Gordian Orgias

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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby LillyMacow » Wed Jan 27, 2016 11:04 am

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The angle you where pinned in was far from ideal and it made attacking the pounding wolf far more diffcult then you had hopped. Using your sword at such an angle also seemed pointless as you couldn't build any momentum behind it. Instead oting for punches and kicks you manage to force his dick actually out of your tight asshole but he quickly resumes, now even harder. You begin to slip on the "wet" rock as he ponder you and I became hard not to slide down into the wolf pack. The wolf, in an attempt to make sure you don't try again leaned forward and bit your hair, holding onto it and pulling your head back by the hair.
(strength roll (challenge 15): 12+4-4(pinned)=12)

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Your understanding of what you are doing is little to nine, though you manage to gain aid from the sun, or s it seemed. As your hands where engulfed in painless flame and as you punched bursts of fire launched out and split. The wolves making small explosions. You manage to kill four wolfs before you lose all control and the fists explode in your face sending you hurtling back and over the back side of the rock. Suddenly it is cold and dark once more, the sun has banded you. Laying in the damp moss beneath the shadow cast by the small forest fire on the other side of the rock you feel sharp pain in your thigh and your fists burn as though you they where in scolding water.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Firehead » Wed Jan 27, 2016 11:38 am

Mel shivered in the cold of the damp cave. Her two rapists her only source of heat for her. The one in her mouth tasted foul, but she would be forced to taste it anyway whether she gave in or fought it, so she attempted to ignore her own disgust at the nasty thing. She felt the wolf behind her mount herself and she couldn't help but be thankful for the warmth of his fur. Then his dick poked against her ass. The first fucking had been rather rough, but she didn't want to imagine the pain of her ass being fucked raw by the beast. Reached back trying to angle the wolf cock down while rolling her hips to angle her ass up and away from the forceful thrusting.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby DeltaSynergy » Wed Jan 27, 2016 11:43 am

Gillan approached slowly.

"I will...huh?..."

Pausing at her question, he wondered what she meant.

"Well...my dad told me of his adventures before...of large beasts and fierce battles. Of exploration and finding untold treasures. And he used to read to me stories of kings and queens and princes and princesses."
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby lilgrunt1 » Wed Jan 27, 2016 3:58 pm

Avalin removes her clothes completely and rolls on her back the wolf under her exposing her mouth and pussy to the rest of the pack her lustfulness has taken over again. her hands reached out to stroke those she couldn't please.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Sundance » Wed Jan 27, 2016 4:39 pm

Trying to open her eyes, Coria screams out in pain as her hands burn, for the first time in her life not literally but in pain. Pressing them against her chest coria whimers, as she looks down on her thight, trying to see the damage. "W..why, why couldnt i just lisen to Priscilla?" She asks as she lets out a pained gasp.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby reaperfrost8 » Wed Jan 27, 2016 5:37 pm

Gherman sighed a sad one and deciedes to unsummon her to ask couple questions "I understand" Gherman told Liebe with her gone Gherman took the old man and put him on the alter and prayed something his mom thought him whenever he was on hunts or if in this occasion to mourn on a death with that done Gherman deciedes to left with a sad note that if he knew his summon could summon herself he would've commanded her not kill him as he deciedes to walk about town.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby LillyMacow » Wed Jan 27, 2016 7:03 pm

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You manage to wiggle your butt into a position where the wolf instead enters your still creampied pussy. The one in front gives up and pulls out. With a howl he releases all of his cum onto your face, at least six ropes of the stuff, and it smelled just as bad as the dick. The one now in your pussy began hammering away at full speed causing your body to lurch forward with each thrust.

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The wolves in the den are enthralled by this change of events, one immediately puts his front paws on your breasts and begins to slide his dick between them. A fourth wolf now enters your pussy, now filling all three holes with hot wolf dick. Needing even more you reach out and grab 2 of the three remaining wolf's dicks and stroke them.

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"Would you believe me if I said most of them are true?" she turns the page and looks at you "even ones about wishing granting artifacts?"

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You see your thigh has landed on a rock sticking out, you dont see any bleeding but it couldn't have ended well.

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Ill get to this one in a bit, busy sorry
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Sundance » Wed Jan 27, 2016 7:22 pm

Looking at her tight tears filled her eyes. She was so useless, and now Priscilla was paying for this. She spread fire all around, killed a few wolfs, yet she couldnt help her..or could she. She closed her eyes and crawled forwad. Then she placed her hand on the thight. Maybe she had some healing magic in her. Her hands still burned in pain, yet she had to try it. This or stay her and let a friend down. Hopefully she had been of any use.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby DeltaSynergy » Wed Jan 27, 2016 7:40 pm

Gillan shrugged slightly.

"I don't know...I believe my father's words and have been living by his principles. I don't know much about the joy of adventuring or being a hero but...I do have a wish...a goal to make the best weapon and the best armour possible. That's why I've been travelling from town to town, searching for blacksmiths and new materials and manuals for my goal."
Life is meaningless...if you don't find the meaning in it...
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Firehead » Thu Jan 28, 2016 2:16 am

Mel was glad to not have the overly energetic wolf pounding away at her ass. The seed of the previous wolf proved a decent lubricant, and despite this wolf thrusting just as hard the pain wasn't nearly as excruciating. The wolf she was sucking suddenly pulled out and for the second time today Mel found her face covered in foul semen. What was every man's obsession with covering her face?
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby LillyMacow » Thu Jan 28, 2016 2:29 am

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You had no luck healing yourself, but your adrenaline eased the pain enough to stand, you also take note of the dainty arm of the farmer's daughter hanging over the edge. Maybe you could still be of use.

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"Ah" she laughs "A stupid goal, clearly impossible, I like it. I too have a wish, something mundane in comparison maybe, but I just want to see an end to tyranny across the land, forever. You see we arn't so different, we both seek something only a miracle could solve, but not even the gods can answer our wishes if they tried. Maybe thats because we are looking to low, gods cant be the all mighty power could they? What is it the gods want, why did they make us but to appease their own selfish goals, maybe there is a wish granting device even they want." she puts the book down and blows out the candle silhouetting her face to the moon light. "And I know where to look for it, you in?" she says in a very serious tone.

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As she was unsummoned liebe looked at you surprised and a bit side, "I just remembered an important word, Champion" her voice gets softer and softer as she speaks until she disappears back into the ether. Nothing else of importants happens that night.

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The wolf in your pussy begins to dig his claws into your soft skin, not piercing it but it definitely hurt. He uses his better leverage to reach the deepest he can go and pound even faster, he was nearly at his limit and he began whimpering repeatedly. Moments later he rammed all the way in and released a few shots into you before pulling out and letting the rest hit your ass and fall onto your legs. You where suddenly very cold again, and the cum was the only warmth left, which you had plenty of.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Firehead » Thu Jan 28, 2016 2:39 am

Mel groaned out as the wolf finished with her. She was happy to see that none of them seemed to want a round two. Her body was naked and wolf cum covered her face and ass. She wouldn't dare don her dress again without cleaning the mess all over herself. On shaky legs she tried to stand up. If she couldn't stand she would crawl. After all this she needed to get Avalin's flute back and locate the woman she'd just went through so much to find.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby lilgrunt1 » Thu Jan 28, 2016 3:01 am

Her body surged with pleasure doing all she can to make the wolves climax .
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby LillyMacow » Thu Jan 28, 2016 3:43 am

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You cant contain your lust anymore and all you crave is the cum of the wolfs. Your wish is granted as all three of the dicks inside you release their cum in you, filling your throat mouth and pussy with hot semen.They all pull out exhausted, letting there cum leak out of your lower holes only for a few moments before 3 more take their place. Now with the new dicks in you the one using your tits cums, splattering his load all over your face. After rolling off the two you where pleasuring by hand also explode, the first covering your tits and the second your stomach. The new one in your pussy must have been sensitive as he only lasted four or five thrust before cumming, his first one was inside but he then pulled out getting his cum all over your stomach and lower breasts. You repostion your self on all fours again. Lowering your head to pleasure the one you where sucking before and raising your ass for the other wolf who had now pulled out of your ass and was rubbing his dick between your cheeks.

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Your legs where to shaky to walk so instead you crawl into the den, entering you see a sight that surprised you. Avalin was taking two wolfs from both sides and there where 7 wolfs around her already flacid and asleep. She also seemed... willing, wanting.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby lilgrunt1 » Thu Jan 28, 2016 4:07 am

She gladly gets cum all over herself pleasing all the wolves sucking the one off in front of her and she raised her rump up for the one that was in her ads before him grinding on her ass Crack but as soon as they climax she climaxes as well her eyes finally turning back to normal and her mind no longer clouded. She looked mortified at herself as she was covered in semen and she grew angry and her eyes grew black blwith fire growing from the edges and she threw out her clothes and burned the entire hole of the den growing angrier.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby LillyMacow » Thu Jan 28, 2016 4:51 am

Avalin and Mel:
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Avalin begins to grind against the the wolfs dick causing him to cum all over up to this point clean back. This was shortly followed by the second wolf who pulled his dick out and came in her hair and getting it on her upper back with the longer ropes. Avalin regains control and quickly realizes what she has done, moments later she and the very confused mel are back outside the den. Avalin then releases the demons power within the lute causing a flame to surge forth and engulf the entire den, you hear several wolfs howling from inside. This left the two cum covered girls ndue in the woods, both exhausted and very soar between the legs, one more cum covered by then the other. Avalin's body was almost a third covered in a spider web of cum, in her hair, on her back, tits, and face.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby lilgrunt1 » Thu Jan 28, 2016 5:33 am

avalin grabbed her flute and clothes limping out and then she started to create a fire ball and chucked it at the entrance of the den to collapse it to make the wolves that survived the fire trap themselves in to starve to death and then she passed out falling to the ground exhausted.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby FragranceofMtDew » Thu Jan 28, 2016 6:30 am

Priscilla's frantic efforts at getting the wolf off of and out of her are rewarded as she manages to get the wolf's cock out of her asshole, though her reprieve is only a brief one as the wolf is quick to resume it's fucking with renewed vigor. This time she found the wolf's jaws clamp down around her long ponytail, yanking her head back to keep her from struggling. Thankfully, Coria's fire seemed to be dealing with the wolves below quite nicely, though Priscilla becomes worried after hearing an explosion and screams of pain from further behind her.

"Coria?! Are you okay? What happened?" She shouts, unable to look behind her in her current position. She can't just sit still while Coria is in danger and the longer she stays where she is, the more likely she is to slip off of the rock and into the rest of the pack. It's difficult with the wolf pistoning furiously inside of her, but Priscilla attempts to force the two of them backwards and then rock from side to side to roll them over and escape the hold that way.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby LillyMacow » Thu Jan 28, 2016 7:08 am

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In an effort to roll, you concicquently ram your ass all the way up to the base of his cock, before rolling and impaling yourslef all the way down on it again, this time however you where ontop of him. Attempting t lift yourself off him you feel his death grip on your hair viscoulsy yanking you back down on his dick. He appeared to be at his limit though and he began to cum deep into your ass as you bounced up and down on his dick by accident while attempting to free yourself. After releasing a massive load in your ass his grip weakens and you manage to break free, hair intact.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby FragranceofMtDew » Thu Jan 28, 2016 10:31 am

Priscilla grits her teeth as her escape plan has some unexpected consequences. But at least she's turned the tables and has the wolf on his back so she can get up. Or so she thought. Every time Priscilla attempted to pull herself off of the wolf cock, the wolf pulled on her hair and dragged her right back down onto it. She continued to make the attempt, but every time was the same and she was effectively just bouncing herself on the wolf. This continued for some time until Priscilla let out a low moan as she felt spurts of thick warm cum fill her ass. Exhausted, the wolf released her at last, but Priscilla didn't get up immediately. She took a moment to catch her breath before shakily pulling herself off of the wolf cock, cum leaking freely from her ass as she did so.

Now that she was free, she wasted no time in getting her sword and bringing it crashing down on the wolf that had so brutally fucked her. Once that was dealt with, she moved to grab the farm girl, pulling her all the way up onto the rock before turning to look for Coria. Not all the wolves were dealt with, but it may still be best to retreat and get everyone to safety for now.
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