As soon as Raven shows up and begins telling them information, Sabrina sees the situation in their favor, since raven seems to be less inclined to harm them, she is a much more valuable source of information. Meaning there is no reason to keep the other bitch alive. Shooting an arrow towards the woman mage, Sabrina is stunned to see her manage to predict her as she uses earth magic to block her arrow. Frowning, Sabrina knows she won't be able to pursue her.
At Raven's comment, she turns towards her with a critical looking eye, trying to sense her motives. Gritting her teeth, Sabrina begins walking back towards the inn.
"We would have been better, had we not been interrupted." Sabrina says, casting one last look at Raven before walking inside the Inn to see the destruction inside.
Once inside, Sabrina quickly takes in the scene, but ignores it. Still feeling a bit on edge, she puts one hand on her trusty hunting knife, affixed to the inside of her shield.

Ready, in case they missed any of the bandits managing to sneak away into other parts of the inn. While she doubted any of them had been smart enough, underestimating your enemies was a sure way to get yourself killed.
With that, she walked towards her room.