by Sundance » Sat Mar 12, 2016 12:55 pm
The way her hot skin touched his made Coria moan in pleasure. She shortly took the manhood out of her mouth to let out a sign of pleasure and to assure that she indeed deeply enjoyed it. Most guys just saw there own pleasure and would greedy just focus on that. Able was different as he was almost "too" concerned for her own. She shortly locked eyes with him, a soft smile on her face, and a look that said:"Back down and enjoy it, you fool." With that she moved the tip of the cock back against her soft lips, making sure that they would be well lubricated by her own spit, as it would slide down, in between her breasts. Still rosing up and down, she closed her eyes as she started to indulge the cock inside her mouth, soflty licking over it, playing with the band and the sides. The taste was still there and far to good to pass down. Still the best thing were Ables moans, they way he layed down and enjoyed it. There were few things Coria found more arousing then the deep moans of a man.
Then she could feel it, the twitching of his mandhood ready to let go of his load. The way his breath went, the way he layed down, it all send down as shiver of pleasant anticipation down her spine. How his manhood shivered, almost begging to release his heavy load. The tip almost felt like it would glow, yet she kept on licking it, her eyes closed. But even then she was astonished as it really happned. All of the sudden a hot gush of salty liquid filled her mouth, then another one. Her eyes opened and widen as she felt it. It was far more then she had expected, far to much to keep in her mouth. The next came, and Coria quickly moved her head backwards, letting go of the tip. Instinctive she closed her eyes, before she felt a hot gush landing on her cheek, and then another one on her nose. The hot fluid was sticky, and had a strong musk, yet wasnt that disgusting as she allways was told by her sisters. To the contrary it was warm and almost cozy to feel it on her skin. A last, massive gush broke her thoughts as it landed over her closed lips and up her cheeks. Then finally it seemed to cease. The whole time she could feel ables pleasure, from the muffled scream to the way his toes curled.
As Able opened his eyes he could look at Coira coated face, parts of it now colored white by his thick cum. Slowly she opened her eyes and looked right into Ables. Corias mouth was still to full to say anything but her face was completly neutral, and as such it was hard to tell if she was mad or pleased by this outcome. She stayed like this for a few moments, still glaring into his eyes, before she burst into giggles. Closing her eyes again she swallowed down the load in her mouth. Gasping for air for a few moments she looked at him, her face still covered. "Well, seems like you made quite a mess..." For a moment she just looked at him. Then she began to lick around her lips as she sat down. "Any mean words and i kiss you right now, Able."