A worn old letter scrambles around your feet...
- Code: Select All Code
"Attention all denizens of the Mist Country! Due to the recent cases of the spreading epidemic of the Aphrodisikon around the region, we plead all locals to evacuate the town, IMMEDIATELY. All healthy individuals are gathering up at Claw Town, off to the east! All healthy individuals are advised to take only their most essential belongings and make for Claw town as fast as possible before their area is quarantined! We'd like to once again plead that this is only for HEALTHY individuals! If you or any of your family members are showing any symptoms, we BEG you to take them to a Quarantine zone instead, as you could endanger not only yourself but the other Pokemon around you if you don't! You don't need to be concerned, as the infected seem to not target each other and they'll be well treated and cared for in the Quarantine zone! Remember, the symptoms include but are not restricted to:
- Increased sexual appetite
- Growth or transformation of any organs, sexual or not
- Aggressive behavior or lack of restraint for other Pokemon's personal space
If you see someone with these symptoms, be sure to avoid contact with them and instead warn the nearest rescue team member immediately so that the Pokemon can be quarantined! We'd also like to remind everyone that, with this recent epidemic, the Rescue Teams and Explorer Teams are opening up recruiting once more, no matter your background or skills. We need all the help we can get to deal with this situation! If you have the courage and interest in joining, please look for the nearest rescue or explorer team representative so they can point you in the right direction! If we hope to defeat this disease, we need to fight it, together! Remember, Claw town! Stay safe and avoid contact with strange or aggressive Pokemon!
Signed, Khan the Arcanine, President of the Mist Rescue Team."

Mist Continent Map
This RP will occur in the Mist Continent, in a totally different timeline or proper "universe" from the one depicted in the games, though most of everything is still the same, there are two major differences in here. The first one being the Pokemon themselves, instead of just animals, the Pokemon here have some degree of human characteristics, though how many tends to vary from Pokemon to Pokemon. Some are human only in body shape, being very animalistic and feral otherwise (Anthro) while some are almost fully human, save for a few discerning characteristic which sell them out as Pokemon (Gijinka). Both types are common among and seen among all types of Pokemon, there is no prejudice or non-aesthetic difference between the two.
The other main difference is that, as the letter above implies. There's currently a bit of a crisis going on in the continent. A disease has began showing up and it has been affecting all Pokemon who come into contact with it. The disease is called Aphrodisikon and what it does, in its final stages, is turn the victim into an almost feral, sex-obsessed beast. Those on the later stages of the disease will be able of literally nothing other than breeding and fucking whatever they find in their way. And the only way to stop them is to either knock them out, which doesn't solve the problem but at least gets them to settle down, or to give them so much needed "stress relief" which will allow them to regain their self-control for a time, before the disease starts taking over again.
Rescue and Explorer Team Characters will have two responsibilities, assisting and rescuing Pokemons caught within infested areas, helping them settle down and get themselves quarantined. And, explore around the infected zones, braving your way in search of the source of this disease and, possibly, a cure. Whether you'll be a Rescue Team Member looking to help, an Explorer Team Member looking for a cure or just a Pokemon trying to get away from this whole chaos, this is where your story starts.

For this RP I will be using a simplified version of Pokemon Tabletop United with a few personal tweaks. (http://pokemontabletop.com/)
Most of the rules and little tidbits around it will be better explained in the character sheet section, as it will be easier to explain it all there, but the general gist of the thing is.
HP defines how many hit points your character has. (Character Level + (HPx3) + 10)
ATK defines how much damage your physical attacks do.
SP.ATK defines how much damage your special attacks do.
DEF decreases the damage from any physical attacks that connect and every 5 points increases how easily you can dodge physical attacks.
SP.DEF decreases the damage from any special attacks that connect and every 5 points increases how easily you can dodge special attacks.
SPEED defines how easily you can dodge both physical and special attacks every 5 points, but does not decrease the damage from attacks that do connect. It also decides who gets to act first in battles.
All Pokemon have SIX (Not four) moves they are able to learn at maximum. To check if a move hits or not, I'll roll (d20 - DEF||SP.DEF||SPEED/5) and depending on the move's Accuracy Check, which varies from move to move, I'll say if the move hit or not. Damaging moves all have a set amount of damage that they do, which is increased by the attacker's appropriate stat and reduced by the defender's appropriate stat on a point by point basis. Through this, once a Pokemon's HP reaches 0, it is debilitated from fighting any longer. A natural 20 on the dice roll is a critical hit, which means the attack is a guaranteed hit and deals double damage.
Given the nature of the RP, seducing and being seduced by other Pokemon is part of the experience. The way how this works is by defining your character's tastes and style. This is done with five Seduction Stats. These are:
Cool stands for chilled and relaxed types, they emit a sense of calm and tend to sometimes come off as uncaring or uninterested to some, but to those who dig them, they come off as mysterious and sensual.
Tough stands for the strong, chiseled types. They have strong muscles and strong features, they may come off as scary and brutish to some, but to others they come off as full of energy and emotion.
Beauty stands for refined, over the top types. They care a lot about their appearance and often take good care of it. They may come off as gaudy or prude to some, but others can recognize the effort they put in their beauty and will respect and admire it.
Smart stands for not the beauty of eye, but the beauty of mind. Their style comes not from how they look, but rather how they talk, how they act, how they feel. They can come off as uninteresting and boring to some, but charming and charismatic to others.
Cute stands for the naturally charming and innocent looking. They're not an adult kind of beautiful, like the Beauty type, they're adorable, pretty and create a desire for others to protect them. Some may find them childish and ridiculous, others enjoy their sense of innocence and purity.
How it works is, each character picks what style they belong to and how much they like or dislike all of the styles which will affect how well they can be seduced by someone who's their type. Then when a seduction attempt is made, I roll (d20 +||- Seducer's Style), and results above 10 mean a success, while results of 10 and below mean a fail.
Taint is a measurement of how much your character is infected with Aphrodisiakon and ranges from 0% to 100%, with 0% being totally clean and not infected and 100% being utterly and totally taken over by the virus. It is not detectable while below 10%.
How does it work? Every time a Player Pokemon exchanges fluids with an infected Pokemon (Be they NPC or another player), their taint raises from 1% to 10%, depending on what kind of fluid was exchanged and how much of it. For the sake of clarity, in the following examples and rules, the pokemon doing the infecting will be referred to as the infector and the Pokemon being infected as the infectee. The infectee may never be raised above the infector's level of Taint. So if Pokemon X has 6% taint and has sex with Pokemon Y who has 1% taint, no matter how much they sex or exchange fluids, Pokemon Y's taint will never go above 6%.
That being said, the virus does spread itself on its own over time. Every IC day, your Taint % gets raised by a value equal to your current taint/10 (Rounded up, so 0.5 = 1). So if someone has taint 10, it gets raised by 1 each day, 20 gets raised by 2 each day, so on and so forth. This further reinforces that infection is a race against time to find the cure, wherever it may be. Sharing the virus with others actually temporarily lowers the infector's own taint score. Though it does raise the infectee's score, the infector's score is lowered by 1/4 (Again, rounded up) of its current value every time they spread the infection to someone else, since it rounds up, this can never lower it below 1.
Effects and transformations
Now comes the fun part, as mentioned in the letter above, the Aphrodisiakon steadily causes changes to the infected as their taint level goes up. There are two types of effects that go by, libido increase and transformations. Transformations are, first and foremost, totally optional, if you're not comfortable with changes happening to your character due to infection, just say so and I won't do them.
Libido increase is pretty straightforward. Every 10%, your character will get a noticeable increase to their libido. Up until 30% can still pass off as normal among most other Pokemon, just maybe a bit on the perverted side.
Starting from 40%, the pokemon's libido starts becoming dangerously high, they will have to actively start trying to engage in sexual acts with other pokemon at all opportunities that present themselves and might have a fair bit of trouble knowing when to stop.
Starting from 70% is when things get really dangerous, the infected is CONSTANTLY horny and literally can't think of anything but spreading his disease to other Pokemon, he might start getting violent and unnecessarily rough, sexually assaulting others and what not.
100% is bad end territory, if you get to this level your character basically goes bestial and loses all sense of self. Consider it a game over.
Transformations every time your character hits a multiple of 20 in infection and are permanent. You can't trigger a transformation for the same number twice, so if you find yourself skipping back and forth between 19 and 21 taint, you won't be repeatedly transforming due to it, by example. Transformations will usually be discussed between me and the player so I can be sure the player is okay with the transformation, but they can range from anything from growing new sexual members. (Female characters turning into herms, by example.) To growth of existing sexual members (Males get bigger dicks, females get bigger breasts, etc) To other weird symptoms (Lactating even though you're not a Pokemon who should, being able to shoot cum through places you usually wouldn't, such as vines for Grass Pokemon, so on and so forth.)

Name: (Your name.)
Species: (Are you a Charmander? A Vulpix? A Squirtle? A Treecko? No legendaries.)
Level: (Everyone will start at 5.)
Subspecies: (Anthro or Gijinka?)
Gender: (Are you a boy? Or a girl? Or are you both? ...Are you neither?)
Appearance: (What do you look like?)
Biography: (No need to get extensive. I just want to know who your character is, was and wants to be. At the very least, what did they do before getting evacuated to Claw Town.)
Moves: (What attacks can you do? Start with three, you can have a maximum of six, later on.)
Nature: (Pick one and tell me what stat does it raise and what stat does it lower, we're using an expanded list of Natures, you can find it in the spoiler below.)
Now, this can look a bit more complicated than it actually is. But it's actually pretty easy. Feel free to ask if you get confused though. All Pokemon have starting BASE STATS, your nature changes those BASE STATS. On top of these BASE STATS you get BONUS STATS which you can distribute on top of those BASE STATS to decide on your TOTAL STATS. The only rule about the distribution of those stats is that the order in which the TOTAL STATS are higher or lower must be the same as the order of the BASE STATS.
In other words, if on your BASE STATS, your ATK is your highest stat and DEF is your second highest stat, your ATK must ALWAYS be your highest stat and your DEF must ALWAYS be your second highest stat.
"But...Nescafe." I hear you say. "How do I know what are the base stats? I've never heard of this Pokemon Tabletop United before." Simple, my friend. You use this handy dandy link. http://www.ptu.panda-games.net/poke_info.php
"...But...Nescafe! That link doesn't have the Pokemon I was looking for."
HP: 56 = 6
ATK: 61 = 6
DEF: 65 = 7
SP.ATK: 48 = 5
SP.DEF: 45 = 5
SPEED: 38 = 4
Your BONUS STATS are equal to (Level + 10). So, since everyone starts at level 5, you have 15 points to spread out.
Style: (Pick which of the five styles best fits your character, you can pick two, but if you do so, both penalties and bonuses you would receive on rolls will be cut in half, rounded down.)
This one is simpler. All of them default at 0. But for you to put points into any of them, you need to take away points from others and put them in the negatives. Keep in mind, the higher the number, the more likely this character is to be seduced by someone of that style.
All characters start out with a wealth of 2000 pokedollars, which they can use to start off with items from the item list below or keep for their own as they see fit.

http://www.ptu.panda-games.net/moves.php To check out moves, their accuracy checks, damages, effects and so on.
http://www.ptu.panda-games.net/poke_info.php To check out your Pokemon's Starting Stats, moves they can learn and so on.
http://www.serebii.net/ Good for looking up Pokemon and information on them.
http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Main_Page Good for looking up Pokemon and information on them.
http://www.ptu.panda-games.net/stathelp.php Having trouble setting up your character's stats? Use this! (Note, use the Random option or, at the very least, be sure to put things slowly, this thing is prone to glitching out.)