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"What? It was harmless joke, learn to live a little." She quickly leaps back and falps her wings once very hard, blowing you back a bit and causing the bandits cloak to blow back before landing next to the inn "Now, ypu two love birds dont do anything too wild I need to get something." she turns and enters the back door of the inn.
Sabrina and Priscilla:
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The two of you search the market for a place to buy what you need. Priscilla is pointed in the direction of a small shop that primarily sold dresses but also had other female clothing, though news was that he sold his most expensive dress yesterday to a half dragon. Sabrina didn't have much trouble finding a few stands, the total cost would be around 3 gold to make it from this town to the next on foot.
Mel and Avalin:
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Raven suddenly enters from the back door and walks past you heading past the room you where currently having breakfast in and straight towards a more secluded deeper part of the inn. She seemed to know precisely where she was going as if she could see through the walls. Her eyes a dark red.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
You feel a slight throbbing in your right pinky, how long had it been there? It didn't suddenly start but you only just now noticed, as if your brain had just been to busy to pay attention. It didn't hurt and it still worked, if not with a little resistance and delay.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
"Please dont trouble your self with my feelings master. I have found many things about the church of fertility, some make me grateful I was never attached to such a despicable church..." she trails off seeming to avod actually telling you what she knows about the book.