by CumInTiana01 » Sun Feb 07, 2016 10:43 pm
"No thanks, i still have to guard this area, another time will be" he said with a smile on his face, you say goodbye to him a go to your ship, the sun start raising and iluminate the whole camp and the world, you enter to your ship and prepare the microscope to study the blood samples, you take one of the blood sample you were keeping freezing and put three drops in a small glass plate with another plate on top you spend half an hour stuying it but don't find anything you already know, but you keep studying it for another half hour to see if you can manage to find something you're missing, you find something indeed, the blood sample you collect has a mutagen that corrupts all the blood and the brain, and turn them into another kind of monsters...wait what!?, yes.the werewolfs aren't werewolfs since the day they're born apparently, they turn into werewolfs after getting raped, that means that this mutagen also affects the sexual chromosome, with this information you are sure that the werewolfs are the womans that this camp lost, ok, and probably, this mutagen comes from the spores too. ok, now you know where the werewolfs came from, but you still don't know how they stayed alive before the people arrive
[Earth time: 9:01 Saturday]