Gordian Orgias

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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Sundance » Mon Jan 25, 2016 12:47 pm

"No..we cant leave." Coria said as she slowly stood up. "I wont run away from her, but i wont risk any of your lifes either." Turning around she looked at the people around her. Able, who was again offering to help her. She looked right into his eyes. "I want to see this world, see all these places i read about. I wont allow her to take this dream from me, what ever she plans to do with my power." The dragon girl was allready making plans about a potential escape or battle plan,while the cute little man was still wishing to join her. "There...there is no we. Please...i dont want to risk your life, i am not worth it." Then she turned to Gillian. "What will she grant you? Dont trust this raven."
As Avalin walked towards her, Coria coulndt help but to smile softly. "No need to be...but my offer still stands."
Turning back she looked at Pricilla. "As i said, i will stay. I could tell you to go, but i think i allready know your answer...thank you, Priscilla. I would be honored to share a room with you."
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Fantasy Fanatic » Mon Jan 25, 2016 1:20 pm

"The Earth Mage was, as far as I understood. She was looking for the winged one, but fled shortly after she appeared. I'm unsure about their relationship. And you, getting the bill for this place? Hardly think so. You helped out cleaning this place, if anything, you'd be the one getting off scoot free. All I managed to do was get the Earth Mage out the door." Sabrina says, a bit upset at having failed at stopping the woman. She places her head on top of the table before muttering.

"Hey, Abel. What do you say we ditch this place? I don't really know everything, but we scared off the bandits, but the two from before are still a threat, and I don't think getting involved further would be a good idea. Yet... I don't want to stand by the sidelines as more people die. What should we do?" She asks, looking up at Abel.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Laughing Hyena » Mon Jan 25, 2016 1:48 pm

Abel had contemplated the notion of leaving things as they are. He could very well be out of his league as he was still a novice no matter how one might put it. He heard the sound logic from her and recalled the words of Coria. That there was no "we" in all of this. That she wished to face this situation alone and risk no more lives. Reflecting on that he accepted that whilst he might be useless in all of this his conscience couldn't permit him to abandon Coria to this fate. "We could leave to try and learn more on this situation. But I cannot abandon a fellow magic user to a possibly dangerous fate." He admitted since it was a complex question asked of him.

Yet for all of this he answers Sabrina honestly. "I don't know. We need to know why this power Coria has is so important in all this. And we lost our sources of information on this with the bandit leaders escape." He didn't want to see anyone die either. Abel racked his mind for an answer. "Did she mention any names or such details? This raven.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Fantasy Fanatic » Mon Jan 25, 2016 2:16 pm

Thinking back, Sabrina tried recalling what Raven had said.

"I recall her mentioning something about a wish, and that she was only the messenger or something. Why Coria was important I don't know, but I can imagine having a powerful mage under your control is desirable in most circles, even if not trained." Sabrina told Abel before yawning.

"I don't want to simply leave this matter, but the situation is weird, and a lot has happened recently. I think it might be better to sleep on it before we make any decisions." Sabrina reasoned.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Laughing Hyena » Mon Jan 25, 2016 2:27 pm

Quiet thoughts roam his mind on the matter. What kind of magical school of expertise or artifact could grant a wish and what might be the cost of such potent magic. Magic always came at a price when it was that potent. Abel could hazard a guess as to what that sacrifice might be. It chilled him deeper than soaked pantaloons did. Sabrina did have a point though. "Sleep sound like a fine idea actually." He now wore a much more casual smile on him showing that this talk helped eased his mind of worries. "Thank you Sabrina." His tone was grateful as he rose to his feet.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Firehead » Mon Jan 25, 2016 2:41 pm

With the raven winged girl out of the way Mel wondered what she should do next. She finally took note of the billboard seeing for the first time the notice about the bandits. She also noticed the note about the wolves, but while Avalin had said it was 50 gold, the note said 60. She doubted Avalin had lied to her, so the people who wanted the wolves dealt with must have raised the price to attract someone faster. She wondered if she could get one or two people to take the job on with her. She could take Avalin, but the demoness had practically vanished after her outburst. She would head back to Avalin's room to see if she was there.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Fantasy Fanatic » Mon Jan 25, 2016 2:57 pm

"Well, see you later. I'll be asking the others about their rooms as well, telling all of us where the others dwell for the night. Oh, I almost forgot. I invited angel boy... what was his name... Gherman! Yeah, him. I invited him to share a room with me, he's apparently all out of money, and the room isn't that small, so I thought I'd be generous. Just so you know. If anything happens, just come to my room, I'll most likely have everyone's whereabouts." Sabrina told Abel before he left, as well as telling him where her own room was located.

As Abel left, Sabrina went around, finding the rest of the group, asking and informing them of what rooms they had, or if they had one at all yet. Informing Gherman of where their room was last, before telling him she would be in her room getting some rest and for him to knock three times, followed by a pause and another two knocks for her to let him in.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby lilgrunt1 » Mon Jan 25, 2016 3:11 pm

Avalin went to her room feeling ashamed for wed hat dhe had done in the washroom and she was on her bed in the corner crying into her knees.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Firehead » Mon Jan 25, 2016 3:16 pm

Opening the door to the room Melsandra spots Avalin crying to herself in the corner of the bed. Walking up she sat next to the crying demoness. Sitting there for a few moments she wondered what she should say to her. Not able to think of anything she simply settles for placing her hand gently on Ava's head trying to be consoling.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby lilgrunt1 » Mon Jan 25, 2016 3:49 pm

She looks up at her tears dripping down her cheeks and she says."I'm sorry I try to control it but if i don't it takes over."
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Firehead » Mon Jan 25, 2016 4:51 pm

Mel was starting to get the picture on why Ava was so worried she would get turned over to the guards. If the guards were half as perverse as the bandit leader had claimed they would probably be more than willing to help her keep whatever that was down. It sounded horrible though. She remembered the angel and the dwarf spouting some nonsense about a wish. It could help Avalin with her problem, and even if it wasn't real just chasing it would probably give Mel the opportunity to grow in power and influence as she intended. "I think I might have an idea. There is some talk within the group about an item which can grant a wish, and at least two of them seem to be after it. If we follow them you may get the chance to fix this problem, and with some of us already aware of it we should be better able to help you out next time."
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby lilgrunt1 » Mon Jan 25, 2016 4:56 pm

She looked at her and said without hesitation "I'm not going to go work for that heartless harpy of a courier , she was evil I could sense it , and remember all wishes come at a cost and could easily take everything away from you, you wish for something then when you get it , next thing you know you get fucked by a demon and after nine months something like me is born." she cried again." I hate what I am mel."
Last edited by lilgrunt1 on Mon Jan 25, 2016 5:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Firehead » Mon Jan 25, 2016 5:22 pm

Melsandra moved back a little at what Avalin said. The way she said it made it fairly clear she was speaking from experience. Mel doesn't feel the need to ask the questions about Ava's conception since she's already pretty sure she has the gist of it. "It's alright what happened isn't your fault. You've been trying your best, but it's overwhelming you. We can follow them, and if it turns out it isn't what we were hoping for then we'll just have to try again. We won't be working for her or her master I can tell you that much. If you're sure that it isn't worth following we'll just go somewhere else and try to find another way." She tried to look determined of that last sentence even as her brain struggled to even figure out where to even begin.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby lilgrunt1 » Mon Jan 25, 2016 5:24 pm

she hugged her and held her close ." Thank you , I'll follow you."
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby reaperfrost8 » Mon Jan 25, 2016 5:34 pm

Gherman thanked Sabrina and decided to get the room and do that door knock thing she wanted and get some sleep what was it knock three times and then wait then do two he calmly waited for the door to open.
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Location: trying to sleep

Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Firehead » Mon Jan 25, 2016 6:06 pm

Mel smiled when Avalin seemed to cheer up a bit. "Sorry I assumed you were kidding me earlier. I'll know your being serious next time and do a better job helping you." She thought for a moment deciding if it were appropriate to bring this up now. "If you're feeling okay they upped the wolf job up to 60 gold. We could look into it if you're feeling up to it, or we could just hang out for the night." She made sure to emphasis we in that last sentence to make sure Ava was aware Mel wasn't about to abandon her here by herself if she didn't want to come.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby FragranceofMtDew » Mon Jan 25, 2016 6:22 pm

Priscilla nodded, pleased by Coria's decision to stand and fight. "No thanks necessary, helping those in need is my calling after all." She replies, though the gratitude was still much appreciated. She went to check her coin purse and see what she had to work with... Empty. Well that wasn't too surprising. The life of a wanderer was hardly a lucrative one after all. But it was a bit embarrassing to promise something only to come up empty handed. "Hehehe... Well, it seems like we may be in the same boat. Don't worry, I'll come up with something." She explains with an embarrassed chuckle.

What to do about money though? They certainly wouldn't be getting a pay off for the bandit job tonight. Camping out was also an option... Ah, but there was still the wolf job! "I think I'll take that job driving off the wolves. Shouldn't take me too long." She tells Coria before heading off to check the board again. The reward had gone up but Priscilla mostly wanted to know where she needed to go to do the job. Once she had that information she would head out immediately.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby lilgrunt1 » Mon Jan 25, 2016 6:29 pm

Avalin looks her in the eyes ."Do you want to stay with me tonight ? I mean after the wolves of coarse ." she asked blushing "You know you are beautiful mel you really are and sorry if I did anything when I blacked out, um by the way what did that girl say about an offer still standing?"
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby LillyMacow » Mon Jan 25, 2016 6:35 pm

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

The job's location was on the edge of town opissite the large tall grass feild. As you head out into the night through the mostly quite streets you see a few street kids fighting over a book wich you can barely make out the title of "Orcs and elves: adults only". Arriving at the house and knocking you discover a hesteric women at the door "Are you here to stop the wolves" not waiting for a respons she continues "Oh thank god! They attacked early today while my daughter was tending the livestock, they took her, please get her back!" she says, though she never actually said it, it was same to assume they where in the woods behind the house right past where her farmland was. (side note: Mel and Avalin are considering the same mission so Im not sure if you want to let them join or not but this post is flexible so if they came along this post would only change to fit there names in. If that makes sense.)
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Sundance » Mon Jan 25, 2016 6:39 pm

Chasing off wolves. After all what happend today this just could go wrong. Still it wouldnt be right to leave her alone in that task. "I will come with you." As she run behind her into the in. "I am a doctor after all." After all what have happened today it was good to have a friendly face around. "You can count on me, as i can count on you." Looking at the board the price had gone up even more, so it would mean they could stay in the in even longer, or buy something nice with the rest of the money. "Or i wont need it. After all, this raven wants me to go with her." She woulndt allow this to happen.
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