543.swf [ 13.29 KiB | Viewed 5050 times ]
Eggplants Wrote:heh all the lurkers are coming out to show their love for buff-ish women. Well good on ya guys! This is Dmitrys' work and this is just the style he draws, it appeals to some but not all(personally I like it how it is) and with the amount of small framed girls on the net, it's nice to see something different. As gottstein says, if you don't like it then edit it yourself. Freaking good work, Gladiatrix. I've never seen someone vectorise a drawing this well before. You've got skills!
Surskit Wrote:I didn't think it was something i would need flash for. I thought it was something I could do to prep a piece for someone to use in flash.
Surskit Wrote:Yes! Exactly!
Surskit Wrote:Okay... Let me put it this way. If I just type in flash in google I get nothing but Adobe Flash Player everywhere.
If I put in Flash designer I get a long list of flash software that are probably more trouble than they're worth (It's like looking for a program to burn dvd's. All do the same thing, but there's some programs people swear by.)
Surskit Wrote:Okay... Let me put it this way. If I just type in flash in google I get nothing but Adobe Flash Player everywhere.
If I put in Flash designer I get a long list of flash software that are probably more trouble than they're worth (It's like looking for a program to burn dvd's. All do the same thing, but there's some programs people swear by.)
I just put in Flash Design Software and I'm seeing Adobe Flash Professional CS5.5 - I think this is the one I should want to get, right? Also I remember seeing some issues with version compatibilities so should i see about getting an older version rather than 5.5?
Haha, just read a review on the main site for 5.5. Guy says it's overly complicated for App writing. Gave it 1 star. So, again, best version of Flash to get?
Surskit Wrote:Okay that makes sense. I know I touched the circle just to give it a different kind of shift when testing it. Didn't think it would throw off the the tween.
Right now, though my two biggest issues are:
-Line thickness
Misty.swf [ 81.52 KiB | Viewed 4703 times ]
Surskit Wrote:Lol I hate and love you so much for doing that so easily. Yeah, that's what I'm aiming for. I wanted to make the open eye close just for the sake of practice, but like I said, I've got a whole bunch of segments doing things they shouldn't.
Also, I was at a friends house last night on rule34 pissing ourselves over the Doug pictures and I think another Nick related picture came up signed Mister D. If you're the same guy I'm honored to be getting pointers from you (Was honored before that too but now it's like honor stacked on honor).
Misty.swf [ 5.87 KiB | Viewed 4635 times ]
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