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Re: Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/15)

Postby Dead2112man » Mon Jan 18, 2016 6:19 pm

I think we will depending on how you want the character to evolve (get it). Also Eevee evolving into a different form might not be out of the question, but do you really want to get rid of her personality and cuteness. I might not be a huge person in the game, but, I bet that we will get the chance to catch the evolved versions at some point rather than having Eevee evolve.
I might not create games, but I will test them, Then I will give advice on what I think needs to be added, removed, or improved.
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Re: Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/15)

Postby Ryan Nocturne » Wed Jan 20, 2016 6:56 am

Alright, I see what you mean. But I'd like to know if Eevee will be getting any scenes with our character. Also, will we see the Spearow we saved again? Or did I miss something?
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Re: Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/15)

Postby ValturNaa » Wed Jan 20, 2016 6:15 pm

Not to post spoilers, yes Eevee will be getting a few scenes, and yes the spearow will reappear. The details of the continuing spearow event are still being worked out but it will happen later.
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Re: Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/15)

Postby White Vine » Fri Jan 22, 2016 1:02 pm

Eevee, the cinnamon roll everybody loves!
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Re: Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/15)

Postby NWLCJonSnow » Sun Jan 24, 2016 3:39 pm

More scenes with every of the trainers pokemons. Especially Cosplay Pikachu.

Creating a Pokemorph Game. Featuring all regions and all the respective pokemons.
Each region only features pokemon of the region they originally are from.
A Game where you do not need to catch them all to get the pokedex entry. You only have to encounter them.
A Game where your team consists of 17 pokemons instead of 6.
Where you do not need HM because these "moves'" are second ability of pokemons.

Fly second ability of all bird pokemon based on flying birds and thus who are able to fly.
Surfer, cascade and dive second ability of all pokemon living in water.
Strength second ability of all pokemon who are physically able to move and or destroy obstacles thus removing rock smash
Flash second ability of all electro pokemon and all pokemon who are able to generate light.
Cut second ability of pokemon with claws and or scissors.

The player himself can use fly, surf and cascade only on pokemon he is able to sit on.
To dive on his own, the player need to chew a special herb.
A Game with Quests and adventure and mystery and romance and erotic.

A Game where you can fuck the trainers you beat special choosen ones. Hetero, Homo and Bi Pairings
Threesomes, orgies and gangbang scenes.

Too much too much. It breaks the mold.
But few ideas could surely be implemented. Like encountering is sufficient to get the entry.

Or you can fuck trainers if their pokemon are too strong.
Last edited by NWLCJonSnow on Wed Jan 27, 2016 11:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/15)

Postby ValturNaa » Sun Jan 24, 2016 8:05 pm

Hehe, lots of ideas here Jon. I'm not sure all of them are good but I'll think about them. I've already considered a mechanic where each and every battle results in a mini-scene (but the art, not to mention story writing, of that would be intense), where either the player or the victorious opponent gets to rape someone in the other party. And one where you may only be allowed six pokemon in an official battle (and therefore that's how many balls a pokeball holder is designed to hold) but you can carry extras in your pack and trade them out.

The HM thing requires an open world concept, which Pokemon was NOT designed around. But in an open world concept, you wouldn't need those obstacles in the first place. Your character could know how to swim to cross water, and swimming pokemon would just increase the speed and make it easier to go longer. You wouldn't encounter random breakable/pushable rocks and tiny sprouts of trees along the paths that force you to learn HMs to pass. Flying pokemon would get you places faster and without regard for obstacles. Etc etc. The trouble is that an open world doesn't work with a linear story, which is much easier to write. So we get obstacles to prevent players from skipping ahead. I have a few ideas to correct this, but won't be using them here.

And, there's a logical reason you have to capture a pokemon to complete its pokedex entry, in every form of the game I've ever seen (aside from fulfilling the motto, gotta catch em all). Have you ever tried to weigh a wild animal? You have to gain its trust to even have a chance of measuring its physical attributes, even if their abilities would become apparent as they fight you. However, I do believe you could learn a lot by observing the pokemon, and I believe it would be possible to create pokedex entries with numerous components: common knowledge (what was the pokedex programmed to know, or what does the internet say, etc), personal observations (identifying moves used in battle and locations where the pokemon has been found), and pokedex analysis (upon capturing the pokemon, the whole pokedex is filled in). Just not here, not yet, not in this engine. When I work out the details for a pokemon engine of my own, I'll look into it.

Oddly enough, I didn't see you mention anything like pokemon having more than four moves, or not forgetting every move they ever learned when they find something stronger, or having a standard energy bar that gets depleted as they use whatever moves they have, or pokemon being able to block and dodge attacks, or being able to walk beneath the trees, or training a pokemon's weaknesses into strengths, or being able to play AS a pokemon instead of a trainer, or pokemon learning sexy non-damaging moves like milkshake or grope. All of which I have thought about for a pokemon engine.
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Re: Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/15)

Postby NWLCJonSnow » Mon Jan 25, 2016 12:49 am

Thank you VALTURNAA. Sorry I forgot about that. Great Ideas these are. I did not think that far.
Regarding Moves. I understand what you told me.
I know it breaks the mold for this game. I only told what I would like to see.
Then I really want to make that kind of game.
With help. BECAUSE I have no skills in programming.

Plants need Water to live, so plant moves does not need to be effective on water.
How can a steel pokemon be poisoned? It is anorganic.
Ya I know. Do not come with logic now.
I am saying. Nonetheless one can do a pokemon game with as much logic as possible.
I would rather use the battle system of Pokemon Tournament. Just simple fighting. Not the system with effective, not effective or normal damage.

The ideas I mentioned were not specifically given to Pokemon Pink. These are only ideas I have for a Pokemon Game.
I would like to create that pokemon game with or without help.

I am a writer and I can compose.

Thank you for the tipp with Gamemaker Studio ValturNAA
Last edited by NWLCJonSnow on Wed Jan 27, 2016 11:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/15)

Postby ValturNaa » Mon Jan 25, 2016 3:34 am

If you're interested in game design, I highly recommend you look up YoYoGames' program Gamemaker Studio. There's not as much you can do with drag-and-drop functions as with coding, but there is a lot you can do that way. They have a free version, I don't mean a two day demo, and lots of tutorials, youtube videos of people teaching, and even courses on Udemy. After you play around with things for a while, you may find there's a particular aspect of game design that you find particularly compelling--and when you find others to join you, you can take that role.
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Re: Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/15)

Postby Dead2112man » Mon Jan 25, 2016 7:54 am

Why does no one just edit there post if they want to add more information in if no one else has posted?
but Here is my take one NWLCJonSnow's ideas and ValturNaa added in idea.

NWLCJonSnow Wrote:More scenes with every of the trainers pokemons.

While yes, have a scene for every pokemon would be interesting, I think that would be more of add on content near completion for writing and drawing would take the creator and his (her?) team a long time.

NWLCJonSnow Wrote:Creating a Pokemorph Game. Featuring all regions and all the respective pokemons.
Each region only features pokemon of the region they originally are from.
A Game where you do not need to catch them all to get the pokedex entry. You only have to encounter them.
A Game where your team consists of 17 pokemons instead of 6.
Where you do not need HM because these "moves'" are second ability of pokemons.

The ALL REGIONS idea, just think about that for a second, how big the game would be and how long it would take for creating, and unlike a regular pokemon game where there is only a small story line, this kind of fan made game where story line is key, would take forever (but if they want to do it, get ready for the final release date in year 2067)
Not needing to catch the pokemon to enter their data into the pokedex, I think ValturNaa sum that one up pretty good.
A bigger team? There is a thing about what you can and cannot due to a fan made pokemon to keep the title pokemon in it, one of them being only 6 pokemon. Why, for it makes you think more. What pokemon do I need for this area, will there be trainers that use the opposite of mine, will I have enough PP to make it through in one run? And with ValturNaa thought of just having the extra pokemon in your bag but not you party for battles, that could work, but once again, breaks the fact that the pokeballs are programmed to teleport to your professor when you have more than six.
Not needing a HM move on Pokemon, Meh, I let that idea pretty much slide for not only is that what they are doing, but most fan made games started to do that also for they didn't want it to take up there move slots they wanted for a different move. But this is use ally replaced by items that you would find near where the HM is and never (as I have found) have pokemon second abilites be HM's.

NWLCJonSnow Wrote:A Game with Quests and adventure and mystery and romance and erotic.

Is that not what they are doing, or in pokemon fan games case, they always have the first three (if they arn't short and are well created) and as for the last two, yea, you might only find that at this forum with pokemon pink and humbird0's pokemon game.

NWLCJonSnow Wrote:A Game where you can fuck the trainers you beat special choosen ones. Hetero, Homo and Bi Pairings.Threesomes, orgies and gangbang scenes. Or you can fuck trainers if their pokemon are too strong.

Just like asking for a scene with every pokemon, possibly for them to add some in when or near completion just for add on content, but let's try to not take away from the main story.

ValturNaa Wrote:Oddly enough, I didn't see you mention anything like pokemon having more than four moves, or not forgetting every move they ever learned when they find something stronger, or having a standard energy bar that gets depleted as they use whatever moves they have, or pokemon being able to block and dodge attacks, or being able to walk beneath the trees, or training a pokemon's weaknesses into strengths, or being able to play AS a pokemon instead of a trainer, or pokemon learning sexy non-damaging moves like milkshake or grope. All of which I have thought about for a pokemon engine.

A great example of a game having more than four moves and never forgetting them would be Pokemon Eevee addition, but it is more like a classic Final Fantasy when it comes to battles. See it is all about strategy, hence the limitation, if all pokemon games had all the moves, the strategy is not as difficult, but, if you limit the amount of moves you can have, you half to think not only the short term but long term.
Not having a PP system is sort of a good thing, for it reduces a of time coding, sure if I new if it was like two days worth of coding, I would say put it in for stategic reasons, but I bet it would be more like two months of coding.
Wow there ValturNaa, this not a three demensional world, wow dodging and movement behind objects would make it way cool, your on a two demensional plane.
Pokemon weakness to a strength? I got one, why not teach the pokemon strength and it will cover for there weakness. ;)
Being the pokemon for maybe some side quest could be fun but lets not go full blown mystery dungeon.
I honestly didn't think you wanted to add those kind of moves in, but if you due, make sure the pokemon/trainers that have the moves make sense like Miltank (I now not first gen) using Milkshake.
I might not create games, but I will test them, Then I will give advice on what I think needs to be added, removed, or improved.
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Re: Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/15)

Postby ValturNaa » Mon Jan 25, 2016 5:32 pm

Haha lots of good points, deadman ;)

Actually my idea for pokemon dodging can work perfectly well in the 2d world. The idea is to turn each move into a complete turn where both pokemon have the chance to move. One pokemon gets the "initiative" to attack, and the other can choose (or be ordered) to dodge, defend, or counter the attack with a move of its own. All success dependent upon the relative stats, of course.

And regarding the turning a weakness to a strength, later generations of pokemon already started moving in this direction by allowing TM moves that counter your weaknesses (but without allowing dodging, very few pokemon can survive a strong assault long enough to use these moves). You can see better examples in the anime where a pokemon supposedly weak to another pokemon manages to pull off a strategy that gives them an advantage. Also in the anime, you can see pokemon (particularly ground type pokemon) strengthening themselves against their natural enemies, increasing their natural resistances. I'd like to implement a combination of the two eventually (not necessarily in this project) where you can train a pokemon to endure its weaknesses a bit better and learn defensive/offensive combinations that make it effective against its natural enemies. It still would be at a disadvantage, so you'd have to pay attention, but you could win by strategy a battle you can't win by mere stat stacking.

edit: I forgot to mention this earlier but actually, there IS anime footage showing that some trainers do, in fact, carry more than six pokeballs at a time, or more than six pokemon without pokeballs. The main characters never do this but if you look at the farfetch'd episode, the thief trainer there is clearly carrying an enormous load of voltorb in addition to any other pokemon he may have stolen, and of course all of the pokemon ranchers keep more than six pokemon on hand ... sometimes many more. From what I've read, the pokeball transport is actually a function of the pokedex, not the pokeball, and is a rule enforced by the pokemon league in the interest of keeping the "game" fair. My method would retain that pokemon league rule while allowing the player to carry sufficient pokemon for a longer journey through potentially more dangerous territory. You'd just have to wait until between battles to switch pokemon. Also, I might like to add something, though this is NOT part of the pokemon legend, where the trainer's strength is actually drained by summoning powerful pokemon. That's an idea I got from the Huntik Chronicles and I'm just uncertain whether I should include it in a pokemon fan game or save it for a game of my own in a similar theme.
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Re: Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/15)

Postby NWLCJonSnow » Tue Jan 26, 2016 11:11 am

That would be awesome. Draining the Trainer's Strength.
A thing I forgot to mention. For me the whole battle system sucks.
Apart from the fact that I do not like turnbased - I love Dragon Quest, FF IV-IX, SAGA and MANA - RPGs.
Fire Moves are not effective on Fire Pokemon. How stupid. They have an organic body. So they have to be affected by fire, too. Even if they are fire pokemon. You get me?
Last edited by NWLCJonSnow on Tue Jan 26, 2016 12:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Nate Stark: >Oh, "monster". Perhaps you should speak to me more softly then. Monsters are dangerous and, just now, kings are dying like flies.< by G.R.R. Martin A Song of Ice and Fire Book 3 A Storm of Swords
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Re: Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/15)

Postby Dead2112man » Tue Jan 26, 2016 5:01 pm

JON SNOW, please, for any of the forums topics, if you are the only one that has posted and you have more information you want to pump out in any way, shape, or form Please, use the edit button near the quote button in the top right corner. I am fine with maybe two post in a row or even three if the time shows that hours have passed, but you post are only a few minutes about some time even one minute. The only reason I request this is for the people that try to keep up to date with this or any other topic, the more individual post, the more page are created, and we don't want to take up an entire page (unless you are the creator for such topic) of individual posts from one person.
I might not create games, but I will test them, Then I will give advice on what I think needs to be added, removed, or improved.
Official bug tester of Dark Impulses, creators of pokemorph:Pink
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Re: Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/15)

Postby TimUsher » Thu Jan 28, 2016 10:41 am

My game always goes black when I try to load from a clipboard. I use it to save edit. It worked before when I added money, but when I try to add fanart or pokeballs the screen goes black and won't load.
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Re: Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/15)

Postby NWLCJonSnow » Thu Jan 28, 2016 2:13 pm

I forgot something. Battles more difficult and rewarded with more money. 17 pokemon too many for a team. 6 is enough. The battles should really be more difficult and rewarded with more money.

My team consists of a ghost pokemon, a dark pokemon, a psychic pokemon, a bug/bug poison/poison pokemon, a dragon pokemon and a pokemon I want to train.
Speaking of Generation 3 Dusclops or Banette/Mightyena/Gardevoir/Seviper/Salamence.
Speaking of Generation 4 Giratina as Ghost/Dragon, Drapion as Poison/Dark, Gallade as Psychic, Dialga or Garchomp as Dragon and Luxray.
Speaking of Generation 1 and 2 I played only once. And I do not want to play these games agains.

I stil have to play generation 5 with Desmume and wait for generation 6 to be emulated.
Nate Stark: >Oh, "monster". Perhaps you should speak to me more softly then. Monsters are dangerous and, just now, kings are dying like flies.< by G.R.R. Martin A Song of Ice and Fire Book 3 A Storm of Swords
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Re: Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/15)

Postby Dapper Gent » Fri Feb 05, 2016 1:47 am

Had some technical difficulties on my part but I'm back to work.

Added Goldeen, Gyrados, Staryu, Starmie and Tentacruel to the pokemorph list.

Tentacool, Seaking, Krabby and Kingler are in the works.
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Re: Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/15)

Postby Doomngloom » Mon Feb 15, 2016 10:00 pm

i've actually got a significant problem with the clipboard save, not including save editing.
it seems like anything i try to do in route 1, beyond just getting through, makes the clipboard save unloadable.
try to pick up an item? save fails. try to re-visit the cave spearow was in? save fails. beat one of the trainers? save fails. catch any pokemorphs? save fails.
since i try to keep a txt save, so i don't lose the save when my cookies are cleaned, this level of bug has made the game too annoying to keep going past when i first get pokeballs. it was even annoying enough for me to stop lurking long enough to come tell you about it in the hopes that you may be able to fix it.

other than that bug, i have to say that i quite like this game. the art i've seen is high quality, and the story is already more interesting than humbird0's version. many kudos to you, and i hope you keep up the good work.
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Re: Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/15)

Postby Dead2112man » Tue Feb 16, 2016 5:59 am

Doomngloom Wrote:i've actually got a significant problem with the clipboard save, not including save editing.
it seems like anything i try to do in route 1, beyond just getting through, makes the clipboard save unloadable.
try to pick up an item? save fails. try to re-visit the cave spearow was in? save fails. beat one of the trainers? save fails. catch any pokemorphs? save fails.
since i try to keep a txt save, so i don't lose the save when my cookies are cleaned, this level of bug has made the game too annoying to keep going past when i first get pokeballs. it was even annoying enough for me to stop lurking long enough to come tell you about it in the hopes that you may be able to fix it.

other than that bug, i have to say that i quite like this game. the art i've seen is high quality, and the story is already more interesting than humbird0's version. many kudos to you, and i hope you keep up the good work.

Alright, just got done testing you claim, yep it seems that not all of the save code needed to load a game is created while in route one which is strange, Sorry, I am the person who tried to do the most bug testing before hand and well, never thought about testing the clipboard saves. will make sure to check those also next time.
I might not create games, but I will test them, Then I will give advice on what I think needs to be added, removed, or improved.
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Re: Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/15)

Postby ValturNaa » Fri Feb 19, 2016 5:46 pm

Not to sound like a broken record, I have NO idea why the save files get corrupted, and couldn't fix them even if I did find them, because I lack the most basic access to the, as far as I can tell, ONE legitimate program in the world for editing flash files. I can't even edit the default break rock object, so to change anything I'm forced to place all the code for it in the common room. If it's an edit that can't be done inside Humbird's editor, it's beyond my ability. Someday we'll be changing engines, and then I won't have to repeatedly say this. Meanwhile, I can experiment with using Humbird's latest released engine and see if that improves some of the engine bugs without causing too many new problems.
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Re: Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/15)

Postby Zexxt » Tue Feb 23, 2016 10:45 am

Really great game, but can you add a feature in the camera menu so you can replay the sex scenes? The game always crashes when I try to load a save with the copy paste method, and I don't want to restart the game to see them again :/
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Re: Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/15)

Postby Dead2112man » Tue Feb 23, 2016 6:04 pm

I don't even think that it is possible, and all the scenes are in the pictures area, while yes that does not include the text, but the photos are there. Also where are you trying to load with the copy and paste method? if it is route one, nothing we can do about that, but other than that, don't know why it is crashing.
I might not create games, but I will test them, Then I will give advice on what I think needs to be added, removed, or improved.
Official bug tester of Dark Impulses, creators of pokemorph:Pink
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