Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Wanton Wanderlust (OOC)

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Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Wanton Wanderlust (OOC)

Postby Nicoffee » Fri Apr 01, 2016 5:26 pm


A worn old letter scrambles around your feet...

Code: Select All Code
"Attention all denizens of the Mist Country! Due to the recent cases of the spreading epidemic of the Aphrodisikon around the region, we plead all locals to evacuate the town, IMMEDIATELY. All healthy individuals are gathering up at Claw Town, off to the east! All healthy individuals are advised to take only their most essential belongings and make for Claw town as fast as possible before their area is quarantined! We'd like to once again plead that this is only for HEALTHY individuals! If you or any of your family members are showing any symptoms, we BEG you to take them to a Quarantine zone instead, as you could endanger not only yourself but the other Pokemon around you if you don't! You don't need to be concerned, as the infected seem to not target each other and they'll be well treated and cared for in the Quarantine zone! Remember, the symptoms include but are not restricted to:

- Increased sexual appetite
- Growth or transformation of any organs, sexual or not
- Aggressive behavior or lack of restraint for other Pokemon's personal space

If you see someone with these symptoms, be sure to avoid contact with them and instead warn the nearest rescue team member immediately so that the Pokemon can be quarantined! We'd also like to remind everyone that, with this recent epidemic, the Rescue Teams and Explorer Teams are opening up recruiting once more, no matter your background or skills. We need all the help we can get to deal with this situation! If you have the courage and interest in joining, please look for the nearest rescue or explorer team representative so they can point you in the right direction! If we hope to defeat this disease, we need to fight it, together! Remember, Claw town! Stay safe and avoid contact with strange or aggressive Pokemon!

Signed, Khan the Arcanine, President of the Mist Rescue Team."


Mist Continent Map
Spoiler (click to show/hide):


This RP will occur in the Mist Continent, in a totally different timeline or proper "universe" from the one depicted in the games, though most of everything is still the same, there are two major differences in here. The first one being the Pokemon themselves, instead of just animals, the Pokemon here have some degree of human characteristics, though how many tends to vary from Pokemon to Pokemon. Some are human only in body shape, being very animalistic and feral otherwise (Anthro) while some are almost fully human, save for a few discerning characteristic which sell them out as Pokemon (Gijinka). Both types are common among and seen among all types of Pokemon, there is no prejudice or non-aesthetic difference between the two.

The other main difference is that, as the letter above implies. There's currently a bit of a crisis going on in the continent. A disease has began showing up and it has been affecting all Pokemon who come into contact with it. The disease is called Aphrodisikon and what it does, in its final stages, is turn the victim into an almost feral, sex-obsessed beast. Those on the later stages of the disease will be able of literally nothing other than breeding and fucking whatever they find in their way. And the only way to stop them is to either knock them out, which doesn't solve the problem but at least gets them to settle down, or to give them so much needed "stress relief" which will allow them to regain their self-control for a time, before the disease starts taking over again.

Rescue and Explorer Team Characters will have two responsibilities, assisting and rescuing Pokemons caught within infested areas, helping them settle down and get themselves quarantined. And, explore around the infected zones, braving your way in search of the source of this disease and, possibly, a cure. Whether you'll be a Rescue Team Member looking to help, an Explorer Team Member looking for a cure or just a Pokemon trying to get away from this whole chaos, this is where your story starts.


For this RP I will be using a simplified version of Pokemon Tabletop United with a few personal tweaks. (http://pokemontabletop.com/)


Most of the rules and little tidbits around it will be better explained in the character sheet section, as it will be easier to explain it all there, but the general gist of the thing is.

HP defines how many hit points your character has. (Character Level + (HPx3) + 10)
ATK defines how much damage your physical attacks do.
SP.ATK defines how much damage your special attacks do.
DEF decreases the damage from any physical attacks that connect and every 5 points increases how easily you can dodge physical attacks.
SP.DEF decreases the damage from any special attacks that connect and every 5 points increases how easily you can dodge special attacks.
SPEED defines how easily you can dodge both physical and special attacks every 5 points, but does not decrease the damage from attacks that do connect. It also decides who gets to act first in battles.

All Pokemon have SIX (Not four) moves they are able to learn at maximum. To check if a move hits or not, I'll roll (d20 - DEF||SP.DEF||SPEED/5) and depending on the move's Accuracy Check, which varies from move to move, I'll say if the move hit or not. Damaging moves all have a set amount of damage that they do, which is increased by the attacker's appropriate stat and reduced by the defender's appropriate stat on a point by point basis. Through this, once a Pokemon's HP reaches 0, it is debilitated from fighting any longer. A natural 20 on the dice roll is a critical hit, which means the attack is a guaranteed hit and deals double damage.


Given the nature of the RP, seducing and being seduced by other Pokemon is part of the experience. The way how this works is by defining your character's tastes and style. This is done with five Seduction Stats. These are:
Cool stands for chilled and relaxed types, they emit a sense of calm and tend to sometimes come off as uncaring or uninterested to some, but to those who dig them, they come off as mysterious and sensual.
Tough stands for the strong, chiseled types. They have strong muscles and strong features, they may come off as scary and brutish to some, but to others they come off as full of energy and emotion.
Beauty stands for refined, over the top types. They care a lot about their appearance and often take good care of it. They may come off as gaudy or prude to some, but others can recognize the effort they put in their beauty and will respect and admire it.
Smart stands for not the beauty of eye, but the beauty of mind. Their style comes not from how they look, but rather how they talk, how they act, how they feel. They can come off as uninteresting and boring to some, but charming and charismatic to others.
Cute stands for the naturally charming and innocent looking. They're not an adult kind of beautiful, like the Beauty type, they're adorable, pretty and create a desire for others to protect them. Some may find them childish and ridiculous, others enjoy their sense of innocence and purity.

How it works is, each character picks what style they belong to and how much they like or dislike all of the styles which will affect how well they can be seduced by someone who's their type. Then when a seduction attempt is made, I roll (d20 +||- Seducer's Style), and results above 10 mean a success, while results of 10 and below mean a fail.



Taint is a measurement of how much your character is infected with Aphrodisiakon and ranges from 0% to 100%, with 0% being totally clean and not infected and 100% being utterly and totally taken over by the virus. It is not detectable while below 10%.

How does it work? Every time a Player Pokemon exchanges fluids with an infected Pokemon (Be they NPC or another player), their taint raises from 1% to 10%, depending on what kind of fluid was exchanged and how much of it. For the sake of clarity, in the following examples and rules, the pokemon doing the infecting will be referred to as the infector and the Pokemon being infected as the infectee. The infectee may never be raised above the infector's level of Taint. So if Pokemon X has 6% taint and has sex with Pokemon Y who has 1% taint, no matter how much they sex or exchange fluids, Pokemon Y's taint will never go above 6%.

That being said, the virus does spread itself on its own over time. Every IC day, your Taint % gets raised by a value equal to your current taint/10 (Rounded up, so 0.5 = 1). So if someone has taint 10, it gets raised by 1 each day, 20 gets raised by 2 each day, so on and so forth. This further reinforces that infection is a race against time to find the cure, wherever it may be. Sharing the virus with others actually temporarily lowers the infector's own taint score. Though it does raise the infectee's score, the infector's score is lowered by 1/4 (Again, rounded up) of its current value every time they spread the infection to someone else, since it rounds up, this can never lower it below 1.

Effects and transformations

Now comes the fun part, as mentioned in the letter above, the Aphrodisiakon steadily causes changes to the infected as their taint level goes up. There are two types of effects that go by, libido increase and transformations. Transformations are, first and foremost, totally optional, if you're not comfortable with changes happening to your character due to infection, just say so and I won't do them.

Libido increase is pretty straightforward. Every 10%, your character will get a noticeable increase to their libido. Up until 30% can still pass off as normal among most other Pokemon, just maybe a bit on the perverted side.

Starting from 40%, the pokemon's libido starts becoming dangerously high, they will have to actively start trying to engage in sexual acts with other pokemon at all opportunities that present themselves and might have a fair bit of trouble knowing when to stop.

Starting from 70% is when things get really dangerous, the infected is CONSTANTLY horny and literally can't think of anything but spreading his disease to other Pokemon, he might start getting violent and unnecessarily rough, sexually assaulting others and what not.

100% is bad end territory, if you get to this level your character basically goes bestial and loses all sense of self. Consider it a game over.

Transformations every time your character hits a multiple of 20 in infection and are permanent. You can't trigger a transformation for the same number twice, so if you find yourself skipping back and forth between 19 and 21 taint, you won't be repeatedly transforming due to it, by example. Transformations will usually be discussed between me and the player so I can be sure the player is okay with the transformation, but they can range from anything from growing new sexual members. (Female characters turning into herms, by example.) To growth of existing sexual members (Males get bigger dicks, females get bigger breasts, etc) To other weird symptoms (Lactating even though you're not a Pokemon who should, being able to shoot cum through places you usually wouldn't, such as vines for Grass Pokemon, so on and so forth.)



Name: (Your name.)
Species: (Are you a Charmander? A Vulpix? A Squirtle? A Treecko? No legendaries.)
Level: (Everyone will start at 5.)
Subspecies: (Anthro or Gijinka?)
Gender: (Are you a boy? Or a girl? Or are you both? ...Are you neither?)
Appearance: (What do you look like?)
Biography: (No need to get extensive. I just want to know who your character is, was and wants to be. At the very least, what did they do before getting evacuated to Claw Town.)


Moves: (What attacks can you do? Start with three, you can have a maximum of six, later on.)

Nature: (Pick one and tell me what stat does it raise and what stat does it lower, we're using an expanded list of Natures, you can find it in the spoiler below.)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Now, this can look a bit more complicated than it actually is. But it's actually pretty easy. Feel free to ask if you get confused though. All Pokemon have starting BASE STATS, your nature changes those BASE STATS. On top of these BASE STATS you get BONUS STATS which you can distribute on top of those BASE STATS to decide on your TOTAL STATS. The only rule about the distribution of those stats is that the order in which the TOTAL STATS are higher or lower must be the same as the order of the BASE STATS.

In other words, if on your BASE STATS, your ATK is your highest stat and DEF is your second highest stat, your ATK must ALWAYS be your highest stat and your DEF must ALWAYS be your second highest stat.

"But...Nescafe." I hear you say. "How do I know what are the base stats? I've never heard of this Pokemon Tabletop United before." Simple, my friend. You use this handy dandy link. http://www.ptu.panda-games.net/poke_info.php

"...But...Nescafe! That link doesn't have the Pokemon I was looking for." Oh, it doesn't have the most recent generation. (Apparently, they added it in sometime recently and I wasn't aware about it...Oh well, regardless, I'll keep the formula here if anyone needs it.) But that's okay, just check the Pokemon's actual stats in the game through Bulbapedia or Serebii, divide it by 10 and then round it up. So, by example, a Chespin's base stats would be.
HP: 56 = 6
ATK: 61 = 6
DEF: 65 = 7
SP.ATK: 48 = 5
SP.DEF: 45 = 5
SPEED: 38 = 4

Your BONUS STATS are equal to (Level + 10). So, since everyone starts at level 5, you have 15 points to spread out.




Style: (Pick which of the five styles best fits your character, you can pick two, but if you do so, both penalties and bonuses you would receive on rolls will be cut in half, rounded down.)

This one is simpler. All of them default at 0. But for you to put points into any of them, you need to take away points from others and put them in the negatives. Keep in mind, the higher the number, the more likely this character is to be seduced by someone of that style.


All characters start out with a wealth of 2000 pokedollars, which they can use to start off with items from the item list below or keep for their own as they see fit.


Spoiler (click to show/hide):



Name: Khan
Species: Arcanine
Level: 60
Subspecies: Anthro
Gender: Male
Biography: The current leader of the Mist Country Rescue team. Joined the teams when he was still a Growlithe. Over the years, he's honed his techniques and devoted his life to aiding those in need. This whole epidemic has him quite stressed, especially as he's seen both old and new friends fall victim to the infection. Despite everything, he's trying to keep a cool head and remain a figure of inspiration for his team.


- Flame Wheel
- Reversal
- Take Down
- Flamethrower
- Crunch
- Strength

Nature: Brave (+ATK, -SPE)


HP: (9) + 11 = 20
ATK: (13) + 19 = 32
DEF: (8) + 11 = 19
SP.ATK: (10) + 13 = 23
SP.DEF: (8) + 7 = 15
SPE:(8) + 9 = 17


Style: Tough


Cool: 0
Tough: -2
Beauty: 1
Smart: 0
Cute: 1

- 50000 Pokédollars
- Light Armor


Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Light Armor - Grants 5-15 Damage Reduction - $8000

Heavy Armor - Heavy Armor grants 20-40 Damage Reduction. Heavy Armor makes the character unable to dodge with Speed. - $12,000

Fancy Clothes - Each set of Fancy Clothes is assigned a Seduction Stat – either Beauty, Cool, Cute, Smart, or Tough. A Pokemon wearing one of those receives a bonus d6 when trying to seduce someone with the appropriate stat, regardless if they're of that type or not - $1000

Stealth Clothes - Whether it’s a dark cloak and hood, a ninja suit, or spy gear, these clothes help you blend in. This body-slot equipment helps you remain unseen. - $2000

Dark Vision Goggles - These Goggles simply grant the Darkvision Capability while worn. - $1,000

Gas Mask - Gas Masks are invaluable equipment when trying to breathe in toxic environments or heavy smoke. They not only let you breathe through environmental toxins or smoke, but you become immune to the Moves Rage Powder, Poison Gas, Poisonpowder, Sleep Powder, Smog, Smokescreen, Spore, Stun Spore, and Sweet Scent. - $1,500

Helmet - The user gains 15-45 Damage Reduction against critical hits. The user resists the Moves Headbutt and Zen Headbutt and can’t be flinched by these Moves. - $2250

Re-Breather This small partial face mask allows Pokémon to breathe underwater as if they had the Gills for up to an hour. The Re-Breather is refilled automatically in 5 minutes while in open air. - $4000

Glue Cannon - Glue Cannons are exactly what you expect; This two-handed Equipment piece is a hand-held cannon that launches globs of glue. Attacking with a Glue Cannon expends a charge, which must be purchased. The attack is an AC8 Status Attack. If it hits, the target is Stunned. On a critical hit, the target is totally immobilized. The Glue Cannon and three charge packets cost $3000, and additional charge packets costs $100.

Hand Net - A long net, usually on the end of a long stick, these pieces of two-handed Equipment are usually used for bug catching or fishing. As an AC6 Status Attack, you may attempt to net a Small Pokémon using this item. If you hit, you manage to scoop up the Pokémon, trapping them. You may move with the Pokémon, dragging them with you. Pokémon may still attack from the Hand Net using long-range attacks, or try to attack the net itself, potentially breaking it and freeing themselves. Hand Nets with 50 Hit Points cost $100; 100 Hit Points cost $600; and 200 Hit Points cost $1500. Nets aren’t broken until all of their Hit Points are depleted.

Weighted Nets - Weighted Nets are foldable nets used for trapping Pokémon. These two-handed nets, when Equipped, can be thrown at a target as a Standard Action, as a Status Attack with an AC of 8. While a Pokémon is netted, you may pull on the rope attached to the Net to pull the Pokémon. Pokémon hit by a weighted net become immobilized as long as the net remains and cannot use Sky or Levitate except to safely lower themselves back to the ground. A Pokémon may attack the Net to attempt to break free. Weighted Nets with 50 Hit Points cost $500; 80 Hit Points cost $850; and 150 Hit Points cost $1200.

Big Root - HP stealing moves restore double HP. - $1000

Bright Powder +2 to Speed Evasion. - $2000

Fashion Clothes While wearing these clothes if you roll 5 or lower on a seduction check, you can roll again. - $3000

Expert Belt Whenever the holder deals Super Effective Damage, they deal an additional 5 damage (this damage is not multiplied). - $3500

Flame Orb Can be tossed to set someone on fire. AC5 - $3800

Focus Band Whenever the user reaches 0 HP, roll 1d20. On a result of 16-20, the holder does not faint, and is left with 1HP. - $4700

Focus Sash If damage from a Move would take Focus Sash’s holder’s HP from Max to 0 or less, Focus Sash’s holder instead has 1 HP remaining. - $4700

Go-Goggles The user does not take damage from Sandstorm. - $1500

Bola Throwing weapon of AC4. The target’s speed is halved, and any immunity to Ground Type is lost. - $900

King’s Rock Attacks cause Flinch on a roll of 19-20. - $2500

Lax Incense +1 to all Stat Evasions. - $2000

Life Orb Whenever the holder deals direct damage, increase the damage by +5, and then the holder loses Hit Points equal to 1/16th of their Max Hit Points. - $3700

Luck Incense Grants +1 Bonus to all Accuracy Rolls. A roll of 1 always misses. - $1800

Quick Claw The user adds +10 to their Initiative. - $4200

Razor Claw The holder’s damaging attacks have their Critical Hit Range extended by +1. - $3000

Razor Fang The holder’s damaging attacks cause an Injury on a roll of 19+. - $3000

Safety Goggles The holder is immune to damage from Weather conditions and to Moves with the Powder Keyword. - $4000

Shell Bell Whenever the user damages a foe, they heal 1/8th of their Max Hit Points as Temporary Hit Points. - $5200

Shock Collar Comes with a remote activator, which when pressed, causes the Pokémon wearing the shock collar to lose Hit Points equal to 1/6th of their Max Hit Points. Collars that work on Ground Type Pokémon are available for an additional $500. - $3500

Toxic Orb Can be thrown to Poison a target. AC5 - $4800

Type Boosters These items come in a variety of each of the Elemental Types, and grants a +5 Damage Bonus to all direct damage Moves of its Specific Type when performed by the user. - $1800

Type Brace These items come in a variety of each of the Elemental Types, and grant the holder 15 Damage Reduction against that specific Type. - $2000

Winter Cloak The user does not take damage from Hail. - $1500


http://www.ptu.panda-games.net/moves.php To check out moves, their accuracy checks, damages, effects and so on.
http://www.ptu.panda-games.net/poke_info.php To check out your Pokemon's Starting Stats, moves they can learn and so on.
http://www.serebii.net/ Good for looking up Pokemon and information on them.
http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Main_Page Good for looking up Pokemon and information on them.
http://www.ptu.panda-games.net/stathelp.php Having trouble setting up your character's stats? Use this! (Note, use the Random option or, at the very least, be sure to put things slowly, this thing is prone to glitching out.)
Last edited by Nicoffee on Fri Aug 26, 2016 8:00 pm, edited 9 times in total.
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Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Wanton Wanderlust

Postby Nicoffee » Fri Apr 01, 2016 5:27 pm




Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Name: Clefine
Species: Clefairy
Level: 13
Subspecies: Anthro
Gender: Female
Biography: Clefine is researching the Aphrodisikon virus. She studied medicine and immunology at Claw Town University, and has been assigned by her new employer, Blissey Medical Labs, to join an Explorer Team to do field research, and either find or help develop either a cure or an immunization. She looks forward to the assignment, both out of interest in the virus and because she is eager to hone her combat skills, which grew stagnant during her studies.

Dazzling Gleam
Dream Eater
Defense Curl

Nature: Quiet (+Sp.Atk.,-Speed)

HP: (7) + 5 = 12
ATK: (5) + 3 = 8
DEF: (5) + 4 = 9
SP.ATK: (7) + 4 = 11
SP.DEF: (7) + 4 = 11
SPE: (3) + 3 = 6


Style: Smart

Cool: -2
Tough: 2
Beauty: -3
Smart: 2
Cute: 1

-Big Root
-Fancy Clothes (Smart)


Clothes-Wearing practical, professional clothing: a simple skirt and blouse, low heels, and glasses. Also has a lab coat that she wears when appropriate. The blouse is cut to expose her wings, the coat is not, but both allow her tail to poke through. She also carries reading glasses, usually stored in a sturdy case unless she is studying something.

Voice-She has a beautiful singing voice, and is able to NOT put others to sleep when she sings unless she is trying (singing instead of using Sing).

Spoiler (click to show/hide):



Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Name: Puupal
Species: Mankey
Level: 5
Subspecies: Anthro
Gender: Female
Biography: Puupal has been living alone in her cave for most of her natural life. She can't remember where she was born or where she came from, all she knows is she hatched from her egg in her cave. Mayhaps it was hidden there, mayhaps it feel from a hole or got washed into the cave. She didn't know, and she didn't care. All she cared about was her cave. Unfortunately her cave was quickly filled up with overly horny rock and ground type pokemon, forcing her to leave it entirely. Like all the other refugees, she made her way to Claw Town to hopefully find a way to get her cave back.


- Low Kick
- Scratch
- Focus Energy

Nature: Rash (+SP.ATK, -SP.DEF)


HP: (4) + 1 = 5
ATK: (8) + 10 = 18
DEF: (4) + 1 = 5
SP.ATK: (5) + 1 = 6
SP.DEF: (4) + 1 = 5
SPE:(7) + 1 = 8


Style: Tough


Cool: -1
Tough: -2
Beauty: 0
Smart: -1
Cute: 4

- 0 Pokédollars
- Hand Net(50HP) x2
- Luck Incense +1 to Accuracy Rolls

Ashton 10% Taint

Spoiler (click to show/hide):



Name: Ashton
Species: Vulpix
Level: 14
Subspecies: Anthro
Gender: Male
Biography: Ashton has never known a place where he felt he belonged. Even amongst his own family where he is just the youngest of his parents many kids. In order to find a place he could feel wanted he has spent much of his life wandering the land. He has mostly stayed out of trouble and the news of the outbreak did not change his mind, so he quickly fled to claw town in search of the safety the notice promised it could provide.


Baby Doll Eyes
Fire Spin
Flame Charge
Quick Attack

Nature: Timid(+Speed/-Attack)

(3)Special Attack:(5)+6=11
(2)Special Defense:(7)+4=11
Style: Cute


2000 pokedollars

Thornton 5% Taint

Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Name: Thorton "Twiggy"
Species: Chespin
Level: 13
Subspecies: Anthro
Gender: Male
Biography: Thorton is the kind of individual that enjoys living life on the open road. A carefree naturist, he comes and goes with the wind, heading off to wherever it takes him and exploring the globe he lives on. Nothing he seems to get in the way, with him taking up the mindset that conflict can be avoided and simply sidestepped to focus on other needs. He also prefers the method of making friends, either by friendly conversation or having a wild nightly romp. Doesn't matter, as long as there are smiles to be had and Thorton has a good time in the process. Although he has run into trouble due to his lack of clothes, outside of the occasional accessories he gets, he never minds that he enjoys being free of restriction and be how he was when he came into this world. So when he finally learned the life of an explorer, Thorton took it upon himself to use this as a way to branch out further, meet all sorts of new Pokemon and check out what else the world has to offer!


- Tackle
- Vine Whip
- Quick Guard
- Rollout

Nature: Relaxed (+Defense/-Speed)

HP: (6) + 5 = 11
ATK: (6) + 4 = 10
DEF: (9) + 7 = 16
SP. ATK: (5) + 1 = 6
SP. DEF: (5) + 4 = 9
SPEED: (2) + 2 = 4


Style: Tough

Cool: -2
Tough: -1
Beauty: 1
Smart: 1
Cute: 1

- $750
- Dark Vision Goggles

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Name: Aeryn
Species: Ralts
Level: 15
Subspecies: Gijinka
Gender: Female
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Biography: Aeryn never actually knew what exactly she wanted to do with her life. She went from continent to continent doing the odd job and teaming up with the local crew, but she always ended up leaving to the next wandering grounds. Soon, she realized that she loved being an explorer (and a little rescue work was always a part of that), but there wasn't something that could every seem to keep her around. That was until she discovered the situation of Claw Town. She then decided to stick around, since it was all too interesting...

Dazzling Gleam
Double Team

Nature: Modest (+Sp.A/-Attack)


HP: (3)+3=6
ATK: (1)+2=3
DEF: (3)+3=6
SP.ATK: (7)+8=15
SP.DEF: (4)+6=10




Cool: 1
Tough: 1
Beauty: -2
Smart: -2
Cute: 2

- 1250 Pokédollars

Victor 1% Taint
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Name: Victor
Species: Tyrunt
Level: 14
Subspecies: Gijinka
Gender: Male

Biography: Victor was raised by his father, the leader of a large pack of reptilian and draconic pokemon of all types, in the belief that the strong get what they want and that to be the best, you have to be the strongest, never allow yourself to become weak. The young Tyrunt agreed wholeheartedly with this thought, it got him everything he could want amoung his pack, underlings in the form of those stronger then him, sexual partners in those his father hadn't claimed who could be brought to submission. It was a good life. Until some fool contracted Aphrodisikon in the pack that quickly spread. Soon, only a handful of the once mighty pack remained unaffected. Not wanting his heir to become a mindless beast incapable of leading, Victor's father sent the young boy to Claw Town as quickly as possible so that he may try and assist in the destruction of the epidemic as quickly as possible


- Tackle
- Roar
- Bite
- Stomp
- Bide

Nature: Naughty (Atk+/Sp.Def-)

Stats Base
HP (6) + 7 = 13
Atk (11) + 6 = 17
Def (8)+ 5 = 13
SpAtk (5)
SpDef (3)+ 1 = 4
Speed (5) + 5 = 10


Style: Tough


Cool: 0
Tough: -2
Beauty: 1
Smart: 0
Cute: 1

- 2000 Pokédollars


Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Name: Cotton
Species: Lopunny
Level: 13
Subspecies: Anthro
Gender: Female
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Biography: Cotton grew up in a farming village that exported a number of crops of artisan goods across the Mist Continent. For most of her life Cotton was a bit adventurous, getting excited when she finds a new place to explore. She often kept up with new on the Explorers, fascinated by their stories and what they do; exploring new amazing places and helping out Pokémon in need. It wasn't long till Cotton decided she'll also become an explorer and fortunately for Cotton her friends and family supported her. Hearing the news about the virus breaking out Cotton felt that now is the best time to join them now that the Continent is in a time of need. She heads out before the rest of her village evacuates, wanting to join and help as soon as she could.


-Dizzy Punch

Nature: Adamant - +1 ATK, -1 SP.ATK


HP: (7) + 3 = 10
ATK: (8) + 3+1 = 12
DEF: (8) + 2 = 11
SP.ATK: (5) + 1-1 = 5
SP.DEF: (10) +3 = 13
SPE:(11) + 3 = 14

Style: Beauty/Cute


Cool: 1
Tough: 2
Beauty: 0
Smart: -1
Cute: -2

-2000 Poké

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Name: Fe the Maiden
Species: Kefki
Level: 13
Subspecies: Gijinka
Gender: Female

Biography: Fe is about as clingy and protective as any Kefki can get. She’s not one to go against those who like to express their love openly (like she often does), but the disease that’s been going around has not been a good thing in her eyes. A few of her own family has been attacked by some infected pokemon, and while she was able to defend her family, her twin brother Iro was infected and sent to a quarantine zone. Fe, completely distraught over losing her other half (as well as her best cuddle buddy), thought of ways of dealing with the situation, even considering breaking him out of the quarantine zone and just occupying his attention herself. Eventually, she decided to head to Claw Town, hearing that it was the forefront for the battle against the disease, hoping to find a cure herself and get her brother back.


Flash Cannon
Light Screen
Metal Sound

Nature: Cuddly (+HP, -Atk)

HP: (7) + 4 = 11
ATK: (7) + 0= 7
DEF: (9) + 5 = 14
SP.ATK: (8) + 5 = 13
SP.DEF: (9) + 5 = 14
SPE: (8) + 4 = 12


Style: Tough/Cute

Cool: -3
Tough: -3
Beauty: 2
Smart: 2
Cute: 2

Fire Brace- +15 Damage Reduction against Fire damage

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Name: Glori
Species: Starly
Level: 13
Subspecies: Gijinka
Gender: Girl
Biography: A hotheaded perfectionist who strives to be the strongest battler there is. She is horrified of the virus because of how it destroyed the careers of her peers in training. She wants to avoid succumbing to similar fate by trying to put an end to it.
1: Wing Attack
2: Quick Attack
3: Growl
4: Double Team

Nature: Adamant (+Atk, -Sp. Atk)
-HP: (4)
-ATK: (7) + 11 = 14
-DEF: (3)
-SP.ATK: (3)
-SP.DEF: (2)
-SPD: (6) + 12 = 14

Style: Cool

Cool: 2
Tough: 2
Beauty: 1
Smart: -3
Cute: -2

-Bright Powder (+2 to Speed Evasion)
-0 Pokédollars

Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Name: Lavender
Species: Duskull
Level: 10
Subspecies: Gijinka
Gender: Girl
Appearance: Image
Biography: Often considered clumsy, quirky and weird, Lavender has often drifted around from place to place, struggling to fit in. She holds a curious interest in other people as well as a desire to be playfully mischievous, if only to try and connect with people, however over time these aspects of her have been shrouded by her shy and timid nature, developed as a result of how often she is rejected by society. Still, with a growing disaster brewing in the Aphrodisikon spreading and, figuring that it would the most useful thing she might ever be allowed to do, Lavender decides to go to join a rescue team and help out how she can.


- Night Shade
- Disable
- Foresight

Nature: Timid (+Speed, -Attack)

HP: (2) + 0 = 2
ATK: (4) +1 -1 = 4
DEF: (9) + 6 = 15
SP.ATK: (3) + 1 = 4
SP.DEF: (9) + 6 = 15
SPE: (3) + 6 +1 = 10


Style: Smart


Cool: 0
Tough: 1
Beauty: 0
Smart: -1
Cute: 0

Stealth Clothes

Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Name: Perseus (aka Percy)
Species: Nidoran ♂
Level: 10
Subspecies: Gijinka
Gender: male

Biography: Perseus was born to a Nidoqueen and Seviper couple who were disgustingly lovey-dovey with each other. Being the youthful young man he was, Perseus decided he needed to get out of the oppressively sweet atmosphere of his home. Exploring the world a bit, he found he enjoyed battling and training a great deal though helping people who didn't have the strength themselves was something that brought him the most satisfaction. Hearing of the Aphrodisikon crisis, Perseus moved on, deciding that he could do some good and maybe even give the smarter folks the time and info they needed to help solve this biological problem.


Moves: Poison Tail, Peck, Leer

Nature: Brave (Attack+, Speed-)

HP 5 + 6 = 11 (43 HP total)
Atk 7 + 5 = 12
Def 4 + 6 = 10
SpAtk 4 + 0 = 4
SpDef 4 + 2 = 6
Speed 4 + 1 = 5


Style: Tough


Cool: 0
Tough: -1
Beauty: +1
Smart: -1
Cute: +1


Psychic Brace (+15 DR versus psychic type)
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Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Wanton Wanderlust

Postby VintageBass » Fri Apr 01, 2016 5:30 pm

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Name: Thorton "Twiggy"
Species: Chespin
Level: 5
Subspecies: Anthro
Gender: Male
Biography: Thorton is the kind of individual that enjoys living life on the open road. A carefree naturist, he comes and goes with the wind, heading off to wherever it takes him and exploring the globe he lives on. Nothing he seems to get in the way, with him taking up the mindset that conflict can be avoided and simply sidestepped to focus on other needs. He also prefers the method of making friends, either by friendly conversation or having a wild nightly romp. Doesn't matter, as long as there are smiles to be had and Thorton has a good time in the process. Although he has run into trouble due to his lack of clothes, outside of the occasional accessories he gets, he never minds that he enjoys being free of restriction and be how he was when he came into this world. So when he finally learned the life of an explorer, Thorton took it upon himself to use this as a way to branch out further, meet all sorts of new Pokemon and check out what else the world has to offer!


- Tackle
- Vine Whip
- Quick Guard

Nature: Relaxed (+Defense/-Speed)

HP: (6) + 5 = 11
ATK: (6) + 2 = 8
DEF: (9) + 4 = 13
SP. ATK: (5) + 0 = 5
SP. DEF: (5) + 2 = 7
SPEED: (2) + 2 = 4


Style: Tough

Cool: -2
Tough: -1
Beauty: 1
Smart: 1
Cute: 1

- $1,000
- Dark Vision Goggles
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Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Wanton Wanderlust (OOC)

Postby Nobudi » Fri Apr 01, 2016 6:19 pm

This is... scary good, but a part of me wonders where's the April fool's coming in...

But, if it isn't, my sheet might come over.
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Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Wanton Wanderlust (OOC)

Postby Soru » Fri Apr 01, 2016 6:25 pm

I'll have my sheet in later tonight when I have enough time to work on it.

Do we have any restrictions on species besides no legendaries? Like can we use evolved Pokémon?
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Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Wanton Wanderlust (OOC)

Postby VintageBass » Fri Apr 01, 2016 7:23 pm

Nobudi Wrote:This is... scary good, but a part of me wonders where's the April fool's coming in...

It's just coincidental that this popped up today. This has been planned out for a couple of days and... well, I did may have a hand in this in mostly going how detailed everything...

So really, there's nothing too much to worry about in terms of pranking peeps.
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Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Wanton Wanderlust (OOC)

Postby Nicoffee » Fri Apr 01, 2016 7:35 pm

Soru Wrote:I'll have my sheet in later tonight when I have enough time to work on it.

Do we have any restrictions on species besides no legendaries? Like can we use evolved Pokémon?

You may use evolved Pokemon if the evolution happens via stone. If the evolution needs levels to happen, no.

This is... scary good, but a part of me wonders where's the April fool's coming in...

But, if it isn't, my sheet might come over.

I was going to make all of the links in the Useful Links section lead to George Benson's "Turn your love around" if you just clicked them as a prank, but I couldn't get the links to work right, so no pranks here, I'm afraid.
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Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Wanton Wanderlust (OOC)

Postby c-war » Fri Apr 01, 2016 8:49 pm

This sounds like fun. I would love to join in!

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I think that should be it. Let me know if I need more.
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Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Wanton Wanderlust (OOC)

Postby VintageBass » Fri Apr 01, 2016 9:13 pm

c-war Wrote:This sounds like fun. I would love to join in!

Spoiler (click to show/hide):


I think that should be it. Let me know if I need more.

O.o ... Uh, you can post it normally here in the site instead of doing it as a Word document...

Eh, whatever, it works... I hope. Wait, how does one be not anthro, yet not gijinka? That reference pic is clearly an anthro!
(This could be a way to help boost posts to make it easier for me to not approve your posts once you're in the RP)
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Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Wanton Wanderlust (OOC)

Postby Nicoffee » Fri Apr 01, 2016 9:19 pm

...First time I get a sheet through a DocX document, I half expected a prank within :v Your profile looks good! I'll put it up in the Accepted List.

Oh. Actually, c-war, I just realized, you didn't put in the Nature bonuses on your sheet. I'll add it in for you in the list above, but let me know if you want to fiddle with the numbers.
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Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Wanton Wanderlust (OOC)

Postby Soru » Fri Apr 01, 2016 9:47 pm

Can we use evolved Pokémon that evolve through happiness like Lucario and Lopunny?
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Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Wanton Wanderlust (OOC)

Postby Nicoffee » Fri Apr 01, 2016 9:52 pm

Can we use evolved Pokémon that evolve through happiness like Lucario and Lopunny?

Go for it. Just keep in mind, you'll have a little bit of a stat advantage over the other folks, now I'm not taking that advantage away, but this also means I'm gonna throw stuff that's a little bit rougher on you earlier on.

I mean, taking Buneary and Lopunny as examples.
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Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Wanton Wanderlust (OOC)

Postby Soru » Fri Apr 01, 2016 10:00 pm

Right. Mainly I just wanted to use my Lopunny anthro. I'll keep that in mind then.
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Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Wanton Wanderlust (OOC)

Postby c-war » Fri Apr 01, 2016 10:03 pm

VintageBass: Sorry, still getting used to the forum. I've been a lurker for a long time, finally registered and started posting.
As far as the anthro-gijinka thing, it seemed like the description of the two was referring to the state of mind when it says "animalistic and feral" about Anthros. Does that make sense? The picture is accurate, my words less so, now that I've re-read the description.

Nescafe: Ok, thanks. I wasn't sure what to do with that, whether the bonuses were before or after. You've changed them the way that I envisioned it.
Also, a question for you: Are we using Abilities at all? If so, I'd love to have Magic Guard, at least, but no worries if we're not.
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Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Wanton Wanderlust (OOC)

Postby Nicoffee » Fri Apr 01, 2016 10:11 pm

c-war Wrote:Nescafe: Ok, thanks. I wasn't sure what to do with that, whether the bonuses were before or after. You've changed them the way that I envisioned it.
Also, a question for you: Are we using Abilities at all? If so, I'd love to have Magic Guard, at least, but no worries if we're not.

Not directly, for the sake of my sanity. While the original PTU system does have Abilities considered and how they should work, a lot of them are a lot more focused on combat envisioned in a combat grid, for tabletop gaming. Which means I'd have to rework them for stuff that better suits the forum RP format. I'll keep each character's natural abilities in mind while I'm posting, however, and I'll take them into account, when relevant.
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Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Wanton Wanderlust (OOC)

Postby VintageBass » Fri Apr 01, 2016 10:12 pm

c-war Wrote:VintageBass: Sorry, still getting used to the forum. I've been a lurker for a long time, finally registered and started posting.
As far as the anthro-gijinka thing, it seemed like the description of the two was referring to the state of mind when it says "animalistic and feral" about Anthros. Does that make sense? The picture is accurate, my words less so, now that I've re-read the description.

For the most part it's fine. It's just we rarely see something like that... or even, at all! If you check like the other OOCs here, you'll see pretty much everyone posts their sheets right on the forums. On the plus side it still works... the downside is when it comes to editing things you need to reupload the sheet and since you're still new I have to approve of the edits (not to the document, just your post)

Yeah usually when it comes to Anthros, it's usually an animal (this case a Pokemon) that has a human body while retaining their basic characteristics, right down to fur and what not. So your image is pretty much a full on Anthro.

c-war Wrote:Also, a question for you: Are we using Abilities at all? If so, I'd love to have Magic Guard, at least, but no worries if we're not.

Good question. Is it off the PTU system or go with the game's, and if so, HA or no? ...

Nevermind. Question answered.
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Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Wanton Wanderlust (OOC)

Postby cryosabre » Fri Apr 01, 2016 10:23 pm

*Waves* Mind if I leave this here?

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Rikku, unlike many of her species, had always preferred to be out exploring in the wilderness rather than cooped up in some big town or city bored out of her mind. The feeling of absolute freedom that exploring some overgrown forest or searching for treasure deep inside a forgot cave brought to the young Meowth was just too good to miss and she quickly envisioned herself, quite happily, doing that for the rest of her life. Unfortunately for Rikku however, her life of curious exploration was cut short when she was confined to Claw Town after the Aphrodisikon disease began making it's way around the Mist Continent, infecting indiscriminately and even turning some of her friends and acquaintances into seemingly mindless beasts with a single thought on their now-feral minds - her body. It was after only two days of living in the city that Rikku almost cried in joy when she found out the Explorer Team was looking for new members! Without a second thought, Rikku sprinted to the Explorer headquarters as fast as her feline legs could carry her to sign up, an impossibly wide grin on her face at the thought of getting her first assignment and once again being allowed to go out and explore the outside world...and get paid for it too!


- Scratch
- Bite
-Fury Swipes

Curious (SP. ATK+ / HP-)


HP: (4) + 2 = 6
ATK: (5) + 4 = 10
DEF: (4) + 1 = 5
SP.ATK: (4) + 1 = 5
SP.DEF: (4) + 1 = 5
SPE:(9) + 6 = 15




Cool: 1
Tough: -2
Beauty: 1
Smart: 1
Cute: -1

- 2000 Pokédollars
Who needs Skyrim when you have Oblivion?! - Pugna
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Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Wanton Wanderlust (OOC)

Postby Firehead » Fri Apr 01, 2016 10:26 pm

Spoiler (click to show/hide):



Name: Ashton
Species: Vulpix
Level: 5
Subspecies: Anthro
Gender: Male
Biography: Ashton has never known a place where he felt he belonged. Even amongst his own family where he is just the youngest of his parents many kids. In order to find a place he could feel wanted he has spent much of his life wandering the land. He has mostly stayed out of trouble and the news of the outbreak did not change his mind, so he quickly fled to claw town in search of the safety the notice promised it could provide.


Tail Whip

Nature: Timid(+Speed/-Attack)

(3)Special Attack:(5)+4=9
(2)Special Defense:(7)+2=9

Style: Cute


2000 pokedollars
Joined: Sat Aug 23, 2014 8:19 pm

Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Wanton Wanderlust (OOC)

Postby Nicoffee » Fri Apr 01, 2016 10:36 pm

Looks dandy, both of you. I'll put you guys in the Accepted Character List. At this rate, I think I'll get an opening post by tomorrow or by later today.
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Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Wanton Wanderlust (OOC)

Postby CrimsonNutcase37 » Fri Apr 01, 2016 11:09 pm

I love PTU, lemme finish this char sheet and I'll put it up
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