(BP 8/10)
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The man groans under your touch his eyes closing for mere moments before he nods. "Get in, there's an alley nearby." He grins before allowing you to fondle him some more, once your inside the car he pushes your head to his cock, clear in his expectation of you while he continues the drive, taking a few minutes, precious minutes considering what you last heard from Bee on your phone before pulling up into an alleyway, Once the car pulls to a stop he switches off the engine and moves to pull you into a kiss, trying to ferociously up the tempo as his hands begin to pull and tug at your clothing, attempting to strip you in the kiss, it's clear he wants this quick perhaps he really did need to get back to that party for whatever reason that was either way you were definitely secluded enough to reveal your other side but at the same time you still have to either warm up to it or risk him screaming loudly.
An Ying Hu
(BP 6/10)
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You rest, basking in the bodies of those around you, recalling the orgy you had experienced with the three other vampires, your bodies coiling around each other, you soon find Christine biting into your breast around your nipple, drinking from you once more, the ecstasy filling you both as you feel her body shift and shiver while Crissy and VV look on with smirks. "Oh I think someone is in love." They both chuckle before a phone rings, Crissy leaning over to take it and look over the message. "Crap, Alright girls I need to go, the elder wants me to bring him the items you brought so he can look over them." Grumbling she gives you a parting kiss, even as Christine continues to drink from your breast before she finally pulls free your blood staining her lips.(-2 BP) Crissy kisses your cheek and holds you close before finally and reluctantly pulls away to get dressed. "This mother daughter thing is really a turn on, have fun you two and tr not to cause a problem for VV this is her home after all so be nice." She grins before departing, heading out the door still half dressed before returning from the building, VV on the other hand looks at you and Christine with an eager smile.
(BP 10/10)
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The prince listens to you speak, giving your reasoning, the human groans at you sit down on him and the prince looks stoic, this face expressionless as you speak your piece, the elder vampire taking his seat behind his fancy desk while the sheriff moves to take a more protective stance before him, his eyes looking down at you as you speak. When you finally finish the Prince nods a little. "You must understand my situation, you brought an injured kine to my home revealed what we are to him and then demand payment for doing your duty as one of the kindred." She comments calmly before he sighs and nods. "Payment is not a problem if you wish money for your service to the cause then by all means I will indulge you, as for the Kine your business here is over. You may see yourself out, trust we will find out what he knows and when that is completed you will be given what you need to know to report back to your sire, I would advise in the mean time that you learn better to conceal yourself, acting like a beast in public will only damage us and bring about your demise as you upset the masquerade." He states with a near threatening tone, the sheer tone of him enough to make your world shrink as you are force to feel his presence, like looking into the sun it's heat burning you away as if your only hope was to retreat to the shade and away from it's wrath. Regardless the prince pushes some bundle up notes onto his desk for you to take and leave with.
(BP 10/10)
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Mike backs off and glares at you before he nods and retreats, the bartender looks upon as you have your vision of her stabbing you in the chest, she watches her confused before shaking her head as you leave, her eyes falling down as she sighs with relief at your departure. Your depart searching for your prey the punkish girl from outside with that man that would abuse and violate her and she would happily do so to make sure everything didn't go even worse for her.
You finally find them well the man at least though you can guess where the girl is, the man lets out a low groan, drinking from a glass of scotch before nodding at you. "Can I help you miss?" He asks with a smug look, he wasn't interested in you sexually but that might have something to do with the girl you can hear slurping and choking on his cock right now, her body trembling you can practically hear her heart pounding as he holds her in place, the soft rattling of chains as she also sounds to be bound by the man.
Meep Meeperson
(Genosis 9/10)
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Slowly you shake and the fur falls from your body, your form shifting and turning as you become less bestial in appearance before you stand naked in the alley, your injures healing slowly as Mark wraps you up in a blanket. "There is a reason we don't shift so openly, hard to explain a naked man running around after all this violence, come on, let's get out of this place before we're caught. Or a woman in this case" He comments with a smirk pulling you away out of the alley and into the nearby open door, the alley looks like hell but it's nothing the rain won't ash away as you are taken inside and pushed into a closet with Mark. "Get dressed pup." He states with a growl tossing you some spare clothes (-1 Genosis +1 HP)
(BP 10/10)
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Kat grins and nods and waits for you to pull over, once done she hops off and comes around to pull you into a kiss, her tongue dancing over your own before nodding. "Guns won't be needed, not really anyway, nah we're going in smart, bullets might not be a true concern but a wall of them is still a problem, let's sneak up and try and help out the gang by getting closer and taking them out as they both fight." She suggests before pulling you around, taking you down the next few blocks on foot while she herself she kipping nearly, the excitement burning off of her sensual form as she drags you along to god knows what, still leaving you very much in the dark but after what you had last night you are getting a feeling this girl does it a lot.
(BP 8/10)
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Your sire seems to think on it a moment before nodding. "As you wish, Driver take us to Blackout." She commands the driver nodding before he begins to change course presumably towards this club called Blackout. The drive only takes another 20 minutes before you and your sire pull up to the club the car slowly rolling to a stop. Already you can hear the sound of pounding music and the thong of gossip as people chat about outside as they wait to get in. Slowly the driver gets out and open the door on your side, forcing you to step out first and present yourself to the people outside, voices quickly bickering at your appearance and some outright mocking you before Valenci steps out after you, looking very bit the gothic vampire queen as she tuts and flashes a smile the bouncer nodding as you are both waved inside like you belonged.
As you walk up the steps to the entrance you caught sight of the building, modern well built and glowing neon signs in electric green displaying the name Blackout. Inside the name of the club lives up to it before, dim lighting for health and safety reasons alone and strobe lightning to help blind and disorientate anyone inside. Music blowing even louder once you're inside the walls lit up with the sweat that pours and evaporates off of all the living people inside that dance and party their night away the walls seem almost throbbing with a life of their own as you walk along the halls into the club proper your sire always by your side gently pushing you along into you stand in the entrance to the dance floor and bar. "Well my Princess, what shall we do first?" She calls out just loud enough to be heard over the music.
(BP 8/10)
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As you press your tits together to further entice the man he leers his eyes going tot he obvious targets with a lusty stare. (Seduction dc 5 = 2 successes) He nods a little and seems to reach a decision. "Alright guess I could let you in, but first let's make it worth my while hm? you suck my dick and swallow my load and maybe I'll let you into the building, not buying that new lab worker crap, no one tries to flirt their way past a guard if they work here." He snickers before unbuckling his belt and dropping his trousers to the floor, Standing there in his briefs he looks at you expectantly before fetching out his cock, already at half mast at the joy it's believed to receive nothing special average at best and a forest of pubic hair at the base.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl
"Beware the Users of "Yo" I've got a big hammer to hit you with upon it's use" - Mel