Gordian Orgias

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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby LillyMacow » Tue Jan 26, 2016 11:53 am

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"Boy you misunderstand! I wish to tell you about your powers!" He shouts covering his face and ducking. The portal shuts as he stops channeling.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Firehead » Tue Jan 26, 2016 11:57 am

Gnashing her teeth she grabbed the instruments as she followed the trail. Avalin must have hurt herself in the fall, but what had dragged her away? The wolves were one possibility. They had been hired because they were getting to be troublesome, but just because wolves were causing trouble didn't mean they were the only things out here to worry about. Mel followed the path closely. Trying to both be swift and quiet at the same time.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby LillyMacow » Tue Jan 26, 2016 11:59 am

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Before long you come across what might be their den, you see four wolfs at the entrance all of whom appeared exited about something as there red dicks where standing at full attention.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby reaperfrost8 » Tue Jan 26, 2016 12:04 pm

"Uhhh" Gherman said as he threw he used he changed his direction woops and then he remembered that his angel was going to kick the old mans ass with that in mind he deciedes to unsummon her before his terrible crash as he hit the pillar he managed to unsommon liebe downside is he crashed towards a pillar smashing him self towards stone painfully "owwwww that was painful" Gherman said his face on stone he turn his back on the stone pillar and checked to see if the old man is alright seeing as his angel is gone and the old man is alright still covering his face Gherman decided to add something in "you know it really didn't help that you decided to cast whatever you did to my face" as he slide down painfully.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Laughing Hyena » Tue Jan 26, 2016 12:04 pm

He kept his eyes on her and caught that voiceless thanks for not being cruel to her. Reaching down with one hand he seized her own just in case this proves more difficult for her than he was thinking it could be. She could clench his hand tight if she wished and he wouldn't mind it. The way her womanhood rippled and clenched around him with such impossibly radiant warmth just provided him with urgency to go faster but he wouldn't. Not until he was certain she desired exactly that. However it seemed like she was more than happy with the pace he had setting. This allowed him persist much more longer. He honestly preferred it like this because it meant he could control the pace and hopefully help her reach those new heights. Holding onto her with one arm tucked under the small of her back for support, he continued to thrust into her and then suddenly found himself kissing her back walls.

Blushing deeply he smiled at her panting every with every motion, every second he felt her squeeze him. The pressure within his cock felt unbearable because of how agonizingly meticulous this session was. It made it all the more sweeter in his opinion because the look she had and the way she held onto him was priceless. No amount of short term sexual gratification was going to compare to the look a pleasured woman holds at the cusp of an orgasm. It thrills him and makes his heart pound through his chest. The fact that she drew him down and kissed her loudly moaning into it conveyed perfectly to him how he made her feel. Relaxing into the kiss he retuned that appreciation and remained quite still. He could feel her about to climax and reach that peak but he didn't let her. Not just yet. He gently breaks the kiss and smiled. He had something special in mind.

His body was screaming at him for denying his own orgasm like that as well. But he felt this would be worth just one final effort. Reaching up to the sides of the elf maiden's face he gently pinched the tips of her ears and began rubbing slowly over them. He thrusts low so that his hips press firmly against her every time. That allows his sweat silkened body can rub up against her breasts with every deep and meticulous thrust. Building up toward this finale, he doesn't go for the hard approach. Yet he was willing to move just a touch faster so that his attempts to draw out a very potent orgasm from her were successful… he hoped. Regardless of his success for failure he couldn't restrain himself any longer. No he began to upon instinct lose some of his control upon her hips as he thrusts into her with an infrequent motion that became erratic. His orgasm takes hold and he kissed her once again passionately crying into it as the floodgates open. Nothing could have prepared him for the intensity of his seed showing her insides. Everything just turned to flames as the heat of his cock seemed to flow straight into her body with every pulse now. His muscles ached and protested but he would not stop what he did until he had ridden out his orgasm.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Firehead » Tue Jan 26, 2016 12:08 pm

She could see the trail of Avalin's body lead into the Den, and the excited wolves standing outside. She had an idea of what the wolves were doing to her, and what fate awaited her if she failed. Ava's fate should she not be rescued was the real question. She had little choice; she had to do something. Calling on Dronox again she ordered him to attack. Remembering the bandit that had gotten behind her she tried to remain hidden while Dronox cleared the wolves outside the den. She wouldn't be able to command him in battle without giving away her position, but for now she hoped the wolves wouldn't find her.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby LillyMacow » Tue Jan 26, 2016 12:12 pm

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"You hear an extremely agitated Liebe screeching in your head, "I MUST COMPLETE MY TASK" the man dusts himself off, "You see, have you ever heard of a champion? I believe tha-" there is a flash of light and the man stops talking, instead he looks down in shock to see a blade through his heart, falling over dead he reveals liebe behind him. She had summoned herself, but at a cost half her body was missing and her wing seemed to begin corroding, she just looks at you blankly "What happened?" she says confused before being unsummoned once more, her task now complete.

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You stay behind the bush as you hear barks and wimpers, Dranox comes limping around the corner and looks up at you, one of his eyes scratched out and at least two broken legs, but he seems to have killed the four wolves outside and then a bit more. Though, you doubt thats all the wolves between you and Avalin, as this was the den for the entire wolf populace.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Firehead » Tue Jan 26, 2016 12:17 pm

She looked over Dranox and was saddened to see him so injured. If only she were able to summon more of his power. If only she were able to fight beside him. The more she traveled the more she realized she was weak. She hugged her companion as she allowed his form to be dismissed. If she was going to have any chance of helping Avalin she would need to do it herself. Standing up she moved as quietly as she could into the den; hoping beyond hope that there were only few wolves left.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby reaperfrost8 » Tue Jan 26, 2016 12:19 pm

Gherman stared horrified by what he has seen realizing he couldn't really do anything he couldn't even blame her well he could but in the end it was all on him instead Gherman summoned another command please worm Gherman thought as he summoned her for the third time and sent out the command "heal him please" Gherman said painfully he hoped this worked "god please".
Last edited by reaperfrost8 on Tue Jan 26, 2016 12:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby LillyMacow » Tue Jan 26, 2016 12:23 pm

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Mel finds 3 wolfs left between her and avalin, she wished she could use some of her great persuasion on these brutes but they wouldnt understand a word obvuisly.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Fantasy Fanatic » Tue Jan 26, 2016 12:33 pm

Sabrina was surprised to feel Abel stop as she was at the border on orgasm, his twitching member inside her indicating he was as well. As he broke the kiss and smiled at her, she realized he was planning something, perhaps something even better than what had just been about to happen. While her body screamed at her to find release, to take her own initiative to force him to satisfy her to the end, she managed to keep herself in place with pure will, knowing she would most likely be rewarded for her patience. As he took her her face in his hands and began rubbing the tips of her ears, she felt him start back up again. This time plowing his whole length into her with each thrust, making loud wet slap sounds each time their bodies met. The rest of him was practically lying on top of her rubbing against her, further increasing the heat she felt and allowing her to smell him, his scent of musk and sweat turning her on even further.

She felt him trying to thrust into her for optimal pleasure, but soon felt him loosing himself, just like she had a while ago, his movements becoming infrequent and erratic, revealing that he was close to cumming. As he suddenly kisses her again, he cums inside her, both of them crying their pleasure into each other. Sabrina feeling his seed's warmth, both inside her stomach and now even hotter inside her core, filling her before escaping, being pressed out from in between her walls and Abel's hardened dick. Sabrina felt the pressure, as well as the pleasure increase as he pumped his seed into her, having halted his movement in the deepest, most inner part of her. The cum trying to escape barely escaping as his hard dick and her narrow passage together completed an almost airtight seal, preventing the cum from escaping, instead forcing her insides to stretch further until Abel was out of seed to fill her with. Every pulse of his dick and every additional expansion to her insides sent a wave of pleasure through her, making her moan with each pulse.

As it was over, she let go of Abel, exhausted, and relaxed on the bed, feeling him and his seed still inside herself.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Laughing Hyena » Tue Jan 26, 2016 12:44 pm

Breaking the kiss well after their shared orgasm was spent he smiled softly with his head resting upon her shoulders. He honestly didn't feel like moving much. His body was very sore and as such his cock ached so badly inside of her as the last remnants of his seed flood her. That magic worked very well in fueling that erection and it paid off with such a copious orgasm. He swore he had bottomed out in her when he came and as such he recalled that she was safe… so he gave a very soft laugh kissing the nape of her neck barely whispering. "Almost forgot… safe." His hips relax so his cock can wedge itself against her womanhood to plug the entrance so little seed could escape. He made a mental note that sexual encounters with an elf was amazing. Since her legs unwrapped from his waist he gently turns over so she can lay atop of him. Seemed like the proper thing to do and then finally covers them both up under the sheets. To say he was content was an understatement.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Fantasy Fanatic » Tue Jan 26, 2016 1:39 pm

Sabrina felt amused at Abel's relief once he remembered it was safe. It really was convenient for her that Elves really were only fertile a few days a month instead of most of the month like humans. As he relaxed, leaving his member inside her, continuing to deny the escaping seed an exit, he gently turned over. Feeling a little bloated, Sabrina looked down at herself, seeing her belly bulging slightly from the load it carried. Turning towards the other side, she let Abel slip out of her before she sat up, directing her pussy away over the edge of the bed as the cum began dripping out of her, letting her belly return to normal. A long drawn out moan accompanied the cum spilling out of her as she felt the aftermath making it's escape, before it could all spill out onto the floor, she used her hands to collect it, drinking any of it she could save, enjoying the taste of Abel's cum blended together with her own juices.

What little spilled out onto the floor collected into a small puddle. Looking down, Sabrina took note of it and estimated about how much cum he would have pumped into her. 'Wow, that is quite a lot.' Sabrina thought to herself.

"We'll have to clean that up later." She told Abel before she giggled and snuggled up next to him, letting him cover them both with the bed sheets. Hugging him she took in the heat he was giving off as she let her own form gently hug him, her breasts making for comfortable padding between them.

"You don't mind me staying here for the night, do you?" She asked him.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Laughing Hyena » Tue Jan 26, 2016 1:53 pm

Abel looked at her transfixed as she cupped the seed that came from her womanhood and drank it down before him. She seemed to feverishly enjoy a man's seed and he honestly found that flattering that she could enjoy him that completely. This sexual experience left him quite drained yet he didn't mind at all. "Yeah, no way around that at least." He said with an amused voice concerning the clean up. Either way when she came back to bed and cuddled up with him, he pulled the sheets over and shook his head. "Not in the slightest." Hooking his arm around her body, he relaxed with her. Letting the silence and peace of the nightly debauchery wash over him, he took deep breaths as fatigue sets in. Every muscle seemed to sink into the bed and his body felt like lead. There was a pleasant soreness to his body and words wouldn't do justice for how that actually felt.
Last edited by Laughing Hyena on Tue Jan 26, 2016 2:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Fantasy Fanatic » Tue Jan 26, 2016 2:15 pm

Together with Abel, Sabrina relaxed and fell asleep. Awaiting the next day.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Laughing Hyena » Tue Jan 26, 2016 3:41 pm

To say that Abel had pleasant dreams was an understatement. Cuddled up with a lovely elven archer after such rigorous sex will have such an effect. The young human mage never did let go of her whilst the hours pass by. The dreams encounter initially start off with the notion of continuing on fantastic adventures as his step father had talked to him about. Riches, fame and the lovely ladies that one encounters. His own adventure was turning out quite different from the starting point. Fevered dreams soon followed of a warm spring in the forest and sharing that spring was of course the elven maiden in his bed. Abel could be so single minded at times… None the less his lips curl into a smile in his sleep and when the dawn finally came to greet him he still wore it. He had to wonder though if which had happened had come to light. Hopefully not but he would try to keep his word about seeing this adventure through.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby FragranceofMtDew » Tue Jan 26, 2016 3:53 pm

The first wolf is so busy with its rutting that it doesn't even notice Priscilla until it is too late. The second wolf pulls out of the girls mouth and leaps at her on an attempt to avenge it's fallen comrade, but Priscilla is easily able to knock it out of midair and finish it off with her sword as well. Seeing Coria peer down over the edge of the rock, Priscilla moved to join her and sees the rest of the pack climbing up to them. "Seven of them... Coria, it will be difficult to fight so many while defending the girl. If things start to look bad, I want you to take the girl and run while I hold them off. Don't worry about me, the safety of both of you is my top priority." She says to Coria with a determined look before attempting to fend off the wolves by swinging her sword at any that made it close to the top if the rock.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Sundance » Tue Jan 26, 2016 4:27 pm

Coria quickly moved to the girl, holding her close as she stroked her back. "Shh, we will get you back to your mother...everything will be fine." Then she saw the rest of the pack closing in. "Aw, bugger...why cant i just keep my mouth shut." She thought, as murphy's law seemed to applay even to the world of fantasy. "Priscilla..i wont leave you behind, end of the conversation." Coria cared for the girl, yet she wouldnt leave her friend behind. "I..i can try to make a fire, wolves dont like fire.." She walked to the edge before she breathed in and out, trying to get her power out, but this time controlled.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby lilgrunt1 » Tue Jan 26, 2016 4:52 pm

She yelped when the wolf shoved it's cock in her asshole and her hand guided down to rub her nether , avashi Lust has taken over again and she licked sucked and please the other with her mouth.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Firehead » Tue Jan 26, 2016 7:36 pm

Mel thought carefully about what to do. There was no way she was taking on three wolves on her own, Dranox was too injured to do that either, and Avalin was currently indisposed. Grasping for the Ava's flute she decided she had no choice. As swiftly as she could she would sprint past the wolves. Her only hope then would be for the demoness to be in any condition to fight back.
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