Superhero, overwatchy thing, intrest check

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Superhero, overwatchy thing, intrest check

Postby LillyMacow » Thu Mar 10, 2016 9:57 am

So I have been bored since my current bg roleplay has kinda come to halt so I thought I'd try something a bit diffrent. So I'm just going to blindly toss this idea at you all and see if it sticks with anyone. The idea is pretty simple, it is inspired by overwatch, basically you choose two "superpowers", one sexual, one not. Preferably they would be connected but they don't have to be, then you would design a charcter around it, you could be a tanks dude and give yourself armor or something of the sort. The setting can be more sci fi or magic, both fit in my overall setting, again think overwatch. The way the rp would work out would be a series of fights in a tournament where you all try to work your way to the top using your abilities to either beat, seduce or a combination of the two, your opponent(s). In a perfect world it would be 5 on 5 fights but I first of all doubt I will even get 5 intrested people and even if I do I'm not sure if I can think up enough charcters to fill in all the blanks.
So how does charcter interaction work? You will be 'drafted' onto teams with other players or npcs and then fight a team of players and npcs, or just one of the two. Drafted is in quotes because I'm just going to choose whoever, and if you want to be on a team with someone you could just ask and I would put you on their team. I know I probaly screwed up explains all this so if you have any questions just ask. Thanks for your time!
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Re: Superhero, overwatchy thing, intrest check

Postby Aledria » Thu Mar 10, 2016 3:18 pm

I think this might be interesting. What sort of power level range are we talking about here? How much do we need to know about Overwatch? Because I don't know anything about it, other than its a fps video game that hasn't come out yet.

Also, just a suggestion, but people also may be able to better judge their interest if you set the scene a little. What is this tournament? Is there a prize? Has it ever been held and who were some of the prior winners? Are there sponsors and do the sponsors influence the game? Are weapons involved or is it powers only?
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Re: Superhero, overwatchy thing, intrest check

Postby LillyMacow » Fri Mar 11, 2016 1:01 am

Really he overwatch part is just to give an idea of the ability range, so you dot actually need to know anything about overwatch for this. As for that power range, your charcters will be very powerful, but no superman. For example something like temporary invulnerability would be all good but something like permanent invulnerability is not accepted. Also there has already been a change, rather then super powers, because that makes atleast me think of just one tag it ability. It will be more ability oriented, so Iike a master junk could have all sorts of healing and fast moing like forms of combat, but don't leave out the sexual stuff ;) so for this example he could have the will to not cum easily or the ability to hit the seems of clothes to rip them to shreds in an instant, or both. There are most definitely weapons, ranging from staffs, swords, and shields to guns, robots and explosives to magic tombs and wizard wands. Really a more open setting, again Similiar to Versace. The reward for winning the whole event is one wish, no matter what it is. There have been several winners but they usually go into hiding after winning fearing someplayers may come back for revenge, or atleast that's what they say. The event is filmed on live tv by the global governments entertainment branch, yes they hve an entertainment branch. Meaning as you get better you may get fans, and do to your predicaments you may get other kinds of fans. Due to the game side of it there are rules, arenas, and aids such as healing stations and other things to spice it upfront the viewers.
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Re: Superhero, overwatchy thing, intrest check

Postby Aledria » Fri Mar 11, 2016 2:41 pm

What happens if you lose early in the game? Are you just done or will there be opportunities to get into other bouts? For example, if you lost but the fans liked you, could you be brought back for non-tournament matches, where you fight for money or something other than the wish?

I'll sign up for this. I'll send you the basic idea for my character in a PM. If you're OK with the idea, I will send a more detailed write up.

Edit: Ok. Here is my character.

Character Submission:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

“She’s the alluring jade-haired beauty from California,
with the glittering bronzed skin that is gorgeous but deadly.
Her very touch will make a tazer’s kiss seem gentle.
It’s not the volts that will kill you…
It’s Copper Rhapsody that will!”

Name: Angel Martinez
Competitor Name: Copper Rhapsody
Height: 5’4”
Weight: 123 lbs
Nationality: United States

Angel Martinez was born with an odd chemical imbalance in her body that left doctors puzzled. Instead of having iron-based blood, she had copper-based blood. And her entire body was supported by this rather unique physical mutation. This left her with deep green locks of hair that seemed to shimmer like metal, and skin that always looked like it had a glittering tan.

Angel was grew up poor in LA and she was often picked on for her unnatural looks. Because of this, she started learning how to take care of herself by enrolling in a local martial arts school. She had planned to go into law enforcement to give back to her community, but some friends of hers encouraged her to try some tournament fighting. She was becoming a real contender until there was an accident in the ring. She was fighting her opponent when the wiring in nearby broadcast equipment seemed to arc into the ring and electrocute her opponent. Shaken, she stopped competing and disappeared for a while. Some think she may have been working as a government contractor during this time.

Also, during this time, Angel started her own martial arts school. The general public knows next to nothing about this time, expect that Martinez got married and that it ended in a divorce a few years later. The part the public doesn’t know is that she had a romance with one of her adult students. It came to a heated crescendo one night, during a special class session with only a few black belts. She had bet that he couldn’t win in their sparring match. As the loser, she had to get on her knees, admit he was the stronger and he got to take advantage of her for a short period of time, in front of the other black belts as witness. Her deepest shame was that she hated losing but she also loved finding someone who could defeat her. Damon never forced her to do anything. But he did collect on their bets. And Angel found herself enjoying being defeated by him, despite her protests. These contradictory desires kept them together for years and they taught classes together. They finally split up when a teacher from another school visited Angel for a late night sparring match. These late night sparring matches became more frequent until her husband caught them celebrating her defeat one last time.

Angel hasn’t told anyone what her specific wish is. She’s simply said she wants to “wish something right” in her life again. If she wins, she will use the wish to wish that she would have more willpower, so that she never would have cheated on Damon. And if she is defeated, whatever happens with be penance for how she betrayed her husband.

Rhapsody’s body has high amounts of copper in it. So much, that she has somehow become a generator of electricity. She can hurl bolts of lightning or electrify her touch. She has also recently learned how to manipulate the bioelectric field of creatures in bizarre ways.

Titanium Tonfa
Throwing Needles
Manriki Chain
Steel Chords

Character Pic:
Last edited by Aledria on Tue Mar 15, 2016 5:32 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Superhero, overwatchy thing, intrest check

Postby Laughing Hyena » Fri Mar 11, 2016 4:09 pm

I'll sign up and support this as well.
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Re: Superhero, overwatchy thing, intrest check

Postby LillyMacow » Sat Mar 12, 2016 4:09 am

Okay great, all you need for a charcter is a name, their abilities, and a reference pic would also be nice, if not just a description. Also if you want to you can add backstory but that isn't at all nesscary.
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Re: Superhero, overwatchy thing, intrest check

Postby cliffracer » Tue Mar 15, 2016 12:39 am

This is a very fun-seeming idea. Count me in. Give me a little bit, and I'll edit this post with a character sheet to your specifications.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

NAME: Lady Samedi

POWERS: Figures of Lust- A few long tugs at her chest, a dirty pose to draw the eye, perhaps a moment with someone else's cock in her hands... When Samedi manages to instill lust in herself or in others, she can channel it in to a pink-colored helper of some glass-like material to help. Their specialty is getting people off, and though they look like glass, they're delightfully squishy and warm. She gets more 'energy' to make a Figure if she's getting someone off.
Effigies of Love- People will do anything for love. This power allows Samedi to make a purple glasslike effigy that follows her bidding. These effigies aren't so good at the sex thing- they're more for blocking attacks or fighting opponents for her. It takes a bit of time to summon these ones, and she can only have two, but she can do it without agitating anybody. The effigies aren't truly made of glass, they take damage the same way any normal person does, but they don't feel pain and don't get tired. They CAN hold weapons, but it takes more time to create one that comes with them.

APPEARANCE: Image Refs - [1] [2] [3] [4]
Remove a little bit of size from the chest, and it's miss Samedi. A short and fluffy catgirl with an affection for style.
Common Character: Hunter [x]. If we're in an RP/want to discuss an RP, I have a discord for casual contact. PM me about it.
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Re: Superhero, overwatchy thing, intrest check

Postby NeedAMedic » Tue Mar 15, 2016 3:22 am

Is there any reason this necessarily would have to be 5v5? A match with smaller numbers (3v3 or 4v4) would probably be easier to orchestrate, so you could have more matches more easily with fewer people.
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Re: Superhero, overwatchy thing, intrest check

Postby LillyMacow » Tue Mar 15, 2016 9:32 am

Yeah for sure, 5v5 was he ideal, matches will vary every time, some not even following any of the rules of a normal fight. Really anything to keep the "audience" instrested
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Re: Superhero, overwatchy thing, intrest check

Postby Necrothorn » Thu Mar 17, 2016 5:48 am

This sounds fairly interesting... I may join up, if that's still possible.
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Re: Superhero, overwatchy thing, intrest check

Postby LillyMacow » Fri Mar 18, 2016 12:55 am

It is for sure still open, it hasn't even started
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Re: Superhero, overwatchy thing, intrest check

Postby Necrothorn » Fri Mar 18, 2016 1:03 am

Ah, nice to know.
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Re: Superhero, overwatchy thing, intrest check

Postby Necrothorn » Fri Mar 18, 2016 9:41 pm

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Start-up Protocol Commencing...

Necrosis: Online

Memory Restoration in progress...
Memory Restoration ERROR: Data Corrupted

Senses Coming Online...
Sight: Active
Touch: Active
Hearing: Active
Smell: ERROR
Taste: ERROR

Skills uploading...
Telepathy: Online
Modification: Online

Blade: Online
Gun: Offline
RPG: Damage Critical

Start-up Protocol Complete.

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Re: Superhero, overwatchy thing, intrest check

Postby Aledria » Sat Mar 19, 2016 3:54 am


I don't mind all of us being on the same team if less than 5 sign up. I'm up for whatever, really. I'm also good with smaller groups. Whatever you like.

Oh. Necro and I were talking. We'd like Rhapsody (my character) and Necrosis (his character) to be on the same team if possible.

And... ummm... a question. What is allowed in these matches and in preparation before the matches? Are you allowed to um... "prep" each other before the match, so that you aren't as lustful? :oops:
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Re: Superhero, overwatchy thing, intrest check

Postby LillyMacow » Sat Mar 19, 2016 9:36 am

Yeah, for sure. Outside of matches can certainly be a thing
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