The Road: 2nd Gear

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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby ZeroParadox » Sat Feb 20, 2016 8:40 am

Chance will continue to quietly watch the area. The moans were likely the girl, but so far there doesn't seem to be anything that would explain the shouting. For now caution and paranoia would be prudent.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby Riptide » Sun Feb 21, 2016 5:36 pm

Rip lets out an impressed whistle when he sees the rusted machine.
"I would have loved to be alive when that thing was in action."
He parks the bike in the container and follows Becky, dragging the cult leader along with him.
"So is the contact here, or are we just taking a break?"
He feels uneasy going down in to such an unnatural cavern, but figures that he's gotten himself too deep in to this problem to leave it now.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby Hazard1325 » Mon Feb 22, 2016 4:38 am

Rebeca leans forward into the first stab driving it deep into the bastards gut and then pulls back ripping his vulnerable flesh. She could have easily stopped there but his words had enraged her, this degenerate had had his way with her and she was going to make sure he paid... a few minutes later she dropped the bent blade and leaned forward griping her knees and panting. His heavily mutilated corpse was a few feet away and she tried not to look at it. She straitened her back and let out a sign moving past the body to continue searching. She really shouldn't have cut loose like that but it was to late to take it back.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby exalted » Tue Feb 23, 2016 10:24 am

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You watch for several more minutes but nothing seems to change, the gully is motionless except for the small wolf-like creature snuffling about.

The girl is still dazed and out, leaning up against the rocks.

Flies still buzz about the bodies.

The small fuzzy ball of fur suddenly stops burying it's snout in the ground and cranes it's neck back, sniffing the air. It's head snaps in your direction and it softly pads over, tail wagging as it sits just outside the container, looking at you with it's head cocked to the side.

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"Me to, pal," Becky shrugs at your first comment, "Would mean the world wasn't in the shit state it is today."

The light from Becky's lantern leads you on, deeper under ground. After a short while the walls stop looking like natural rock and take on a smooth, nearly circular appearance and you realize you must be in part of the cylinder that's buried under the wastes. Becky forces open and rusted door that shrieks in agony as rusted metal grinds against itself and leads you inside a small chamber. At the front of the chamber you see a busted up dashboard, the gauges and switches either smashed or faded beyond recognition. There are several tattered chairs bolted to the floor of the room, the fabric covering tattered to the point of non-existence.

A sleeping roll lies in the centre of the room beside a travelling pack common among wastelanders.

Becky sets down the lantern and pries open a hatch on the ceiling, tearing wires from connections inside. Once she thinks she has enough she uses them to bind the cult leader more thoroughly, tying her hands to the ceiling.

"The buyer should be meeting us here in by nightfall," Becky sighs as she slumps into a chair, a cloud of dust shooting out from around her, "Why, got something on your mind?"

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Continuing your search you find a few ears of corn that haven't been burnt or trampled.

2 Days Rations added

As you methodically plod through the fields you come across a bullet riddled wreck, bogged deep in the mud, the wreck's paint job clearly states it used to belong to the Chrome Hounds. Flies buzz about the bits of bodies still inside the cabin and looks like any parts of value have already been stripped or scrapped from it. In the refuse tossed from the rig you find several fliers for Brutha Luv's Brothel.

As you start back towards the main buildings again, the mud shifts beneath your feet again and you tumble into the drainage ditch again. Cursing your new endowment for altering your centre of balance, you're just starting to wipe the mud off when you see something that brings a tear to your eye. The old battered still must have been one of the farmer's pride and joy, tucked away safe in a little alcove behind some weeds in the drainage ditch. Pulling aside the weeds you see there are two large jugs of clear moonshine tucked behind the copper still.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby Riptide » Tue Feb 23, 2016 5:26 pm

Rip takes a look at the cult leader before leaning against the wall.
"I've got two. First off, what's he deal with her and her band of teases?"
He motions toward the bound cult leader.
"I'm assuming you've been with them for a while. What messed up stuff did they have you doing?"
He takes a good look at Becky, wanting to be with a real women, and not a sleeping one.
"Two, you seemed to promise me a little something before. Mixing business with pleasure if I recall?"
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby lilgrunt1 » Tue Feb 23, 2016 8:32 pm

she looked at the car confused climbing on top of the rock pulling her bike up with her and she points her shotgun at the tires and attempts to shoot them.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby ZeroParadox » Wed Feb 24, 2016 1:05 am

With a sigh Chance slowly exits the container. "Alright, little one, ya found me. Are you friendly or am I about to experience the most adorable mauling of my life?", Chance says glibly to the small wolf, "Hopefully we can be friends. A nose like yours could prove quite useful out here." He'll spend a moment looking like he expects the canine to answer before scanning the area again, then sit on the ground to start a sand-bath; using the cleanest sand around to try to remove as much of the muck from himself as possible.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby exalted » Wed Feb 24, 2016 2:19 am

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"I dunno," Becky mumbles as she pulls a bottle from cabinet and takes a swig, "Some goody two shoes bullshit about repopulating blah blah, new world blah blah, green lands and world peace bullshit."

She laughs at your second question and takes another swig from her bottle, standing up.

"Yeah, I guess I did," She chuckles again and pushes you down into the chair she was in.

Returning to her pack she grabs a strange device from it, assembled from junk and wires. She cranks a small handle on the side of it and light starts to glow within before a speaker crackles to life and starts to blast out music. Running her hands up and down her body, Becky starts to sway with the music, sauntering over she spins as she grinds herself against you.

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Scampering up onto the rocks, your feet slip and struggle for purchase as you try to haul your bike up after you. Too late the howling fury of the V8 beast is upon you, it's bumper tearing the bike from your grasp and sending it end over into the waste. The Mustang kicks sand in every direction as it circles the rocks again and again, looking for an opening or trying to scare you into running. Drawing your shotgun you let loose and shred the front right tire with blast. The Mustang skids to a halt, facing you and you can see the tire has come off the rim and jammed the wheel up.

The V8 under the hood roars loudly and whole car rocks from it violent contortions.

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The mutt initially shies away from your affections but is soon tapping away with its strange triple jointed leg as you pat it. Aside from it's adorable mewls and whimpers it shows no sign of being able to talk.

You manage to clean the worst of the grime off and after you do you see the mutt scampering around again, knocking over cans and getting into any container it can find and it whines lowly.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby Hazard1325 » Wed Feb 24, 2016 3:50 am

Rebeca quickly gathers up the corn tucking it away for now then feels herself slip as she moves towards the mud. She lets out a sigh at the lack of useful materials and then feels her self slip face first into the mud. She wipes herself off with a disgusted expression only to see the bottle of moonshine. She grins moving forward to pull the two jugs out figuring no one else was going to use these, so she may as well... after the search she went looking for Steiner holding the jugs out unintentionally beside her own when she saw him. "Hey, look what I found. Only had to kill one psycho too." She said with a grin.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby ZeroParadox » Wed Feb 24, 2016 3:55 am

"Hungry, eh? Yeah, so am I.", Chance shares in a friendly tone, "Let's see what we can find together. You with your nose and me with my opposable thumbs. How's that sound?" Chance will continue searching the camp, sharing what can be found or scavenged with his strange new friend and taking anything extra for later. He'll also keep tabs on the woman.

The little one is certainly an enigma; there is no mistaking what triple jointed legs are for.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby exalted » Wed Feb 24, 2016 12:53 pm

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You spend a good while scrounging around the camp for any food, the sounds of your new companion constantly getting into anything it can find constantly in your ears.

You manage to scrounge up three cans of bean and two can chilli, though dented and covered in rust still appear to be sealed safely. In the chest you find several strips of bloody meat covered in a thick layer of salt, but considering what you've seen here you're not sure if you can trust it.

It's at this time you realize you haven't heard the mutt for a while and quickly look to see where he has gone. You don't have to look far, a slurping sound and soft moans from the woman guide you to the scene. The mutt sits oddly in the unconscious woman's lap, gently nursing at her engorged teats, flecks of milk spotting his snout. Taking a moment you are pretty sure the woman's breasts weren't that large when you first found her and there is no sign of the bulge in her stomach.

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You find Steiner back by the smouldering ruins of the farm house, nursing a small smokeless fire as he stares into the distance. You notice his hands, beneath a layer of muck and grime and near rubbed raw and show many blisters. His entrenching tool rests beside him, covered in a thick layer of soppy mud.

"What?" He stares at you blankly for a moment, showing no sign of recognition, before clutching his temple while his body convulses slightly.

He quickly recovers and stares at you again, or as you realize, your jugs, though which set is debatable.

"Well grab a seat, Love," He chuckles with his arrogant charm, "And share the love."
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby Riptide » Wed Feb 24, 2016 4:11 pm

Rip will admit. He still kind of does hope for the day the world won't be shit anymore. But he knew those creepy cults and their feeble attempts to gain control were not the answer. His philosophical thoughts didn't last for long, as he found himself lost in the music and Becky's entrancing sways. He leaned back and enjoyed it, letting her do all the work right off the bat, not wanting to ruin the moment with his eager hands.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby lilgrunt1 » Wed Feb 24, 2016 5:08 pm

After it wrecked her bike she cursed and screamed firing at its other tires then to the engine hoping to kill the ghost car and use it to repair her bike.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby ZeroParadox » Thu Feb 25, 2016 12:30 am

"Ah, well, since you've already found your dinner...", Chance quips with amusement as he sits down and opens one of the cans of chili. Looking at the contents he mumbles, "Bet yours tastes better. Oh well." He'll then eat while watching the little wolf and his meal source and speculate about just when she'll come back to her senses; assuming she will, of course.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby Hazard1325 » Thu Feb 25, 2016 5:03 am

Rebeca frowned a moment as she saw his strange reaction but decided not to bring it up right now. Instead she went to set down one jug by him and then cross to the other side of the fire to sit with her own. "So, find anything interesting? All I got was the moonshine and a little revenge. Psyco was too stupid to stay alive and came at me." She explained then waited to hear anything interesting he may have come across.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby exalted » Thu Feb 25, 2016 1:57 pm

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The music abruptly ends as the device winds out of power. Becky stops her dance with the music, running a hand through her hair to wipe away the sweat. Smiling, she pulls you from the seat and slumps back into it, grabbing the device and slowly cranking the holder.

"Alright Big Boy, your turn." She smirks as a new song bursts from the speaker.

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The shotgun barks and kicks in your hand time and again as you blast away, shredding two more tires and blasting the engine repeatedly in rage. You're able to restrain yourself as you feel the last two shells in your pocket after reloading from your last blast.

As your shells tear through the hood and into the block the engine starts to cough and splutter, clinging to life briefly before wheezing into death.

The winds swirls around eddies of dust in the stillness of waste, echoing a loud click as the trunk lid pops open slightly

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Cold, the chilli is thick and gloppy, but is at least palatable and fills your belly. You look up as the mutt burps loudly and licks it chops of any remaining residue. It yips suddenly and bolts from the woman's lap, scampering to hide behind your legs as a groan come from the woman. You see her clutch a hand to her head while the other runs down between her legs.

"Ugh," she mumbles, "What the fuck hit me?"

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"Just a bag full of names," You see Steiner tuck a small leather satchel into his pocket that jingles with small ovals of shiny metal.

Cracking the lid on his jar he takes a deep swallow and coughs hoarsely as the spirits burns down inside him. He sets the jar aside and reaches into a pack beside him, drawing out a set of black cargo pants and camouflage smock much like his own.

"Suffice it to say Love, it's not been a pleasant couple of days and I need to relieve some stress," He says flatly, "Now I'm willing to give you this shirt and pants, if I'm allowed to get into them."
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby ZeroParadox » Fri Feb 26, 2016 12:46 am

Chance places the empty chili can down, offering it to the pup before giving him an affectionate pat on the head. "Well, evidence would indicate you've been stricken with...", he pauses somewhat dramatically, "...motherhood. And possibly some irony, from what I've seen so far. Congratulations."
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby Hazard1325 » Fri Feb 26, 2016 1:48 am

Rebeca folded her arms after hearing his offer and shot him a little glare. "I'm not some whore you know... I can go find some more clothes later." She said grabing her moonshine and taking a big gulp before trying to walk off from camp for a while to clear her head. The comment had angered her a great deal, maybe because it was so soon after being raped by the psychopaths but right now she really wasn't interested in Steiner.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby Riptide » Fri Feb 26, 2016 4:34 am

Jessi forced Rip to learn how to striptease a few weeks prior. She was severely dissapointed by the lack of Male Strippers in the world, and used her influence over Rip to create her own little private strip joint. While Rip was reluctant at first, he was now finding himself grateful of his newfound skill.

He smiles at Becky, happy to give his companion a show. He naturally starts thrusting and swinging his waist to the music, slowly and sensually taking off his shirt and throwing it off to the side, keeping eye contact with Becky the entire time. Once he is shirtless, and his gleaming sweat dripping body shines in the room, he dances over to, and climbs over Becky, continuing to thrust his pelvis to the beat.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby exalted » Mon Feb 29, 2016 1:56 pm

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The pup quickly snaffles up the dregs in the can, noisily knocking it about as he ineffectually tries to hide behind your legs.

The woman groans as she staggers to her feet, looking back at dead creature and then to the one hiding behind you as she tries to process what you said.

"No... that can't be, we..." She mutters, stumbling about as she recovers her balance, "Billy was... Carl and... where's Carl?"

She scoops and gathers up a pile of rags that look like they where her clothes and draws a cruel looking black iron knife from a scabbard. She studies the knife for a moment before pointing it at you.

"Where's Carl?" She shouts

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Steiner scoffs at your outburst and leans back against the ruined building still smirking as you leave.

A walk around the ruined farm is uneventful, though it brings home the tragedy. It looks like these people had been making a real go of it before they were snuffed out. It's at the end of your walk you come across the row of fresh graves that Steiner dug.

Nine in total and spaced evenly apart, the neat mounds of dirt are topped by singed piece of wood with a chain and tag hanging from it.

If you return to Steiner you see find him much as you left him, lazing back against the ruins asleep. You notice his jug has taken a big hit

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Becky claps and cheers as you dance for her, grinning ear to ear.

"So where do we go from here?" She smiles, "How much more for the full monty?"
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