Gordian Orgias

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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby lilgrunt1 » Thu Jan 21, 2016 10:27 pm

She smiles drinking from the bottle. "I'd love to , do you have any weapons?"
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Fantasy Fanatic » Thu Jan 21, 2016 10:36 pm

Sabrina squeaked in surprise as Abel suddenly pressed her nipple, quickly followed by a moan of pleasure. Not to be one letting others do all the work, Sabrina grabbed hold of Abel's hard member, pressing it downwards as she leaned forward against him. Pressing against him, she forced him to sit down, as he did, she sat down in his embrace, his member poking her from underneath as she leaned back into him, grabbed his head and turned it to look at his face. As she did, she smiled at him, taking her other arm, guiding his own back towards her breast once again, before moving herself in his embrace. Each of her movements making her wet pussy brush against his cock.

"Now this, is relaxing." She said, before moving her hands down, beginning to rub both herself and Abel's member.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby lights_shadow » Thu Jan 21, 2016 10:44 pm

Irissars just smiled and nodded to Coria and offered her hand. "Come on, we'll get you cleaned up then go sleep and plan things out in the morning. We'll need to drop by the lizard and demon first though to let them know." She leads Coria up to Avalin's room and poked her head inside. "I found a few more join us, we're going to get some rest before planning things out in the morning. I think there's going to be eight or nine of us in total. Right now though I need to go take a bath though so enjoy your evening!" She then leads Cori down to the wash room to help her get the ash form her hair, being somewhat of an expert in getting stuff from her own fur.

She opened the door to find the elf and the human...
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Sundance » Thu Jan 21, 2016 10:57 pm

"Oh, you want to go bath with me? Well, i allways thought cats hate water." Coria let out a giggle as she was guided by Irissars hand. Following her into there room, she barley got time to introduce herself as she was allready pulled towards the bathroom. "Mhh,i cant promise you that i will keep your fur clean. With all this ash on my...." Her mouth droped open as she looked at Sabrina and Able. Both really seemed to enjoy themself as Coria and Irissars got in.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Firehead » Thu Jan 21, 2016 11:06 pm

"No I don't. I have someone to call upon when I need to, but I'm not trained to fight directly." Mel turns her attention as the cat girl informs them of the now larger party. "Well that will be quite the group. We'll need to coordinate quite the plan tomorrow. It seems we're free for tonight now. What say we go look into whether or not it's too late to deal with those wolves?"
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby lilgrunt1 » Thu Jan 21, 2016 11:14 pm

she looks at the cat girl and new girl covered in ash and waved at them and was about to offer them to join them In drinking wine but they left in a hurry.she then listened to Mel." Yes we can ." she grabs her hand."Want me to lead the way to the board?" she blushed with a kind smile.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Fantasy Fanatic » Thu Jan 21, 2016 11:20 pm

Noticing the arrival of Coria and Irissars, Sabrina slowed down somewhat in her efforts. Somewhere in the back of her head, she felt like she should be embarrassed about the current situation, but quickly forgot it in favor of the pleasure she was feeling.

"Y-you tw-o wan't to j-join?" Sabrina panted as she slowed down further. "I don't mind sharing." She added, having stopped rubbing herself, she instead inserted a finger into her vagina and began masturbating with one hand, while continuing to grind against Abel's shaft, as well as stroking it with her other hand.

"Y-you know w-what they say. T-the more, the m-merrier." Sabrina panted before turning her head towards Abel's and began licking parts of his face.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Firehead » Thu Jan 21, 2016 11:29 pm

"That'll be good. We'll also want to talk to the innkeeper. If I remember Irissars left a message for the angel to meet here. We'll need to leave a new message for whenever he gets back." She stands up and smooths over her dress before walking to the door.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby DeltaSynergy » Thu Jan 21, 2016 11:30 pm

Gillan looked at his pouch and realised there was a tear in it.

"So I lost my gold travelling? Guess I'll just sleep outside on the grass or something."

He leaves to find a patch of grass that he could just lie down on. He never did quite understand why people preferred beds and bathtubs when the grass and rivers were fine to sleep and bathe in.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby lilgrunt1 » Thu Jan 21, 2016 11:34 pm

she grabs her hand in a panic her face red and she looks embarrassed ."Ummm Mel I-if th-this is t-to much for you I -u-under-stand b-but could you h-help me , I feel h-horny I d-don't know wh-why" she looked almost ashamed to ask.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Firehead » Fri Jan 22, 2016 12:03 am

Mel was caught by surprise by the sudden outburst. Was she actually serious with this? "What are you talking about Avalin? If this is some kind of joke it isn't very funny."
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby lilgrunt1 » Fri Jan 22, 2016 12:07 am

"I'm sorry i'll be right back , i'm so very sorry , " she rubs her forehead ."I'll meet up with you is that alright?" She looked ashamed of herself
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby lights_shadow » Fri Jan 22, 2016 12:16 am

The feline smirked and walked Coria into the bathroom. "Coria is rather dirty, so maybe when she's been cleaned up I'll join but I'd be more interested in you Sweety." She winks at the elf before starting to undress Coria in full view of the elf and, unless Coria closed it, the open door too.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Laughing Hyena » Fri Jan 22, 2016 12:29 am

He was quite happy to hear Sabrina's melodic moan and was more than happy to keep his mind on her. But she had other ideas. He was surprised by her taking hold of his manhood and pressing against him so he fell into a seated position in the tub. He saw that smile and stayed relaxed as his eyes kept upon her own. A soft nibble of his own lips occurred as he felt her womanhood press right along the shaft until it was trapped in between. When she began to work him over affectionately alongside her he went with it. Kneading her breasts with the very hand she guided to him, his other arm held her with a gentle grip. He wanted to steal a kiss from her lips but for now saw her other breast was not being attended to and seized a mouthful of bare breast and nipple and suckled like a ravenous child. Moaning sensually when he heard her spoke up he shivered under the touch becoming more and more excited.

When the door opened his eye did turn for the moment and took in the sight of Coria and Irrisars within the bath. His smile was warm and he did not stop his actions just because he was being watched. In all honesty this fed into his own desires and fantasies. He enjoyed having an audience when he was giving such a public display. He could feel his cock throb against Sabrina's tender pussy and he radiated heat from it. He broke his mouth away from the elven maid giving a long lick of her nipples one by one just to put on a small show. Now that he was woken up and in such a lustful state he was more than happy to indulge in some perverse delights. His hands reached down and squeezed that soft bottom and soon found himself victim of a vicious tongue. As a result he began to seek out that sinful tongue and if he caught it with pursed lips he drew her into a deep kiss. Tongues wrestling with one another however briefly...

He soon broke the kiss with deep gasp of air and have a moaning laugh and with a playful tone he spoke. "Im… really relaxed now. A bit greedy but still relaxed." Abel was taught to keep is mind on the one he was with in such a situation and to admire those that join in. He did just that helping Sabrina grind against his manhood. His eyes kept upon Sabrina for the moment showing a very needy looking mage. He wasn't satisfied with merely relaxing but rather he wouldn't stop until she was satisfied. When the time came for Coria to be slowly disrobed by the feline, Able did keep his eyes upon Coria with an inviting look as he wouldn't mind spending some intimate moment with her.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Firehead » Fri Jan 22, 2016 12:33 am

"Uh, sure" Mel was starting to second guess if Avalin had been kidding, or if this was some actual trouble she was having. She decided to just let her take care of it now and ask her about it when she was feeling a little better.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Sundance » Fri Jan 22, 2016 12:49 am

Still unsure what to do, Coria was very surprised as the feline started to undress her, slowly taking her dress off in full view of Able and Sabrina. Yet she didnt stoped her as she took the ash covered dress off leaving her in panties. "W..well, let keep them on.." Looking around, a big unsure she climbed into water. She couldnt lie, this was indeed arousing. To see these two people over there enjoying themself in such a way. And Able...he was quite handsome indeed. For a moment, Coria saw herself down there, having her breasts kissed and his hands all over her. His lips looked really soft and inviting to be kissed. His confidence, that he keept on pleasing her, was also quite....

She bit her lip as she started to wash the ash of her skin. Her hair was messy and dirty, yet she couldnt help but to look over her shoulder from time to time. And Irissars must have noticed that her body clearly showed signs of her arousal. Her hands shivered as her nippels slowly turned stiff.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Fantasy Fanatic » Fri Jan 22, 2016 12:54 am

"Tha-t's good. An elf re-requires a lot of at-tention. Now, could you p-please, nibble at my ears?" Asked while panting.

Sabrina was enjoying herself immensely. While hear head was dimmed by a foggy shroud of lust and pleasure, she could still think straight enough to manage to speak and ask Abel to nibble at her sensitive ear tips. They were after all one of her G-spots, strange at that sounds, but what could she do in the face pleasure?

By now, her insides were burning stronger than she could have ever thought possible before. She needed it, she needed this man's seed so bad, but she would wait, milk it for all she could until it all came at once, and then, she would do it again, and again. She would let him fuck her until he came, and then she would fuck him until she came. She would drink his cum, and he would cover her in it. Those were the thoughts running through Sabrina's mind as she was lost to her inner lust. That was all she saw as she continued to grind against Abel, waiting for the others to join them soon, making it all even better.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby lilgrunt1 » Fri Jan 22, 2016 1:02 am

"I'm sorry it's a natural defect of my species if I don't take care of it ill get out of control and i'll black out, I'm so sorry ." she then walks out and runs to the bathroom and then takes of her clothes with her eyes cloths rubbing her folds but then opens her eyes and looks shocked pausing.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby lights_shadow » Fri Jan 22, 2016 1:14 am

Irissars slowly removed her leathers, winking at any of the three that looked her way while making a show of revealing the velvet like fur which covers her body. Once nude she moved her gear, placing it at the back of the room and climbing into the bath to 'help' the aroused Coria get clean.

Her hands ran over the woman's delicate skin, rubbing the ash away as she seeks out her sensitive spots. Once found those points would receive a receive a very determined cleaning to toy with her prey before leaning in for a soft kiss on Coria's lips. The whole time she's in the bath her tail is rubbing over the elf's back, going left to right and right to left with it's tip tickling her ears though not on purpose.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Sundance » Fri Jan 22, 2016 1:23 am

As the water turned more darker, more and more Irissars started to change her rubbs from cleaning to arousing her even more. Leaning back she let out a long soft moan as she felt a rub over her tender breasts, the soft fur covered hands roaming over her with a delight she never knew before. Coria had allways in men as well as women, yet she never had something else then a human. But the way Irissars moved her hand over her groin was just pure heaven. "T..that is quite a different way of clea..." Her voice was muffelt by a sudden kiss, as the feline placed her lips on Corias. That was too much. Coria wraped her hands around Irissars neck and pulled her closer to her, ready to make out with her.
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