Tainted Princess

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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby MelissaB » Fri Jan 22, 2016 3:51 pm

Kailyne smirks as her arrows land, felling the beast as it is engulfed in flames before nighteyes joins the fray, biting and snapping her jaws at the male wolf, attempting to dodge it's own while sinking her teeth into it's neck, trying to crush and choke the life from it's body. Meanwhile Kailyne notches another arrow humming a little as she lets out a calm breath the tide already turning in their favor as they are down to just one more before she lets the arrow fly towards her target, hoping their combined efforts will bring it down.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Kailyne attacked 9 AP
Nighteyes attacked 6 ap
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Mark3000 » Fri Jan 22, 2016 6:33 pm

Sharya, Zalira, Kailyne

Combat Rolls
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Sharya uses Light Attack x 2
Hit Roll: 19 + 1 + 4 = 24 Hit!
Sharya Misfortune Roll (d20, need>4): 11
Hit Roll: 15 + 1 + 4 = 20 Hit!
Damage: [(2 + 4(Dex) + 1(Endowment))/2 - 3 (Enemy Defense)] * 2 = 2
Sharya uses Combo Attack
Hit Roll:16 + 1 + 4 Hit!
Damage: 2 + 4(Dex) + 1(Endowment) - 3 (Enemy Defense) = 4 Wolf B Defeated.
Victory, +6 EXP to each character

Before Zalira or Kailyne can act, Sharya cuts the wolf to ribbons leaving a bloody mess. With that the wolves are taken care of. At the same time Sharya feels as if her luck has turned around (no more misfortune rolls). In the patch of red flowers you see Ey'ala. Her wound oozes a black substance which just serves to remind you that she wasn't a normal raven. All it would take is a bit of Zalira's essence to revive her.

The she had fused with Nighteyes and became Nilyne, Kailyne last tracked Esmeralda's sent north down that trail. Unlike the ones before, it looked to be paved.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby An Ying Hu » Sun Jan 24, 2016 10:40 am

Zalira nods towards Sharya with a smile as the wolf is decidedly obliterated. She stops to catch her breath before shifting her gaze towards the patch of flowers where her familiar had fallen. She walks over and crouches before her, a bit of a sad look on her face. "Damn.." she whispers, not really knowing how to do this, but she was going to try anyway. Placing her hand on the raven's head, she linked their lifeforces together and channelled her magic forwards in an attempt to revive the bird.

Ey'ala at first gives no sign, but then her breathing escalates and she gradually opens her golden eyes. Trembling a bit, she flaps herself to her feet, dizziness piercing her mind. "M-Mistress? Miss Sharya? What.. what happened?" she mutters, seemingly not recalling her failed attempt at a diversion.

"You were wounded, be more careful next time," Zalira answered, deciding to let Sharya give the details if she wanted to do so. She took the bird and placed her on her shoulder, returning to the road.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby FragranceofMtDew » Sun Jan 24, 2016 11:57 am

Even Sharya is surprised by how ferociously she takes down the wolf. She had killed before, but never quite so violently. "Ewwww...." She mutters as she catches her breath while staring down at the bloody corpse she created. Eventually she pries her gaze away, pushing the thoughts aside with the justification that she was avenging Ey'ala and Zalira seemed to approve so it couldn't have been all that bad.

Speaking of, Sharya cautiously follows Zalira into the flowers to check on Ey'ala. She's not sure what sort of magic the sorceress uses to revive her familiar, but it has Ey'ala back on her feet fairly quickly. A bright smile replaces the look of worry on Sharya's face as she reaches over to gently pet the raven now perched on Zalira's shoulder. "You flew off ahead and missed your attack. Then the wolf took you down. It all happened so fast... I'm glad you're ok but you really should be more careful..." She explains, echoing Zalira's sentiments as they head back to the path.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby MelissaB » Sun Jan 24, 2016 1:21 pm

With the small skirmish over Kailyne moves to Nighteyes, stroking the wolfess' fur and touching her head to her wolf's. "Good girl." She smiles and winks with a hint of knowing before nodding. "Yeah her... come on. lets keep tracking her." She states to the wolf before looking over her companions. "Alright, how's the raven?" She asks walking up to them a little nervous of the flowers before braving the field to move forward, seeing the bird back up and perched on it's owner's shoulder made her nod and smile. "Yeah... brave but rather silly you didn't need to engage them alone so quickly." She states with a hum before looking north. "Esmeralda's that way, the path looks... built." She states with a frown before moving towards it, stepping slowly and carefully until her companions have caught up before regaining a proper stride. Nighteyes a few paces in front of her smelling the way and tracking their prey.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby VintageBass » Sun Jan 24, 2016 4:55 pm

Kassy has a nice big smile on her face. Seeing the vine monster take not only a good size chunk of itself missing from Slugcat's shot, but watching it burn from Priea's fireball is a relieving sight to see. It does bring up a bit of concern that Priea is going to be the stronger of the three here, but seeing that it was more out of elemental damage that brought this monster down, she is happy to have someone like the cleric by their side. This also brings up the worry of a fire spreading, so with her shovel in hand Kassy head on over to where the monster once stood and begin to stamp out any possible embers still lingering about. As powerful that fireball was, she doesn't want to be dealing with a potential wildfires burning down the forest around them. While it would make things a tad easier with less trees, the place looks lovely as is and many creatures call this place home. Also Slugcat seems to enjoy hopping from tree to tree, so going on ahead and saving the forest by stamping out the remains seems like the better option to do here.

Once she made sure that there isn't going to be a wildfire breaking out from some stray ember, Kassy returns her shovel back to its proper position and back to Priea's side as she begins to look around for what to do next. With the distraction dealt with, they are left standing around with checking out the clearing for stuff or continue on with their search. Seeing that the flowers around them did cause the others to go to sleep, Kassy sees it fit to get on moving and get far away from these flowers as possible, just in case they decide to open up again and send them all to sleep. Plus exploring the clearing isn't going to give them too much on where both Esmeralda and Slugcat's bear went. They do need to get moving in order to find the both of them and hopefully not something, or someone, else in these woods to hold them off from their search.

Keeping Priea close to her once again, Kassy makes her way over to Slugcat to see if she needs any help and to get back on moving down the path north. "Right, we shouldn't waste any more time waiting around here now," she explained to the ferret with a smile. "Let's go find Esmeralda and your bear friend, shall we?" She is set on finding the two of them and hoping to see a happy reunion with both Slugcat and this Ursula being.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Mark3000 » Tue Jan 26, 2016 6:30 am

Sharya, Zalira, Kailyne

As the three of you walk, you come across a strange fountain. You can't tell the source but it's filled with crisp, clear water. The fountain seems to be divided into three sections. Overlooking each section was a different statue. One had a blue gem encrusted into the chest of a beautiful woman with long hair. Another had a green gem encrusted into the chest of a woman with a noticeably larger bust and buttock. The final section had a red gem encrusted into the chest of a statue depicting a woman with an unrealistically large bust. It even looked like this statue was designed to support it. You also see a plaque but it's scratched out. The only thing you can make out is "Fountain of Beauty and Well-Being"
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby FragranceofMtDew » Fri Jan 29, 2016 8:16 am

Upon seeing the fountain on their path, Sharya found herself curious about it and made her way over to check it out. Each of the statues overlooking the fountain depicted a beautiful woman and they each had a pretty gem that made it so you couldn't help but stare at their chests. "Fountain of Beauty and Well-Being...." She read aloud what little of the plaque she could decifer, eyes sparkling at the idea. Could water really make her healthier and hotter? She just HAD to find out. After all, the water looked so clear and pristine so what could go wrong? "Hehe... Good thing we found this, I sure am thirsty after that fight." She says, trying to offer some pretext beyond simple curiosity for taking such a risky action, before taking a small handful of water from the section overlooked by the women with the green gem and sipping it cautiously.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby An Ying Hu » Fri Jan 29, 2016 1:37 pm

"It almost sounds too good to be true," Ey'ala mused in a whisper as she and her mistress stood some distance away from the three statues. "Why would anyone leave such a magical enchantment in the middle of the forest? It looks too functional to be a ruin and then there is the unreadable plaque suggesting that there might have been more to this." Zalira nods in agreement. "True. I would've used my magic to check up on it beforehand, but I see that a more efficient way sprung up in front of us, hm?" she smirks watching as Sharya approaches the water. "What do you mean? I must tell her to wait until-" Ey'ala is cut off by the magical bond that pulls her into submission, preventing her from flying over to her friend. Zalira did not do that very often but when it happened, as her familiar, Ey'ala had no choice but to obey. "Hush. We shall let her try first and if she looks healthy and pretty - more so than she already is - then I shall follow suit. It's a much safer way," she concluded, and waited for whatever might happen.

Ey'ala sighs. She had gotten used to doing that a lot.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Mark3000 » Fri Jan 29, 2016 7:42 pm

Kassandra moves ahead of Priea and Slugcat to see Sharya, Zalira, Kailyne and the fountain. She is able to catch the effects the pond has on the curious elf.

Sharya first feels a wave of relief washes over her. Her wounds heal and she feels better then before. Even her skin feels softer. (Full HP, Full OP, +3 Max HP). As Sharya feels the effects of the fountain washes over her, she feels a tightness in her chest and pants. Soon the top string on her outfit rips as her breast and ass grow. By the end, Sharya's breast have grown at least 2-3 Cup sizes while her ass became a lot more pronounced. Her skin has also more sensitive ( Max OP -1).
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby An Ying Hu » Fri Jan 29, 2016 9:16 pm

"See? No harm done," Zalira tells her familiar in an attempt to set her mind at ease as she approaches the considerably bustier Sharya with a smirk. "Miss Sharya.. you look beautiful," Ey'ala compliments her as the warlock chimes in. "It is impressive.. what this water can do," she grins, and as she passes by Sharya she lets her hand cup the other elf's bust boldly and squeezing a bit before strolling to the fountain. She shrugs Ey'ala off - the familiar now seeking to perch herself on Sharya's shoulder again if allowed, if not she would simply hover in the air. "Let's see what you will do for me.." Zalira hums, clasping both hands together and fills her palms with water flowing from underneath the same green gem as she takes a sip.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby FragranceofMtDew » Sat Jan 30, 2016 11:42 am

Finding her first sip of the water delicious, Sharya eagerly gulps down the rest of the handful she'd taken and sighs in relief as she feels refreshed by it. Even her mind is cleared of the effects of the pollen from earlier. But it doesn't end there as Sharya's clothes begin to feel tighter and tighter on her body. Curious as to what's happened, she peers into the fountain to see her reflection in the water and gasps in both surprise and delight at what she sees. Her bust was still expanding, finally stopping once the top string of her strained top broke and damn did she have a nice ass now! "This... This is amazing..." She whispered as Zalira and Ey'ala approached her.

"Oh... Thank you Ey'ala. I can't believe this really happened..." She replies to the raven's compliment, blushing lightly as she brushes her hair off of her shoulder once again to make room for her feathered friend. Zalira squeezing her breast as she passes by causes Sharya to gasp and shudder with pleasure. She'd never really been groped like that before, but she hadn't thought such a simple touch could feel so good! The thought that her new body brings so many benefits excites her, enough to forget thoughts of any potential downsides to being so sensitive. She watches with fascination as her fellow elf takes a drink from the fountain as well and grins broadly as her imagination runs wild with images of an even sexier Zalira.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby MelissaB » Sun Jan 31, 2016 6:57 pm

Kailyne looks over the the other two as they approach the fountain her eyes scanning it's features with a blush though the gems themselves catch her attention vividly; Causing her to barely spot Sharya cupping and taking a quick sneaky drink only to gasp and her eyes to shoot wide as the effects on her body become apparent. Gulping she looks around and away from her growing fellow elf especially when Zalira walks up and cups her breast before having her own drink. "What are you-" She stares and her eyes go over to the statues and gulps and shakes her head... Moving to the one with the blue gem she looks around and shakes her head before taking a sip, vanity getting the better of her as she takes a step back and waits for it's effects to take hold. Her eyes going to nighteyes and glaring. "Shush before I make you drink some." She grumbles as the wolf walks up and sniffs at her and the water mistrusting of the latter.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby MASigma » Sun Jan 31, 2016 9:55 pm

Priea nodded to Kassy's words, smiling just a bit as she couldn't help but enjoy how the older woman kept sticking close to her, glad she could finally have such a friendly relationship with the woman she had looked up to for so long," Think we'll need to worry about any more troubles like this?", she questioned Kassy as she followed the woman along, figuring she should start running over her spells and preparing more fire based ones just in case.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Mark3000 » Mon Feb 01, 2016 9:57 am

Priea arrives at the fountain just a few seconds after Kassandra just in time to catch Zalira and Kailyne drink from it. Zalira feels a tingle on her skin as she can feel it become more youthful and vibrant. However just like Sharya, you begin to feel your chest expand as her ass becomes more plump. The 2-3 cup sizes Zalira grows causes her nipples to slip from her already revealing outfit. The forest breeze sends a shiver down Zalira's spine as it hits her sensitive skin (Full HP, Full OP, +3 Max HP, Max OP -1). Kailyne on the other hand feels something different. The water has a peculiar taste to it thought it's not unpleasant. She feels refreshed but she wasn't getting the same results as Sharya or Zalira. Though Kailyne's head did feel a bit heavier. Soon a few locks of hair were covering her eyes. The water from the blue gem side had caused her hair to grow. It now reached all the way to the ground and it was still growing. Once it was finished, it was 6 feet long. (Full HP, Full OP, +1 Max HP, -1 Grapple Rolls until Hair is cut.).

The only part of the fountain left untouched was the one overlooked by the busty statue with the red gem. It was pointing north deeper into the forest. From that direction you could hear loud moaning as well as something rustling leaves. Nighteyes and Eya'la both get a discomforting feeling as they both sense something powerful in that direction.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby An Ying Hu » Mon Feb 01, 2016 3:11 pm

Try as she might, Zalira could not get her top to cover her nipples fully again. As the young witch had never been endowed with a large bust, these clothes had not been made with this in mind. She fiddles with it a bit, tugging at it forcefully and yet the only thing she manages to accomplish is to make her large breasts bounce a bit in full view of the others. She stiffles a moan at the enhanced pleasure her sensitive skin now offered, and eventually she gave up and turned back towards Sharya and Ey'ala. A part of her behind was now revealed too, for the same reason her bust was. "Should I look for new clothes or walk around like this for the rest of our journey?" she asks the other elf teasingly with a sly smirk, bringing her arms underneath her chest as she used to, only now the pair was visibly pushed upward. "What do you think, Ey'ala?" she asked her familiar, but the raven was ignoring both Zalira's change and Kailyne's as well. Her head was still as her eyes glowed visibly, she was trying to make sense of something.

"I think that there is something wrong," she points out. "What is it?" Zalira asks, perking a brow. "I am not sure.. there is a sense of power, a strong energy coming from the direction towards which the statue is pointing. Do you hear the sounds? It would be wise to get ready - we might be about to face something.. or someone."
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby FragranceofMtDew » Mon Feb 01, 2016 10:00 pm

Sharya watched and waited as Zalira seemed to be fiddling with her outfit for a bit. That made sense as Sharya's top had barely survived the transformation, but she was pleasantly surprised to see that when Zalira turned around her skimpy outfit now left her breasts essentially completely uncovered. It was impressive how bold and unperturbed about being so exposed she was. Before she realized it, her hands were already outstretched and cupping Zalira's large enticing breasts, squeezing them lightly and rubbing her exposed nipples gently with her thumbs. In retrospect, it was only fair that she return the favor as Zalira had done the same thing earlier. "I think I could get used to enjoying this view." Sharya responds with a playful giggle, slowly withdrawing her hands after she'd sufficiently enjoyed herself. "It might get a little distracting though.... Uh, for our enemies that is."

Kailyne's incredibly long hair catches her eye next, but Ey'ala speaks up before she has a chance to comment. Now that she mentions it, Sharya can hear some strange sounds from the path to the north... Turning in that direction, she spots Priea and Kassy coming from the opposite path. That was good, if there really was something dangerous ahead, then they would need all the help they could get. "So, do we go to it or does it come to us?" She asks, unsheathing her sword to prepare for a fight.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby MelissaB » Mon Feb 01, 2016 10:30 pm

Kailyne watches carefully as she feels her hair grow her eyes wide as she watches it descend down to the floor and cease to stop until it's a long flow of golden blonde hair cascading down from her head to the floor. Looking it over she has lost sight of the others two as she wipes the hair from her face and growls in anger. "Why would anyone want this?!" She cries out in frustration to herself before eyeing the two others feeling each other up and blushes a cute shade of pink before turning away. Her eyes going to nighteyes and glares as if she is seeing some form of hidden insult an slight from the female canine before nighteyes turns and growls at the smell and sound in the distance. "What is it?" The elven woman asks before moving closer to her wolf her eyes going over the two woman and huffing. "Could you two stop?" She asks walking past them to the one no one has drank from yet and taking a small cup from her hands and glaring at them before she shakes her head. "I'm going to regret this." She comments before taking a quick gulp, her eyes glaring at the two over elves though her eyes do shift to the sounds of moaning and the feeling of growing dread her grip moving to her bow and an arrow once she has taken a drink.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby An Ying Hu » Mon Feb 01, 2016 11:08 pm

"Ah.. ahh.." Zalira moans slowly as Sharya replies with similar boldness by taking hold of her breasts, going even farther than what she herself had done and rubbing her nipples slowly and intensely. It was obvious that her now very sensitive skin was eliciting deep arousal, as Sharya would feel the pair going erect under her thumbs. "If you keep that up, our enemies will be the least of your worries," the young witch purrs seductively to the other woman, letting her hand move swiftly to slap Sharya's plump ass, the act unintentionally stirring Ey'ala's focus back to her surroundings.

Zalira frowns a bit in Kailyne's direction as she passes by them, asking her to stop. "There's no need to be so mad, I wouldn't object to you joining in," she smirks at her playfully, trying to pass a hand through her rich hair, if possible. Though she soon lets out a sigh as she notices the visible tension brought by Ey'ala and Nighteyes' discomfort. "Seriously, I don't see the problem. There are moans coming from up there, what if they are simply having an orgy? Then we can join them and have a bit of fun," she said with a shrug. "You say this because you do not feel what I feel," her familar tells her. Zalira scoffs, "Very well, let's say they are hostile, so what? We rush in, kill them all and then have sex. Again, I don't see why you are so afraid," she notices the bird sighing, resting her case for now as she turns towards the woman on who's shoulder she was perched. "If they are indeed engaged in.. that, then it is likely they are distracted. If we move in now, there is a chance that we could catch them off-guard and start the battle with an upper hand," she advised.

Zalira herself did not comment on that, as she decided to wait and hear what Priea and Kassy had to say about it. Besides, she wasn't very concerned. These new feelings she was discovering occupied most of her interest, instead.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Mark3000 » Tue Feb 02, 2016 12:19 am

The red gem flickers a bit as Kailyne drinks from it. She feels energy fill her body but something as well. Like Kailyne & Sharya, Kailyne's chest begins to expand. However, it doesn't stop. Soon her breast easily outsize Kassandra as they slip over her outfit. When they finally finish growing, Kailyne can hardly hold them. They're roughly 6 cups larger and Kailyne can feel herself starting to lose balance. (Full HP, Full OP, +5 Max HP, -2 Evasion)

As you all wait, You continue to hear moaning from that direction. What ever it was, it was waiting there for you to come to it.
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