Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.09 (4/18/12)

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Which character is your favorite so far?

Emilia (Warrior)
Rhiannon (Berserker)
Irine (Priest)
Cesca (Thief)
Thyme (Sage)
Lanie (Magician)
Sairyn (Martial Artist)
Asella (Paladin)
Total votes : 1714

Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.04 (8/27/1

Postby KITAmaru » Mon Aug 29, 2011 7:27 pm

Tentacles? Bestiality? That can definitely be done to some extent with the mods I currently have.
I can't say that the sticking cum idea has been brought up in this particular thread, unless I missed it somehow. It would be much more difficult to implement here than in say, Flash because I'd have to create additional branches / pages just to have the cum version and the clean one. Sure, it's not difficult to render in 3DCG, but with that many branches, I may as well make new scenes altogether, I'd say, and it'd only be a tiny bit more work (poses usually don't take me more than 30 minutes for each one).
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.04 (8/27/1

Postby LexRage77 » Mon Aug 29, 2011 7:35 pm

The first time I've seen the horse (after the Chamber )my reaction was: yes ! Bestiality. :mrgreen:
Too bad for me :mrgreen:
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.04 (8/27/1

Postby Lucky777 » Mon Aug 29, 2011 7:39 pm

I'm all for there being some mindbreak game-over rooms, for those with that fetish, long as we can see 'em coming, and thus know to save beforehand/avoid those particular rooms if we're interested in keeping on with the game.

Also a very vigourous supporter of the non game-over tentacle and bestiality areas at some point in the game.

P'raps you could make another thread for the scene poll? I don't know the forum's policy on that kind of thing, but it might be a handy thing to have going, so you know what scenes are most popular, and you don't have to count votes in posts. Regardless of how you resolve that issue, my votes are so totally for the twins scene and the gargoyle scene. For the twins, I just want an unfocused "MOAR" sort of thing, because fuck yes. (Maybe a second scene for if you talk to them again?) For the gargoyle scene I was hoping for an option to enjoy it - though you're probably not going to be able to have low enough purity at that time for the option to show up in the first place.

I guess I'd save one or two of the 5 gargoyles for later, after I'd come out of the chambers, or something.

: O
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.04 (8/27/1

Postby KITAmaru » Mon Aug 29, 2011 8:18 pm

Maybe, or I can think about changing the character popularity poll since it's not moving anymore; though part of me wants to keep it in order to observe changing trends as more is revealed about the character; notice the spike in Irine's popularity after 0.03 after being the least favorite character for a while. I can't help but credit that to the revelation that she used to uh... click her mouse several times a day.
Gargoyles always a possibility; after all, someone IS actively summoning them.

And don't worry, I will try to make a relatively obvious warning or choice before insta game over h-scenes, so that the player has no one to blame but themselves. ;p

Edit: I do have a horse mod lined up, but he just looks...
Weird. Like, disturbingly weird. But I'll tinker with it sometime and see what it can do. Also, female vampires, catgirls, etc. a possibility as they are easy enough to do in 3DCG.

As for the slave attendant, I was planning on adding that you could ...turn the tables on her at some point in a future patch.

This might disappoint a few, but I'm going to write some unique H-scenes for certain characters only; as in, you might see it for Lanie but no one else. This is because it may generally be with a character that the other PCs don't have the same kind of relations with due to their history and such. This makes it easier on me and also puts an incentive to play every character.

The only guy I likely won't revisit is the first sentry, since your Purity can't possibly be low enough to enjoy the very first enemy. I did, however, go back and recenter all the pics for now, and changed all the boxes back to blue in my current version, since people have the F8 option now.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.04 (8/27/1

Postby KPD27 » Mon Aug 29, 2011 11:14 pm

KITAmaru Wrote:Hmm, interesting. Is it an RGSS102E.dll error? That one seems to be the most common.
If not, do other RPG Maker VX games work when you try to run them?

And what version did you start receiving errors, 0.04?
The only other thing I can think of are the scripts I have--the Character Selection script has been there since the very beginning. In Version 0.03, I added the Resolution Change and Battlebacks script. 0.04 added the Hide Text Box script, which in itself shouldn't cause any startup errors...
If you can figure out the last version that worked for you, that'd be great so I can find out exactly what changed.

After completely uninstalling and reinstalling RPGVX it started working again, so it must have been a problem with the .dll file. The initial problem occured in the last update *before* 0.04.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.04 (8/27/1

Postby jikkplo » Tue Aug 30, 2011 2:38 am

I'm having an issue though it might be with the RTP seeing as it happens in other games of the same RPG Maker type

on the character select screen, I can't scroll right, only left, and when actually playing it's as if I'm holding the right arrow key down the whole time
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.04 (8/27/1

Postby KITAmaru » Tue Aug 30, 2011 2:46 am

...Weird. Yes, it's definitely an RTP thing. You can try reinstalling the runtime package, simply downloading the full trial version, OR...
Once the game is open, hit F1 (in-game options menu), go to the tab that changes which keys do what, and see if you can't try a different keyset if your arrow keys are being goofy--try W, A, S and D, for example.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.04 (8/27/1

Postby jikkplo » Tue Aug 30, 2011 2:58 am

I'll give that a shot, though I recently cleared out my downloads so I no longer have the RTP installer, I'll grab it off the first post in a moment
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.04 (8/27/1

Postby Kuragari » Tue Aug 30, 2011 5:13 am

KITAmaru has given me permission to put this up. I wrote this up after KITAmaru said he wasn't sure if he could write a tentacle scene (or some wording variation of that sort).

Anyways, he liked it, and so I am putting it up for your enjoyment....erm...Enjoy? :D


*This scene assumes that the player loses against said tentacle monster in battle*

Irine opened the door, her weapon raised as she stepped past the entrance. After everything she had dealt with in this place, she had learned to always be ready to strike. Part of her was sickened by the men that roamed the halls, and part of her was sickened that she had been forced to end so many people's lives.

Still, despite being prepared for another room full of slaves being fucked, or another chamber filled with bandits, she was unprepared for this room.

Stepping in further, she noticed that the room was slowly begining to grow lighter. She could see the walls and parts of the floor around her moving, almost slithering. At first she thought it was some sort of illusion, but then as the room continued to grow lighter, she could see that they were indeed moving.

She paled. They didn't look like snakes, which she knew she could handle. No,...this room had the same feeling about them as those Gargoyles. There was something wrong with them...something unnatural. Nevertheless, she felt compelled to check the room out. For all she knew, the princess could be somewhere in this chamber, under some drug or spell induced sleep.

Walking along the open path before her, she suddenly noticed that the floor seemed to be slimy. It hadn't been a second ago. And the air smelled...odd. She couldn't exactly tell what it smelled like, but it was unlike anything she had ever smelt before. The smell even seemed to grow stronger as she drew closer to the center of the room, where she was finally able to see something.

That something was a writhing pillar, made up of the strange...vines she guessed. It was also the source of most of the light in the room, and the smell seemed to be at its strongest near her. As she approached it, she started feeling lightheaded. She shook her head, trying to clear it as she reminded herself You have to keep focused...for your sake and the princesses

As she did that though, she heard a deep laugh echo around her. She swung her eyes across the entire room as she tried to find the source of it. Whatever was the source laughed again, and this time, spoke. "It has been some time...since I've had anyone come in here...hahahah..."

She had been facing towards the door, but the voice had come from behind her. She whirled her head, and was surprised to see a large golden eye gazing at her from the center of the pillar of vines. It gazed at her hungrily, eyeing her large chest and the space between her thighs. Even after all the things she had witnessed and endured in this place, she still covered those spots as the creature gazed at them. It laughed at her embarrasment as it said " You will not need those things my see, in this room, they'd only get in the way...hahahahah..."

Realization dawned on her, and she brought up her weapon, ready to fend off any attempt by this creature, but she wasn't fast enough. Her actions were sluggish, and her head had started to spin. A vine shot out and snapped the weapon away, while another sped towards her wrist. She turned to try and avoid it, and did so only by slipping and falling on the floor. Her face smacked into the slimy and writhing floor, and she got a taste of what it was that was covering it. This discovery caused her to spit up what she had swallowed and try to wipe the rest of her face; it was a thin layer of cum.

Once again, the creature laughed at her actions as she tried to get up and make her way towards the exit. "Ah ah ah, can't have that now can we?" It said as the door swung shut, slamming with a loud click that sent horror swimming through her. Seconds later, she shrieked as vines shot out and snagged her wrists and ankles, pulling her up and into the air and closer to the creature. Once again, its eye was gazing at her, taking its time this time as it studied her erotic body. She tried to break free, but it was impossible in her state. She now knew what it was that had made her so weak. The monster was releasing some kind of drug or hormone into the air, and it had rendered her incapable of resistance.

"Ah...yes, the bandits picked well this time...I shall enjoy your body a great deal...and so shall you enjoy my tentacles!"

She shrieked as several tentacles shot out, removing her clothes with swift tugs, until she wore nothing. After this, the tentacles began to slither along her body, teasing and caressing her as they searched out her erogenous zones. She squirmed in disgust and embrassment as her body reacted to their actions. She could already begin to feel her pussy flowing with her juices as one of the tentacles began to tease her clitoris. She tried unsuccessfully to hold back a moan, but her body betrayed her as it escaped her lips. This only encouraged the creature, who sent two tentacles to tease her breasts and nipples. Soon she was moaning without thinking, despite her continued pleas for the creature to stop. As it teased her, her body began to tense and her back began to arch as she neared climax, and she sent a silent prayer to god asking Please, not with this creature.

It seemed for a moment as if her prayer had been answered, as the tentacles stopped for a moment. But then she heard the creature say, amusement and lust in its voice, "Now, my tasty treat...time for the real fun."

Without warning, a tentacle shot out and forced its way through her mouth. She gagged as it began to deep throat her, coughing several times as it continued its pace. But it wasn't done yet. The tentacles around her breasts resumed their teasing, as did the one above her clit. But another one positioned itself next to her pussy, which was now overflowing with her juices. She tried to scream out, to tell it not to go any further, but it penetrated her in a flash as it dashed inside. The combinations of its earlier foreplay, combined with the caresses and the tentacle forcing its way down her throat, sent her into a climax as her body ceased up. Her mind went white for several seconds, but this didn't stop the creature. It simply roared with laughter as it continued to enjoy itself.

Her mind cleared a bit, but the climax had not been given much of chance to cool down, as it had continued to fuck her. She stopped trying to plea vocally, but she repeated over and over again in her mind Please let it stop...please Lord let it stop...I won't be able to hold up if it keeps this up...Despite this, moans escpaed her mouth each time it hit her G-spot, and she had yet to notice that the tentacle in her mouth was no longer doing all the work. Her body was simply reacting to the work of the tentacles.

"Hehehahaha...well now, I think its time for your first true taste of my seed. Get ready!" Her eyes widened when she heard this, and she renewed her squirming against the bonds as she tried to shake her head. But her resistance had no effect as it sent its seed rushing into her mouth and pussy. As it made its way into her body, she convulsed again as she climaxed a 2nd time. This orgasm was longer, and she nearly felt like she was in bliss. There was still a part of her that was resisting, but its voice had grown softer in her head.

The tentacle pulled itself from her mouth for a moment as it gave her a load on her face. This time, she felt herself swallowing the cum in her mouth willingly, swirling some of it in her mouth as she tasted it. It...Its so warm...and salty...I should hate this...and yet... The creature laughed at her reaction as it said "That was only round 1 my pretty. Here comes Round 2, DING DING!!"

The tentacle residing inside her resumed moving in and out of her, and she didn't bother to hold back the moans as it resumed hitting her G-Spot. This time, it even teased her, pulling nearly all the way out before slamming back into her G-spot. The tentacle that had sprayed her face moved to sit between her breasts as it began to move back and forth.

As it did this, she almost didn't notice the tentacle that was lightly probing her ass until it began to press in. She let out a soft gasp as it prodded her ass, and she heard the voice inside her mind shout RESIST! But before she could even bother to offer even a token piece of resistance, it shot into her and sent a wave of both pain and pleasure as it began to move in and out. The sensation of two tentacles inside her was too much, and the voice of resistance vanished.

" feels so good...I can feel them both throbbing inside of me...Aaaah right there,...I can almost feel them rubbing against each other...haah..."

As she moaned in pleasure, the tentacle between her breasts moved closer to her mouth. Without hesitation, she opened her mouth, inviting the warm and throbbing tentacle into her soft, hungry mouth. The tentacle throbbed as she sucked it, enjoying the feeling of both her mouth and her breasts.

It went on like that for another minute, and every now and then the tentacle she was sucking would withdraw so she could lick the tip, and so the creature could here her erotic comments. " tastes so feels too good...ahh...I want more...give me more..."

When it heard her say that, she could almost here it smiling lustfully as it replied "As you wish." Another tentacle shot out, and too both her amazement and immense pleasure, shot into her pussy alongside the other one. She arched her back and screamed in pleasure as the tentacles began to alternate hitting her G-spot.

"AAAHHHHH!! YES!!! JUST LIKE THAT!! I CAN'T BELIEVE HOW GOOD THIS FEELS!!!" She screamed out as she was pounded by the three tentacles. She opened her mouth again so the tentacle could reenter as she shouted "GIVE ME YOUR CUM!! YOUR WARM, SLIMY CUM!! FILL ME UP WITH AS MUCH AS YOU WANT!!!"

The creature obliged, sending cum pumping into her. It spilled out of her ass and pussy as streams of the creatures cum were sent shooting into her, and her eyes rolled a bit back into her head as it pumped her mouth full of it. When it was nearly finished, it pulled all the tentacles out and shot what was left onto her body, covering her with its cum. It then held her in front of its eye, taking in her cum covered form. It gazed at her eyes, and saw what it wanted to see.

"More...give me more..." She whispered as it laughed, filling the chamber with its dark laugh as darkness fell...
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.04 (8/27/1

Postby Lucky777 » Tue Aug 30, 2011 7:09 am

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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.04 (8/27/1

Postby Kuragari » Tue Aug 30, 2011 8:43 am

Lucky777 Wrote:Hawt.

Thank you.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.04 (8/27/1

Postby Dezzer » Tue Aug 30, 2011 9:43 am

I have to say, I'm really not into any Tentacle stuff but that was a good read and dam fine writing on your part. :)

@KITAmaru I love the game so far, especially the 2 Lesbian and the threesome scenes :P - Im glad you said we can get our own back on the Dom later, people who do the whole 'Mistress'll beat you into submission just to please me' thing annoy me. Definatly can't wait for the next release!

Just as a question about the unique character scenes will there be many more Yuri scenes for some of the girls or mostly the rape Hetero stuff we've seen so far? (Just wondering cause my favourite girls are Emilia and Cesca and i have this wierd thing where i have to play games within the confines of the characters personality, Cesca's afraid of men so she might get raped but I doubt she'd ever really consent to anything like Emilia might)
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.04 (8/27/1

Postby KITAmaru » Tue Aug 30, 2011 3:52 pm

Uwah! Yeah, my tentacle scene had already been written, so I hope it doesn't disappoint!
Thanks for the inspiration though. Currently 2/3 H scenes for 0.05 written, and the CG for one of them complete.

Also am working on changing weapon sprites and adding more. You can expect the next update to possibly include at least 2 more skills for each character with better level spacing; the first 3-5 were freebies. ;) All in all, each character has about 20 skills already named in my draft text file; I just haven't implemented all of them yet due to combat not being fully balanced.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.04 (8/27/1

Postby Fakkufun7 » Tue Aug 30, 2011 6:36 pm

I posted the game over in fakku's Visual Novels, Doujin Soft, and Eroge section and linked back to here. Hopefully this ought to bring in some new fans.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.04 (8/27/1

Postby KITAmaru » Tue Aug 30, 2011 6:53 pm

Ah, great! Much appreciated. The new scenes are pretty decent, in relative to what's out so far, and I'd say that an ETA on 0.05 would be by the end of next week.

Speaking of, do people like the every week or two short updates, or would they prefer waiting a month for a bigger patch?
So far I prefer the former over the latter, so I can fix bugs and balance things quicker (since the hgame is still around less than a month old), but I just wanted to get a feel for peoples' preferences in this case.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.04 (8/27/1

Postby Lucky777 » Tue Aug 30, 2011 6:59 pm

I enjoy the weekly updates, not just in this game, but in others like Rush - now renamed Sakyubasu no Tatakai, and for fuck's sake I don't think I'll EVER type that with a straight face - because it's like getting a present every weekend or every other weekend : O

As long as there is real progress and the content is good, releasing it in frequent small bites is fine by me.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.04 (8/27/1

Postby KITAmaru » Tue Aug 30, 2011 10:35 pm

Well, I definitely intend on adding yuri scenes, as I have a few characters lined up for the patch after next. I prefer yuri to be emotionally relevant rather than solely driven by lust (such as with the bandit and domi scenes), so a bit more 'build up' is necessary to me--same with consensual het. The maid and twins scenes were just an attempt at something slightly different and a small sample of a relatively consensual h-scene.

I was actually thinking of making Cesca special in that she'll be able to sleep with some girls that the others can't.

There will be no shortage of N/C het scenes given the premise of the game, and frankly after the one I just finished in my version, I feel like mixing it up a bit. Next patch has a little tent/monster stuff and additional buildup. What I'm trying to do at this point is introduce story relevant characters, so that various plot devices can be used with them later.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.04 (8/27/1

Postby SquallLion » Wed Aug 31, 2011 12:26 am

the charac design is awesome!!
excellent music

it's too short but good.
Last edited by SquallLion on Wed Aug 31, 2011 2:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.04 (8/27/1

Postby Kuragari » Wed Aug 31, 2011 1:05 am

You could have the big updates be every month, and small things be every week.

Glad people liked the scene I wrote. Always makes me happy when people enjoy my writing ^_^

Cool to hear that we have an update coming though. I have to wonder, out of curiousity, when we could be getting scenes involving the Catgirl or some of those pirates that were lurking around in the chambers.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.04 (8/27/1

Postby Lucky777 » Wed Aug 31, 2011 1:33 am

OH, speaking of lust-driven non-emotional/casual scenes (my personal favourites): Are we going to get an option to revisit the maid and other like NPCs? I kinda have a save right before the maid and the twins, but I was wondering if that'd be necessary in later versions.
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