by Sundance » Mon Feb 08, 2016 1:13 am
Looking over to Able, Coria tried her best to remember what happened."A..a puppet?" Looking back at her hands she started to shiver. This raven woman had used her as a weapon against her own friends. Now it was clear for her that fighting wouldnt be an option. Something in her wanted to ask them to not go with her, to not risk there lifes. But she couldnt get it over her lips. "I..i dont want anyone of you to feel harm, or to risk their life for me...but i cant tell you how thankfull i am to have all of you at my side." She looked over at Melsandra, Avalin, Able..and Priscilla. She smiled at the woman as she stood up. "One day i can control this...and this day i will make her pay for this, for all of this.."