The Road: 2nd Gear

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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby lilgrunt1 » Mon Feb 29, 2016 2:56 pm

she began to climb down and scavenge the parts needed to fix her bike for it was the only way she could survive this wasteland then she'd look at what parts would be valuable she can scrap for cash
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby Riptide » Mon Feb 29, 2016 4:12 pm

Rip gets off of becky and does a quick spin, putting his hands on his hips.
"You're getting the full package for free today!"
Continuing to sway to the music, he starts to slowly pull down his pants, turning around to shake his bare ass at Becky, before stripping down completely. He turns back to Becky to show his length, and playfully swings it to the music.
"Like what you see?"
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby ZeroParadox » Tue Mar 01, 2016 1:08 am

Raising an eyebrow in confusion Chance answers, "You act as if I should know this guy. I'm afraid I don't, though. Feel free to sift through the bodies, though they could be quite difficult to identify. But if he's the guy that forgot to put a round in this gun..", Chance pauses briefly to bring up the rifle and point it at her, "...then he's over there, dead.", he states while nodding his head in the direction where he found the gun.

"Feel free to look, I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. When you're done come on back. I want you to tell me about what you guys are doing here to either confirm or deny my assumptions. If you're hungry I got some food stuffs scrounged up.", he explains.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby Hazard1325 » Tue Mar 01, 2016 3:05 am

Rebeca moves away for a moment and looks over the graves with a frown. What a waste, eventually though she'd have to go back to camp. Staying out here all night with no fire was stupid, probably suicidal. She moves forward towards him watching him for a moment as he slept then looked towards the bike. She could just leave him out here... but at the same time it had been a while since she had a reliable partner out in the wastes. She seemed to debate it for a moment then looked around for anything to bind his wrists... she was going to give him what he wanted... sort of. But she was going to be the one in charge of this little activity, not him. Once she found some way to secure his wrists behind his back she shoved him over onto his back and dropped down to her knees and reached down into his pants to find his package, rubbing it until he came awake.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby exalted » Thu Mar 03, 2016 1:33 pm

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As you start to approach the wreck you notice something writhing in shadows of the trunk just in time, as metallic tendrils shoot out and try to grab you. Rolling to avoid them, you regain your feat just in time to see a surging mass burst out of the trunk of the wreck, a broiling mass of metal tendrils. To your horror you see something organic is black and silver mess, putrefied, rotting with tendrils bursting through the skin and bone the body gapes openly at the sky.

A harrowing moan escapes its rotten jaw and the tendrils force it arm to point at you.

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"Well I don't know about that," Becky quips with an evil grin, "But I guess tiny here is kinda cute."

Rolling up to her feet, she grabs your cock hard and pushes you to the wall, biting and tugging on your ear.

"Tell me," She hisses, motioning at the bound woman in the corner, "How did you give it to her? And then give it to me exactly opposite."

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The woman looks stunned as she sees where you piled the remains, knife travelling back and forth as her legs give way for a moment. You see tears start to well up in her eyes as the realization of all that has happened crashes down on her. You a sudden strength and resolve, born of hatred, stir in her as her eyes narrow and she points the knife at you.

"You!" She shouts, "You... you have no right... that rifle was Ch... that rifle is mine, that food is mine. You have no right. We did nothing wrong, nothing, we were just trappers, we did nothing wrong... they were just mutts, freaks, we did nothing wrong. You have no right."

She starts to advance on you, knife shaking in crazed tensed grip of her hand. The pup whines behind you and bolts for cover.

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You come up short as you look for something to bind Steiner, until you remember the broken panties you found earlier. Trying as best you can, you sneak up on the sleeping soldier, and you just finish the first loop around his wrists when his eyes flash open.

"Oh, Honey," He smirks, "If you wanted to play some games you just had to ask."

His legs suddenly lash out and sweep your feet out from beneath you. Your fall is cushioned by the soft turned soil and Steiner is soon upon you. You lash out and struggle against him, grappling for position as the two of you role about. You feel the ground suddenly shift beneath you and your tumbling speeds up before ending abruptly in muddy splash as you land in another drainage ditch.

Steiner starts to laugh once the pair of you stop tumbling, pushing himself off you as he sits back.

"Well, I ain't doing it like a pig wallowing in the mud," He chuckles, shaking the mud off his hands, "You coming or not, Love?"

Standing up, he struts to the out building least affected by the fire and kicks open the door. Inside the hut you see a large cloth bag suspended from the high ceiling, bulging with the moisture that beads it's surface. Steiner, still grinning pulls his smock over his head and starts to unbuckle his pants.

He stops, fly half unbuttoned and turns to you, pulling a small parcel from a pocket. Wrapped in wax paper, he tosses it to you and inside you find a smooth pinkish bar that smells of faintly of flowers.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby Riptide » Thu Mar 03, 2016 2:12 pm

While he would normally be terrified of someone like Becky, the adrenaline he felt in the moment only aroused him more.
He starts groping her ass as he responds to her.
"Well, I tried my best to be gentle, as I cautiously filled her pussy."
He gives Becky's ass a hard slap.
"So turn around and I'll wreck your ass!"
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby ZeroParadox » Thu Mar 03, 2016 8:50 pm

Chance brings up the rifle and aims at her center mass. "A wise guy once said to never bring a knife to a gunfight. You have one chance to make the right choice here. Put the knife away or I kill you, got it? Make the right choice and we can both start turning our shitty situations around, you savvy?"
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby lilgrunt1 » Fri Mar 04, 2016 4:52 am

sh walked up to the car examining it until she heard the noise, and as soon as the beast popped out she grabbed her shotgun out but she backed awy for a moment to see if her bike would still start just in case so she wouldn't have to waste another shell.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby Hazard1325 » Sun Mar 06, 2016 8:48 pm

Rebeca still wasn't happy about this but she decided to go along with Steiner and grabbed the soap. She stripped down tossing her filthy clothing aside and waited for him to turn the water on. Once that was done she began to clean herself, not having showered in a while it was rather refreshing but she kept her mind on cleaning herself up first and would deal with him in a minute. Unfortunately the soap slipped from her grip and without thinking she bent over to pick it up giving him a good view of her rear and sex.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby exalted » Mon Mar 07, 2016 6:50 am

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Becky's nails rake lightly down your chest as you knead her ass, squealing with delight when you give it a hard slap. Neatly, she spins around on the ball of her foot, bending straight down at the waist and grabbing both her ankles. She looks up at you through spayed legs and giggles as she grinds herself hard against you, the damp wetness of her sex radiating through the crotch of her black lace panties to your cock.

"You best not be teasin', Big Daddy," She smirks, "I's been a real bad girl now."

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As soon as you take a step back, a tentacle shoots out from the horror's arm, snaking towards you at the blinding speed. You try to leap above the strike but the blow is to quick, and the tentacle lands a blistering welt to your legs, knocking them from underneath you. As you splutter in the dust you feel the tentacle suddenly constrict around your left leg and start gradually dragging you towards the beckoning creature. In a moment of horrow you hear the tip of the tentacle rip a hole in your leg and slip inside, slowly coiling up your bare thigh.

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"All right, you prick," She scowls, tossing the knife into a pile of junk, "You've already stolen everything else I got. What more do you want huh? You can't just leave me out here with nothing."

Angrily, she turns around and leans over the hood of an old junker, giving you an unimpeded look at her goods.

"Is this what you wanted? Me over a barrel so you can get your sloppy seconds? You pricks are all the same, just make it quick and make sure you leave me something to eat when you piss off later."

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Steiner's eyes never leave you as yo strip of your meagre shirt and boots, his face neutral and voice unspoken. When you move under the bag Steiner pulls a cord and droplets start to cascade down on you. The water is chilled compared to the heat outside but is far from cold and immediately starts to eat away at the grime as droplets snake through dirt covering your form. Your nipples harden almost immediately as the water bounces from them, apparently as sensitive as they are engorged from the worms work.

All the while Steiner leans back against the shed's wall, still with the same smirk on his face. When you drop the soap you suddenly feel his presence behind you, the heat of his groin and bare chest pressed up against your back contrasting the cascade of cool water on the front. His hand reaches out and encompasses yours holding the soap and he gently guides it around your body. Starting at your belly, he runs the bar and your hand ins slowly smooth circles several times, leaving a trail of lather as the bar glides up the valley of your breasts. Steiner spends some time here, soaping up each breast and nipple thoroughly, that sends electricity down your spine, but never directly touching them himself.

Finally you feel the gradually lessening bar of soap slide back down your stomach to the cleft between your legs. The small bar of soap sits against your swollen clit, trapped by both your fingers and Steiner's as he slowly guides the bar back and forth, left and right over the sensitive nub as bubbles of soap start to form.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby ZeroParadox » Mon Mar 07, 2016 3:23 pm

Chance just rolls his eyes at her actions. "Don't flatter yourself, girl. Besides, I'm sure no one can compare to the ride you were getting earlier. No, what I need right now is a tracker. From the looks of this camp you guys were hunters, am I right?"
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby Riptide » Mon Mar 07, 2016 8:23 pm

Rip shivers as Becky's nails dance across his chest. He winches at the reminder of times when Jessi scratched him just a little bit too hard. Luckily, it felt just right.
"Flexible gal, aren't ya? At least I know I won't have to eat you out later. You can do it yourself just fine."
He gives Becky another hard slap on the ass, as he positions himself outside her asshole.
"Ok bad girl, I hope you're ready for daddy's punishment"
He doesn't even wait for a response as he plunges his length in to Becky's ass with extreme prejudice.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby lilgrunt1 » Tue Mar 08, 2016 1:59 pm

Fey panicked as the tentacle pulled her down grabbing her shotgun firing it at the tentacle and if that didn't work she'd attempt to use a wrench to hit it off her.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby exalted » Wed Mar 09, 2016 9:19 am

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"Best in the waste," the woman snaps, still with an attitude as she turns around, "Now do you mind putting the gun away so I can get dressed?"

Whether you comply or not she kicks around some junk and starts to pulling together what must have been her kit, though now more torn and tattered. In a few moments she is dressed and turns to face you again.

"You want my help, fine... but you got to do somethin' for me first," She smiles wickedly, pointing at the mutt slinking around behind you, "Kill the mutt, cause it aint coming with us."

You turn to look at the mutt and it rolls on it back, scruffy tummy showing at it looks up you with big pleading eyes and whines slightly. When you look back to the women you see she has a metal crossbow cradled in her arms, pointed in the your and mutts direction.

"Things are too dangerous to keep around, I aint waiting for it to get smart and turn on us," Her voice is cold and direct, "Now you can do it or I can?"


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With only your pre for lube your entry is rough and you hear Becky grunt and gasp as you drive yourself in. You feel her legs tense and shake as her walls clamp down on your shaft, though any resist is pushed away by your surging meat.

"Is-Is that all you got, Big Daddy?" She coughs, wincing as her body shifts around your cock, "I-I thought you weren't going ta tease me."

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As you bring the shotgun to bear another tendril shoots out and knocks the weapon from your grasp before you can pull the trigger and it tumbles off into the dust. The tendril around your leg yanks hard and you are dragged quickly through the grit to the trunk of the wreck from whence the tendrils surge. The tendril suddenly yanks you up and dangles you in front of the main, writhing, body of metal. You feel the tip of the tendril around you leg finally wind its way to pussy, the cold metallic tip tentatively probing your folds.

You watch in horror as a coil of tendrils tipped with blue lights surge through the rotting flesh mouth of the creatures body, swirling about until they form a large eye, that looks you up and down. Finally with something to strike you grab a wrench from your kit and smash it into the side of the glowing blue eye.

The creature lets out a terrifying electronic screech that pierces the air and you feel the tendril around your leg slacken and let go, dropping you back to the ground.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby Riptide » Wed Mar 09, 2016 5:49 pm

Rip enjoyed the feeling of being able to let loose and not hold back on Becky. Those past two days had been nothing but franchise and confusion. Now he felt like he was in control.
"I was just warming up for the real punishment. After I'm through with you, you'll wish I kept teasing."
He pushes Becky to the ground and jumps on top off her and thrusts his length into Becky with full force. Adrenaline takes over as he puts all his strength in to punishing Becky's ass. In this state of pure primal instinct he lightly bites at the back of Becky's neck, while force keeping her arms locked down.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby ZeroParadox » Thu Mar 10, 2016 12:47 am

Chance disregards her order and will continue to keep the rifle pointed at the woman; even while she dresses. He does arch a curious brow when she pulls out the crossbow, though, wondering how he missed such a thing when he searched the place. When she asks about killing the pup his expression changes to one of annoyance.

"Uh, no, no one gets to kill him.", he snapped as he keeps himself between the pup and this woman, "As of this moment this pup is the only one I trust in this entire territory. He's the only living thing here that hasn't tried to harm me or anyone else, threatened me, made demands of me, tricked or robbed me. The same can not be said of anyone else I've encountered here. So, you get to try to convince me otherwise. Tell me about these creatures. What are they? Why do you hunt and slaughter them? What are they like? And..", Chance pauses as he smirks slightly, "..why was he feeding from you like a newborn baby would?"
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby lilgrunt1 » Thu Mar 10, 2016 7:40 pm

she panicked after her gun was tossed and she felt it brushing on her sex so she hit it in what she thought was a weak spot and luckily it was for it let go of her , she immediately grabbed her gun and motorcycle and ran out of its distance getting on it to drive off.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby exalted » Fri Mar 11, 2016 10:32 am

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The woman's crossbow seems to be made out of bits and junk, camouflaging it with the general waste and kipple that litter the canyon.

"You crazy? It's a freak, a mutant, and you want to protect it?" The woman shouts, trying to circle around to get a clear shot, "It's an Antipode, a pack hunter with a hive intelligence. The more there are in a pack the smarter they get, the better at killing they get. That thing will turn on you as soon as it gets a few of its brothers around, and then you'll see. We have to wipe them out before they wipe us out. Kill and breed, that's all they do. They kill and breed us."

The mutt scampers up to its feet again and rubs its flanks against your leg, still looking up with its puppy dog eyes.

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Becky gasps for air each time you spear your hard cock into her ass, moaning weekly as her body rocks back and forth from the violence of your actions. Her fingers scrunch up in the dirt as her whole body tenses with each violation. Each time she tries to say something her voice is wracked by a moaning eke as you savage her behind and eventually she stops trying, left in a continuous mewling broken only by gasps of passion or pain as she becomes putty in your hands.

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Booking scrambling in the dust you grab your gun and take off at a sprint, tendrils lashing the sand where you had just been. Making your bike you manage to hoist it back onto its wheels, but notice the front forks are badly buckled from the impact or landing from the crash. You are unsure if the bike is currently ridable.

It's at this time you realize everything has gone silent again. Turning around you can no longer see the tendril creature spilling from the trunk of the car.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby ZeroParadox » Sat Mar 12, 2016 4:19 am

"Lady, so far as I've seen everything here will turn on you and kill you no matter what. If they do have a hive intelligence I'd love to meet'em. Perhaps in a big enough group they're civil. Anyway, killing one of their babies wouldn't make a difference if we meet a pack. In fact, I'm more curious as to how they'd react if they learn someone fed and treated one of their own nicely. So, complain all you want but the little one is not getting killed today.", Chance preaches as he continues to shield the pup, "Now, on to the next subject. What do you know of these weird feline women? I had a nasty run-in with some earlier today and I'm quite eager to show them my displeasure."
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby Riptide » Sat Mar 12, 2016 7:24 am

Rip continues full force fucking her ass, even after Becky stops resisting. Time becomes meaningless around Rip in this moment, as he keeps going until he feels himself ready to unload. Wanting to finish in Becky in the most forceful way possible, he gets up, picking Becky up along with him with his cock still in her ass, and spears her down onto him, letting gravity help him with the final few thrusts on Becky. As he reaches his peak he pushes Becky down on to him as hard as he can, while simultaneously thrusting his pelvis up at full force. He then blasts his seed in to Becky's ass, as stream after stream fills her up.

When he finally finishes, he takes Becky off of him and turns her around so she is facing him. As she recovers he plants a gentle kiss on her lips as he silently holds her in his arms, patiently awaiting her response to this surge of power. He starts to pant in exhaustion, tired, but still very satisfied.
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