Gordian Orgias

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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Laughing Hyena » Sat Jan 23, 2016 7:42 am

Abel immediately went to the window to try and see if he could spot the bandit leader. His hopes were to see if he could find which direction they run in or worse if they were causing more problems elsewhere. They must have run since the guards were coming. He wasn't sure how the townsfolk might react that the bandits were driven off like this. Several dozen bodies were in a state of death or injury and the tavern was essentially ruined due to the the magic that bandit leader woman threw up. that Earth magic she wielded was immensely strong. Either way he doubted they would count this as the bounty being fulfilled if their leader was still at large.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Fantasy Fanatic » Sat Jan 23, 2016 11:05 am

Seeing the woman leave, Sabrina rushes out after her. She is the leader, the one behind the whole group, and a mage at that. Her take down was essentially taking down the entire group of bandits.

Sabrina was careful not to pass too close to any of the bandits on her way out, in case one of them managed to get distracted from their current target to surprise her. For easier maneuvering, she hung the bow across her back, drawing her hunting knife, to use in case someone did try to stop her, since a bow was essentially useless and easy to break in close combat.

As she got to the door, she ducks as she opens it and throws herself forward as long of a distance as she could, expecting a dagger or other kind of weapon occupy the space above her. Quickly getting back on her feet by using the momentum of her roll, she gets up and tries to spot the cloaked woman.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby LillyMacow » Sat Jan 23, 2016 12:20 pm

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

You watch as the bandits hop into a carriage with atleast six other bandits and ride off into the plains, it was ow twilight and it was hard to see their carriage in the shaded tall grass..

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Arriving at the back of the inn it is very dark, as the sun was blocked by the large building. You see a figure in the dark, as you step closer you step on a discarded robe, looking back up you see her. http://orig01.deviantart.net/b4ce/f/201 ... 7i3p23.png. Her face appeared to be battered in some way and perhaps.. cursed? "Go ahead, shoot me." she says not looking back to see who it is. "But just know, that when the raven comes the sun won't shine." she then starts to walk away slowly still never looking at you. You had a clear shot, she stood no chance if you fired right now, even with her earth magic from earlier she couldn't seeit coming from this angle.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Firehead » Sat Jan 23, 2016 2:25 pm

Mel lay on the ground coughing for a few moments after she'd been freed from choking. Getting up she walked to Dranox and his most recent victim. "Dranox, sit." She commanded hoping the man wasn't quite dead. She'd check him for signs of life, and if she didn't find any she would take the drake around person by person looking for one that was still alive. Hoping they could get some information out of him.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby lilgrunt1 » Sat Jan 23, 2016 2:45 pm

After the battle Avalin felt her curse beginning to take over as her eyes began to turn black with purple/pink pupils . She grabbed her head moaning in slight pain as she fell to her knees then crawled away to the bathroom feeling her thoughts being replaced with her demonic lust taking over her mind. it burned her mind and she began to slightly scream crawling into the corner into the fetal position .
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Sundance » Sat Jan 23, 2016 2:51 pm

The battle was over as soon as it has begun. Coria, who just was able to put on her dress as she walked towards the door, then her eyes fell on Avalin. "Hey, a..are you allright?" Its was a stupid question, but Coria kneeled down next to her and placed her hand on her shoulder. Something on her reminded her about her state when the fire took over her body. "Shhh, its all right, i am here." For a moment she had to think about how Prisllica took care of her and as such she would do the same for this stranger. "Whats your name?"
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Fantasy Fanatic » Sat Jan 23, 2016 2:52 pm

Sabrina hesitates. The woman is behind an attack on the village, yet she claims that something worse is coming. Sabrina's rage at the woman, both for associating and relying on such men as the bandits, as well as for having interrupted her special time with Abel, is still present. If she shot her, the gold would be hers, together with the others who gave her the opportunity to pursue the woman, on the other hand, if she killed her the information about a possibly worse threat would be gone, possibly endangering everyone else in the village.

Making a decision, Sabrina settles for a third option.

"I won't kill you, but I won't let you go either. Surrender now, and I'll simply hand you over to the local guards, you can tell them about this "raven", but if you try to escape, I'll will restrain you myself." Sabrina shouts, hoping the others are doing alright without her and would soon come out to help her.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby lilgrunt1 » Sat Jan 23, 2016 3:10 pm

tears rolled down her face looking directly in the eyes of coria she can see the purple/pink is now consuming the rest of her eyes , tears rolled down her eyes and she said."Avalin," she screamed again as the rest of her eyes were consumed by the glowing color she said one final word before it was fully consumed."... sorry...." she then sat still and quiet for a minute before grabbing coria kissing her a completely different personality took over her mind.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Sundance » Sat Jan 23, 2016 3:14 pm

"No need to be, it can happe...." Coria was interrupted by the sudden and unwanted kiss. Her eye widen as she tired to push her away. Again under normal circumstances a suprise kiss from such a pretty girl wasnt something she would mind, yet this wasnt the time. Also, with memories of her own takeover she knew that this wasnt a normal kiss. As she pressed her away, she saw it again. The fire, the light and the glowing sun, right above her. "NO." She stopped to press her away and put her hand on her cheeks, soflty trying to break the kiss.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby lilgrunt1 » Sat Jan 23, 2016 3:24 pm

she broke away." Oh whats wrong beautiful ?" she asked looked at her with lustful eyes "Whatever problems you have I can fix." markings begin to form around her eyes .
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Sundance » Sat Jan 23, 2016 3:34 pm

"There was a battle outside, maybe my friends need help. Lets go help them." She slowly tried to stand up, but in a soft and non-threating way. "But i promise you we will get back to this later." This wasnt even a lie, for Avalin would also made a great cuddle-partner. But now she needed to keep her dark side at bay.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Laughing Hyena » Sat Jan 23, 2016 3:35 pm

Abel would have joined Sabrina outside under normal circumstances. He would have bolted out the door to join her curious as to what the reasons behind of all of this was. It just was any original bandit attack and then of course However, he felt that surge of magical energy and then turned back to the baths for the moment. He approached it quickly throwing caution to the wind and then opening the door. It shuts behind him because of a hard magical pulse that came from Coria. So this was that power she was talking about. The scream was what drew him over and he spoke up. Approaching the situation he gently placed his hands between them to try and diffuse the situation. "What is wrong?" Yeah it was obvious but the situation was so tense that he needed to be careful. Going aggressively would make things worse in his mind. Best to take a peaceful route.
Last edited by Laughing Hyena on Sat Jan 23, 2016 3:48 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Firehead » Sat Jan 23, 2016 3:42 pm

Mel was interrupted by her check for someone still alive by the screaming and a scuffle. Had a bandit stayed behind they weren't aware of. Getting her pet to follow she ran to the washroom to find the demoness pinning the girl Irissars had been with earlier. The girl looked upset and there was something unnatural about the way Avalin was acting. She didn't know what those weird markings were either. Is this what she meant about going out of control? She decided she needed to break this up. With some saddness she pointed a finger at the raging demoness. "Dranox, pin." The beast charged forward slamming his bulk into Avalin to knock her off the cowering girl before trying to pin Avalin to the ground.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby lilgrunt1 » Sat Jan 23, 2016 3:47 pm

She looks at coria winking, "Go do what you need to do my little minx." she then grabbed able by the collar and smirked her markings grew larger around her eyes pulling him closer rubbing his nethers. " I'll just get rid of my urges with him ," she smiled looking him over ."I'm sure he wouldn't mind satisfying the demon inside." she was then knocked down by the beast her eyes began to turn into a flame her demonic anger beginning to take over her lust." Shall I add your skull to the thrown?!"
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Laughing Hyena » Sat Jan 23, 2016 3:55 pm

He did look a touch nervous but he was trying to keep his head on straight. As she drew him closer with her own magical prowess, he can feel her hand rubbing his blue balled erection. Again he had a slight blush to him but he wouldn't fight it because it kept things calm. He knew what those eyes were that she was using on him. Hungry and full of lust no matter what the color was. Depending on how clothed she was, he might be able to discern small pieces to the puzzle. She looked almost… devilish with her appearance. Succubus related perhaps? None the less he could not think on it forever as something else happened.

Upon the sudden tackle performed by the Drake he tried to appease for some measure of peace. "Please relax… I'll stay and deal with whatever needs dealing with." He said with a concerned voice and again that little tic of his came up. His hands were folded with the index fingers pressing to his lips. It looks better when he is fully robed and not almost naked. Either way he was trying to come up with a solution to this situation. If there was still fresh bath waters he might be able to pull something off that might be suitable for this situation. "So… whom am I talking to by chance?" He asked the lust smitten woman. He recalled her wanting to join in on the situation they were in.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby reaperfrost8 » Sat Jan 23, 2016 3:58 pm

Gherman watched the proceedings all around him but not before grabing one of the bandits weapon a spear and keeping it from him self with that done and knowing his angel is kinda ok he decides to check on the lizard lady "Hey sorry for being late I was kinda busy also the bandits weren't after me thet were kind of random" Gherman told her as she told her lizard to pin another "Whats going on?" Gherman asked.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby lilgrunt1 » Sat Jan 23, 2016 4:03 pm

she pushed the drake off her , her hands grew a ball of fire as she growled, "I am Avalin daughter of a princess and of a demon prince, I will not be assaulted by a damn Drake!" it was clear this is split personality when urges takeover the demonic side of her takes over till such urges are under control.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Sundance » Sat Jan 23, 2016 4:05 pm

As soon as she said her last words, about adding his skulls to the thron, coria turned around, sparks filling her hands. "YOU WONT TOUCH HIM." Shocked about her sudden anger and aggression she looked down as the drake pinned the tiefling down. "Why, why cant i even take a normal bath." Even in the begin this was far from normal and more the begining of an orgy, but this didnt matter anymore. "You need to calm down, before i burn this whole inn down." Then she noticed the man with wings, who she got a glimps on before. "That is a great question." Her hand shivered as sparks still filled the air around her.

"AND I AM THE SERVANT OF THE FIRE." Fire filled her hands as she screamed out, again remembering the words."Burn the chaos, burn the order, turn the whole world into ash."
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Firehead » Sat Jan 23, 2016 4:16 pm

When Abel decided to interfere Mel chose to let him. She didn't want to hurt Avalin, but this thing wasn't Ava. "She's not herself, so be careful." She kept Dranox nearby in case things didn't go well. If worse came to worse she'd take care of this herself. They were traveling companions after all.

As the angel approached her she realized she'd nearly forgotten him in all the confusion. "Well it's good your back okay. We've got 8 or 9 people total now to go after the bandits in the morning. As for this Avalin, on of our companions, has lost control of herself."

Then the girl Avalin assaulted began shouting and began threatening to burn the inn down. Rushing up she started attempt placating her. "Now now, your okay now. We're going to take care of this, so you can just put the fire away."
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby reaperfrost8 » Sat Jan 23, 2016 4:23 pm

Gherman hearing that the inn might be burned down "please don't burn the inn we kind of need this place as well as the rooms and food we have" Gherman asked hoping she won't burn the inn "I promise to tell you a secret if you don't burn the inn down" Gherman hoped that this would work.
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