by Fantasy Fanatic » Mon Jan 25, 2016 2:57 pm
"Well, see you later. I'll be asking the others about their rooms as well, telling all of us where the others dwell for the night. Oh, I almost forgot. I invited angel boy... what was his name... Gherman! Yeah, him. I invited him to share a room with me, he's apparently all out of money, and the room isn't that small, so I thought I'd be generous. Just so you know. If anything happens, just come to my room, I'll most likely have everyone's whereabouts." Sabrina told Abel before he left, as well as telling him where her own room was located.
As Abel left, Sabrina went around, finding the rest of the group, asking and informing them of what rooms they had, or if they had one at all yet. Informing Gherman of where their room was last, before telling him she would be in her room getting some rest and for him to knock three times, followed by a pause and another two knocks for her to let him in.