by Fantasy Fanatic » Sat Jan 23, 2016 2:52 pm
Sabrina hesitates. The woman is behind an attack on the village, yet she claims that something worse is coming. Sabrina's rage at the woman, both for associating and relying on such men as the bandits, as well as for having interrupted her special time with Abel, is still present. If she shot her, the gold would be hers, together with the others who gave her the opportunity to pursue the woman, on the other hand, if she killed her the information about a possibly worse threat would be gone, possibly endangering everyone else in the village.
Making a decision, Sabrina settles for a third option.
"I won't kill you, but I won't let you go either. Surrender now, and I'll simply hand you over to the local guards, you can tell them about this "raven", but if you try to escape, I'll will restrain you myself." Sabrina shouts, hoping the others are doing alright without her and would soon come out to help her.