A dream of adventure [Sogekik] [finished]

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Re: A dream of adventure [Sogekik]

Postby CumInTiana01 » Fri Feb 05, 2016 1:19 am

"Sentients? that's a nice way to call them, but yeah, just be careful alright? by the way, the giant flower monster have a weak point in the center, a stamen with a lot of pollen, if you hit it several times with a gun, or throw a bomb into it, the flower die" you start to pant as you walk, not used with walking a lot without rest, you both know that with your current state, it isn't going to be easy to run away, but there is not a lot of time to get a rest. you walk beside him for what it's been like 30 minutes already and you can easily see the end of the tree. well that is a big tree

[24 Minutes left]
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Re: A dream of adventure [Sogekik]

Postby sogekik » Fri Feb 05, 2016 1:29 am

I have an Idea " do you have any grenades? could we blow a hole through it? " I suggest, I hoped he had some grenades and that it would work if not we where probably screwed, in my case literally, I look for a weak point in the tree hoping there would be something nearby
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Re: A dream of adventure [Sogekik]

Postby CumInTiana01 » Fri Feb 05, 2016 3:27 am

"if i had one, i wouldn't have asked you if you had one, remember?" now you know he is really annoyed by this situation going on, you finally reach the top of the tree and walk over it to get to the other side, Sebastian stop walking and took off his mask and give it to you "take this, as long as its not on my face, the time won't go down, use it if yours run out of air, you are priority Alright?" he then start walking again infront of you, the hard way is now in the past, somehow, you feel more secure on the other side of the tree,
Some minutes passed as you walk and find the road to the camp again, far away, you can even see the camp walls "See?...nothing to worry about" he said with an excited voice
[10 Minutes of your mask remaining]
[26 Minutes of Sebastian mask remaining]
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Re: A dream of adventure [Sogekik]

Postby sogekik » Fri Feb 05, 2016 2:50 pm

"right, lets just get back to camp quickly, " I say, I might have 36 minutes of safe air, but he has none, and if we encounter anything he'll be in more danger than me
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Re: A dream of adventure [Sogekik]

Postby CumInTiana01 » Fri Feb 05, 2016 5:58 pm

when you reach the gate of the camp, your mask was already out of air, you feel happy inside, but gulty by no using his mask at all, but you stay out of the camp and in front of the gate for a couple of seconds "Weird, they should have opened the gate by now" the gate open just a little, you know that they could open it more but, Sebastian enters before you realize, you follow him and notice that the most of the camp was in ruins, in just one hour, a disaster happened here, the soldier that openend the door was seriously injured and you feel a thrill of scare "What happened?" Sebastian asked: "For the first time since we are here, the monsters attacked us...Werewolfs, Giant plants, and a lot more that i haven't seen in my entire life, we manage to scare them, but they will probably come back" the soldier wasalmost crying in fear "We already told the General, he will send us a lot of soldiers, he think that the war has started so..." "So isn't going to take long before they start dropping bombs and missiles all over the planet" Sebastian walked and sit in a pile of rocks you took your mask off and walk towards him "you need to go out of here" he was right, you needed to escape out of the planet before the attacks were more frequently, but you can also join the army to help them and finish your job

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if you choose to go out, the game will end
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Re: A dream of adventure [Sogekik]

Postby sogekik » Fri Feb 05, 2016 7:30 pm

"I'm not leaving," I protest, "I've got a job to do, and I can't just leave you all to die fighting those things," I say, I should be terrified, the place I'd just made my temporary home, had been practically destroyed, but I was Ecstatic, new unknown creature, if the other explorers and scientists leave I'd be the one to document them all, it's not a chance I was going to pass up, " I'll join the army if I have to, just as long as I can keep up my job. speaking of which are there any dead creatures around? I need samples from them" I say,
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Re: A dream of adventure [Sogekik]

Postby CumInTiana01 » Fri Feb 05, 2016 11:18 pm

"there are a lot of bodies that are going to be burned near the ruined armory, if you go now, maybe you can save something" the soldier said caressing his head from the pain he was suffering, Sebastian was shocked by your desition, but before he could protest, you were already on your way to the ruins of the armory, as you walked most of the injured men were looking at you, not with lust, but with fear and hate, maybe because you are the last woman, the creatures came to find you, but thats an irrational way to see the things,
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Re: A dream of adventure [Sogekik]

Postby sogekik » Sat Feb 06, 2016 12:07 am

I try not to meet they're gazes, knowing that it wasn't my fault at any rate, they wouldn't know I was hear, and I was elsewhere anywhere. I approach the armoury and speak to the troops still on they're feet "any creature bodies left? I need to get some samples" I say trying to ignore the looks I was still getting,
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Re: A dream of adventure [Sogekik]

Postby CumInTiana01 » Sat Feb 06, 2016 3:18 am

you get to the armory and notice that the hole thing was burned, you see three soldiers preparing themselfs to burn the pile of bodies in front of you, but before they do one of them decide to talk "Go ahead, grab whatever you want" there was a five dead werewolfs and a giant flower, you probably will need the whole werewolf body, but from the flower you just need the stamen and the pollen...
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Re: A dream of adventure [Sogekik]

Postby sogekik » Sat Feb 06, 2016 3:56 am

"I-I need a whole wolf, could one of you help me get it to my ship?.... oh shit is my ship okay?" I ask realising I hadn't checked on it yet, I take what I need from the flower anyway and hope that the answer is good
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Re: A dream of adventure [Sogekik]

Postby CumInTiana01 » Sat Feb 06, 2016 4:24 am

"sorry girl..is not out bussines, we still got job to do, do it yourself" his voice sound mean and the smile on his face say that he's clearly doing it on purpose, you look around a little annoyed and in the distance, you notice that most of the ship were intact, you feel relief when you spot yours with them, "What are you waiting for pretty legs? take your damn wolf until we decide to take you" now you get it, everyone think that this is your fault...well screw them, grab your wolf and your stamen with polen and get out of there before you decide to do something they will never fogert....
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Re: A dream of adventure [Sogekik]

Postby sogekik » Sat Feb 06, 2016 4:35 am

I sigh and drag the wolf across the ground toward the ship, grumbling to myself under my breath, annoyed at the men for blaming me and not helping me get this heavy creature back towards my ship, I don't bother asking for help from one of the more able men, and just hope that none of them try anything
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Re: A dream of adventure [Sogekik]

Postby CumInTiana01 » Sat Feb 06, 2016 5:18 am

you drag the body of the dead werewolf to your ship and put all your streng to drag him inside, some of the soldiers laugh and make sexual jokes of what are you going to do with that body, you close the gate of your ship once you are inside with the body and manage to put it on the table, the first think you need is a blood sample... if the corpse is still fresh you could find something about it, then you need to collect some of its pheromones, but you don't know how to make it release, it will be very dangerous anyway...
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Re: A dream of adventure [Sogekik]

Postby sogekik » Sat Feb 06, 2016 5:27 am

I put on Sebastian's mask which I still had with me as a precaution, and then got to work, I took several blood samples, all but one of which I would freeze, and then started to look for the pheromones release, they where plant like as Sebastian had said and I wondered if the workings would be the same, perhaps if I could find a flower or something other wise it would probably be gland somewhere maybe in the genitals ,I have a good search, if I couldn't find it I'd have to take the whole body back with me for the scientists
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Re: A dream of adventure [Sogekik]

Postby CumInTiana01 » Sat Feb 06, 2016 6:02 am

as you search its body to find something to releasy its pheromones, you notice that his balls were kinda like a flower that hasn't still blossomed, maybe if you touch it a little it's pheromones will be release, but before that, you needed your codex to gather a sample of the air when the spores release, you take your codex and turn on the analyzer application, now that everything was ready, the only thing you needed to do is press its balls a little and maybe, just maybe, some pheromones will be released
[24 Minutes left]
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Re: A dream of adventure [Sogekik]

Postby sogekik » Sat Feb 06, 2016 5:51 pm

I touch it's balls, trying to workout how to release the pheromones, try everything I can think of until some is released, and wait for the codex to analysis it I'd then need to get ride of it some how before I took Sebastian's mask off, I don't think there is anything else I need from the wolf, so I could dispose of it after that
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Re: A dream of adventure [Sogekik]

Postby CumInTiana01 » Sun Feb 07, 2016 1:35 am

its balls suddenly blossom releasing a thick yellow gas with spores and quickly spread across the ship, your codex warning of poisoning air activates and give a dangerous sign of pheromones and aphrodisiacs and grab a sample of the air before it turn off, that you have two samples of the creature you think in a way of cleaning the air, of course, you remember that your ship it was a medical ship for emergencies before you hire it, and have an air cleaner for situations like this,

[21 Minutes Left]
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Re: A dream of adventure [Sogekik]

Postby sogekik » Sun Feb 07, 2016 1:51 am

I switch on the air cleaner, and waited for it to finish running, I would have to wait for it to be fully clean before removing the mask or leaving the ship, I was in no hurry to meet the gazes of the men again
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Re: A dream of adventure [Sogekik]

Postby CumInTiana01 » Sun Feb 07, 2016 2:07 am

the warning of poisonus air start going down slowly until ten minutes passed and the air was fully clean, you took your mask off and put your codex on the table with the mask, now, you have almost everything to start your research, you have a full lab in your ship and can easily start right now, suddenly your codex warning alarm of poisonus air activates again, you feel really scared and run to grab the mask..but..wait a minute...you're not feeling anything, didn't sebastian said that the effects were instantaneous? you don't feel any change and for a moment you thought you were safe...and it was true... you grab your codex and search for the application that held the sample, you active it, and start studying it for a couple of minutes,

[32 Minutes later...]
[*Earth time: 19:23 Pm *Friday*]

after 32 minutes studying the sample you were in shock of what you discovered, the wolfs indeed could drug you with their pheromones, but, alone their pheromones are useless...and with alone, you mean without the giant plants, the pollen of the giants plants have a protein that makes every creature no human more virile, and if they are plant-like creatures, their pheromones will act more powerful, not only with their own species as it should be, but with every species, Sebastian told you that the giant plants were the most common mosnter you will find, maybe they are some kind of a energy tower for the planet, but those spores and pollen that the plants release also affects on the male that recive it, so the wolfs and the boys are druged with those spores, thats why they are so filled with lust, but those plants as every plant can't spread their pollens alone, or out there are some kind of giant bee's or out there is someone that is doing it by him or herself to conquer this world, maybe he or she is druging the giant flowers with their own pollen, but without a stamen with pollen you aren't sure....
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Re: A dream of adventure [Sogekik]

Postby sogekik » Sun Feb 07, 2016 2:33 am

well this will make things intresting, "maybe they'll stop hating me if I tell them this" I say out loud to myself, I head out of the ship, and go to find Sebastian, I hoped he wasn't annoyed with me like the rest of them where, it would also mean that we only had to wipe out the plants to stay safe, which I guess was another problem in and of itself but I can report this atleast
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