Pokemon Hentai Game update (Jan 31, 2016)

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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (Jan 31, 2016)

Postby MechDragon » Fri Mar 04, 2016 3:25 am

here's my 2 cents
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magmar revamp.jpg
magmar revamp.jpg (131.37 KiB) Viewed 2151 times

i raised the saturation on her hair and applied the Glow effect to it. i used to use paint.net. I feel your pain.
Joined: Sat Oct 31, 2015 5:01 am

Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (Jan 31, 2016)

Postby www.porncritique.lol » Fri Mar 04, 2016 12:56 pm

MechDragon Wrote:here's my 2 cents
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

magmar revamp.jpg

i raised the saturation on her hair and applied the Glow effect to it. i used to use paint.net. I feel your pain.

Looks great now, guess it's just up to Humbird0 or someone else who's really good to shade it. I'm glad someone can relate. :P
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (Jan 31, 2016)

Postby MechDragon » Fri Mar 04, 2016 10:12 pm

Did you try mods? Back when I used it, I found a bunch of mods to make things easier/look nicer.
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (Jan 31, 2016)

Postby www.porncritique.lol » Sat Mar 05, 2016 5:54 am

MechDragon Wrote:Did you try mods? Back when I used it, I found a bunch of mods to make things easier/look nicer.

I wasn't aware there were mods for Paint.net, I'll look into that. Hopefully it'll make my life a bit easier.
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (Jan 31, 2016)

Postby Dead2112man » Sat Mar 05, 2016 6:14 am

What kind of mod makes artistic skill happen, if there is such a one, then even I can make some art
I might not create games, but I will test them, Then I will give advice on what I think needs to be added, removed, or improved.
Official bug tester of Dark Impulses, creators of pokemorph:Pink
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (Jan 31, 2016)

Postby www.porncritique.lol » Sat Mar 05, 2016 3:24 pm

Dead2112man Wrote:What kind of mod makes artistic skill happen, if there is such a one, then even I can make some art

Those are called life hacks, good luck finding one that actually works.
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Website has moved

Postby humbird0 » Tue Mar 08, 2016 3:48 am

Just a little heads-up. My website is up again, but it doesn't have a domain-name just yet:
I have to wait until the 23rd to re-buy the domain name. The website moved because I finally switched web-hosts.

Regardless, the pokemorph and cutscene links in my signature are working again,
as well as the game's normal download link.
The last version of Pokemon Hentai Version is: January 31, 2015
Every Pokemorph created for the game
Every cutscene picture in the game
Reference material gallery (characters, poses, outfits, expressions, personalities)
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Re: Website has moved

Postby zirpcev » Wed Mar 09, 2016 9:02 pm

humbird0 Wrote:Just a little heads-up. My website is up again, but it doesn't have a domain-name just yet:
I have to wait until the 23rd to re-buy the domain name. The website moved because I finally switched web-hosts.

Regardless, the pokemorph and cutscene links in my signature are working again,
as well as the game's normal download link.

Cool, I never noticed the list of cutscenes before. Only one I didn't know about was the babysitting scene in Viridian.
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (Jan 31, 2016)

Postby shiza » Thu Mar 10, 2016 12:18 am


It was applied.
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (Jan 31, 2016)

Postby Biles » Fri Mar 11, 2016 6:24 pm

It's been awhile since I posted here, but looking at Magmar's original design, I can't help but to think a female version might likely have a French-twist style to her hair due to those big-ass lumps Magmar has over his eyes. And by a French-twist, think Rebecca Cunningham from that old Disney cartoon Tail Spin.
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (Jan 31, 2016)

Postby Dead2112man » Sat Mar 12, 2016 4:41 am

shiza Wrote:Image

It was applied.

It not bad, just need some shading and I think it could work out pretty
I might not create games, but I will test them, Then I will give advice on what I think needs to be added, removed, or improved.
Official bug tester of Dark Impulses, creators of pokemorph:Pink
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (Jan 31, 2016)

Postby FurrinGok » Tue Mar 15, 2016 2:18 am

Hey, I was goofing around the Milk Factory and running some quick save/loads when all of a sudden my sprites were broken upon loading. I can fix Ash's but I'm not sure about Brock's or Pikachu's; if I try to give them the same code as Ash they turn into legs.

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Code: Select All Code
<data zeldaItem="num_4" winBorder="num_0" timeOfDay="str_day" squirtleOwnsMisty="bol_false" rocketBlogPath="str_swf\sites\rocketBlog.txt" playingAs="str_ash" pikaName="str_pikascrew" oak="str_Oak" money="num_6550" mistyJoined="bol_true" mistyClothes="str_nude" mistyBust="str_normal" mistyBlogPath="str_swf\sites\mistyBlog.txt" misty="str_Misty" jessie="str_Jessie" james="str_James" isCamping="bol_false" havePikachu="bol_true" haveMisty="bol_false" haveBrock="bol_false" good_photo="num_50" gary_anne="str_Gary" gary="str_Gary" gameId="str_humbird0_pokemon_2014" computerTravel="bol_false" cheap_photo="num_20" brockLeftAt="str_brockBabysit" brockJoined="bol_true" brock="str_Brock" ash="str_Ash" allowStraightShota="num_2" allowStraight="num_2" allowLoli="num_4" allowLesbians="num_2" diveDuration="num_2" saveVersion="num_1" ashs_pikachu="str_Pikachu" cutscene_photo="num_100" allowTentacles="num_2" result="str_win" pallet_item_1="bol_true" pal_aideInsulted="bol_true" 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power="num_3.75" hp="num_15" level="num_2" trainerId="str_garyDiglett" id="str_diglett" maxHp="num_15" xmlType="object"><moves xmlType="array"><1 value="str_pebble" xmlType="variable" /><0 value="str_scratch" xmlType="variable" /></moves></2><1 wasInPlayerParty="bol_false" heldItem="str_" exp="num_0" power="num_5.625" hp="num_15" level="num_2" trainerId="str_garyRattata" id="str_rattata" maxHp="num_15" nickname="str_Squeaky" xmlType="object"><moves xmlType="array"><1 value="str_taunt" xmlType="variable" /><0 value="str_tackle" xmlType="variable" /></moves></1><0 wasInPlayerParty="bol_false" heldItem="str_" exp="num_0" power="num_3.75" hp="num_15" level="num_2" trainerId="str_gary" id="str_gary" maxHp="num_15" xmlType="object"><moves xmlType="array"><1 value="str_taunt" xmlType="variable" /><0 value="str_tackle" xmlType="variable" /></moves></0></pokemon></gary><brock xmlType="object"><tm xmlType="object" /><party xmlType="object" /><pokemon xmlType="array"><3 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exp="num_0" power="num_5.625" hp="num_22.5" level="num_3" trainerId="str_brock" id="str_brock" maxHp="num_22.5" xmlType="object"><moves xmlType="array"><1 value="str_cut" xmlType="variable" /><0 value="str_harden" xmlType="variable" /></moves></0></pokemon></brock><ash xmlType="object"><tm xmlType="object" /><party xmlType="object"><misty charset="str_charset\misty\normal\nightie\walk.png" direction="num_2" rections="num_4" frame="num_1" frames="num_3" pose="num_0" columns="num_1" rows="num_1" animType="str_yoyo" animDirection="num_1" delay="num_3" isAnimating="num_0" xmlType="object" /><pikachu charset="str_charset\pikachu\pikachu_walk.png" direction="num_2" rections="num_4" frame="num_1" frames="num_3" pose="num_0" columns="num_1" rows="num_1" animType="str_yoyo" animDirection="num_-1" delay="num_3" isAnimating="num_0" xmlType="object" /></party><pokemon xmlType="array"><5 wasInPlayerParty="bol_true" heldItem="str_" exp="num_0" power="num_5.625" maxHp="num_22.5" hp="num_22.5" level="num_3" nickname="str_May Blow" trainerId="str_garyCheerleader1" id="str_cheerleader" xmlType="object"><moves xmlType="array"><1 value="str_charm" xmlType="variable" /><0 value="str_tackle" xmlType="variable" /></moves></5><4 wasInPlayerParty="bol_true" heldItem="str_" exp="num_1" power="num_5.625" maxHp="num_22.5" hp="num_22.5" level="num_3" nickname="str_Reeses" trainerId="num_0.209215732291341" id="str_diglett" xmlType="object"><moves xmlType="array"><1 value="str_pebble" xmlType="variable" /><0 value="str_scratch" xmlType="variable" /></moves></4><3 wasInPlayerParty="bol_true" heldItem="str_" exp="num_0" power="num_5.625" maxHp="num_22.5" hp="num_22.5" level="num_3" nickname="str_Jiggle Bug" trainerId="num_0.143250877968967" id="str_caterpie" xmlType="object"><moves xmlType="array"><1 value="str_spark" xmlType="variable" /><0 value="str_scratch" xmlType="variable" /></moves></3><2 wasInPlayerParty="bol_true" heldItem="str_" exp="num_0" power="num_5.625" maxHp="num_22.5" hp="num_22.5" level="num_3" nickname="str_Lady cheese" trainerId="num_0.597549529280514" id="str_rattata" xmlType="object"><moves xmlType="array"><1 value="str_taunt" xmlType="variable" /><0 value="str_tackle" xmlType="variable" /></moves></2><1 wasInPlayerParty="bol_true" heldItem="str_" exp="num_1" power="num_5.625" maxHp="num_22.5" hp="num_22.5" level="num_3" nickname="str_pikascrew" trainerId="str_ashPikachu" id="str_ashs_pikachu" xmlType="object"><moves xmlType="array"><1 value="str_spark" xmlType="variable" /><0 value="str_scratch" xmlType="variable" /></moves></1><0 wasInPlayerParty="bol_true" heldItem="str_" exp="num_0" power="num_5.625" hp="num_22.5" level="num_3" trainerId="num_0.360767397563905" id="str_ash" maxHp="num_22.5" nickname="undefined" xmlType="object"><moves xmlType="array"><0 value="str_flail" xmlType="variable" /></moves></0></pokemon></ash></backup><computer viridian="bol_true" pewter="bol_true" xmlType="object" /><creepyPlaces saffron="str_" lavender="str_" xmlType="object" /><equipment xmlType="object" /><items revive="num_4" mom_key="num_1" potion="num_11" pokedax="num_1" camera="num_1" storage_key4="num_1" fan_art="num_14" storage_key1="num_1" pokeball="num_15" storage_key2="num_1" ipod="num_1" boulder_badge="num_1" pokeboll="num_1" storage_key3="num_1" milk_key="num_1" xmlType="object" /><keys ok="num_32" cancel="num_81" menu="num_81" talk="num_32" ask="num_65" up="num_38" down="num_40" left="num_37" right="num_39" run="num_16" xmlType="object" /><party xmlType="object"><brock charset="str_charset\brock\walk.png" direction="num_1" rections="num_4" frame="num_1" frames="num_3" pose="num_0" columns="num_1" rows="num_1" animType="str_yoyo" animDirection="num_-1" delay="num_4" isAnimating="num_0" xmlType="object" /><pikachu charset="str_charset\pikachu\pikachu_walk.png" direction="num_2" rections="num_4" frame="num_1" frames="num_3" pose="num_0" columns="num_1" rows="num_1" animType="str_yoyo" animDirection="num_-1" delay="num_3" 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lastPhoto="str_swf\pokemon\lass\front.png" caught="bol_false" xmlType="object" /><sandshrew lastPhoto="str_swf\pokemon\sandshrew\horny.png" caught="bol_true" xmlType="object" /><girl lastPhoto="str_swf\pokemon\girl\front.png" caught="bol_false" xmlType="object" /><tauros lastPhoto="str_swf\pokemon\tauros\horny.png" caught="bol_true" xmlType="object" /><onix lastPhoto="str_swf\pokemon\onix\horny.png" caught="bol_true" xmlType="object" /><weedle lastPhoto="str_swf\pokemon\weedle\front.png" caught="bol_true" xmlType="object" /><boy lastPhoto="str_swf\pokemon\boy\front.png" caught="bol_false" xmlType="object" /><cheerleader lastPhoto="str_swf\pokemon\cheerleader\horny.png" caught="bol_true" xmlType="object" /><gary lastPhoto="str_swf\pokemon\gary\front.png" caught="bol_false" xmlType="object" /><school_girl lastPhoto="str_swf\pokemon\school_girl\horny.png" caught="bol_false" xmlType="object" /><man lastPhoto="str_swf\pokemon\man\front.png" caught="bol_false" xmlType="object" /><spearow lastPhoto="str_swf\pokemon\spearow\horny.png" caught="bol_true" xmlType="object" /><caterpie lastPhoto="str_swf\pokemon\caterpie\horny.png" caught="bol_true" xmlType="object" /><diglett lastPhoto="str_swf\pokemon\diglett\front.png" caught="bol_true" xmlType="object" /><ashs_pikachu lastPhoto="str_swf\pokemon\pikachu\front.png" caught="bol_false" xmlType="object" /><oak lastPhoto="str_" caught="bol_false" xmlType="object" /><pikachu lastPhoto="str_" caught="bol_true" xmlType="object" /><rattata lastPhoto="str_swf\pokemon\rattata\front.png" caught="bol_true" xmlType="object" /><ash lastPhoto="str_swf\pokemon\ash\front.png" caught="bol_true" xmlType="object" /></pokedex><shops xmlType="object"><viridian1 pokeball="num_0" potion="num_0" camera="num_10" antidote="num_10" air_horn="num_10" bull_horn="num_10" fan_art="num_0" canRestock="bol_true" revive="num_11" xmlType="object" /><pewter1 potion="num_15" boulder_badge="num_10" air_horn="num_10" bull_horn="num_10" canRestock="bol_true" xmlType="object" /><rocket1 pokeboll="num_0" canRestock="bol_false" xmlType="object" /></shops><sold_photo swf\pokemon\caterpie\frontpng="bol_true" swf\pokemon\caterpie\hornypng="bol_true" swf\pictures\misty_caterpie_tiedjpg="bol_true" swf\pokemon\tauros\frontpng="bol_true" swf\pokemon\tauros\hornypng="bol_true" swf\pictures\tauros_ashjpg="bol_true" xmlType="object" /><tastes loli="num_1" straightShota="num_2" straight="num_0" lesbians="num_6" tentacles="num_0" xmlType="object" /><trainers xmlType="object"><rockGang_11 defeated="bol_true" wasCaught="bol_false" caught="bol_false" xmlType="object"><position direction="num_2" y="num_40" x="num_120" xmlType="object" /></rockGang_11><rockGang_8 defeated="bol_true" wasCaught="bol_false" caught="bol_false" xmlType="object"><position direction="num_1" y="num_152" x="num_232" xmlType="object" /></rockGang_8><rockGang_12 defeated="bol_true" wasCaught="bol_false" caught="bol_false" xmlType="object"><position direction="num_0" y="num_56" x="num_40" xmlType="object" /></rockGang_12><rockGang_10 defeated="bol_true" wasCaught="bol_false" caught="bol_false" xmlType="object"><position direction="num_3" y="num_120" x="num_88" xmlType="object" /></rockGang_10><rockGang_9 defeated="bol_true" wasCaught="bol_false" caught="bol_false" xmlType="object"><position direction="num_0" y="num_168" x="num_120" xmlType="object" /></rockGang_9><rockGang_7 defeated="bol_true" wasCaught="bol_false" caught="bol_false" xmlType="object"><position direction="num_2" y="num_152" x="num_264" xmlType="object" /></rockGang_7><rockGang_6 defeated="bol_true" wasCaught="bol_false" caught="bol_false" xmlType="object"><position direction="num_2" y="num_152" x="num_392" xmlType="object" /></rockGang_6><rockGang_4 defeated="bol_false" wasCaught="bol_false" caught="bol_false" xmlType="object"><position direction="num_3" y="num_184" x="num_120" xmlType="object" /></rockGang_4><rockGang_3 defeated="bol_false" wasCaught="bol_false" caught="bol_false" xmlType="object"><position direction="num_1" y="num_200" x="num_56" xmlType="object" /></rockGang_3><rockGang_2 defeated="bol_false" wasCaught="bol_false" caught="bol_false" xmlType="object"><position direction="num_0" y="num_104" x="num_72" xmlType="object" /></rockGang_2><rockGang_1 defeated="bol_true" wasCaught="bol_false" caught="bol_false" xmlType="object"><position direction="num_2" y="num_40" x="num_168" xmlType="object" /></rockGang_1><rockGang_0 defeated="bol_true" wasCaught="bol_false" caught="bol_false" xmlType="object"><position direction="num_2" y="num_104" x="num_232" xmlType="object" /></rockGang_0><rockGang_5 defeated="bol_true" wasCaught="bol_false" caught="bol_false" xmlType="object"><position direction="num_0" y="num_136" x="num_152" xmlType="object" /></rockGang_5><pewter0 defeated="bol_false" wasCaught="bol_false" caught="bol_false" xmlType="object"><position direction="num_3" y="num_488" x="num_216" xmlType="object" /></pewter0><pewter2 defeated="bol_false" wasCaught="bol_false" caught="bol_false" xmlType="object"><position direction="num_2" y="num_152" x="num_152" xmlType="object" /></pewter2><pewter1 defeated="bol_false" wasCaught="bol_false" caught="bol_false" xmlType="object"><position direction="num_2" y="num_200" x="num_392" xmlType="object" /></pewter1><brock defeated="bol_true" wasCaught="bol_false" caught="bol_false" xmlType="object" /><brockGeodude defeated="bol_true" wasCaught="bol_false" caught="bol_false" xmlType="object" /><brockSandshrew defeated="bol_true" wasCaught="bol_false" caught="bol_false" xmlType="object" /><brockOnix defeated="bol_true" wasCaught="bol_false" caught="bol_false" xmlType="object" /><brockHitmonlee defeated="bol_false" wasCaught="bol_false" caught="bol_true" xmlType="object" /><pewter5 defeated="bol_false" wasCaught="bol_false" caught="bol_false" xmlType="object"><position direction="num_3" y="num_504" x="num_520" xmlType="object" /></pewter5><pewter4 defeated="bol_false" wasCaught="bol_false" caught="bol_false" xmlType="object"><position direction="num_0" y="num_552" x="num_152" xmlType="object" /></pewter4><pewter3 defeated="bol_false" wasCaught="bol_false" caught="bol_false" xmlType="object"><position direction="num_3" y="num_200" x="num_232" xmlType="object" /></pewter3><pewterGym_2 defeated="bol_true" wasCaught="bol_false" caught="bol_false" xmlType="object"><position direction="num_2" y="num_136" x="num_248" xmlType="object" /></pewterGym_2><pewterGym_5 defeated="bol_false" wasCaught="bol_false" caught="bol_false" xmlType="object"><position direction="num_1" y="num_232" x="num_88" xmlType="object" /></pewterGym_5><pewterGym_4 defeated="bol_true" wasCaught="bol_false" caught="bol_false" xmlType="object"><position direction="num_3" y="num_152" x="num_88" xmlType="object" /></pewterGym_4><pewterGym_3 defeated="bol_true" wasCaught="bol_false" caught="bol_false" xmlType="object"><position direction="num_1" y="num_136" x="num_136" xmlType="object" /></pewterGym_3><pewterGym_1 defeated="bol_true" wasCaught="bol_false" caught="bol_false" xmlType="object"><position direction="num_2" y="num_216" x="num_72" xmlType="object" /></pewterGym_1><pewterGym_0 defeated="bol_true" wasCaught="bol_false" caught="bol_false" xmlType="object"><position direction="num_2" y="num_56" x="num_248" xmlType="object" /></pewterGym_0><virCaterpie defeated="bol_true" wasCaught="bol_false" caught="bol_false" xmlType="object" /><virPew_1 defeated="bol_true" wasCaught="bol_false" caught="bol_false" xmlType="object"><position direction="num_1" y="num_376" x="num_664" xmlType="object" /></virPew_1><virPew_2 defeated="bol_true" wasCaught="bol_false" caught="bol_false" xmlType="object"><position direction="num_1" y="num_312" x="num_312" xmlType="object" /></virPew_2><gary defeated="bol_true" wasCaught="bol_false" caught="bol_false" xmlType="object" /><garySpearow defeated="bol_true" wasCaught="bol_false" caught="bol_false" xmlType="object" /><garyRattata defeated="bol_true" wasCaught="bol_false" caught="bol_false" xmlType="object" /><garyDiglett defeated="bol_true" wasCaught="bol_false" caught="bol_false" xmlType="object" /><garyCheerleader1 defeated="bol_false" wasCaught="bol_false" caught="bol_true" xmlType="object" /><vir_0 defeated="bol_true" wasCaught="bol_false" caught="bol_false" xmlType="object"><position direction="num_2" y="num_280" x="num_200" xmlType="object" /></vir_0><viridian_thug3 defeated="bol_true" wasCaught="bol_false" caught="bol_false" xmlType="object"><position direction="num_2" y="num_280" x="num_72" xmlType="object" /></viridian_thug3><viridian_thug2 defeated="bol_true" wasCaught="bol_false" caught="bol_false" xmlType="object"><position direction="num_2" y="num_600" x="num_424" xmlType="object" /></viridian_thug2><viridian_thug defeated="bol_true" wasCaught="bol_false" caught="bol_false" xmlType="object"><position direction="num_0" y="num_328" x="num_408" xmlType="object" /></viridian_thug><ashPikachu defeated="bol_false" wasCaught="bol_false" caught="bol_true" xmlType="object" /></trainers></data>
Gangs n' Whores' Resident Grammar Hitler, head honcho of the Grammar Nazis. Don't ask why it's me, the others called me that.
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (Jan 31, 2016)

Postby Dead2112man » Tue Mar 15, 2016 4:57 am

FurrinGok Wrote:Hey, I was goofing around the Milk Factory and running some quick save/loads when all of a sudden my sprites were broken upon loading. I can fix Ash's but I'm not sure about Brock's or Pikachu's; if I try to give them the same code as Ash they turn into legs.

Ok, no idea how you possible broke the game code enough so that each walk animation (Left down right up) are stacked on top of each other with like a tile apart. All I am going to say is I hope you still have the original data format, seeing how you did mess with the code, and reset. (I know that your about 35 min to hour in but that would be the most simple solution)
I might not create games, but I will test them, Then I will give advice on what I think needs to be added, removed, or improved.
Official bug tester of Dark Impulses, creators of pokemorph:Pink
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (Jan 31, 2016)

Postby FurrinGok » Tue Mar 15, 2016 7:17 am

Dead2112man Wrote:
FurrinGok Wrote:Hey, I was goofing around the Milk Factory and running some quick save/loads when all of a sudden my sprites were broken upon loading. I can fix Ash's but I'm not sure about Brock's or Pikachu's; if I try to give them the same code as Ash they turn into legs.

Ok, no idea how you possible broke the game code enough so that each walk animation (Left down right up) are stacked on top of each other with like a tile apart. All I am going to say is I hope you still have the original data format, seeing how you did mess with the code, and reset. (I know that your about 35 min to hour in but that would be the most simple solution)

I was able to fix it by using the TEST feature and grabbing Brock and Pikachu and copying over the "Player" and "Party" lines from that, hopefully there aren't any bugs elsewhere in the code or else I will end up having to reset.
Gangs n' Whores' Resident Grammar Hitler, head honcho of the Grammar Nazis. Don't ask why it's me, the others called me that.
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (Jan 31, 2016)

Postby Chesta1 » Tue Mar 15, 2016 11:34 pm

love the game but i can't open the menu
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (Jan 31, 2016)

Postby Linulanielly » Wed Mar 16, 2016 12:40 am

BUG found.

Hi, I am not sure where there is an issue tracker for this game... so I have decided too make post here.

The problem I found is as follows: if player hover mouse over water type in pockedax, then he can only see 2 statements: "Strong against Fire. Weak against Electric" But actually there must be at least 1 more: "Strong against Rock" The game behaves in this way and water type has the opposite statement about water types.

It would be cool if you can fix it, thank you.

P.s. this is a really great game. Thank you!!
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (Jan 31, 2016)

Postby FurrinGok » Thu Mar 17, 2016 2:26 am

Linulanielly Wrote:BUG found.

Hi, I am not sure where there is an issue tracker for this game... so I have decided too make post here.

The problem I found is as follows: if player hover mouse over water type in pockedax, then he can only see 2 statements: "Strong against Fire. Weak against Electric" But actually there must be at least 1 more: "Strong against Rock" The game behaves in this way and water type has the opposite statement about water types.

It would be cool if you can fix it, thank you.

P.s. this is a really great game. Thank you!!

I haven't tried using a water pokemorph, but bug types seem to be strong against rock.
Gangs n' Whores' Resident Grammar Hitler, head honcho of the Grammar Nazis. Don't ask why it's me, the others called me that.
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (Jan 31, 2016)

Postby dssjag » Fri Mar 18, 2016 7:58 am

so ive run into the issue where i cant open my menu when i import a save game from the old version? something specific i need to do? i cant access my pokemon pics save/load etc. everything else SEEMS to work fine
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (Jan 31, 2016)

Postby Linulanielly » Sat Mar 19, 2016 1:34 am

Ok, since I have got at least some comment on a typo I found, then probably it will be OK if I post here all issues I have found during my game (Amazing game Realy!! Thank you a lot!!! Too bad it is still unfinished(((((( )

So, here we go, I hope it will help:

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

    - bugs and typos
      - Cerulean
        - Gym
          - There is a Rocket woman here. But actually there are 2 of them with different dialogs but they stand in the same spot. You can defeat both but when you return to location they again will be stand in a single spot (in the spot where the last one was defeated probably) and their dialogs will appear on top of each other.
        - Tunnel to a lab
          - if you take a pass to a place where Red has wet dreams with Jigglepuf, then it is very possible that you actually leave the tunnel (I suppose that Ash "step" on stairs here somehow...) (I mean when you just enter in hidden pass there is a spot right above stairs that trigers leaving the tunnel)
      - Vermilion
        - Inn
          - after a tour in your "floor" maiden will "wait for tips" only if Ash goes south from where he stand when player get control. If Ash goes to north then she start to leave immedeately
          - Another bug: during your tour one maid ran away. But if you will reload or leave and return to a room, she "will be there", but if you defeat and make her your own through fan art, then she will disapear, but simultaneosult the maid in top-right corner will disapear too (as if it is the same person). And even more, after you leaving and return (at least if you use elevator), she will stnad here again!! - infinite supply of maids to your collection!!
        - Pollice station
          - If you talk with Jenny staying below her, you cannot see option "sex-offended" but if you talk to her, staying to right, the option is there. I assume that for table (which probably triggers event) this option wasn't added.
      - St. Ante
        - If your team goes into Bill's room without quest about searchig for rattata and bulbasaur, then they will remark each object as if they already looking for smth. and they also can open secret passage. But it only make sense when they follow pokemons and there is a scene when they come into thhis room the one where they talking about whrere those pokemon could go.
        - P.s. by the way, many dialogs are felt incmplete when there are only Ash and Brock in the party. Probably it would make sense to limit players movements around while he will not return Misty into his team?
        - After completition of quest with balbasaur and ratatta (found them in Bill's secret room) and telling about it the girl who gave the quest and making a photo of her participating in action on Bill's room. If player return to girl's room, whe will be there - bug? (I suppose that she is now binded to Bill's room and cannot teleport from there)
        - On a 2nd floor (where Team Rocket selling staff) after Meoth came to them and Ash is standing somewhere between Meoth and the table near them (below Meoth), talking with Meoth activates 2 dialogs cimultaneously - the one with Jessie which leads to buy menu, and the one with Meoth whos conversation still continues when buying already in the progress.
        - After night came in, on 4th floor where captain is "blarging", if you talk to him, then the dialog with firl who asking for more of this staff will appear even though she is not here anymore.
        - If Ash will stay on a ... the side of the ship where 4 girls are, just before the ship going to sink and these girls are grabbed by tentacools, Ash will be trapped and cannot move at all.
        - After the ship stopped sinking and 4 girls were trapped by tentacools, if Ash returns to party and then come back to these girls, then firstly, they will be grabbed again (same scene), secondly, the ship will be floating in the air (water to which it was sinking desapears. Also positions of all people in party reset each tme player load the game or Ash leaving and returning to party (even after a crash)
        - While playing for Jessie, you can go into "pokecenter" and withdraw any of Ash's pokemons!!

      - pokedax
        - there are many pictures with weak points outside of body. And some of these "outsiders" cannot even be clicked upon (I used Tab button to find them, but they never was chosen, so they probably just not exist)
        - I believe that water pokemon type missed statement that it is strong agains rock types (by the way, rock pokemon type has opposite statement)
      - fight
        - often it occures with me that what supposed to be a single attack has many repetitions. For example once I used tentacool's swim and it was animated at least 20 times... I already though that my game was stuck ((((. (P.s. it made only standart single applied damage... but ammount of time I had to wait for the result was realy disterbing..)
        - If during battle some pokemon managed to beat another pokemon who was 2+lvl bigger, then formally player gets notofocation that this winner gets 4+ exp, but it never get more than 2 actually. Can it be fixed? (Either text in notofocation or amount of given xp. I would prefer getting (or gving to opponent) exp but its only my humble opinion.
      - Pokemon ability's description
        - tentacool's heal sayes that it restores 10 hp (no matter what lvl pokemon has) but actually it restores the amount of hp which pokemon has now (e.g. if tentacool has 4/50 than this ability will restore 4 hp, if 30/50 then 30 hp (which leads to 50/50) ). Could you change teh description of ability?
      - named pokemons
        - I found next as unlogical possibility: during my fight with Gary in Pweter's club through usage of Fan Art I stole his Named Rattata (Squeaky). But when we fought in desert (after Rocket Base event) he possessed her again. (I stole it of course and now I have 2 identical powered up Rattatas...) This is a bug, isn't it? (Probably same about Misty's Golden (which I have stolen) and Brock's Geodude (which I have stolen too of course).
      - Playing for Jessie during camping in location between Viridian and Pewter
        - Jessie has access to all items of Ash...

    - feature requests
      - could you make it possible to veiw available pokemon actions in pokedax?
      - could you add filters to "withdrow" pokemon option in pokecenters? (filter by name, class (through dropbox or typing a string), nature type (water, rock,..), level, abilities (it would be great to be possible to find pokemon by choosing ability you want to, like healing or poison or charm for example)
      - It would be great if player would get (at least initial) photos of creatures which he possess. It is very disturbing to make one of your pokemon evolve and do not see photo of it while scroling through bank deposit
      - Could you please power up Pikachu? After all she is the main character but her base atack is weak ((( (Even after the event on powerstation she becomes only of normal power, while Gary's Rattata and Misty's Golden have power bigger than normal pokemon of their type and level).
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (Jan 31, 2016)

Postby FurrinGok » Sat Mar 19, 2016 5:29 pm

Linulanielly Wrote:Ok, since I have got at least some comment on a typo I found, then probably it will be OK if I post here all issues I have found during my game (Amazing game
    - Tunnel to a lab
      - if you take a pass to a place where Red has wet dreams with Jigglepuf, then it is very possible that you actually leave the tunnel (I suppose that Ash "step" on stairs here somehow...) (I mean when you just enter in hidden pass there is a spot right above stairs that trigers leaving the tunnel)

The problem is that the top of the ladder intersects the tunnel, and the entire ladder is an event trigger, not just the bottom. If you go slow, you typically won't hit it, but if you're running by holding shift it's easy to hit.

    - If during battle some pokemon managed to beat another pokemon who was 2+lvl bigger, then formally player gets notofocation that this winner gets 4+ exp, but it never get more than 2 actually. Can it be fixed? (Either text in notofocation or amount of given xp. I would prefer getting (or gving to opponent) exp but its only my humble opinion.

I know that Pokemon Pink has this fixed, so that you can still get rollover experience, and it would be amazing if that worked here. Giving the opponent two, three, even four levels at once would really allow you to keep up with leveling your own party.
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