The Road: 2nd Gear

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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby ZeroParadox » Mon Feb 01, 2016 4:55 am

Chance hops back up quickly, surprised at how unhurt he currently felt but focusing back on the creature. He endures another quick surprise as the creature chooses to focus on fucking instead of fighting. "The hell..? No pussy is THAT good!", he says to himself before spotting his knife nearby. Regardless of the weirdness of the situation, that girl needs help. Throwing caution to the wind he dashes over to the knife, snatching it up and closing on the beast once again; this time attempting a grapple that would allow Chance to bury the blade into the randy beasts neck or up into his brain through his jaw. Anything to pierce a vital organ.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby exalted » Mon Feb 01, 2016 9:11 am

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Steiner agrees with your plan and your soon snaking your way back to the farm from last night. In the light of the early morning you find the trek much easier, or it would be if not for Steiner. Taking advantage of your hands being occupied by controlling the bike, he occasionally gropes your breasts, kneading the flesh in one hand or tweaking a leaking nipple with the other, it's hard to ignore the firm bulge in his pants that presses against your bare ass as well.

When you reach the farmstead, you find there is little left in the smoky morning glare. A few blackened beams and scorched earth is all that remains of the three farm buildings, what crops haven't been trampled look like they were torched also. The crosses that staked out Steiner's men still stand and the bodies of the farmers are scattered in piles. You also see the bodies of the Crazies you killed still lying in the mud where they fell.

Steiner picks up a discarded shovel from the ground and excuses himself, saying he needs to tend to his men, though he asks you to look around for any sign of where the Crazies came from or went.

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Scrambling to your feet, the creature still to focused on the woman to pay you any mind, you quickly retrieve your knife and charge again and leaping off a nearby crate you fly through the air and plunge blade deep into it's neck.

The creature howls in pain, body stiffening in agony before it collapses to the ground, ragged breaths fading. You notice a deep sadness in it's eyes before they cloud over for good.

"Help me," the woman screams, locked in the creature's death grip and hilted upon it's cock, "Get me off before it..."

It's at this nice time you hear an audible rumbling from the creature's loins.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby ZeroParadox » Mon Feb 01, 2016 2:54 pm

That sound can't be good, and there isn't time to analyze this situation. Chance will proceed to cut the creatures penis off to prevent.... whatever... was about to happen and carefully remove the severed member before extricating the girl from the corpses grasp.
Last edited by ZeroParadox on Tue Feb 02, 2016 12:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby Riptide » Mon Feb 01, 2016 10:15 pm

Rip rip's off a piece of the discarded white robe, and ties it around his mouth like a bandana to disguise himself.
He lets out a little chuckle as the woman starts rubbing his cock.
"Nice job getting in to character."
He starts casually driving towards the town exit. Pretending not to pay any mind to the cultists and rough looking men. He prays that none of the cultists remember him.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby Hazard1325 » Tue Feb 02, 2016 4:09 am

Rebeca grunts or growls a few times angrily as he grabbed at her tits but she suppressed the urge to slap him while she was driving. Once they arrived at the old farm she nodded glad he was at least respectful to his fallen allies. She went back to where she had her first encounter with the truck and began looking around in the fields trying to find the tracks. She wasn't really paying that much attention to her surroundings as she was focused on the ground.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby exalted » Tue Feb 02, 2016 5:47 am

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Leaping into action you begin to hack through the girthy appendage, but not in time as the see the creatures bloated apple sized balls quickly deflate. The woman screams in a mixture of shock, rage and pleasure as her pussy blasted with spunk, her stomach bulging slightly as it's filled to capacity. Excess cum shoots out from her pussy and from around the damaged phallus, spraying every which way.

Fortunately, having been taught long ago the importance of location, location, location, you are able to avoid the veritable fountain of cum coming from the deceased monster.

Finally when it is over, the woman's eyes are rolled back and she lays feebly in a pool of semen, mewling lightly, but out of it for the time being.

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The guard's pay you little attention as you idle past, its obvious their eyes are focused on the scantily clad women behind you. The eyes of the cultists pass straight over you as well.

You're almost through the gates when you see one of the cultist gasp and lock eyes with the woman on the back of your bike.

"Becky!" She shouts, "Where are you going?"

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Heading into the trampled fields, you quickly lose sight of Steiner as he gets about his grisly task.

Examining the tread marks, churned earth and furrows is at first a confusing jumble of intersecting lines, but eventually you manage to piece it out. You find what you think to the be the initial tracks the crazies left when they attacked and the path they took when they left, both are heading east. As you search you are pleasantly surprised to find your panties from the night before, the hem is torn from where they ripped from your body and they are caked with dried mud, but you think with a wash and bit of knot work they'd help give you a bit of modesty again. You've just bent down and picked them up when you feel something wrap around your ankle and drag you to the ground. Cloying at the muddy ground you can't stop yourself as you're pulled into the fields drainage ditch.

"You're going to pay for it now, Bitch!" you hear a familiar voice shout at you.

Wiping mud and dirty water from your eyes you look up to see the young crazy from the night before looming over you, a black leather whip in hand. You see his left leg is heavily bandaged and caked in dried blood, two pieces of wood are lashed to leg in a splint and seem to be the only thing supporting the limb.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby ZeroParadox » Tue Feb 02, 2016 4:02 pm

"Well, can't win for losing, can we?", Chance grumps before starting the arduous task of freeing the victim from the beasts grasp. Once that's done he'll set her against a rock or something, in a sitting position in an attempt to allow the creatures seed to drain. After that Chance will begin scrounging for anything of use and hauling away corpses, taking some extra time to study the strange beast.

So far he's been attacked by crazy cat girls, now some kind of wolf. What is going on here? It's almost like the stories of were-monsters found in those scavenged books back in his territory, but those were just stories... right?
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby Riptide » Wed Feb 03, 2016 3:57 am

"Fuck it! Hold on!"
He takes the shotgun off his back and holsters it on to the handlebars of his bike. He accelerates towards the gate, ready to blast anyone or anything in his way.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby Hazard1325 » Thu Feb 04, 2016 5:53 am

Rebeca goes down, a little shocked to see one of the crazy's was still in the area. She glanced down at his splint and gave him a wicked grin kicking him right in the wounded leg and trying to scramble away. She really didn't want to fight the nut job but if pressed she would end this idiot... unless of course her larger cup size proved to me more of a hindrance than she had assumed.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby exalted » Tue Feb 16, 2016 7:03 am

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You gun the engine and your tires spit sand but one of the guards quickly overcomes his confusion grabbing the woman the cultists called Becky from the back of your bike as you blow past. You easily clear the gate before the other guards have even had a chance to close it, making it into the relative safety of the waste.

Looking back you see Becky struggling with guard who grabbed her. Struggling, she manages to break free from his grasp and runs for the gates as the guard gives chase. She just clears them when the guard lunges and tackles her to ground.

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You see the Crazy reach back with the whip and kick out, rolling away just in time as the black leather slices apart the air where you had just been. You don't land a solid blow to his knee, but the impact is enough to stagger the injured limb, tumbling the Crazy to ground where he screams in agony, clutching at the limb.

Scrambling to your feet, you manage to pull yourself from the drainage ditch. At first glance you can't see anyone else around, no Crazies and no Steiner.

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Setting the woman aside you set about the arduous task of dealing with the bodies, and the bits of body... and the half chewed bits of body... and whatever the hell that thing used to be... I mean... goddamn.

While moving the body you find a banged up hunting rifle with 18 rounds held in its sling. It's covered in blood and grit but should be serviceable with a bit of cleaning.

Soft moans slowly slip from the unconscious woman as she rests, still numb to the world.

Examining the body of the beast you estimate that if it stood up straight it would be close to 8 or 9 feet tall and is covered in muscle. You notice the lush fur that adorns it's neck and back is very similar to the fur pelts scattered about the camp.

There is still the torn apart caravan to search, though from the deafening buzz of flies from within foretells what you might find. Next to the skinning rack you notice the front of an old shipping container sunk into the side of the gully, one rusted door swinging open. A heavy trail of dried blood drag marks leads inside.

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Starting Cash: $1
Starting Scrap: 3

On the road again, with your last dollar in your pocket, you wave goodbye to the old dilapidated shack that housed a brothel and your former occupation. The road becomes a blur of heat and dust as the hours past, shimmering in front of you for mile after mile on the way to Crossroads.

The echo of your exhaust suddenly takes on a baser note and you look around to see a dust cloud heading towards you at speed from the wastes. You can't make out what is causing the cloud just yet but it seems to trying to intercept you further ahead on the road.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby lilgrunt1 » Tue Feb 16, 2016 2:06 pm

I waved good bye to the brothel , it was a good place to work that paid well but with her need for the road I didn't want to stay too long so I put on my chaps helmet and mask and rolled on out to the roads.

After a couple miles my exhaust took a baser note and I see a dust cloud up ahead that seems to be heading towards me I can't make it out but I realize it'strying to intercept me so I try to maneuver it going off road slightly hoping to hide behind some boulders hoping it wont see me and a keep my shotgun and machete in hand,
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby Riptide » Tue Feb 16, 2016 4:54 pm

Rip lets out a sigh as he turns his bike around and holsters his shotgun on to the handlebar of. He revs up his engine and charges towards the gate, blasting at it with his shotgun. He attempts to grab the guard off of Becky, throwing him off to the side. Hopefully, he heat would be on him just long enough that Becky can escape, and they could hopefully rendezvous outside the town.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby ZeroParadox » Wed Feb 17, 2016 1:00 am

"It was wearing furs? But it's covered in fur! Unless..." Chance glances at the woman warily before making a snap decision. He rushes to the cargo container, his intent to secure it and fortify himself to use for sniping. To be ready in case his suspicions are correct and this woman is about to turn into one of those beasts.

Hopefully the container is empty. Or better yet, hopefully there's something useful inside!

"Shit, luck please be a lady tonight! 'Cause so far they've been raging hellbeasts!", he mumbles to himself.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby Hazard1325 » Wed Feb 17, 2016 4:58 am

Turning to run Rebecca starts sprinting away once she's away from him looking around for some kind of nearby weapon that might have fallen during the fighting last night. Anything was better than trying to go toe to toe. She didn't cry out for help yet, after all she had handled this sort of thing well enough before Steiner and saw no reason why she couldn't continue to support herself.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby exalted » Wed Feb 17, 2016 1:39 pm

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You see a suitable outcropping up ahead and veer off towards them, the handle bars judder violently in your hands as you hit the rough sand and leave the asphalt.

Making the outcrop you cut the engine and scramble over the rocks to peer at what is happening. Looking into the waste you see the storming dust cloud has changed course and is now heading directly for the outcropping your hiding behind. The billowing dust seems to have gotten worse and you still can't make out what is kicking up the dust, though nothing can mask the roaring v8 carried on the wind.

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With the extra awkward weight of the cult leader on the back, you struggle to muscle the bike around in the churned up dust and sand to turn back towards the gate. Blasting away, your shots slam into the gate and send the rest of the guards scurrying for cover. Charging towards the last guard pinning Becky you kick out as you pass and connect with his head, knocking him off her. Becky quickly scrambles back on to bike.

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Charging into the container you trip almost as soon as you enter, sliding upon the slick stained floors towards the back of the container that angles down towards a dark pit. The smell hits you as soon as you stand and regain your feet, looking at your hands you realize the blood and offal that had dried outside in the dust has just congealed in the oppressive humidity inside the container.

Looking towards the entrance you see what you tripped over, the skinned bodies of three of the creatures you saw outside. The three seems slightly smaller than the one outside and you think were female.

The door is too rusted to shut and you think you would probably choke to death on the stench emanating from the back pit if you could.

You start to hear some moans and shouts from outside the container,

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Running through the trampled crops you come across an rusted hand sickle, the blade is nicked and several spots and the tip has broken off into a jagged edge but it seems serviceable for your needs.

Turning back around you see the Crazy has managed to crawl out of the ditch, whip in hand as he staggers towards you.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby ZeroParadox » Thu Feb 18, 2016 12:44 am

"Ugh... dear diary, I have hit a new low point in my life...", Chance grumbles to himself as he picks himself up from the floor. Taking in the scene of gore around him he continues talking to himself, "On the upside, at least now I am sufficiently unpalatable enough to not get eaten..." Upon hearing the shouting he checks the rifle to make sure a round is chambered; if not he'll load the rifle from the ammo he found. Then he'll take up a hiding position behind the closed door so he can see what's happening outside without being spotted.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby Riptide » Thu Feb 18, 2016 3:27 am

"I better be getting some action later for this."
He snarks to Becky as she climbs on to the bike. He waits for her get situated before revving up and zooming off, ready to blast at anyone who gets in his way.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby lilgrunt1 » Thu Feb 18, 2016 7:32 am

I see that there is no use to hiding so I stand my ground waiting for whatever it is.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby Hazard1325 » Fri Feb 19, 2016 5:11 am

With a flourish Rebeca readies her new weapon turning to face the crazy. "Come on, walk away and I wont rip your guts out." She said intending to use the blade if he got any closer. She would lead with her left side so his whip didn't have a chance to disarm her right hand and move in for a quick disembowlment unless he managed to stop the blow to his stomach. She really didn't want to kill him... but leaving him alive was just too risky at the moment. With so many corpses around who knows what kind of mutants might be drawn to this site, better to kill him and get out of here quickly.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby exalted » Sat Feb 20, 2016 8:10 am

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The breech was indeed empty and you quickly load a long slender round into it and work the action back into place.

Peering outside you see the woman still lying up against the rocks, the bulge in her stomach no longer apparent. Her eyes are still closed but you can see her naked chest still rising and falling lightly as she breathes in and out.

Sitting in the dust nearby, tail wagging as it looks bemused at its surroundings is a small dog like creature. It's shape and colouring reminds you of that of the beast you just slew, though this one is only knee high at the moment. The creature yawns longly and starts snuffling around the gully with it's nose

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"Me to, pal," snaps Becky is reply as you gun the throttle.

Bouncing over the divets in the sand you speed away from the walls, looking back shows no signs of the guards giving pursuit. Free and clear, Becky starts giving you directions to follow, reading them off a small compass in her hand. Considering what she is wearing you're not sure if you want to know where she was hiding it.

Finally, up ahead you see what you think you are aiming for, the rusted scrap of some large machine. The wreckage looms up over as you approach, a large tapered cylinder with three thins sticking from it in different directions. The purpose of this once great machine is a mystery to you and are momentarily awed by the effort that must have been needed to construct such a beast.

Becky directs you to drive right up to the cylinder and see several sunken shipping containers in the sand around the area as well. The opening to one container is covered with old scrappy rags and Becky directs you to park the bike inside.

The container angles down deeper into the sand, leading to a small cavern. Becky lights a small lantern hanging on the wall of the container and leads you down, motioning for you to drag the cult leader along.


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The storm steadily approaches an and dust breaks away as it bounces over the road, barely losing any pace. The vehicle you see is stained brown from the heat of the sun and dust, flecks of red still appear in places not completely consumed by the waste. The car is covered in skulls and bones, ornaments and badges from over vehicles litter the hood likes trophies.

The car veers straight for you, looking to spin around the rocks to run you under, and you notice there is no one behind the wheel.

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"Just you wait Bitch," the Crazy spits, "When I bring you flayed hide back they'll be forced to let me back in."

The Crazy lunges for you before your ready, surprising you with his speed despite his injured leg. His whip flails wide and you easily avoid it as you step in, driving the blunt yet jagged edge of the sickle into his gut. The skin initially resists your efforts but the flesh gradually gives way to rusted steel and Crazy howls in pain. He vainly tries to grab onto the weapon and you arm and pull it out, but the tug of war only cuts the wound wider and deeper. You feel his strength slowly to start to fade as his blood washes over you hands and you plunge the weapon deeper and deeper into him, your damaged mind reliving last night when he stabbed his 'weapon' into you time and again and egging you on to stab and stab get revenge.

Finally the Crazy lies motionless at your feet, mouth and eyes gaping wide in horror as he blood and guts seep into the dark soil of the field.
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