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Re: Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/15)

Postby Zyloon » Fri Mar 04, 2016 7:35 am

Is there some playthrough to watch cause I got stuck please help me xD
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Re: Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/15)

Postby Dead2112man » Sat Mar 05, 2016 6:11 am

Well the problem is finding a video player or service that does not block adult content, I would have already made multiple videos on multiple games by know if I had the money for one that I could have to put any of the games on this forum on.
I might not create games, but I will test them, Then I will give advice on what I think needs to be added, removed, or improved.
Official bug tester of Dark Impulses, creators of pokemorph:Pink
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Re: Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/15)

Postby Argent » Tue Mar 15, 2016 2:56 am

Hey, I am trying to load the game in Viridian city via copy/paste method, but it just gives me black screen. So far, the only way I can get a file to load is by using the flash cookie method.
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Re: Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/15)

Postby FurrinGok » Tue Mar 15, 2016 3:52 am

I'm trying to edit the database to allow my default "Menu/Cancel" key to be Q instead of ESC, but there doesn't seem to be any button anywhere to save it? My external (Not web browser) flash player doesn't accept Escape as a button press.

Edit: Oh, you can change the keys via the keyboard icon. And it does recognize the escape key once I go downstairs >.>
Gangs n' Whores' Resident Grammar Hitler, head honcho of the Grammar Nazis. Don't ask why it's me, the others called me that.
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Re: Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/15)

Postby Dead2112man » Tue Mar 15, 2016 4:49 am

Argent Wrote:Hey, I am trying to load the game in Viridian city via copy/paste method, but it just gives me black screen. So far, the only way I can get a file to load is by using the flash cookie method.

This Problem the team already knows of, it fixes after Viridian city. There is is just simple no real explanation for why this happens or how to fix it. From the "new version" we are "updating" to, there so far has not been that problem as far as I know, Not been bug testing it yet till more stuff is added on for them to give me, but so yea, sorry to all players that can't save via cookie and have to save via Code, just try to get paste viridian to do so,
I might not create games, but I will test them, Then I will give advice on what I think needs to be added, removed, or improved.
Official bug tester of Dark Impulses, creators of pokemorph:Pink
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Re: Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/15)

Postby FurrinGok » Wed Mar 16, 2016 11:46 pm

Kind of disappointed that once you get your first 'morph, everything becomes a morph. I kind of expected that the Eevee would become one, being the starter, but with all of the talk about there being groups for and against morphs, I thought there would be trainers who use them, some who use the ferals, maybe some with a mix--It would then be possible to get pictures of ferals separate from anthros. I guess it makes sense, though, since having both would require recoding the fanart to no longer work on ferals, removing it from the game, or just making up an excuse to have ferals suddenly aroused by human/anthro fanart. If a workaround to the code is found, though, Fanart A and Fanart F (Anthro and Feral respectively) would be a neat mechanic. Of course, that would bring up the question: Would already humanoid pokemon be turned on by both, since some of them can make eggs with non-humanoids already? (The more human-like ones seem t be only human-like group, but some like Lopunny look fairly human but are in another group at the same time)

Anyways, I've reached the third town, but something I noticed is that I can't find anybody who sells fanarts. Are they intentionally rare and not-sold, or are my attempts to ignore trainer battles biting me in the butt and I missed a person who sells them?
Gangs n' Whores' Resident Grammar Hitler, head honcho of the Grammar Nazis. Don't ask why it's me, the others called me that.
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Re: Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/15)

Postby Dead2112man » Thu Mar 17, 2016 4:53 am

FurrinGok Wrote:Kind of disappointed

Well sorry, but I can answer your comment some what, I might not have the full story down but a good portion of it.
During that huge explosion and the time you where asleep from it, the virus has started to spread, how, wait and find out or speculate for know.
But because of this, the virus is turning most pokemon into pokemorphs. Now, there are some pokemon that didn't get infected via the virus, a good example are the Jennys Growlithes in Viridian City.
As Later you will find you can start taking sides (or be not) about to what to do about the virus.
And there you go, that is some what the story with out really spoiling anything.

As for facing trainers that don't have pokemorphs but just pokemon, yea that might happen, but I don't know if it will do to the fact that this still is an pokemon parady where we are littler making all gen one sexy females.

As for the strange question of can pokemorphs and pokemon still mate and have off spring, I don't know, can a horse and a donkey have off spring

And for Fan art being Rare, yes, there are meant to be rare.

And if I am wrong on any account, then the Pokmon Pink team members will say so ......... wait.
I might not create games, but I will test them, Then I will give advice on what I think needs to be added, removed, or improved.
Official bug tester of Dark Impulses, creators of pokemorph:Pink
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Re: Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/15)

Postby FurrinGok » Thu Mar 17, 2016 9:20 am

Thinking on it, bringing up Lopunny was kind of silly. She's not a gen 1; all of the Gen 1 "humanoid" Pokemon were in the human-like category anyways.
Dead2112man Wrote:Well sorry, but I can answer your comment some what, I might not have the full story down but a good portion of it.

Thanks for the answers. My only guess as for the cause of the virus spreading so quickly would be the shockwave from the explosion pushing it long distances--I highly doubt it was a "Long coma" that Bay was in,
My thoughts on the growlithes were they were immunized from The Strain already, and anything immunized from The Strain are also immunized against The Morph, since it's based on The Strain. I'll just have to look around and see if there's in-game mention of it.

To the Pink team: Unless you already planned it, don't worry about the whole feral deal. A game based entirely around morphs is still enjoyable, despite my small complaint, and I plan on seeing the game through regardless of the route you choose.
Gangs n' Whores' Resident Grammar Hitler, head honcho of the Grammar Nazis. Don't ask why it's me, the others called me that.
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Re: Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/15)

Postby Dead2112man » Thu Mar 17, 2016 5:14 pm

FurrinGok Wrote:To the Pink team: Unless you already planned it, don't worry about the whole feral deal. A game based entirely around morphs is still enjoyable, despite my small complaint, and I plan on seeing the game through regardless of the route you choose.

No plans in till I think near the end if at all, for pokemon (feral just sounds strange for this game) might come back instead of pokemorphs, but that depends on the path you take, for that could change things up.

unless the Pink Team says other wise ....... wait
I might not create games, but I will test them, Then I will give advice on what I think needs to be added, removed, or improved.
Official bug tester of Dark Impulses, creators of pokemorph:Pink
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Re: Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/15)

Postby Argent » Fri Mar 18, 2016 5:51 pm

So I should be able to save via clipboard once I enter Viridian Forest? Or do I have to make it all the way to Pewter?

I also found a bug dealing with Willow's sprite. After having her join your party in Viridian Forest, if you go into the PokéMart in Viridian City, a set of 6 Willow sprites appear and persist (save for cut-scenes) until she leaves the party in Pewter City.
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Re: Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/15)

Postby Dapper Gent » Sun Mar 20, 2016 1:32 am

FurrinGok Wrote:Kind of disappointed that once you get your first 'morph, everything becomes a morph. I kind of expected that the Eevee would become one, being the starter, but with all of the talk about there being groups for and against morphs, I thought there would be trainers who use them, some who use the ferals, maybe some with a mix--It would then be possible to get pictures of ferals separate from anthros. I guess it makes sense, though, since having both would require recoding the fanart to no longer work on ferals, removing it from the game, or just making up an excuse to have ferals suddenly aroused by human/anthro fanart. If a workaround to the code is found, though, Fanart A and Fanart F (Anthro and Feral respectively) would be a neat mechanic. Of course, that would bring up the question: Would already humanoid pokemon be turned on by both, since some of them can make eggs with non-humanoids already? (The more human-like ones seem t be only human-like group, but some like Lopunny look fairly human but are in another group at the same time)

Anyways, I've reached the third town, but something I noticed is that I can't find anybody who sells fanarts. Are they intentionally rare and not-sold, or are my attempts to ignore trainer battles biting me in the butt and I missed a person who sells them?

About the morph explosion, it hasn't been revealed yet as to why exactly that's happened BUT...

Heavy Spoilage ahead!
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

The explosion in the pokecenter caused a previously contained virus to escape. Dr. Magnus explains exactly what it is in game but it's spreading rapidly. To make things worse trainers are helping it to spread as the affected morphs contaminate unaffected pokemon, specifically females. Males only seem to have an increased libido and desire to mate. The exceptions are to pokemon with male only genders, such as the NidoranM family and Mr. Mime, who become futa and excludes some pokemon, such as the male only Tauros, who gives it male and females with females becoming 'morphs. Also, no pokemon is safe from being 'morphed. Though some might be altered differently, such as the case with Arcanine who has classic werewolf styled legs instead of the usual humanoid stuff so far.

FurrinGok Wrote:Thinking on it, bringing up Lopunny was kind of silly. She's not a gen 1; all of the Gen 1 "humanoid" Pokemon were in the human-like category anyways.
Dead2112man Wrote:Well sorry, but I can answer your comment some what, I might not have the full story down but a good portion of it.

Thanks for the answers. My only guess as for the cause of the virus spreading so quickly would be the shockwave from the explosion pushing it long distances--I highly doubt it was a "Long coma" that Bay was in,
My thoughts on the growlithes were they were immunized from The Strain already, and anything immunized from The Strain are also immunized against The Morph, since it's based on The Strain. I'll just have to look around and see if there's in-game mention of it.

To the Pink team: Unless you already planned it, don't worry about the whole feral deal. A game based entirely around morphs is still enjoyable, despite my small complaint, and I plan on seeing the game through regardless of the route you choose.

Don't fret, we are toying around with the idea of the Conservative pokemon team using male only (or unmorphed pokemon) and censored female pokemorphs. However, we're probbaly not going to do so for regular trainers. The conservative team will be pushing towards curing the morphs and so find the affected, and the trainers promoting it, distasteful.

Argent Wrote:So I should be able to save via clipboard once I enter Viridian Forest? Or do I have to make it all the way to Pewter?

I also found a bug dealing with Willow's sprite. After having her join your party in Viridian Forest, if you go into the PokéMart in Viridian City, a set of 6 Willow sprites appear and persist (save for cut-scenes) until she leaves the party in Pewter City.

This would best be answered by ValturNaa who is currently distracted with developing a new, unique program for us to use to limit a lot of bugs and issues we're currently having.

Now, we've been a bit quiet lately and I'm not enjoying that at all. However, Val insisted on getting that program running before we continue development as it'll help us out tremendously when it comes to fixing bugs and providing future content.

With that said we are opening up the door for any programmers or artists interested in coming on board and helping us out. Artists must be able to replicate or create morphs similar in the style we're currently using, either in line-art (non-colored) or colored variants. If interested send me a pm with your work. Programmers should contact ValturNaa to inquire about his program/plans/expectations before contacting myself.
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Re: Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/15)

Postby ValturNaa » Sun Mar 20, 2016 11:03 pm

FurrinGok Wrote:Kind of disappointed that once you get your first 'morph, everything becomes a morph. I kind of expected that the Eevee would become one, being the starter, but with all of the talk about there being groups for and against morphs, I thought there would be trainers who use them, some who use the ferals, maybe some with a mix--It would then be possible to get pictures of ferals separate from anthros. I guess it makes sense, though, since having both would require recoding the fanart to no longer work on ferals, removing it from the game, or just making up an excuse to have ferals suddenly aroused by human/anthro fanart. If a workaround to the code is found, though, Fanart A and Fanart F (Anthro and Feral respectively) would be a neat mechanic. Of course, that would bring up the question: Would already humanoid pokemon be turned on by both, since some of them can make eggs with non-humanoids already? (The more human-like ones seem t be only human-like group, but some like Lopunny look fairly human but are in another group at the same time)

Anyways, I've reached the third town, but something I noticed is that I can't find anybody who sells fanarts. Are they intentionally rare and not-sold, or are my attempts to ignore trainer battles biting me in the butt and I missed a person who sells them?

Fan-arts are OP in this game system. Seeing as they never fail and are guaranteed to capture any pokemon (who is allowed to be captured) in three moves, allowing them to be purchased, particularly at the low prices they are set at, would be game breaking. Plus, in a more lore-centric fashion, we are talking about pictures of sexy pokemon, which at this point in the game would be the sole property of perverts who saw sexy pokemorphs before pokemorphs were actually a thing. So, yeah, it's uncommon to find it. I am considering some situations in which the more artistically minded characters around the world will give you limited supplies of fan art, but mostly it's stuff you'll find forgotten around the map. If I can get the new engine settled and stop fan art from being so all fired overpowered, I believe supplies of fan art items would become far more regular toward end game as more and more people get absorbed in the sexy pokemon culture and find more ways to produce it. By the time of the next gen (if we continue beyond this game's ending), fan art would be as well established as pokeballs, and probably work the same way.

Dapper Gent Wrote:Don't fret, we are toying around with the idea of the Conservative pokemon team using male only (or unmorphed pokemon) and censored female pokemorphs. However, we're probbaly not going to do so for regular trainers. The conservative team will be pushing towards curing the morphs and so find the affected, and the trainers promoting it, distasteful.

I've been proposing having nonmorph pokemon scattered through the game for a long time, but given the limitations of the engine, they are regarded as entirely separate pokemon from the "normal" morphs, which causes problems for counting pokedex entries and so on, as well as being very annoying to set up, as we can't just duplicate an existing pokemon and make changes. And understandably, the artists involved are reluctant to double the amount of art we need for, frankly, a minor environmental change. Just getting the four breeds we have was almost like pulling teeth. So I've contented myself with providing proof on the map that unaffected pokemon still exist, even if they are getting rarer, and letting most of the battle art be morphs. Eventually, I would like to expand the pokedex coding to group pokemon that belong together, give them genders, and register them as ages or maturity levels of a pokemon, rather than as separate types. Because honestly, no part of "evolution" involves maturing from worm to coccoon or from baby lizard to fire-breathing dragon, and even if they have separate names, they should still be regarded as one pokemon type.

Dapper Gent Wrote:This would best be answered by ValturNaa who is currently distracted with developing a new, unique program for us to use to limit a lot of bugs and issues we're currently having.

Now, we've been a bit quiet lately and I'm not enjoying that at all. However, Val insisted on getting that program running before we continue development as it'll help us out tremendously when it comes to fixing bugs and providing future content.

As for the original issue of willow ... I've been putting together larger sprite sheets, rather than single animations, particularly for the main characters. However, the game engine requires changing the cut settings every time the sheet changes. Sometimes a place gets missed and multiple sprites (or parts of sprites) get cut in wrong. If that is still an issue there, I'll find and fix it.

I'm not ... completely set on pushing out the new engine before proceeding with the game. Although I would prefer to be able to see and adjust what lies underneath my scripts. I've already made some changes and updated our game to the newest humbird engine, but I've had motivation issues lately and haven't spent a lot of time on ANY of my driving projects (of which there are many). Trying to get back in the swing of things but I'm still having some issues. Partly I think it's the paralysis of indecision, and partly I think I'm somehow afraid of success. I've also had some computer trouble lately and been offline for a solid week. Anyway, working through stuff and trying not to waste all my time on SWTOR and LOTRO now that I can access them again.
If anyone is interested in coding with us, experience with either GameMaker Studio (by YoYo Games) or the humbird engine is appreciated. I might also consider switching to Unity's 2d engine if someone with experience in that engine happens by, but meanwhile, I have more experience with GMS so that's what I'm using for the new engine. I will not build another Flash game, as that system doesn't jive with me on either end, but if someone knows Flash and wants to help set up .swf files for this engine, please pm me. Flash files are used for everything from the title menu to battles, so someone who knows it would be very helpful to us.
I'm not mad. I'm only forty and eighty percent crazy, and that's split between two personalities, which makes me almost half sane.
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Re: Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/15)

Postby FurrinGok » Mon Mar 21, 2016 7:32 am

By the way, is there, or will there be, any importance to the Spearrow Bay helps out before the explosion? I rather swiftly caught a morph after getting pokeballs and wonder if maybe it was supposed to be a free Spearrow if I hadn't.
Gangs n' Whores' Resident Grammar Hitler, head honcho of the Grammar Nazis. Don't ask why it's me, the others called me that.
Gangs n' Whores Developer
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Re: Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/15)

Postby Linulanielly » Mon Mar 21, 2016 12:37 pm

Dead2112man Wrote:This Problem the team already knows of, it fixes after Viridian city. There is is just simple no real explanation for why this happens or how to fix it.

Hi, just in case if you still do not have "real simple explanation" about what may cause such behavior, I believe I found one: you named locations with spaces, I believe this make "save parser" go crazy since it no onger can distinguish betwean pairs {attribute="value"} because for parser space was a signe of new attribute pair.

After I deleted bad attribute/value pairs from my saves, I could load my game.

Hear are saves examples:

Broken save file:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

<data zeldaItem="num_0" winBorder="num_0" timeOfDay="str_day" squirtleOwnsMisty="bol_false" playingAs="str_Bay" newVariable_2="str_" newVariable_1="str_" newVariable_0="str_" money="num_25" isCamping="bol_false" haveWillow="bol_false" haveReed="bol_false" haveEevee="bol_true" good_photo="num_50" computerTravel="bol_false" cheap_photo="num_20" WillowLeftAt="str_viridian" WillowJoined="bol_false" WillowClothes="str_dressed" Willow="str_Willow" ReedLeftAt="str_Cerulean" ReedJoined="bol_false" Reed="str_Reed" Oak="str_Oak" EeveeLeftAt="str_/delete" Damien="str_Damien" Bay="str_Bay" Angelica="str_Angelica" gameId="str_humbird0_pokemon_2014" intro="num_1" bay="str_Bay" oak="str_Oak" reed="str_Reed" willow="str_Willow" result="str_run" intro_state="num_9" woodenSword="bol_true" viridianCityState="num_0" levels\Pink\Pallet\Palletlvlitem_potion="bol_true" undefined="undefined" reply="str_yes" lastSong="str_music\wilderness.mp3" camp_lastMood="str_day" levels\Pink\Routes\Route 01\Southlvlitem_antidote="bol_true" levels\Pink\Routes\Route 01\Southlvlitem_potion="bol_true" rt1BridgeTalk="bol_true" ashSpearow="num_3" rt01BridgeClear="bol_true" levels\Pink\Routes\Route 01\UndergroundlvlspearowEvent_2="bol_true" bestRod="num_1" mistyRod="bol_true" levels\Pink\Routes\Route 01\Northlvlitem_revive="bol_true" levels\Pink\Routes\Route 01\Northlvlitem_money="bol_true" levels\Pink\Routes\Route 01\Northlvlitem_angerBerry="bol_true" levels\Pink\Routes\Route 01\Northlvlitem_potion="bol_true" xmlType="object"><mapCoords y="num_6" x="num_4" xmlType="object" /><saveSettings level="str_levels\Pink\Viridian\Viridian0.lvl" xmlType="object"><sound volume="num_50" xmlType="object" /><music songVolume="num_100" volume="num_50" isPlaying="bol_true" songName="str_music\mafiaTown.mp3" xmlType="object" /><playerPosition y="num_776" x="num_552" xmlType="object" /></saveSettings><playerSprite charset="str_charset\bay.png" direction="num_0" directions="num_4" frame="num_1" frames="num_3" pose="num_0" columns="num_3" rows="num_2" animType="str_yoyo" animDirection="num_1" delay="num_5" isAnimating="num_0" xmlType="object" /><storage xmlType="array" /><pokemon xmlType="array"><1 heldItem="str_" exp="num_0" power="num_5.625" hp="num_15.325" level="num_3" trainerId="str_" id="str_eevee_nonmorph" maxHp="num_22.5" nickname="str_Eevee" xmlType="object"><moves xmlType="array"><1 value="str_sand_attack" xmlType="variable" /><0 value="str_tackle" xmlType="variable" /></moves></1><0 heldItem="str_" exp="num_0" power="num_5.625" hp="num_22.5" level="num_3" trainerId="str_" id="str_Bay" maxHp="num_22.5" nickname="str_Bay" xmlType="object"><moves xmlType="array"><1 value="str_pebble" xmlType="variable" /><0 value="str_tackle" xmlType="variable" /></moves></0></pokemon><ask creator="bol_true" code_monkey="bol_true" spriter="bol_true" arts="bol_true" xmlType="object" /><computer xmlType="object" /><creepyPlaces saffron="str_" lavender="str_" xmlType="object" /><equipment xmlType="object" /><items potion="num_3" antidote="num_1" old_rod="num_1" revive="num_1" anger_berry="num_1" xmlType="object" /><keys ok="num_32" cancel="num_112" menu="num_112" talk="num_32" ask="num_65" up="num_38" down="num_40" left="num_37" right="num_39" xmlType="object" /><party xmlType="object"><eevee charset="str_charset\nonmorphs\eevee_walk.png" direction="num_2" directions="num_4" frame="num_1" frames="num_3" pose="num_0" columns="num_1" rows="num_1" animType="str_yoyo" animDirection="num_1" delay="num_5" isAnimating="num_0" xmlType="object" /></party><photos xmlType="object" /><pokedex xmlType="object"><spearow_nonmorph lastPhoto="str_" caught="bol_false" xmlType="object" /><pidgey_nonmorph lastPhoto="str_" caught="bol_false" xmlType="object" /><rattata_nonmorph lastPhoto="str_" caught="bol_false" xmlType="object" /><eevee_nonmorph lastPhoto="str_swf\pokemon\Nonmorphs\eevee\front.png" caught="bol_false" xmlType="object" /><BanditWoman lastPhoto="str_swf\pokemon\Trainers\cloak_f.png" caught="bol_false" xmlType="object" /><Bandit lastPhoto="str_swf\pokemon\Trainers\cloak_m.png" caught="bol_false" xmlType="object" /><Bay lastPhoto="str_swf\pokemon\Trainers\Bay_f.png" caught="bol_false" xmlType="object" /></pokedex><shops xmlType="object" /><sold_photo xmlType="object" /><trainers xmlType="object" /></data>

Fixed save file:

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

<data zeldaItem="num_0" winBorder="num_0" timeOfDay="str_day" squirtleOwnsMisty="bol_false" playingAs="str_Bay" newVariable_2="str_" newVariable_1="str_" newVariable_0="str_" money="num_25" isCamping="bol_false" haveWillow="bol_false" haveReed="bol_false" haveEevee="bol_true" good_photo="num_50" computerTravel="bol_false" cheap_photo="num_20" WillowLeftAt="str_viridian" WillowJoined="bol_false" WillowClothes="str_dressed" Willow="str_Willow" ReedLeftAt="str_Cerulean" ReedJoined="bol_false" Reed="str_Reed" Oak="str_Oak" EeveeLeftAt="str_/delete" Damien="str_Damien" Bay="str_Bay" Angelica="str_Angelica" gameId="str_humbird0_pokemon_2014" intro="num_1" bay="str_Bay" oak="str_Oak" reed="str_Reed" willow="str_Willow" result="str_run" intro_state="num_9" woodenSword="bol_true" viridianCityState="num_0" levels\Pink\Pallet\Palletlvlitem_potion="bol_true" undefined="undefined" reply="str_yes" lastSong="str_music\wilderness.mp3" camp_lastMood="str_day" rt1BridgeTalk="bol_true" ashSpearow="num_3" rt01BridgeClear="bol_true" bestRod="num_1" mistyRod="bol_true" xmlType="object"><mapCoords y="num_6" x="num_4" xmlType="object" /><saveSettings level="str_levels\Pink\Viridian\Viridian0.lvl" xmlType="object"><sound volume="num_50" xmlType="object" /><music songVolume="num_100" volume="num_50" isPlaying="bol_true" songName="str_music\mafiaTown.mp3" xmlType="object" /><playerPosition y="num_776" x="num_552" xmlType="object" /></saveSettings><playerSprite charset="str_charset\bay.png" direction="num_0" directions="num_4" frame="num_1" frames="num_3" pose="num_0" columns="num_3" rows="num_2" animType="str_yoyo" animDirection="num_1" delay="num_5" isAnimating="num_0" xmlType="object" /><storage xmlType="array" /><pokemon xmlType="array"><1 heldItem="str_" exp="num_0" power="num_5.625" hp="num_15.325" level="num_3" trainerId="str_" id="str_eevee_nonmorph" maxHp="num_22.5" nickname="str_Eevee" xmlType="object"><moves xmlType="array"><1 value="str_sand_attack" xmlType="variable" /><0 value="str_tackle" xmlType="variable" /></moves></1><0 heldItem="str_" exp="num_0" power="num_5.625" hp="num_22.5" level="num_3" trainerId="str_" id="str_Bay" maxHp="num_22.5" nickname="str_Bay" xmlType="object"><moves xmlType="array"><1 value="str_pebble" xmlType="variable" /><0 value="str_tackle" xmlType="variable" /></moves></0></pokemon><ask creator="bol_true" code_monkey="bol_true" spriter="bol_true" arts="bol_true" xmlType="object" /><computer xmlType="object" /><creepyPlaces saffron="str_" lavender="str_" xmlType="object" /><equipment xmlType="object" /><items potion="num_3" antidote="num_1" old_rod="num_1" revive="num_1" anger_berry="num_1" xmlType="object" /><keys ok="num_32" cancel="num_112" menu="num_112" talk="num_32" ask="num_65" up="num_38" down="num_40" left="num_37" right="num_39" xmlType="object" /><party xmlType="object"><eevee charset="str_charset\nonmorphs\eevee_walk.png" direction="num_2" directions="num_4" frame="num_1" frames="num_3" pose="num_0" columns="num_1" rows="num_1" animType="str_yoyo" animDirection="num_1" delay="num_5" isAnimating="num_0" xmlType="object" /></party><photos xmlType="object" /><pokedex xmlType="object"><spearow_nonmorph lastPhoto="str_" caught="bol_false" xmlType="object" /><pidgey_nonmorph lastPhoto="str_" caught="bol_false" xmlType="object" /><rattata_nonmorph lastPhoto="str_" caught="bol_false" xmlType="object" /><eevee_nonmorph lastPhoto="str_swf\pokemon\Nonmorphs\eevee\front.png" caught="bol_false" xmlType="object" /><BanditWoman lastPhoto="str_swf\pokemon\Trainers\cloak_f.png" caught="bol_false" xmlType="object" /><Bandit lastPhoto="str_swf\pokemon\Trainers\cloak_m.png" caught="bol_false" xmlType="object" /><Bay lastPhoto="str_swf\pokemon\Trainers\Bay_f.png" caught="bol_false" xmlType="object" /></pokedex><shops xmlType="object" /><sold_photo xmlType="object" /><trainers xmlType="object" /></data>

So, I belive that if you rename all "Route num" into "Route_num" in all places where it is not a displayable string value but attribute name, all will be fine.
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Re: Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/15)

Postby ValturNaa » Mon Mar 21, 2016 5:21 pm

@Furrin, yes there will be significance to the healed spearow and no, you didn't accidentally capture it. Minor spoiler but that specific spearow is the one first shot out of the sky by Ash's pikachu in the anime, and the series dictates that it will evolve into Fearow. We're just going to involve Bay in that particular story in some fashion, similar to how we'll be taking other elements from the anime and making Bay somehow either responsible for them or caught in the aftermath of them.

@Linulanielly yes, I can see how that might be a problem, as coding generally doesn't like spaces ... however, to my understanding, the routes didn't actually trigger this particular bug, Viridian City did, and nothing in Viridian is named with spaces. I'll tinker with this idea anyway and see if it clears up the problem. It's not like the maps display their name anyway.
I'm not mad. I'm only forty and eighty percent crazy, and that's split between two personalities, which makes me almost half sane.
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Re: Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/15)

Postby Dapper Gent » Wed Mar 23, 2016 4:57 am

Added Arcanine and Tentacruel to the completed list.

Also, added a lot of front poses. While Val is working on the new program I'm going to work on finishing the pokedex. This will allow me to get the concepts done and receive feedback for the poses just in case any need to be changed.

Added front poses for Electabuzz, Golbat, Golem, Grimer, Growlithe, Hitmonlee, Kabuto, Krabby, Lapras, Mewtwo, Nidorina, Nidorino, Ninetails, Oddish, Persian, Raticate, Scyther, Seel, Slowbro, Tentacool, Venonat, Vulpix. As well as some special pokemon spoilers that will be added much later in the game.

Current problem children: Aerodactyl, Articuno, Machamp, Machoke, Moltres, Pidgeot, Pidgeotto, Zapdos and the three starter families.
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Re: Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/15)

Postby yhgghdg » Wed Mar 23, 2016 12:44 pm

this game is totally awesome and way better then humbird0 please update this game asap and make it so we can breed our pokemon and have bray knock them up also i am stuck on the cerulean city part how do i enter it or is it not finished yet? :D
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Re: Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/15)

Postby Dapper Gent » Wed Mar 23, 2016 11:41 pm

I wouldn't say Pink is better, just different. I'm still clocking playthroughs on Humbird0's game and the latest update was great. Still, I, and the rest of Team MESA, appreciate hearing that.

Breeding Pokemorphs probably won't happen until Pink 2. Even then we probably won't have Bay get a morph preggers....or will we? We have the next two games in spark notes and saying more might give spoilers to the basis of the future games. ;)
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Re: Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/15)

Postby yhgghdg » Thu Mar 24, 2016 12:21 am

it would be totally awesome if you did allow that so when you say pink 2 i am guessing you mean chapter 2 right and you didn't answer my part on cerulean city is it unfinished or did i miss something?
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Re: Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/15)

Postby Dapper Gent » Thu Mar 24, 2016 4:02 am

No, Pink 2 is the continuation of this game. Cerulean is currently the end of the first half of chapter 2.
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Dapper Gent
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