelissaBSharya's flaming spear sets the tent aflame. What starts as a small flicker grows to surround the demon, limiting his movment (+ 3 to escape roll). Next Ey'ala leaves Sharya's shoulder and lets out a soul shattering scream directed at Lucien.
Ey'ala uses Nevermore on Lucien(WIS)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Ey'ala: 16 + 2 = 18
Lucien: 3 + 9 = 12! Effective
While it doesn't have it's usual effect, the sound causes the demon lord to flinch as he shrinks back due to the noise (+3 to escape roll). All this gives Sharya the opening she needs to run away with the confused Kailyne.
Escape Roll (Dex):
Lucien: 5 + 8 = 13
Sharya + Kailyne: Natural 1
And all that planning goes to waste as Sharya trips over her own feet, falling flat on her face taking Kailyne with her. With both of you on the ground, you look up to see the demon lord stand over you. In one motion, he grabs Kailyne and pulls her close. "Let us be off Kailyne. In an instant, Lucien's raven like wings wrap around the two of them and they seem to disappear into thin air. Nighteyes being transported as well as she digs into Lucien's back with her claws. It just leaves Sharya and Ey'ala in a burning tent.
Outside the tent, the battle between Mardock, Esmeralda and Zalira continue the battle. Out of the corner of Zalira's eye, you see Duke wave you over. It seemed the time limit had passed and the rest of the beastmen in the camp were looking at you with more confused and angry looks.
Kailyne, Lucien and Nighteyes reappear outside a small town. The sign at the front reads "Southdale" and you can see ..... Demons? You see what appears to be imps and floating eyes moving around the street with not a human in sight. In a fit of anger, the demon lord flings Nighteyes off him into the ground. You hear him huff a bit as he grabs his shoulder. "My dear Kailyne, your animal friend needs some more training." He begins to walk into the village before turning back towards you. "Come Kailyne, it's been a long day and we all need some rest. I'll introduce you to one of your new sisters. Then tomorrow, I'll take you to my castle." The teleport spell seemed to weaken him as he moved slower then before.
GorbazYou notice your traveling companion has gone quiet, leaving you to go your own way. With the sun rising higher into the air you notice someone approaching the oasis. He was a desert Jotunn like yourself with a great sword and a striped loincloth came walking in only to collapse on the ground a few inches from the small pond.