Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby Nobudi » Tue Jan 12, 2016 6:27 am

Belladonna blushed and fidgeted, trying not to make eye contact with her sire as she sputtered, "I- slept well enough. A bit more than I expected to in this body. I- I was wondering if I could probably get some more blood... Bit thirsty is all..." She did shift her eyes to blank as she absorbed what her Sire just said. "Wait.Practice? Powers?" she responded just as blankly. "Do powers come to vampires that quickly? Don't I need to acclimate or something before I can actually use powers safely?"

She was curious who the other people were, of course, but her sire would tell her soon enough. Or she would just have to do as she normally did, and dig up that information.
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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby Reaver » Wed Jan 13, 2016 6:17 am

Funny how passersbys only gave a fuck once they thought that the fight transpiring around them could end up hurting them. Katherine had half a mind to use some of them to beat the thugs to death with but they scattered like the roaches that were rather quickly. She grinned as she began the familiar dance, weaving through most of the hits and taking the ones that she couldn't dodge like a champ. Fuck everyone running away and fuck these guys for wasting her time! The hell was even their purpose, getting the briefcase? Like hell they would have managed that and if they knew she would be the one transporting it then they couldn't have thought it would have been as easy as knocking over a silly "junkie" and taking it out of her hands. Not that it fucking mattered now that Kat was committed to at least murdering half of the thugs to make a point and get over the fact that they were probably going to make her incredibly late as fuck for her appointment. "You shits need to stop assuming I'm just some junkie!" Growling as she reached for the thug leader's head to knee it square in the face. Yea sure it would probably explode or cave in, in an impressive fashion but Kat was having a hard time giving a single fuck about staying inconspicuous
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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby cryosabre » Thu Jan 14, 2016 5:18 pm

Aretha had a smile on her lush red lips as she made her way through the street towards her destination. She couldn't quite keep the predatory look out of her eyes either as she weaved through the throng of people going about their business, whether it was business, leisure, pleasure or a sinful mixture of all three they were heading towards. Aretha didn't really care for their destination, all that mattered to her was the scintillating fact that, despite her currently quenched appetite, it wouldn't take much more than a few uttered words and a piercing gaze of her own to have them follow her into a nearby alley where the young vampire could have her way with them. An experience that would undoubtedly leave them both weak and vulnerable but still they would have the same look of lust and longing in their tired eyes that Clara, Kas and the rest of the girls from the night before had. The fact Aretha knew she could easily reduce practically any of the walking heartbeats around herinto that sort of hopeless mess made Aretha feel like something she had never felt like before in her long and unmistakably miserable life... she felt Powerful.

With that interesting thought in her mind, it didn't take long for Aretha to figure out the direction she needed to head in. Despite the proper address Clara had given her on her way out, Aretha could easily have found it by simply following the other citizens of the city who were dressed exactly how she usually had on a night out to a gothic nightclub. Her eyes drank in the vast array of varied levels of clothing ranging from essentially full bodied gimp suits to one girl in particular with a long neon green Mohawk jutting out from her scalp who wore little else than a few straps of leather doing their best, and clearly failing, at hiding her modesty. A voice chiming in her head. 'Her father is dying, a man promises to pay for his treatments if she does what he says. She has never worn clothes or had her hair like this before... she is frightened and alone but she does it for love of a man she can't save. Pity her for she will never do enough and her father will die without knowing why she never returned home to him this night.'
the sudden thought bringing a sneer to her face at the lengths men would go to simply to gain power over a woman. "I'll not let that happen to her." Aretha mumbled under her breathe as she made a mental note to find the girl inside The club and find out exactly who I was that was leading her on a deathly wild goose chase.

been a while since I've been somewhere like this... Aretha thought to herself quietly at the dark majesty of Hellcat came into view, everything from it's old gothic architecture right down to the seedy images depicted in the stained glass windows almost seeming like it was openly taunting God and his followers as the once holy house had so clearly been cast into a cesspit of sin.

Holding her head high, Aretha strode straight to the front of the entry line, if there was one, and stopped herself a short distance from the bouncer before crossing her arms under her chest and looking him straight in the eye, "I'm here to talk to your boss, Fire Kitten. She's got something for my... Sister, Jenny." Closing her mouth and waiting for the bouncer to let her pass, Aretha would waste no time heading on inside to look for Jenny's partner, Fire Kitten and collect her half of the previous nights takings. The voice returns. 'This man knows who of you speak but he is off, he doesn't know you. you're not the usual girl even if your words are correct. the thought once again making her brow furrow as she continued, "But please by all means, make us all wait...I'm sure you're well aware of how much my sister loves to be kept waiting." The threat in her tone obvious as she maintains her cold stare into the bouncers eyes, adamant she wouldn't be the first to blink.
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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby MelissaB » Sun Jan 17, 2016 12:45 am

An Ying Hu
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(BP 10/10) Grinning at you Crissy nods. "It's a ruby shaped like a tear but yes, that's the gist of it indeed." She states groping your ass. Spanking it softly she gets up once you're off her lap. Stretching she looks both you and Christine over. "Remember don't get caught don't want the police investigating murders, they put more effort into those than they do stolen goods." She stateswith a shrug before looking you over as you strip down before her and Christine. "If you are going to keep raiding my wardrobe I expect you to clean my clothes when you're done, not leave them lying around." She comments before giving both of you a wave. "Have fun!" She calls back before disappearing out of the room and likely the building an into the night.

As you are busy getting ready and finding the right clothes for the look you wanted Christine heads into the bathroom to touch up her make up and give herself a wash before she leaves, deciding to keep her cheerleader attire on for the time being. As you come in she smiles giving you a smile and a quick kiss on the lips and gropes your ass before leaving you to get ready. Once you are both set and head downstairs she bites her lip and gives you a nod. "Thanks." She states before seeing you try to hide your displeasure before she grins and leans in and bites your ear. "Like you need magic to make me want you." She whispers in your ear before pulling back. As you look outside you both flag down a cab and get int he driver giving you a hard look through the rear mirror. "The museum." Christine states with an air of confidence feeling alive as she even sense an air of power around her before she glances at you. "Unless you want to go somewhere else first?" She ass with a smile.

Diran Fay
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(BP 9/10) Eve nods and smiles at you with a happy smile. "Yeah he likes putting the beautiful girls in horrors, nearly always sells or breaks even if there is anything good behind it." She states with a smile before moving on, handing you a brand new phone and as you look in ti you see a number with Eve's name in it as well as one for Isaac. "Here let you ring me if you need to, added Isaac's there in case you can't get hold of me." She states with a smile before nodding at your tribute task. "Yeah... it's his way of introducing you into the clan, every vampire alive will use you to get something for themselves, he is just being open about it, it's nothing major. Now about this task... my advise is see it all the way through, while you can go back to him for help if won't look as good if you went crying to him at the first sign it got difficult. Which is why he offered it to you, to see if you'd take the easy way. The motel is just down the road, can't miss it, now I've got to go deal with a few things, call me when you're finish or need a lift." She states giving you a hug and kiss before getting into the car and driving away.

VintageBass & reaperfrost8
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(Bass BP: 8/10. reaper BP 9/10) All but two others and their lackeys leave the room, leaving the demon looking woman, Xeal and the gangrel the demon humbled before everyone. The demon girl and the gangrel glaring at eachother while Xeal looks between Bryant and his sire with a tilt of her head. "Yes well I would love to get a taste for the princess." She hisses the word looking at Bryant as he poses n the throne, displaying himself for use like a common whore. "But I do have important matters to deal with. I'm sure you understand Valenci." She states with a pointed look only to get a happy smile from her. "Of course mistress Shadow, of course do remember you are expected to dine with me this night as well please bring your childe along, maybe he can play with the princess while we discuss matters." She states with a smile only to get a growl as Xeal turns and leaves dragging Shaun with her.

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(BP 9/10) As soon as your Outside Xeal growls. "Fucking bitch." She hisses before giving you a look over. "Well you met my lovely peers." She shakes her head and keeps walking, taking you through the same tunnels you entered until you reach the outside world. Breathing deep of the air she looks you over. "Here... Got a task for you. One of my dealers got killed. Need you to go there and see if the shipment I had him given is still there or if it's been taken... sneak in and sneak out I don't want word of us checking the place getting out. So if you are seen i want whoever sees you silenced permanently. Got it?" She asks with a shake of her head. "He lived in downtown, find a way there and go to this address." She hands you a piece of paper. "Right... since we got some time before I need to head off, anything you want to ask?" She looks up you and down and smirks. "Maybe I should get you a dog collar."

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

(BP 9/10)Left with the demon looking woman, your sire and the gangrel and the two over vampire's lackeys as you pose ready and eager to be taken and fucked from all angles as you pose upon the throne. Your sire coming up an spanking your slutty ass before slipping a finger inside, fingering you slowly while the demon girl comes up to your face and smiles petting your cheek. "Such a lovely princess the mad one has found." She grins down at you, stealing a kiss from your lips. leaning in she whispers in your ear, giggling in it at first before she purs. "You want to know how your sire got that cock of hers? She shared so much with me about what she awnts... and now here you are her darling princess I wonder if she'll have me make a princess out of you and give you the equipment needed for that role, shall I grant you tits?" She asks with a smirk nibbling on your ear as you feel her fangs graze your skin. meanwhile you feel a mouth wrap around your cock and begin sucking on it dutifully though the demon looking vampire holds your head still to prevent you from looking on and finding out who was doing it.

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(BP 8/10) You crouch down jsut in time for a light up wash over where you were a few concerned voices echoing that they thought they saw you before the monster's voice cuts into the air. "Go check it out, once this stuff is hidden I want the diversion put back on the truck." It states loudly before it's voice fades into nothing, presumably heading into the building out of earshot as you faint hear it yelling more orders at people. Soon however you have more pressing issues as footsteps come towards you, a light scanning the dark alley you hide in before another soon joins it signalling whoever was checking the place for spies or you in particular isn't alone.

(Active Effects: Celerity, Protence and Eyes)

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(Gnosis 9/10) Fighting you easily throw off the atacks of the vampire from behind off as you lunge in and tear the throat out of his ally, the vampire in question lets out a gurgled cry before his body bursts into flames and turns to ash before your eyes, crumbling into a untidy pile on the alleyway floor. Meanwhile Mark is still keeping the other vampire from getting past though seems to be toying with him as he blocks and dodges every attack but never offering any in return openly mocking the vampire. "What's wrong, not except to be the hunted this night?" He asks the vampire which all he gets in return is a growl of rage. Meanwhile you face off with the other vampire who looks at you and glares seeing he is outmatched his eyes dart to the alleyway exit behind you, looking for an open for him to bolt and run.(+1 hp. HP 9/10)

(Active Effects: Hybrid Form)

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(BP 8/10) Your sire laughs not too unkindly at your question before shaking his head. "No... they are very much apart of who you are like your arms and legs. You will take time to learn to use them effective but inside you know what they are for. Besides how will you ever learn to use them if you don't practice?" He asks with a smile before he lads you gently to the front door and into the night. Sighing softly he looks about seeming at ease as he takes you down a path. "So... if you want I could offer you a quick drink or you could learn more of what you are while doing a little task for me. Sound good?" He asks you with a smile, gently leading you along the street, his hand around your shoulders, leading you along should you ever try and walk in a direction he disapproves of.

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(BP 9/10)The fight presses on the gang surrounding and slashes and swinging at you with their chosen weapons a man strikes you with a pipe crashing it into your ribs and leaving your body reeling and stinging from the blow though it's nothing major.(-1 HP.) Recovering from the blow you leap in and bring your knee into the leader's head sending his head flying back as he goes limp in your arms, arm weight as he drops to the floor. His gang looks between you and him getting nervous as they shake their heads at what they are seeing, unable to believe not only you killed or beat the crap out of hm in two hits but shrugged off a metal pipe to the ribs so easily. The rest of them unable to keep up with your speed as you dodge and block their attacks, avoiding any further punishment to your body. (HP 9/10)

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(BP 10/10)As you speak the bounce gives you a look as if he knew who you were speaking of before you continue before he can even voice his concern. Looking you over he shakes his head. "You mean Eve? She's not in but yeah I know what you're after. Speak to the girl at the bar, she's got what you're looking for." He states waving you in as you glare at him before he turns his attention back to those queuing up to get in the club. Most whispers bitterly about how you got let straight in. one voice in particular. "She's not even that pretty, why did she get to go straight in?" Thy voices fading to the pounding of the club as you make your way past the welcome area, two girls dressed in slutty clothes in dance cages strutting their stuff in a lustful dance meant to entice and lead people inside, both looking beautiful and one even blows you a kiss as you walk past.

The thumping of club music booming like a heartbeat for the club as you step into the club proper. Much like outside the place is filled with old architecture. High ceilings, stone walls that rise high into the black, A dark staircase leading up to an upper level, dances dotted in suspended cages in the air dancing for the entertainment of the patrons, trapped in their holdings to dance for the night. Glancing around the floor you are on there is the dance floor where a DJ is located in a booth above them, two relaxation areas, and the Bar where the woman with the money was said to be.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

(BP 10/10)You awake into the night with a groan the memories of how you got here flooding back, you remember you were drinking where this girl came up to you all brash and upfront about what she wanted from you. Soon after a few drinks you both were flirting and enjoying yourselves, her punkish gothic look very in your face and the way she was dressed meant she had to be insane to be like that in a bar like this, bikers all about the place reminding you of your past in an uncomfortable way. however when you were about to leave a guy grabs her ass and pulls her into his lap, you instant fling punching him in the jaw and sending him tumbling to the ground moments later the bar uphurls into a massive brawl. Glass chairs and stools being used as weapons as well as whatever weapons people had on them already. The whole place are turned into a battlefield bodies littering the ground groaning and covering their pains as you face off against the friends of the man you decked. One holding a knife while two others hold broken bottles closing in on you, tired and sore after the fight your knuckles bloody and your muscles in pain as your nurse the blows from various pool cues and bar stools. "We're gonna cut you up bitch." One says in a thick accent before the girl youw ere about to leave with snaps in, you had thought she had disappeared but the way she had bloods clearly others over her hands meant she was in the thick of it as she stabs the man with his own knife, pulling it into his gut before she delivers a sharp kick to his friend's knee. You hear a clear crunch as bone gives way before she pulls the next one into a grapple and throws him through a window to land on glass and hard concrete outside.


Standing before you she smirks and nods. "You lived. So we still taking that ride back to my place?" She asks before you are snapped back into the present by a very defined feminine moan as she curls around you, her fingers tracing the muscles on your chest. "Good for you too?" She asks and as you hear her voice clearer than ever, smell her clearer than ever you recall her name Kat. You also note that you can hear the sounds of life outside the window. "Wake up childe." She hisses in your ear before giving it a bite. "Urg... gotta say the way you handled yourself in that fight.. bitching. Loved watching you fight reminds me of me." She grins at you before she pulls from the bed and your body she slowly dresses as if nothing had happened between you it's there you notice how truly pale her skin was and how she didn't seem to breathe and that red tint around her lips as she spoke to you leaving you in wonder at what was going on. Soon though she stops your thoughts by jumping on top of you, leaning down as she looms over you. "So childe, best it's time I start answering a few questions hm?" She asks with a wink before stealing a kiss.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

(BP 10/10)You don't recall how you got here you remember you got a drink from this one guy that he disappeared and brought you your drink which you happily took leading him on to get stuff out of him as you spent your time toying with the boys. Though you notice that after a while you became more sluggish more open to suggestion as your memory slowly fades into nothing. Looking around you don't feel cold despite how you seem to be in a stone room though the red eyes in the dark looked at you sending a chill down your spine and moments before you could open your mouth to scream a figure steps forward, her visage monstrous and sensual in it's dark nature the bone bladed wings spanning out behind her as she looked upon her with a smirk, eyeing you up and down as she holds out a crawl and traces it over your neck a slight twinge coming as if she touched something tender. "You're awake... Good..." She smirks her voice dark and with an undertone of growling within. "I was surprised my ghoul so easily got you drugged and brought here I had thought of simply killing you and sending the body back to your family after making them spend some coin after pretending you were alive but once he brought you here, spoke of you I was inspired. I could use your skills to further myself among the Sabbot." She states taking you out the metal restraints and letting you drop to the floor at her feet.


Giving you a moment to collect yourself and get an idea for your surroundings you notice you don't see her breathing but more important you notice you aren't breathing and neither is your heart beating. "You are hungry... I have a meal for you." She spoke though the tone and that hunger you felt wells up in you making your mouth water as if you could smell a freshly cooked meal until you see it. a man beaten and cut to ribbons, blood dripping down his form and making your mouth water against your will as you look at the practically dead man. "Drink... feast and I promise you'll never have anything better." She spoke as a tone that spoke of if she was speaking form experience. "Drink and I will allow you to ask questions and will explain your new life to you childe."
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby dragonmaster121989 » Sun Jan 17, 2016 5:32 am

The feel of the cold air around her the first thing her senses pick up, yet strangely not that cold as if only a mildly brisk night. Feelings something solid binding her wrists Sasha slowly opens her eyes although everything is a bit hazy at first she tries desperately to make her brain work to recall how she even got here to where ever she was.

However her time to think is quickly taken away as she notices a pair of ominous looking red eyes staring at her from the darkness. Before she has the chance to react and scream or say something to try and plead or cry for help a face emerges out of the darkness to give shape to the body those piercing red slits belonged to.
Before long a beautiful yet terrifying women is standing before her with a pleased look on her face as if she knows something Sasha doesn't.
However Sasha isn't exactly left with much time to ponder on what it is this creature has to hold over her for she reaches out dragging a claw tipped finger along the girls sensitive skin in what could only be described as a teasing manner." Your awake.... Good." As these words ring in her ears her pointed finger glides over a tender spot on Sasha's neck that she can't quite remember being there before.

When she continues to speak Sasha's attention is drawn to the fact she doesn't seem hostile but more commanding then likely to kill her. While still unsure and uneasy she watches as the women continues what she has set out to do in the first place.
Hearing the words "I was surprised my ghoul so easily got you drugged and brought here I had thought of simply killing you and sending the body back to your family after making them spend some coin after pretending you were alive but once he brought you here, spoke of you I was inspired. I could use your skills to further myself among the Sabbot."
At first they seem a little cold and harsh but soon there is a little glimmer of hope dangled in front of her in the form of a job of sorts as most people in power did, when they wanted something done and it was beneath them in one manner or another they would simply find someone else to do it for them, that much Sasha understood very clearly.

Being released from her restraints comes as a relief but the thud as she hits the cold hard floor isn't exactly very pleasant to say the least. Staring up at the women she tries to regain her composure and stand while rubbing her wrists from being in the cuffs, that's when she realizes the cold she feels isn't the room around her at all but her own lack of warmth for her skin is ice cold, like that of a corpses.

As her mind tries desperately to figure things out her eyes dart around the room looking st everything only for Sasha to noise something that makes her take another look at herself, the women that had taken her captive wasn't breathing yet she moves and speaks. As this information sets in and strikes home she realizes she also isn't breathing and the comforting beat inside her own chest was missing as if she was Dead.

Eyes wide and full of terror Sasha tries her hardest to wrap her mind around how this whole situation is even possible as her captor begins to talk again, although the words are heard somewhere in the back of Sasha's head her current state of mind almost misses them until a moment later hen she finally realizes just what was said. Along with the realization of the words the women spoke to her the hunger deep inside her body awakens screaming for attention and food.
Without even thinking or looking for the meal she spoke of Sasha smiles and finally speaks for the first time since waking up." Yes thank you, I am hungry for some reason that I don't quite understand."

With her mouth watering in anticipation of a delicious meal that had been kindly prepared for her she turns her eyes towards the smell that had captivated her senses only to see a broken and bloodied man laying on the floor barely alive. While her mind screams this is wrong the rest of her body tells her this couldn't be more right." I... Ummmm... That's uhhh..." Rolling her eyes Sasha takes a deep breath trying to calm herself before finally mustering some courage and saying." Oh to hell with it, I'm already dead! Might as well live a little."

Slowly kneeling down beside the man Sasha takes a moment to look him over while trying her hardest to not follow the instinct to just sink to teeth into his flesh and tear open his throat to partake of his blood. In a pathetic attempt to remain atleast even a little bit lady like Sasha slowly reaches out and touches his bloody body covering her fingers in the essence of his life. However before she can manage to bring the sample of her meal to her mouth the beast within her wins the battle of primal instincts demanding she feed and take what had been given to her as her own.
Swiftly lunging forward she sinks her teeth into his flesh tearing it open like some wild animal that hadn't eaten for days. Much to her surprise the women spoke the truth for this "meal" was indeed like no other, it's flavour Devine and addicting while at the same time brings a warmth to her body more satisfying then any whisky had ever been.

By the time she is finished the mans body already limp as a sign of death unlike her own. With blood dripping down her face and a satisfied look on her face Sasha sits die on the floor beside her finished meal while wondering what to ask first." Well I must admit you were correct about the meal being like no other and I should know considering my previous standing in life." Trying to clean herself up she grabs at the only part of this mans shirt that seems to be clean before proceeding to wipe her face.

" So you mentioned you had a use for me and based on the fact I'm not the one laying on the floor drained and dead right now I guess I'm in your debt, so what do you need and what am I? A vampire or something else? You mentioned a ghoul before so that might explain the dead part." Trying her hardest to remain calm and cool headed Sasha stares up her her new potential employer with wonder knowing this was likely going to be a long night.
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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby lilbooth » Sun Jan 17, 2016 7:24 am

Bri did her best to make it out of the alley stealthily and head straight back to Bee's car. If Bri was noticed she would take off running, making sure not to run towards Bee's car if she was being pursued. Best case scenario was to make it back to the car and let Bee know that the thugs were hiding the boxes here and loading a decoy into the truck. Killing the two people pursuing her wasn't out of the question but not having them return to the operation would bring it to a halt, securing their belief that someone or something was there. She would wait a few moments to see if the two flashlights changes course at all or if they were drawing closer. Whatever the best directed to travel to stay undetected is what Bri would go for, even if that meant scaling up wall or just dashing the other direction.
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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby Reaver » Sun Jan 17, 2016 8:52 am

Pipes didn't hurt that much anymore so that was another plus for vampirism. And then there was the thug flying back in a spectacular fashion that added another plus, after all the looks on the other scumbags was just priceless. "That right fuckers!" Cracking her to the right. "You all just earned yourselves..." Cracking all of her knuckles. "Humiliation with a decent chance of death!" Rushing the guy who had hit her with the pipe before even finishing the sentence. Katherine was craving blood now. They had wanted the fight, they had started this and now they were going to pay the price for wasting her damn time. Did they think a simple junkie would be the one carrying an important package around? THey were idiots, out of their depth and she hoped they would all be dead by the end of this so she wouldn't have to deal with these idiots again.

She directed a kick, square in the side of his ribs, waiting to hear the wonderful sound of his ribs cracking under the strength of her kick. She used that momentum to spin and face her next target. With a flex of her fingers, she lunged at him, attempting to tackle him and tear out his throat with her teeth. Yea, she could have just drained him but no one needed definitive proof of vampires existing just because she had a hankering to bathe in some blood.
Last edited by Reaver on Mon Jan 18, 2016 4:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby An Ying Hu » Sun Jan 17, 2016 10:48 am

Amelia returns Christine's kiss with a smirk, her eyes looking appreciatively at the other girl's make-up. "You're so sweet~," she intones with a chuckle, gasping a bit as her ear is so naughtily nibbled on. Restraining herself from paying Christine back by ravaging her, she finishes dressing up and takes the girl's hand into her own as they exit the building into the early night and signal a cab. Amelia greets the driver politely, though she is taken aback by his rather sharp stare. Is this how most ghouls are? she wonders, not having had the chance to meet more than one, really.

Regardless, she shrugs to herself and relaxes her back against the comfortable couch, smirking a bit at Christine as she looked cute giving orders. "I do want to go somewhere, but the museum comes first," she explains to the cheerleader, one hand slipping mischievously behind the girl's mini-skirt so her fingers can play with her cock as they drive. "Later in the night, I'd like to visit the Anarchs, or maybe VV, I don't know yet; I could always use more connections and the latter can be helpful in explaining what a Toreador needs," she finishes with a wink towards her companion before falling thoughtfully silent.
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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby VintageBass » Mon Jan 18, 2016 2:42 am

I look on from my seat on this throne, spread out like an open platter for these foul monsters to feast on, and I see the remaining members wanting to give their tributes to me. The others left, including Xeal and her pet mongrel, and I smirked at the fools leaving me here with the rest. Fine by them, I don't need those rats dirtying up this regal body. Although, I do have these particular creatures to take advantage of my exposed rear, monsters that can clearly destroy me if I do even the smallest thing wrong to make them tear me apart. On the bright side, at least these fuckers are going to be a far better time than when I was out alone and abused by the filth roaming the street. Creatures that have years on them now lined up and going to please some low life all dolled up and exposing his ass, cock and balls off to make some mad woman happy.

Speaking of mad woman, I feel my sire coming up and giving me a good pat on the ass before feeling something slender slipping on inside of me. A soft moan escapes my lips, feeling the joy of having my fair insane knight digging one of her digits into my rear to help get me off. Even if it's not her impressive greatsword sheathing itself, something about her touch feels all the more comforting. It helps in forgetting the fact that I am offering myself to these monsters and performing lewd acts for them, and my mind slips away thinking about taking one... two, no three dicks out of this one finger of hers. Three dicks, pounding away at the same time and equally beating at my ass like I'm some punching bag for the lot of them. It's certainly not like I'm already am one, but three at once at the same hole... it's painful, but yet feels pleasurable at the same time.

While I melt to my sire's touch, the demon woman attempts to offer me a choice. She lets me in on how my knight got her sword in the first place, which seems a bit anti-climatic in knowing that it's simply asking for it and poof, she has a dick. Although Valenci shared so much with these demoness? What else does this insane knight has locked away from me? Perhaps there is a child she had before me, a small youngling that had a bit of a growth spurt early on... and then black. What remains are corpses, both showing the young girl as she is with no sign of life, while the other lies a body lying out in the sun for years, the bugs crawling out from random pores and carrying off what rotten bit of flesh and organs they can get their mandibles on. It can wait for now, as I hear her talking about making me the true princess that I'm dressed as... and I quickly came to my response. "As much that does amuse me, I'm perfectly fine with how my tits are right now," I replied with a smile. I really couldn't bear seeing me having any sort of boobs on my chest, besides maybe the smallest cups you can offer for any woman, and with how I'm flaunting my stuff around for these beasts, it's just one extra annoying thing I have to deal with and... well, the dresses seem more appropriate for a petite figure, not some bimbo harlot strutting on the street looking for some extra dough. Still, she does have the power and it does make me curious. "However your service does interest me. Are there other things you can offer me to benefit the part? Perhaps at a later time I can take up the offer of giving me some... smallish tits to make me the cute little princess that I am." A child appears before me again, this time she's taking control of her growth and forming into some kind of demon, one that appears to be made from a talented artist. Her body molds itself before me, forming the features that makes up such a sexy succubus like her, her spade-tipped tail wrapped around her nude waist while her bat wings flap freely behind her.

Ugh, the words are so sweet it's making my mouth burn from saying that.

Now there seems to be someone sucking me off now. Who could this be? Well I can't tell with how this demoness is holding me back from looking, even looking out from the corner of my eyes isn't giving me any results. Wait, does it matter who it was blowing me? Even if I can't tell from the mouth sucking me off, I still feel some vamp's teeth scrapping along my member and the demoness's own foreplay pleasing at my ear. My whole body shudders as it takes different inputs of pleasure from different sources, and while I should be revolted by the fact that I'm letting myself do this in front of vamps, I feel more content in doing this than in my previous life. Then again, maybe I should take up on that breast offer and really go out in changing who I am. I'm not the wimpy Bryant of yesteryears. I'm now this princess to a mad vamp who has me getting blown by other vamps and a demon-looking vamp offering magical plastic surgery to change my current form. It seems like a perfect change to fully embrace the change and really start on the road to get back at the fuckers for their crimes...

But nah, I rather see the boy they picked on just as he is, ready to beat them into the dirt and let them lie in their shallow graves, drained of their bodily fluids and I leave them one final fuck to give before leaving them to rot. That will wait as I sit here and enjoy this little gangbang my knight generously gave to me.
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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby Nobudi » Tue Jan 19, 2016 4:46 am

Belladonna timidly tapped her fingers in succession along her opposing forearms as she blushed and tried hard not to make eye contact with her sire. At the possible mention of drinking, she murmured a bit too quickly, "I think I want to drink off human, maybe animals, if that's possible right now..." As she was steered down the halls, her heart thumped loudly in her chest, but felt like it was lodged in her throat and her collar was a bit too warm for her personal comfort. She felt like she was somehow in trouble, even if her sire had no such problems otherwise. Her mind whirled at the proximity to her sire, and her mind was all too attentive of the hand on her shoulder.

It was quite maddening, but she gritted her jaw and nodded stiffly.
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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby reaperfrost8 » Wed Jan 20, 2016 5:23 am

as I was being dragged away by my mistress I won't have to deal with the malkavians again only to realize that I will have to meet those two again
"welp time to beg my mistress not to get my shit pushed in" as I was dragged outside my mistress seems to look pissed "Well they seem like nice people" as she shakes her head "at least they don't seem to hate us more that they hate each other now just gotta think of a way out of that meeting with princess and Valenci was the name that my mistress called her" speaking of which mistress just got gave me mission for the night which means no meetings for me
"What does the shipment look like and where would he stash it? I asked her happily"Also anthing you want me to do afterwards m-mistress" I start to get flustered and a bit aroused as she looks all over me smiling adding in a collar for me the thought of having that collar seemed to linger in my mind "uhhh well that's nice but what name would you put on the collar?" I asked nervously as I start to dread on whatever she name she plans to install
"Well hopefully not bitch it seems that miss valenci has earned that title"
hoping to lighten my nervous yet lustfull mind at the thought as we as rembering that my mistress is doing something me with those blood bags
"Well I hope you have a nice night with miss Valenci mistress as I try to obtain your shipment tonight
before I head downtown via subway to the apartments I decided to ask my mistress
"while that was an interesting meeting I was hoping that when I return home you could teach me how my powers work as well as if their's anything I should know about the Sabbath"
I asked my mistress as I head to a subway and look for a map to locate the apartment and obtain whatever my mistress want for the night "I can test out those blood bags later right now I just need to do her mission hopefully learn more tonight"
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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby Albedo28 » Thu Jan 21, 2016 2:28 pm

So many broken memories buzzed through his head as Kyle woke up, bleary eyed and feeling a bit worse than hungover if he was honest. Looking about the room as things started to slowly come back to him, He reached for his wallet and checked its contents before eying up his most recent partner. "Child? I've got to be your senior by a few years, sexy thing. Sorry... I don't think I can remember your name right now. Hardly remember mine. That bar fight we got into happened a few drinks later than one would normally start up so it threw me off my game." he chuckles, not really recognizing his surroundings still. "My bike outside? Would really like to not have to walk all the way back to the bar from... wherever we are to pick it up." He lets out a sigh, recalling just how much fun he'd had with this sexy young woman, smiling like a dope at her. "I'm not sure I introduced myself last night even. I'm Kyle and you're damn good in a fight and... other things too. You from around here? Got anything I can drink to help wet my throat? Feeling a bit like the drinking hit me harder than it had any right to last night.

Slowly noticing through his barrage of questions how the girl before him isn't breathing, Kyle quickly pulls back the covers to look at his own body and gives his arm a quick pinch to check if he was just having another strange dream. "Uh... there a reason you're holding your breath or something? You like... a singer or ventriloquist and I'm just not noticing your practiced breaths?" He asks sounding a bit off his game as he put a hand to his forehead, still not quite getting that off kilter feeling out of his bones despite waking up rather rapidly.
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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby MelissaB » Fri Jan 22, 2016 10:31 pm

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

(BP 10/10) as you plunge your teeth into the dying man's flesh and drink up his blood the feeling of sheer ecstasy and euphoria overwhelms your senses burning in your mind a deep love and pleasure for the taste of blood, the entire process feeling like nothing you could imagine before and in it's wake everything seems less, more dull to your senses as it makes you feel like your soul is on fire and the agonizing bliss is all you need to exist. Once it is over you feel sated but the warmth remains like a drug that lingers on after it's effects have gone, filling your being and letting your mind drift across oceans before you finally come to your senses once more and begin questioning your captor.

Much to your fortune or misfortune depending on how you view it your questioning is making her smile and she nods a little before she outright chuckles darkly. "You are not a ghoul... they are very much human... just take a little extra to be of more use." She comments with a stretch, spanning on the bone limbs on her back to their full span, filling the entire dark chamber before they slowly recede and fold back onto her back. Without answering you she begins circling looking you over carefully, before reaching out and grabbing your flesh, pulling at your arms and legs and even your stomach with a judgmental stare before she finally begins to speak. "You are undead yes... a vampire but a vampire of the clan Tzimice, a ancient clan of... unique kindred able to mold flesh and bone. For example... I crafted my bone wings from real bone and molded them onto my form, I created my bone plated shell and you are my chide... my vampiric offspring." She explains with a stare. "I am a member of a vampire organisation known as the Sabbat, vampires that beleive we must not flee from our birthright but embrace it and place kine beneath us as cattle." She states with a smug stare before she kneels down before you. "Yes I have a use for you... but more than I would for a ghoul... ghouls are like servants we send to do tasks during the day or when we want a more human touch to the situation." She comments with a laugh before she reaches out and strokes her hand through your hair. "What I want from you is to be powerful and useful I am working on killing another vampire and taking their place in the inner circle. You are going to help me rise." She states with a glare.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

(BP 8/10) As you move to get out of sight the flash of lights drift over the are making it extremely difficult to get out unseen. (Stealth VS DC 8=3 successes) With that in mind you play it cool waiting for moments between they zones of light from covering a path and dash out, moving swiftly and with purpose as you make you way out of the area only to hear them. "Told you it was nothing... just a fucking cat or rat that ran as we got near." The female one comments before giving the man a audible slap. Out of danger for now at least you make it away from the alley and return back to Bee in her car, her eyes looking at you with confusion as you get in and explain what you saw. "So... why are you back here?" She asks you before she finally gets that information out of you and nods "Alright... I'll send a few boys in here later on tonight, might be guarded so might need a few of us. as for you, you're free to go do as you please, make some friends, piss some cammies off or go looking for some action. Whatever your choice, be careful and... stay to make it back home before the sun is up. You don't want to get caught somewhere in the daytime that isn't safe." She comments with a concerned stare before shaking her head. "Now go on... get out of the car, going to follow this truck to see where they have having the trap set up so we can turn the tide and kill a few sabbat assholes." She chuckles and leans over, planting a kiss on your lips. "Have fun doll."(celerity and protence wear off. +1 XP point to spend)

Active effects: Eyes Of The Beast

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

(BP 8/10) Rushing forward the man with the pipe sees you coming and moves to try and block you full frontal attack. (Unarmed roll vs Pipe Thug = 2 successes. 6 damage) Despite his efforts your kick lands, cracking a few ribs and sending him reeling as he coughs up blood his pain music to your ears as you turn from your target leaving him injured only to be faced with the thugs who still hold some fight left in them.(thugs vs Kath = missed/soaked) Managing to dodge all but one as you get another smack from the man wielding the pipe but for whatever reason, your sturdy undead form or his lack of strength due to the broken ribs you barely even are phased by it, looking around at him to glare as he drops his pipe and tries to make a run for it as you dive upon his friend. (Bite attack dc 9 = defended) However before your teeth can sink into his flesh he gets a hand between them and it, pushing you back before pivoting to shrug you off of him, however due to the way you are shrugging off something that'd kill a human most but two have ran, especially the injured one with the broken ribs their weapons either dropped in the regards of metal pipes or taken with them as they run for their lives. Th last two looking upon you with a fearful stare though both armed with knives look at you with anger determined to avenge their boss

An Ying Hu
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

(BP 10/10) Christine moans softly as you toy with her shaft, teasing her in the back of the cab causing her to blush and fidget, not pushing you away but not outright approving of what you are doing for the cab driver to see, her confidence seemingly melting away as the cab takes off with a shrug, taking you both to the museum. "Who are those?" She asks not seeming to know the two people you wish to meet later on tonight. Turning into putty in your hands as the drive takes about 20 minutes of you two teasing each other, Christine finally pulling you into her lap to hide her growing erection from the male driver, grinding that hard piece of meat between your cheeks as she growls lustfully in your ear.

Once you arrive the cabby coughs and looks at you both through the mirror. "Here's your stop ladies..." He states in a tone that signals he has other places to be. Christine pouts at him before nodding, helping you out of the car before following after you. Grumbling at the night she looks about and hums. "So... How you want to get in?" She asks looking across the street at your target. The large building standing proud in the night as streetlamps send their glow up it's stone walls in waves the testament to history and learning before you. "I doubt they're accepting customers in the front door." She states with a giggle before humming. "Want to try the loading bay at the back?" She asks with a hum looking around and nodding politely at any passers by as she wraps an arm around your shoulders, hugging you close.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

(BP 8/10) Hearing your answer the woman laughs and nods going you a peak on the cheek before her tail flings around to spank your exposed rear naughtily. "So cute. Well do come and look for me once you are done here, I'm sure your sire has plans she is busy with tonight and you could use a few allies in this life, especially in how you upset Xeal just now." She chuckles and gives you a once more. "Hm... maybe I'll have you entertain a few clients at my... business." She grins before walking off, as she does you notice the mouth sucking you also stops as a girl retreats with the demonic looking woman from the room. "She's so feisty... she's just sad she can't stay and play." Your sire giggles finally removing her finger from your rear, the emptiness is soon gone however as something thick and hard pushes up against your trained asshole the growling of the brute from earlier echoing above you before your sire comes to your front, unsheathing her sword and laying it over your face. "That'll keep you from making any... unsavory noises as you service your kindred." She smiles down at you with a wink, playfully gripping our hair and giving it a firm tug, letting you inhale her scent of her cock as she drags it over your face. Despite the brutish nature of the man behind you he does take his time, he doesn't fore his cock in and it even appears he has lubed it up as it pushes and probes, gently easing his cock into your body as he stretches you around his meat, his rough hands gripping your hips and slowly but surely pulling you back onto his cock while your sire makes sure you still have a face full of her own shaft, her pre squirting from the tip over your face.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

(BP 8/10) If your sire notices your predicament he makes no comment about it, smirking to himself as he leads you along, gently holding you to him as you are lead towards an office building. "Okay childe, in there is a computer I need you to get access to and download the hard drive onto this flash drive." He comments handing you said flash drive and giving you a nod. "I'll be waiting back home, you don't need to return right away if you fancy exploring and stretching your legs but I do need that information from the hard drive, Don't get noticed." He comments with a smirk before shrugging. "Rather, silence any that see you." He states before giving you a nudge to the building. "It's the computer in the lab. hidden int he basement, you might have to enter through the roof if you can't talk you way past the security however." He comments giving you a smile before turning from you and heading back to the chantry before disappearing from your sight.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

(BP 9/10) Your sire gives you a look before shaking her head. "Depends on what news you bring me later on." She comments with a smirk pulling you into a kiss as her hands roaming your form before she shoves you against a wall, kissing you she pushes you firmly against the wall before she pulls back. "Feel free to explore tonight, You aren't needed and I will be busy, see if you can gain a few allies within the Sabbat or eliminate a few of my enemies. That gangrel mutt that the Tzimice put in his place... he is getting too loud for his own good... but killing him outright would be a last resort... see if you can find someone willing to work with us if they were given his place." She informs you calmly before pulling off of you and allowing you a moment to leave should you choose. "You are a childe of Caine and of the Sabbat... embrace it Shaun and impart your will on the night." She states rather fondly. "As for the dealer... if his stash is there it'll be in a safe or briefcase." She states. "You'll know what it is... you've been drinking it." She comments with a chuckling before petting your cheek.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

(BP 10/10) The woman laughs at you and shakes her head. "No, i'm none of that... and yeah your bike is outside stud." She comments and leans down stealing another kiss from your lips before she leans back and sighs softly. "Yeah childe... Let's just say I'm older than I look." She comments before patting your cheek patronizingly before she gets up pulling the sheets off of you as if to stir you up and out of bed. "Get up lots of stuff to get doing." She comments before she takes a seat, her legs spread invitingly in your direction. "Maybe I am going a little fast but showing you is so much better than explaining so get up... get dressed as cute as you are naked I think some might object to a naked man walking the streets." She grins before sighing. "My name is Kat by the way. And yeah i remember yours Kyle." She chuckles before she looks you over. "Come on, got us a great place for our first date, you're gonna love it." She chuckles with a wink. "Make the fight last night look like a pleasant evening." She laughs before she jiggles your keys to your bike. "Coming stud?"
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby An Ying Hu » Sat Jan 23, 2016 12:13 am

Amelia would let out a soft chuckle at Christine's uneasiness, though she gladly lets herself be tugged into the girl's lap, feeling her behind rubbing against that deliciously huge cock was wonderful to her. "VV is a stripper from the Toreador clan," she explains with a wink as she cuddles up against Christine and plants a kiss on her neck. "And the Anarchs.. well, they are led by Bee. You saw her last night, she was the first one to back me up against LaCroix," she moans softly, now truly having to hold back the impulse of lowering her pants. "Don't worry, the driver is a ghoul, and ghouls are servants," she whispers right into the other's ears with a motherly tone, mimicking Crissy's own explanation when Amelia made out with her in another cab. Thinking of Christine as a daughter rather than a sister made the Tremere girl even hornier, though this is all put on hold by the sudden fact of their arrival.

She grunts in dissatisfaction, trying to make out with Christine one last time before exiting and composing herself. During a mission, she was different.. she had to be. There would be plenty of time for indulgences later, not that Christine's presence made it easier to think that way.

As she cast a look around, it came her turn to become uneasy. This was her first time in the field, and she knew very little of how to act and what to do. It occurred to her that she would have to rely on her companion for many of the physical skills required to sneak in, leaving herself to deal with whatever people they might encounter - her seduction and persuasion abilities have already proven to be sharp, and if that failed, she could always Dominate.. or resort to Tremere magic. Like herself, it was in its infancy, but she had felt her hands growing hotter on occasion, a stir in the cold waters of her unlife. She was confident she could summon fire, something that both mortals and vampires alike feared.

But beyond that..

She sighs, eagerly returning Christine's hug. "Let's have a look around first," she said, deciding to prospect the terrain first, encircling the museum from afar to inspect it from all angles. She would walk around casually with her companion wrapped around her arm, hoping that any distant observers would simply see them inconspicuously as just two homeless girls.
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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby lilbooth » Sat Jan 23, 2016 12:54 am

Bri confidently returned Bee's kiss, whining softly as her sire pulled away. She was surprised to be relieved of duty so early in the night, but she dare not complain. She quickly stepped out of the car and gave Bee a cute salute before peeling off in a flash. She did plan on reading the manual she picked up but didn't think that the bar was going to be a pleasant place to read. She would try to remember if there were any trendy late night cafes around that would allow her a pleasant spot to read. If she could find one then she would turn of her beast eyes and do her best to conceal her weaponry. Hopefully she could find a place that wouldn't mind she was armed, but if not she would deal with it to the best of her ability. If Bri couldn't find an establishment that accomplished this goal then she would snag a cab down towards santa monica and read on the beach as she watched the waves roll in. On her way she would send Jack a text and see if he was picking up or offering any work this evening. With any luck she would have enough time to finish reading and maybe make some cash.
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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby dragonmaster121989 » Sat Jan 23, 2016 5:59 am

Carefully listening to the words of her new parent of sorts Sasha raises an eyebrow at the word childe but accepts that as her new title much like any job in the corporate world you have a title, so why should this be any different. As she is poked and pulled at Sasha can't help but raise an eyebrow and growl at the offending hand for her fingernails aren't exactly soft and comfortable." Ok so I'm a vampire and not a ghoul, and from the looks of it you have plans for me."

A little while after Sasha finishes saying her piece her captor finally speaks again and gives her some more of the information she seeks, although she is still left in the dark about what this women actually wants her to do in exchange for the gift of immortality. Rolling her eyes at the women Sasha opens her mouth to speak but her words are cut short by the women speaking again and giving just a bit more information as to what she wants without actually saying much.

Raising an eyebrow Sasha thinks for a moment before finally speaking to voice her opinion and hopefully get some more information out of this women." Ok this is getting really annoying how you keep avoiding my questions and not giving me the basic information I require, first I wouldn't mind having a name for me to call you since sucubuss doesn't seem very appropriate unless you add some flesh to those bone wings."

Clearing her throat and getting up off the ground Sasha looks around the room at the things near her before walking over to a wall and leaning against it with her arms crossed underneath her ample chest." Now something else I'm going to toss out there for you is the fact I'm not a very physical person as you should already know considering you had your flesh puppet following me around for a little while before drugging me and dragging my beautiful self here for you to judge and make use of. For the most part I'm better suited to manipulation and intellectual stuff then flat out hitting someone in the face, although I'm not against the idea of the need arises and I can do it without getting my ass beat for it." Watching the women with a curious expression on her face Sasha starts to wonder to herself just what it was this creature of the night saw in her that she just had to have at her disposal.

Putting a little more thought into the words of this vampire Sasha scratches her head while wondering what she could actually do with this power she had mentioned before." Two more questions for you to possibly sate my curiousity depending on how you respond. First who is it you want to kill and what will you gain from them being dead? Second the ability to craft flesh and bone as you mentioned before, what uses does this pose to me other then crafting things for myself as accessories and such? If I should desire to alter my own look such as change my face to look like another person or alter the size of my measurements is this something I would be able to do? As you might have already figured out getting in and out of places would be easier if I could look like someone else if we don't want a slaughter where ever I go."
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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby VintageBass » Sun Jan 24, 2016 1:43 am

Right then, looks like I have a potential ally in this insane world and one that could supply me with more blood bags. Good, good, if my sire is going to be busy doing her own thing and leaving me to my own harmful devices, then I could join up with this demoness and check out her wares. Funny, the more I spend time with her, the less I feel like blowing out my brains for her, even wanting to see her brains scattered about the room. There is something useful about having a woman that can give you gifts to enhance your physical form, but then there's always that chance for her to take it away from us. To have her nails digging into my flesh, slowly sinking deep and then peeling away at the flesh that clings to my part, taking her sweet time to let me feel every bit of excruciating pit and then watch it turn to ash... I feel like I've seen this before, but that pain is still there and beating at my chest.

Or maybe it was from her smacking at my ass with her tail. Who knows, but at least I have someone else to turn to. Now if only I have an idea what this woman is called and who her little friend is tailing her, along with where the hell she operates from, then I can go track them down and discuss some matters. Plus I also get an idea who was sucking me off, but it was barely for a moment as to who this girl was. Distracting me away from knowing who these people are... although why should I give a damn about these particular beasts besides my sire and maybe some of the named individuals? I don't particularly care about these beasts, and while my body shudders from the lack of attention my asshole was getting from my knight to then be filled from some dick's... dick, I don't want to be in their presence any longer than I want to be.

Although seeing my lady in front of me and her unsheathed sword has me smiling and taking her great length by my face before chuckling at her words. "What, you don't want to hear your lovely little princess moan out to you?" I asked, keeping my cheeky grin up as I begin to take in the wonderful aroma of my knight's sword. Oh how masterfully experienced this blade is, having seen many holes in its time on my insane mistress. So many cunts and assholes, all of them being sheathed and skewered with Valenci on top, singing her lovely and haunting melodies while the one below joins in with their own musically filled cries. And do I smell myself on this blade? Yes, yes I do. It's refreshing to get something that I can enjoy from someone's dick, although the other scents are making me sour, knowing that the lot of them have been taken by my sire's greatsword. Something about it brings forth an image of her in studded leather armor, going around the room where a slew of girls all hung up, drying with blood caking their skin, slashed open, beaten with all sorts of tools and colorless with their life drained from them. Valenci seems content with her work, moving on in where more than women lie in there, and all of them have gotten their fair share in abuse. Off in one part of a room, a picture features a rather dolled up little person, smiling happily as my sire continues on through her run of the dungeon and singing her little tune to the hall of the dead.

No matter, it's all in the past and this is the present. Her sword awaits to be polished and I'm going to clean it off for her.

I take her meaty tool into my hands, more so to allow me a chance to play with it myself and get right down to licking it. Seeing that the bastard is taking his sweet ass time with me and fucking me gently, I could easily take my time and lick away at the dick before me, going in long strokes all around and my fingers lightly dancing around her shaft as I reach the tip and polish off any pre coming out. At the tip I give it a few laps around it, getting it all nice and shiny before setting my lips on top, sucking on the pink head and letting more of the bitter milk slip on down my tongue. One hand reaches over and grips onto my sire's hip while the other begins to rub the whole length, going from my lips at the tip all the way down to the base and then back up, going nice and slowly like the man fucking me from behind. Eventually I move my head down, getting my hand sitting at the base as I start bobbing my head and enjoying the tight grip that both vamps have on me.

Still beats living out in the regular world, that's for sure.
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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby Reaver » Sun Jan 24, 2016 4:14 am

Katherine laughed loudly, eyeing the last two men with something approaching respect. They had just seen her kill their boss with a few hits and break another man's ribs with a single kick but here they stood, in front of her, ready to fight. "You two have to know you don't stand a chance." She gave them a huge grin, showing off her teeth as she cracked her neck to the sides. She moved until the briefcase was between her legs before folding her arms to stare at them. Katherine really wanted to kill these two and be done with everything but she felt the odd urge to at least give them a fighting chance. "Yet you're still here, ready to keep fighting after seeing everything you just saw. Quite admirable." Ending the sentence by rushing forward to punch one of them in the solar plexus. Yea, sure, she could have gave them a chance but they had tried ganging up on her and had delayed her delivery of the briefcase and that annoyed the fuck out of her. If they wanted to be idiots and throw their lives away against a unmovable object like herself then she would be more than happy to provide the means to send them to hell. "Admirable yet insanely suicidal." She continued as she continued to slam her fists into the man's chest at high speeds, determined to completely shatter his ribcage and kill him.

She hadn't forgotten about the other thug either, waiting for him to try attacking her before countering. Katherine planned on grabbing his wrist with the knife in it and break it before pulling him towards herself and putting him in a headlock with the intention of suffocating him until he passed out. Personally, she only cared a little bit but Kat was sure that the Prince would be quite interested in knowing who had sent them so bringing him in alive was the order of the day as he would be the last man standing. She could interrogate him with the Prince then snack on him afterwards to regain her energy that was wasted on this stupid endeavor. Of course if the man did defy her expectations and start running then Kat was going to just throw his fellow thug at him to stop him from getting away.
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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby reaperfrost8 » Sun Jan 24, 2016 6:57 am

I was shocked by everything she said and also aroused deciding to leave where he is as to not disturb her control over me I asked a few questions
"g-got any leads mistress on anyone who would be an ally?"
still feeling the kiss from her hands roaming my body arousing with that said I was slowly losing control to her and decided to be blunt as possible "it's the blood packs I've been drinkinf thats been making me act like this?" I was feeling the effects more now then ever "its been turning me into your pet every time I drink isn't it?" feeling the effects of the blood packs and remembering her control of me even before whatever this was thing is you would've probably control me even if I didn't drink whatever you've been putting in the blood" I was losing control and the thing is I liked losing control for sone reason.
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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby cryosabre » Mon Jan 25, 2016 6:22 pm

Grinning at her small victory over the bouncer, Aretha moved to enter Hellcat but stopped once she heard one whinging voice in particular reach her newly sensitive ears. Turning her head quickly to spy out the culprit, Aretha locked eyes with the person and gave them her best look of contempt before bursting out in a condescending laugh, "The reason's simply, Honey. Unlike you, I actually have a purpose in life other than going to bars and allowing the first guy that tries it on with me into my pants." Giving the girl her sweetest smile before turning around and walking inside before she had a chance to make a retort, swaying her hips from side to side in an exaggerated manner. It wasn't that Aretha took any particular pleasure in making people feel small, it was the simple fact that now she had ascended... or descended, Aretha wasn't quite sure yet, to become something greater than a mere human, she wasn't going to let a silly little girl who had no clue about anything bad mouth her. Also who the hell was she to call Aretha "Not that pretty"? Bitch.

Once she was inside the club proper, Aretha returned the dancer's blown kiss with one of her own before giving her a not-too-well hidden look for pure lust, devouring the girls body with her eyes while the heightened beating of the blood in her veins could still faintly be heard over the loud drumming of the music, the whole spectacle of the caged woman making the young vampire's mouth water at the banquet in front of her that was ready to sate more than one of her appetites. Grinning up at the girl, Aretha made a mental note to come back and talk to her later once her other business was concluded while idly wondering, I wonder if she would get on with Kas... And heading towards the bar where the bouncer had said the package would be waiting for her. Just the the ever present voice chimes in, obvious disapproval in it's time, She has another Mistress. And you've already found one other lost puppy to save. the thought making her pout for a moment before shrugging her shoulders and moving on...why couldn't she save everyone?

As she stepped towards the main auditorium of the club, Aretha had to stop for a moment to take in the true splendor of Hellcat. While it was true the outside of the club gave off a large and imposing image with it's huge Gothic spires, lewd stained windows and blaring music no doubt giving all but the truly innocent of mind images in their head, that were likely only half-wrong, that the club doubled as a breeding ground for the unholy and corrupted things that lurked in their nightmares, it was the inside the truly showed it for what it was - A meeting place for those of humanity who loved to embrace the darkness within them, drink hard and dance harder... This was Aretha's home. This is not your home. It is Fire Kitten's. not what I meant... she chided The other voice. The way the high stone walls lead up to a near impenetrable darkness, the only sign that there was anything at all up there being signified by the chains descending down to hold up the huge steel cages housing more dancers wearing barely anything but their underwear or some tight leather scraps better suited to bondage. They will be dancing for hours to come. Until the sun rises. The notion of that both scaring and exciting Aretha as she looked around the rest of the club. Then there was the dance floor. The area in front of the DJ box filled with a mass of dozens of beating hearts all pressed up against each other. As much as Aretha wanted to join in she knew she couldn't, for even though she had no real desire to feed, the hot press of the dance floor would no doubt bring forth something she herself knew she could probably not control. We are not an animal we are not him... hunger doesn't control us. Knowing instantly of who the voice spoke off, Aretha couldn't help but feel slightly comforted in the absolute certainty the voice possessed as it reassured her of what she would rather die than become.

Even so, simply to avoid any chances Aretha did her best to skirt around the edges of the room, Aretha eventually made it to the bar where, after a few seconds of using her newly strengthened muscles, she was leaning on the sticky bar top with her chest resting on her folded arms while her head looked from side to side, her eyes taking in the sight and smell of the different clubbers as well as the bottles and glasses of alcohol they were all drinking, the smell in particular of a certain beer filling her nose and, for some reason, making her head turn a little foggy...

Shaking her head, and turning her attention back to the cute bar woman she knows what we are., Aretha gave her a smile and called out, "Hey cutie, I was told you had a...uhm...a..." Aretha's concentration immediately being shattered as a sudden burning pain shot straight to her head as she cried out in agony, bringing both of her hands up to clutch at the sides of her head as images of her early life began to bombard her before, all of a sudden, she was 12 years old again and stood in front of her father. The smell of alcohol, beer, was strong on his cloths as Aretha stood, too terrified to move as she watched him slap Jenny hard across the face for no reason other than she was in the wrong place at the wrong time. At the same time Aretha could hear her mother in the kitchen. Rr rather she could hear the radio being turned up to the loudest setting, her way of pretending like nothing was going on. Just then Aretha's fathers unstable gaze shifted to her and it was all she could do but to back away slowly, murmuring to him, " please..I'm sorry I didn't...I haven't..." The intense fear clear in her voice as he quickly stumbled forward in her direction yelling at her, "I Don't want to do this! But you and your stupid sister need to be taught to be good. girls!" Punctuating his final word by bringing his hand down swiftly towards Aretha's young face.

Just as the blow was about to connect, Aretha's eyes snapped open and she found herself down on her knees a couple of meters away from the bar with her hands still firmly clutching the sides of her head.It was the eyes and voice that were different. Though they were the same shape and color, anyone could tell that where there had once been a certain kindness and acceptance of what had happened in her life, Aretha's eyes were now filled with a mixture of fury and hate. Her voice to, while still feminine, had picked up a certain... deeper tone that could almost have feasibly been mistaken for a high pitched man's. Getting shakily to her feet, Aretha let her hands drop to her sides as she took in long deep breaths through clenched teeth and turned her head to the side, cracking her neck before casting her new fury filled eyes around the bar area, looking every person there in the eye before shouting, "The fuck are you all looking at?" hey! They're concerned about you, don't be nasty to them...and stomping forward to the bar, "I'll do whatever the fuck I like to them..." Aretha muttered under her breath as she continued to roughly shove those who stood in her way with little care for if she hurt them, before calling out the the bar woman once more, 'we are not him...' the now much softer voice intoned with clear spite towards Aretha's actions at the bar, the quiet voice making her sneer inwardly as she pounded the bar with a fist, not even bothering to hold back, I.Am. Not. HIM! she screamed in her head before looking to the bar woman, "Give me the damn package, wench. And a beer while you're at it. Now hurry the fuck up!" Glaring at the woman behind the bar as she gave her commands while silently telling herself that she had to act this was to get the job done right. She was nothing like him.
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