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As you start to approach the wreck you notice something writhing in shadows of the trunk just in time, as metallic tendrils shoot out and try to grab you. Rolling to avoid them, you regain your feat just in time to see a surging mass burst out of the trunk of the wreck, a broiling mass of metal tendrils. To your horror you see something organic is black and silver mess, putrefied, rotting with tendrils bursting through the skin and bone the body gapes openly at the sky.
A harrowing moan escapes its rotten jaw and the tendrils force it arm to point at you.
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"Well I don't know about that," Becky quips with an evil grin, "But I guess tiny here is kinda cute."
Rolling up to her feet, she grabs your cock hard and pushes you to the wall, biting and tugging on your ear.
"Tell me," She hisses, motioning at the bound woman in the corner, "How did you give it to her? And then give it to me exactly opposite."
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The woman looks stunned as she sees where you piled the remains, knife travelling back and forth as her legs give way for a moment. You see tears start to well up in her eyes as the realization of all that has happened crashes down on her. You a sudden strength and resolve, born of hatred, stir in her as her eyes narrow and she points the knife at you.
"You!" She shouts, "You... you have no right... that rifle was Ch... that rifle is mine, that food is mine. You have no right. We did nothing wrong, nothing, we were just trappers, we did nothing wrong... they were just mutts, freaks, we did nothing wrong. You have no right."
She starts to advance on you, knife shaking in crazed tensed grip of her hand. The pup whines behind you and bolts for cover.
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You come up short as you look for something to bind Steiner, until you remember the broken panties you found earlier. Trying as best you can, you sneak up on the sleeping soldier, and you just finish the first loop around his wrists when his eyes flash open.
"Oh, Honey," He smirks, "If you wanted to play some games you just had to ask."
His legs suddenly lash out and sweep your feet out from beneath you. Your fall is cushioned by the soft turned soil and Steiner is soon upon you. You lash out and struggle against him, grappling for position as the two of you role about. You feel the ground suddenly shift beneath you and your tumbling speeds up before ending abruptly in muddy splash as you land in another drainage ditch.
Steiner starts to laugh once the pair of you stop tumbling, pushing himself off you as he sits back.
"Well, I ain't doing it like a pig wallowing in the mud," He chuckles, shaking the mud off his hands, "You coming or not, Love?"
Standing up, he struts to the out building least affected by the fire and kicks open the door. Inside the hut you see a large cloth bag suspended from the high ceiling, bulging with the moisture that beads it's surface. Steiner, still grinning pulls his smock over his head and starts to unbuckle his pants.
He stops, fly half unbuttoned and turns to you, pulling a small parcel from a pocket. Wrapped in wax paper, he tosses it to you and inside you find a smooth pinkish bar that smells of faintly of flowers.