Jennys Ambition HTML5 -adventure/management (Update 16/1/30)

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Re: Jennys Ambition HTML5 -adventure/management (Update 16/1

Postby Ayeka » Sun Jan 24, 2016 6:42 pm

Mayby she can use few different ways to control others? For example some can be simply hired as mercenaries, some conviced by drugs combined with hypnosis, few by seduction and others by blackmail or threat ( when she get some dangerous guys as servants). Option about possesing also can be possible, mayby she do pact with devil for special powers. Not exclude option about founded artifact. Anything goes, Stealing, killing, bribery, treachery, any way to get influence over general population or rich and influential indyviduals can lead to higher social position.
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Re: Jennys Ambition HTML5 -adventure/management (Update 16/1

Postby FMC » Mon Jan 25, 2016 1:54 am

I do have a question. Would it be possible to have more 'submissive' scenes? Perhaps not put Jenny fully into slavery -- it seems you're going in a different direction than that -- but sometimes even rulers of the world have sub personalities when it comes to sex, and you can still corrupt everyone if you let them have their way with you. Maybe make a stat that tracks how many 'sub' options you make, so that it eventually makes it so you can't be 'dominate' if you make too many sub options?
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Re: Jennys Ambition HTML5 -adventure/management (Update 16/1

Postby sed » Mon Jan 25, 2016 1:19 pm

re Ayeka:
Those are all good ideas, and using a varied approach may work well for static units. But I also need a common method that can be used on any of the randomly generated units. For them it would need to be one method. I think using drugs/magic item on them is going to be the best option.
I'll think on it a bit, I've still got a lot of other things to work on before I must commit.

While submissiveness does not work well for the theme with Jenny, that does not mean it can't be part of the game. One of the advantages of being able to control other characters is that you are not stuck with Jenny. At some point units and quests with a variety of sexual motives will be added. I am going to try to keep as many options available as I can. By default they start as Jenny who is more dom than sub. But you can change units. Take over a sub woman. or a guy, or whatever else the player wants.
The main stumbling block on this one, and some others, for me is the writing. It is not one of my personal kinks so I have a hard time with it. Later, when I have a playable game put together I will begin trying to find writers to contribute stuff I can't write (or better versions of stuff I can write).
At that point some dom/sub, as well as a bunch of others, will be added.
I probably won't add a stat for it though. I am trying to keep the number of stats to a minimum. With the exception of 'purity', I do not want to use stats to limit behaviour. I'd rather leave actions to the player to choose.
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Re: Jennys Ambition HTML5 -adventure/management (Update 16/1

Postby Ayeka » Mon Jan 25, 2016 8:53 pm

FMC Wrote:I do have a question. Would it be possible to have more 'submissive' scenes?

There is many games with this trend, games with dominant woman are rare and honestly I want this one stay this way.
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Re: Jennys Ambition HTML5 -adventure/management (Update 16/1

Postby FMC » Tue Jan 26, 2016 7:26 am

Yes and no. There's not many that don't utilize fully busty woman, or an open-world aspect that this game has. That's what attracted me to this game in the first place -- a female protagonist with smaller than DD tits? Yes please. An open world exploration? Double yes. A prostitution system? Oh my god yes.

And I am watching the brothel sim games, but they're not the same style of game as this is, so comparing the two is like comparing apples and oranges. They both have a management system, but this is more like the OLD Brothel Sim game, where you were able to walk around a world WHILE maintaining a brothel, not just point and click. See what I'm trying to say?

And as to sed, fair enough. I only ask that about games that have a base that pique my interest.
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Re: Jennys Ambition HTML5 -adventure/management (Update 16/1

Postby downloadu » Sat Jan 30, 2016 9:53 am

Interesting game. Promising start. Thanks for sharing.
After buying the tavern (day 62), paying 10K & swallowing, I got some additional recruiting (drugging) quotas . But they disappeared after I slept in the tavern that day.
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Re: Jennys Ambition HTML5 -adventure/management (Update 16/1

Postby sed » Sat Jan 30, 2016 7:09 pm

Ok, I just updated with a fix for that. Also pregnancy is enabled now. Contraceptives are on by default, but can be turned off. Pregnancy lasts 10 days, then a child unit is born. Stats are a blend of parents. children grow into adult units on their 16th birthday.
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Re: Jennys Ambition HTML5 -adventure/management (Update 16/1

Postby sed » Sat Jan 30, 2016 8:16 pm

I just added a temp hack so that children age to 16 after 30 days.

That way you don't have to wait 500 turns to see the effects of breeding :)
This is only temporary, I am going to enable a shop that will allow rapid ageing of children. At that point I will disable this and it will take a long time for children to 'naturally' age.
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Re: Jennys Ambition HTML5 -adventure/management (Update 16/1

Postby pyorgara » Mon Feb 01, 2016 4:51 am

Interesting start. When the content start to get in, it should make for a fun game. We need more games with HTML5.
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Re: Jennys Ambition HTML5 -adventure/management (Update 16/1

Postby dingofiz » Tue Feb 02, 2016 2:36 am

It's a pretty good game, I'm having one problem though. I'm not sure what makes it happen, but while being in control of someone other than Jenny while progressing to the next day, it tells you that you died and have to load. The last time it happened to me, it was on day 31, and I was the goat. I don't think being the goat was the problem though, since it happened before.

Also, instead of of drugging people (which should make you lose purity), maybe there could also be an 'influence' option that's harder to accomplish but also doesn't change your purity.
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Re: Jennys Ambition HTML5 -adventure/management (Update 16/1

Postby sed » Tue Feb 02, 2016 11:50 am

My guess is that Jenny is starving when you switch to another character. If you leave jenny 'resting' without a job, it will continue to drop her health if her hunger is at 100. It will kill her even if you are not controlling her. It's half bug/ half not. I was going to have hunger take effect whether you are controlling her or not. But right now it (should) only happen when she is resting, and it does not clearly tell you what is happening. It was something I started implementing, then had second thoughts about. I will either remove it, or finish implementing it, eventually. For now you should be able to avoid it by making sure her hunger is less than 100 before switching to another unit. Or setting her to a job other than resting.

Also, how did you end up controlling the goat? He doesn't have an option to drug. Well he's not supposed to anyway.

The 'drugging' is still likely to change. I'm not yet satisfied with it as an explanation.

I will not have a chance to work on it until the weekend, but I will see about fixing the food bug then.
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Re: Jennys Ambition HTML5 -adventure/management (Update 16/1

Postby dingofiz » Wed Feb 03, 2016 10:21 pm

Ha! Well, after day 1, the goat turns into a male character named Atko Goat almost with the same characteristics as jenny, but he's 16 with 50 looks. Even the description is the same. There's also Sgt. Pepper, the male bandit. I can tell that he's an accident, since he also has the same description. Since I'm talking about bugs, the 'give' button when you talk to children doesn't work (if it's supposed to work yet, I dunno)

And what is the wood for? Is that for when you own the tavern? (I never owned it yet)
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Re: Jennys Ambition HTML5 -adventure/management (Update 16/1

Postby sed » Thu Feb 04, 2016 2:06 am

Ok, I see what happened now. Never checked on the goat after first turn since he's still mostly just a place holder.

The give button for the kids does not yet do anything. The wood will be for a quest that Rezzbin is writing. And will also be used as a building material for some other things as well. But that has not been added yet.
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Re: Jennys Ambition HTML5 -adventure/management (Update 16/1

Postby Sasha » Thu Feb 11, 2016 6:29 am

Hi! I just wanted to say I love this game so far, and I think it has a lot of potential. :D Keep up the good work!
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Re: Jennys Ambition HTML5 -adventure/management (Update 16/1

Postby FMC » Sat Feb 13, 2016 3:22 am

Also, Sed, I wasn't necessarily asking for Jenny to BE submissive, but (most) people get that itch from time to time, I believe? Like, she can 'let' her followers 'dominate' her, maybe in some kind of role-play scenario. It'd be interesting (and maybe funny depending on how you do it) to have Jenny be saying "Come on! You're supposed to tie that knot tighter and spank me, not just put me over your knee!" or similar things, basically dictating the way the 'submissive' scene goes... so, in some sense, still being 'dominant.'

See what I'm getting at here? :P
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Re: Jennys Ambition HTML5 -adventure/management (Update 16/1

Postby greendude » Sun May 15, 2016 2:28 pm

Is this thread still active?
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Re: Jennys Ambition HTML5 -adventure/management (Update 16/1

Postby sed » Sun May 15, 2016 4:01 pm

The project was put on hold as I ran into some problems.

I have found ways around those problems now, but I had started another game as filler (The Bunker). So now I am working to finish up the other game, and creating the art for the new version of this one. The new version will involve a complete rewrite of the code, and new art, so it will be a while yet. I am hoping to have a playable demo in a month or two.
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Re: Jennys Ambition HTML5 -adventure/management (Update 16/1

Postby derpatron » Fri Jun 03, 2016 1:40 pm

well, i wouldn't like drugs or hypnosis, but if your gonna give her mind powers you could have her be able to read minds to some degree then blackmail people. would work well since she can just get them to do horrible things to keep their secrets then blackmail them with that.
giving the player character age wouldn't seem fun, unless you have some sort of succession system.
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Re: Jennys Ambition HTML5 -adventure/management (Update 16/1

Postby Iwo » Sat Nov 18, 2017 9:40 pm

sed Wrote:The project was put on hold as I ran into some problems.

I have found ways around those problems now, but I had started another game as filler (The Bunker). So now I am working to finish up the other game, and creating the art for the new version of this one. The new version will involve a complete rewrite of the code, and new art, so it will be a while yet. I am hoping to have a playable demo in a month or two.

Can't wait. I like this game, since it is NTR - other girls get impregnated by other males. I played it over one year ago and now see that, hopefully, you will continue work. So thumbs up !
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Re: Jennys Ambition HTML5 -adventure/management (Update 16/1

Postby Timebomber427 » Sun Dec 03, 2017 9:36 am

Holy Necropolie Batman.
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