
The place to post non-Flash projects such as RPG maker games.
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Postby Wonderful Hawk » Thu Jan 21, 2016 11:34 pm

Note: I'm not the creator of this project, but this is a creator-approved posting and he will be aware of it; I'm basically just the topic manager. Moving right along.

Okay, right to it! SuperPowered is a game about, well, superpowers. In a world where science has created said superpowers, you play a young man who qualifies for the treatment and embarks on a super journey! Whether you use your powers for good or for evil, you definitely use them for sexy times!

Now, the game's going through some changes at the moment. It spent most of last year having an alpha version developed in RAGS, which is a... problematic engine, you might know. Even so, he pushed that broken engine to its limit, creating a wonderful system that made the game stand out. But its creator, Baal7734, took time off to learn Ren'Py, as well as putting time and money into 3D modeling (before, he was using porn actresses as images, which apparently kept virusing his computer digging all those images up), and is re-launching the game with a stronger system, more cohesive images, and basically everything just upgraded out the wazoo.

He's set up a Patreon for the game here, which contains a small demo that doesn't demonstrate much more than the basics of the new system at the moment, as well as a link to the original alpha, so you can get an idea for how the game works - and also compare how the new demo is improving on pretty much everything. Or to just simply enjoy the alpha, it's quite fun as it is. All in all, it's an excellent game that's definitely worth your time to check out, and I definitely encourage anyone who's able and willing to support it, so it can get even better!

Again,I'll be keeping this topic up-to-date on the game, and Baal will be aware of this topic as well, if anyone ever has questions, concerns, reports or comments that require his personal attention. Have fun out there!
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Wonderful Hawk
Joined: Fri Jan 27, 2012 6:44 am

Re: SuperPowered

Postby Kurushimi » Fri Feb 05, 2016 8:34 pm

Sounds interesting.
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Re: SuperPowered

Postby kvier » Mon Feb 08, 2016 1:43 am

I suspect the ren'py version has very little in common with the RAGS version, but ... man is the RAGS version super-grindy. There's a good handful of content, but there's also a lot of "flail around until you figure out the game mechanics", and even then, money doesn't show up very quickly and there's lots of places to spend it.
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Re: SuperPowered

Postby DragonG » Mon Feb 08, 2016 2:25 am

guys where to get the playable links??
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Re: SuperPowered

Postby MMazeStalker » Wed Feb 10, 2016 12:21 pm

There's one for the pre-pre-alpha demo in the Patreon page linked in the first post, I don't know if it's accessible to patreons only though. The link can also be found here : ... ic=21631.0

The RAGS version with waaaaay more into it seems to have disappeared though, even in the HC forums.
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