by cryosabre » Mon Jan 25, 2016 6:22 pm
Grinning at her small victory over the bouncer, Aretha moved to enter Hellcat but stopped once she heard one whinging voice in particular reach her newly sensitive ears. Turning her head quickly to spy out the culprit, Aretha locked eyes with the person and gave them her best look of contempt before bursting out in a condescending laugh, "The reason's simply, Honey. Unlike you, I actually have a purpose in life other than going to bars and allowing the first guy that tries it on with me into my pants." Giving the girl her sweetest smile before turning around and walking inside before she had a chance to make a retort, swaying her hips from side to side in an exaggerated manner. It wasn't that Aretha took any particular pleasure in making people feel small, it was the simple fact that now she had ascended... or descended, Aretha wasn't quite sure yet, to become something greater than a mere human, she wasn't going to let a silly little girl who had no clue about anything bad mouth her. Also who the hell was she to call Aretha "Not that pretty"? Bitch.
Once she was inside the club proper, Aretha returned the dancer's blown kiss with one of her own before giving her a not-too-well hidden look for pure lust, devouring the girls body with her eyes while the heightened beating of the blood in her veins could still faintly be heard over the loud drumming of the music, the whole spectacle of the caged woman making the young vampire's mouth water at the banquet in front of her that was ready to sate more than one of her appetites. Grinning up at the girl, Aretha made a mental note to come back and talk to her later once her other business was concluded while idly wondering, I wonder if she would get on with Kas... And heading towards the bar where the bouncer had said the package would be waiting for her. Just the the ever present voice chimes in, obvious disapproval in it's time, She has another Mistress. And you've already found one other lost puppy to save. the thought making her pout for a moment before shrugging her shoulders and moving on...why couldn't she save everyone?
As she stepped towards the main auditorium of the club, Aretha had to stop for a moment to take in the true splendor of Hellcat. While it was true the outside of the club gave off a large and imposing image with it's huge Gothic spires, lewd stained windows and blaring music no doubt giving all but the truly innocent of mind images in their head, that were likely only half-wrong, that the club doubled as a breeding ground for the unholy and corrupted things that lurked in their nightmares, it was the inside the truly showed it for what it was - A meeting place for those of humanity who loved to embrace the darkness within them, drink hard and dance harder... This was Aretha's home. This is not your home. It is Fire Kitten's. not what I meant... she chided The other voice. The way the high stone walls lead up to a near impenetrable darkness, the only sign that there was anything at all up there being signified by the chains descending down to hold up the huge steel cages housing more dancers wearing barely anything but their underwear or some tight leather scraps better suited to bondage. They will be dancing for hours to come. Until the sun rises. The notion of that both scaring and exciting Aretha as she looked around the rest of the club. Then there was the dance floor. The area in front of the DJ box filled with a mass of dozens of beating hearts all pressed up against each other. As much as Aretha wanted to join in she knew she couldn't, for even though she had no real desire to feed, the hot press of the dance floor would no doubt bring forth something she herself knew she could probably not control. We are not an animal we are not him... hunger doesn't control us. Knowing instantly of who the voice spoke off, Aretha couldn't help but feel slightly comforted in the absolute certainty the voice possessed as it reassured her of what she would rather die than become.
Even so, simply to avoid any chances Aretha did her best to skirt around the edges of the room, Aretha eventually made it to the bar where, after a few seconds of using her newly strengthened muscles, she was leaning on the sticky bar top with her chest resting on her folded arms while her head looked from side to side, her eyes taking in the sight and smell of the different clubbers as well as the bottles and glasses of alcohol they were all drinking, the smell in particular of a certain beer filling her nose and, for some reason, making her head turn a little foggy...
Shaking her head, and turning her attention back to the cute bar woman she knows what we are., Aretha gave her a smile and called out, "Hey cutie, I was told you had a...uhm...a..." Aretha's concentration immediately being shattered as a sudden burning pain shot straight to her head as she cried out in agony, bringing both of her hands up to clutch at the sides of her head as images of her early life began to bombard her before, all of a sudden, she was 12 years old again and stood in front of her father. The smell of alcohol, beer, was strong on his cloths as Aretha stood, too terrified to move as she watched him slap Jenny hard across the face for no reason other than she was in the wrong place at the wrong time. At the same time Aretha could hear her mother in the kitchen. Rr rather she could hear the radio being turned up to the loudest setting, her way of pretending like nothing was going on. Just then Aretha's fathers unstable gaze shifted to her and it was all she could do but to back away slowly, murmuring to him, " please..I'm sorry I didn't...I haven't..." The intense fear clear in her voice as he quickly stumbled forward in her direction yelling at her, "I Don't want to do this! But you and your stupid sister need to be taught to be good. girls!" Punctuating his final word by bringing his hand down swiftly towards Aretha's young face.
Just as the blow was about to connect, Aretha's eyes snapped open and she found herself down on her knees a couple of meters away from the bar with her hands still firmly clutching the sides of her head.It was the eyes and voice that were different. Though they were the same shape and color, anyone could tell that where there had once been a certain kindness and acceptance of what had happened in her life, Aretha's eyes were now filled with a mixture of fury and hate. Her voice to, while still feminine, had picked up a certain... deeper tone that could almost have feasibly been mistaken for a high pitched man's. Getting shakily to her feet, Aretha let her hands drop to her sides as she took in long deep breaths through clenched teeth and turned her head to the side, cracking her neck before casting her new fury filled eyes around the bar area, looking every person there in the eye before shouting, "The fuck are you all looking at?" hey! They're concerned about you, don't be nasty to them...and stomping forward to the bar, "I'll do whatever the fuck I like to them..." Aretha muttered under her breath as she continued to roughly shove those who stood in her way with little care for if she hurt them, before calling out the the bar woman once more, 'we are not him...' the now much softer voice intoned with clear spite towards Aretha's actions at the bar, the quiet voice making her sneer inwardly as she pounded the bar with a fist, not even bothering to hold back, I.Am. Not. HIM! she screamed in her head before looking to the bar woman, "Give me the damn package, wench. And a beer while you're at it. Now hurry the fuck up!" Glaring at the woman behind the bar as she gave her commands while silently telling herself that she had to act this was to get the job done right. She was nothing like him.
Who needs Skyrim when you have Oblivion?! - Pugna