MechDragon Wrote:neurotoxin would be a better choice over venom in my opinion.
Neurotoxins attack your immune system, making it harder to move and eventually causing paralysis. That would make even less sense, actually.
MechDragon Wrote:neurotoxin would be a better choice over venom in my opinion.
kvier Wrote:neurotoxins attack your neurons. i.e. nerves. While there are some that are specific to sensory or motor neurons, most affect everything equally.
ethinolicbob Wrote:I've been blocked in in the milking factory.
Anything I can do short of restarting the game?
ethinolicbob Wrote:I've been blocked in in the milking factory:Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Anything I can do short of restarting the game?
Thee Pie Man Wrote:go back to the game and click load from clipboard, paste it in. Problem solved. C:
FTKnight Wrote:Quick question here ... will "Ash" ever clue in that several Pokémorphs, and human females want to ride him?
ValturNaa Wrote:I'm not even sure restarting is going to help. A lot of the trainers I've been seeing have had their sight distances altered. For instance, the guy in the alley in Viridian no longer comes far enough out to actually reach his hidden stash. I'd go with the save editing thing. Seems like the best alternative.
ethinolicbob Wrote:I've been blocked in in the milking factory:Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Anything I can do short of restarting the game? Wrote:humbird0 Wrote:I was in such a rush to finally upload another version of the game, that I forgot to update many of the pokemon graphics with the newly colored pictures. I also tend to not assign pictures to pokemon until I've written their pokedax lore.
By the way, I just came up with some outstanding lore for Seadra. But I'm a little worried that it might be too similar to Butterfree. Still, this lore opens up some interesting situations involving the Team Rocket mafia, and also a twist that could occur later with the loli rapist girl. What would happen to her if her Horsea evolves?
At some point, I came up with two different versions of the butterfree lore:
butterfree 1.txt
butterfree 2.txt
I noticed, I was disappointed to see my Jessie back wasn't used, and confused that the sketch was still there.
I like that entry, but I don't think it can classify as venom if all it does is make you horny. I would personally think of it as a hormone she injects, making people/pokemorphs afflicted loyal to her thinking it's their own decision, when in reality they are being influenced by the hormone.
m3rchant Wrote:Hey, just thought I'd pop in to tell you I've found three small glitches in your game that weren't there before.
1) The wall of hookers talked about in the first town away from home doesn't actually show up until AFTER you have Misty in your party.
m3rchant Wrote:2) After you free the Tauros from the Rock Gang, if you go collect the gold nugget in the now empty pen, the game will crash as you try to leave.
m3rchant Wrote:3) In the cave between THAT town and the next, if you try going from the cave exit to the last ladder, the game will again crash.
Bunnyav Wrote:Great work Humbird0. So I replayed from the beginning and have some feedback.
One big thing I noticed was that when Pikachu came back into my party during the ship sinking, she was MUCH weaker. Instead of being level 7, with Thunderbolt that did more damage than Scratch, and presumably the general damage up from Brock's dad, Pikachu came back at level 4, and after leveling up to 6 again, her Thunderbolt was the same damage as scratch and her overall damage was underwhelming (25 damage for super effective when regular attacks did 18).
Bunnyav Wrote:I could not for the life of me find Pewter Jenny's blackmail photo. I remember it being somewhere in rocket's lair, but all I found was money, gold nuggets, etc. PS. I did not seem to find anyplace to sell gold nuggets and I remember their used to be one.
Bunnyav Wrote:I had stolen Jesse's Ekans; so she didn't have it during the charm tentacool section. Oddly enough, I tried going to the final wall Crack "before" talking with Team Rocket and doing that section and "succeeded". When I did this, Jesse and James obviously weren't there but their lines happened. Also, when Team Rocket wasn't there, the stolen Ekans and Koffing helped in the cutscene, but when I retried and they WERE there, the Ekans and Koffing did not appear (I guess the "is caught" flag is confusing the cutscene) and the cutscene shouldn't start without the Rockets.
Bunnyav Wrote:I miss Omanyte having a horny causing move; since Normal types are immune to both Cheerleader and Maid's moves. Took until Dugtrio to get a non-normal charm move.
Bunnyav Wrote:Odd that Maids are "capturable" NPCs. They disappear forever when caught it seems.
Bunnyav Wrote:The event where Brock and Misty lose their swimsuits (and therefore, meet Brock's rapist) seems missable. I missed it by fighting Surge before trying it in last version's demo and didn't test if it was still possible this time. Then again, the Squirtle squad is technically optional if you know where the cave tunnel is.
Bunnyav Wrote:Grass pokemon don't seem to super effective Water type. Odd since both Grass and Water get to abuse Ground.
Bunnyav Wrote:When I had collected nearly every picture, the photo gallery for larger "tags" like OCEAN got very laggy.
Bunnyav Wrote:Brock's Key did not open the gate in his Gym. For what it's worth, I did the rocket lair before entering Brock's house.
humbird0 Wrote:Well, "charm" is a pretty overpowered move to have, so I didn't want to make it too common.
After getting so many pokemorph drawings for the game, I had to re-locate most of the pokemon and re-think which moves they each had in order to avoid them being too similar to each other.
In that case, the people/pokemorphs affected wouldn't be able to feel anything, including pleasure. Doesn't seem like a good fit in a game all about sex.
ValturNaa Wrote:I'll be trying the newest version...saw a lot of what I would consider bugs in the last one. Like the bandit in the alley in Viridian City no longer coming out far enough to grab his stuff, or the fact that in Pewter City Gym I had lag so bad I could count seconds between character steps. Not even going to name the pokemon that got disconnected from their art because that was an easy fix. And was it on purpose that the man in the pink suit no longer gives away a storage key?
I have to say, though, that I'm excited to see what's come out in this version. Bugs aside, the gameplay additions are quite nice, and the editor looks a bit more developed as well.
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